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By Ken Ham Earlier this year I announced that one of our most popular resources—our So, what are our pocket guides? Each is a small, easy-to-read book of around 100 pages that gives an excellent overview of a particular topic, allowing anyone to explore that topic and find answers to common questions. They fit perfectly in a purse or pocket, making them a wonderful tool for evangelism or personal growth. We have 20 different guides, with each one covering a different topic, such as climate change, science vs. the Bible, human “missing links,” dinosaurs, best evidences, and much more. Regardless [More]
Ice floes on the Sea of Galilee? Dissolving yet another sad attempt to explain away one of Jesus’ miracles. …read more Source: <a href=https://creation.com/a/4273 target=_blank title=" Did Jesus walk on ice?” >creation.com     
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson What happened to the early Americans? New research is turning evolutionary narratives upside down—and creation scientists like geneticist Nathaniel Jeanson are leading the way. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham When we announced in 2007 that the Creation Museum would have zip lines (in fact, it was advertised as the best and biggest zip line course in the Midwest), we were mocked by secularists who wondered why the Creation Museum would have such an activity. Even some Christians couldn’t understand why we would include a fun zip line course at the Creation Museum. Even the media was perplexed, and I remember being asked, “Why do you have zip lines?” My answer was, “Because Christians can have fun too!” Both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter have [More]
By Ken Ham Recently a bill passed the South Carolina House which bans elective abortions in that state. This same bill nearly passed earlier, but after falling short by eight votes, the bill was “amended to allow abortions up to 12 weeks if a woman tells a doctor she was raped, after which the doctor has 24 hours to report her claim to law enforcement.” These kinds of exceptions are often included in such bills, sometimes just to get them to pass (after all, more lives will be saved with this bill, even with the exceptions, than without the bill). [More]
How can we show biblical creation is warranted and true? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham What is “scientific racism”? Well, it’s a version of racism based on evolutionary assumptions that was largely perpetuated by the early evolutionists of the 1800s and 1900s. It cost the lives of millions of people, and it’s still impacting people today. It’s a sad but compelling example of the truth that ideas have consequences—and some ideas are very, very wrong and often have devastating consequences. And you can take a deep dive into the history of scientific racism in Freakshow, a powerful new series coming to Freakshow begins with a look into the circus and carnival world [More]
By Ken Ham Do you have Neanderthal DNA in your genome? You might, as (according to one article) many people “living today have a small component of Neanderthal DNA in their genes.” In the evolutionary worldview, this is the result of “hybridization” as different “archaic human lineages” (not just Neanderthal) mixed with humans during the “evolution of our species.” This is all in the science news again because a new study was recently released that looked at ancient human fossil remains to help researchers recognize features in these skeletons that suggest the person might have been a “hybrid” (for example, [More]
With a heaven-sent scent sensor, why settle for less? …read more Source: <a href=https://creation.com/a/16074 target=_blank title="The 'Smellicopter': Not just copying, but actually using, God's design” >creation.com     
By Ken Ham Trying to choose a college can be a challenging task—after all, there are many options! That’s why college expos are so helpful. You can visit one-on-one with representatives from a variety of schools, all in one day. And our We want you to find a school that takes God’s Word seriously, allowing it to be the authority in all areas, including history and science. This event is free and takes place at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, November 3–5, 2022, south of Cincinnati. It’s designed to help students in grades 7–12 find a Christian college—but not [More]
By Troy Lacey Is the Bible’s account of the Exodus possible and consistent with archaeological evidence? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Droughts across north Texas dried the Paluxy River bed, famous for its dinosaur footprints. Ordinarily, the dinosaur tracks lie buried beneath water-covered mud, but dry conditions enabled workers to remove the mire that had long covered them at Dinosaur Valley State Park near Glen Rose. Reports of the newly exposed tracks revive the thrill of discovery as well as mysteries about these tracks.1 For example, why are ther… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
09/26/22   “Totally uncalled for, a couple of agents sent to his home behaving in a civilized manner would have been enough. But no, they had to use this traumatizing raid to send a message to all religious activists that the FBI under lunatic fraud Biden has become the new Gestapo.” Admin   The FBI subjected a Catholic pro-life activist’s children to a fully-armored SWAT raid this week under the order of the DOJ.   Mark Houck, the founder and president of The King’s Men – a group that helps men overcome pornography addiction – was arrested at his rural [More]
By Michael By Study Finds If you’re worried about developing diabetes, drinking tea throughout the day may help. New research shows that people who consume at least four mugs a day are 17 percent less likely to develop the disease. Scientists from Wuhan University in China say… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Daisy Luther If you’re like me, you’re always looking for off-grid ways to cook. I found this great video that shows you how to easily make a brick oven in your backyard for just a few dollars. Modern Refugee shows you how it’s done… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Bryan Osborne As God’s image bearers, humans are entitled to certain rights—but the Creator, not culture, makes the rules. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Michael Behe Today’s ID the Future continues A Mousetrap for Darwin author Michael Behe’s conversation with philosopher Pat Flynn, focused on some of the more substantive objections to Behe’s case for intelligent design in biology. In this segment the pair discuss the bacterial flagellum, the cilium, and the blood clotting cascade, and tackle critiques from Alvin Plantinga, Graham Oppy, Russell Doolittle, Kenneth Miller, and others. This interview is posted here by permission of Pat Flynn. Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Michael Behe On today’s ID the Future Lehigh University biologist Michael Behe addresses what Philosophy for the People host Pat Flynn considers some of the best objections to Behe’s central intelligent design argument. As far back as the 1996 book Darwin’s Black Box, Behe has argued that certain features in biology are irreducibly complex. That is, they require numerous essential parts, each carefully fitted to its task and integrated with the other parts, in order for the molecular machine or system to function at all. Two examples are the bacterial flagellum motor and the blood clotting cascade. Such systems [More]
By Ken Ham Our curriculum development team is working hard on Year 3 of our Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool (coming early 2023)—we’re so excited that this in-depth Bible curriculum is available for homeschool families. And families are loving it: we recently won a third-place award from the Back to Homeschool Awards from Homeschool.com. This year 2,300 different curricula were nominated with 23,000 votes—and Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool placed third in the Christian Homeschool Curriculum category! We’re glad to see that so many families find this resource helpful in discipling their children to know, believe, …read more Source: Ken [More]
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker STORY AT-A-GLANCE Just like us, many dogs love fresh fruit, and like us, they can greatly benefit from the addition of fresh, whole foods to their diet Wolves, coyotes, and other wild dogs eat certain berries and wild fruits, and your canine family member can also eat a variety of different fruits; however, it’s important to avoid the “vitis vinifera” varieties, specifically grapes, raisins, sultanas, and currants It’s also important to offer your pet fruits in small, bite-sized portions after removing any pits, cores, stems, peels, and seeds Some of the fruits on the safe-for-dogs [More]
Bill Gates said he believes the global community must invest in engineered crops using what he calls his “magic seeds” to solve world hunger. Food aid alone cannot address the problem, Gates said in an essay accompanying the  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s (BMGF) Goalkeepers 2022 Report, released earlier this month. What is needed, he said, are “magic” seeds that have been genetically engineered to be resistant to hot and dry climates or to grow three weeks faster than natural seeds. “Temperature keeps going up,” Gates said. “There is no way, without innovation, to come even close to feeding Africa. I mean, it just doesn’t [More]
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny of Vaxxter.com joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the evidence of the Covid injection causing mass death.   Watch: Beware! The Covid Vaccines Are Killing Thousands & The Government Is Covering It Up
 Ben Armstrong Show: Dr. Shoemaker also says 95% of People in ICU are Fully ‘Vaccinated’ and 38 doctors under 50 have died in Canada in a 40 day span. That is almost 1 a day.   Listen: Dr. Shoemaker Predicts: 50% of Young Adults Who Get Myocarditis From Vax Will Die Within 5 years – The New American
Ben Armstrong Show: True devastation caused by the vaccine according to your own government data. Plus, the vaccine can be 98 times worse than COVID-19 for young adults!   Listen: U.S. Calculated VAERS Data: Over 7.2 Million Hospitalized, 1.2 Million Dead, 2.3 Million Permanently Disabled,  2.1 Million Myocarditis From Vax – The New American
09/24/22 “Are events leading to the fulfillment of dreams and visions given to people by God about a Russian nuclear attack on the US? It sure seems like we’re heading in that direction according to this interview. Better get right with God if you are not.” Admin Is the U.S., NATO and Europe now at war with Russia? Is this the war they’ve been wanting all along? If so, what can we expect from it when we move beyond the rhetoric? We break this down with military analyst Scott Ritter.
“Links to an impressive amount of evidence that should convince anyone to not to take these mRNA shots if you can get them to read it.” Admin   A short collection of key pieces of evidence showing the COVID vaccines are not “safe and effective.” Not even close. They are the most deadly vaccines we’ve ever produced.   Executive summary Here’s a high level collection of some of the most compelling pieces of evidence I’ve seen to date. This is not an exhaustive list, but just the key pieces of data that are impossible to explain if the vaccines are [More]
In 2020, an interesting evaluation of human evolution was made by a Scientific American science writer. The human saga, we now understand, is far more intricate than scholars of yore envisioned. The tidy tropes of our prehistory have collapsed under the weight of evidence: there is no single missing link that bridges apes and humankind, no drumbeat march of progress toward a predest… More… …read more Source: icr.org