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By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If any independent scientists out there have been struggling to be able to examine the vials of mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna, it could be because these drugmakers simply don’t want people to know what’s really inside (or not inside). A March 2021 feature investigation article published by The British Medical Journal explores this hush-hush concern over COVID jab inconsistencies. Data leak from European Medicines Agency reveals concerning reality about “mRNA instability” The BMJ article in question, titled “The EMA covid-19 data leak, and what it tells us about mRNA instability,” begins by [More]
By Brian-Admin Journal of American Medical Association Urges to Avoid Breastfeeding After Vaccination! by Igor Chudov Igor’s Newsletter The times are changing! Remember how we said that vaccine shedding is a real thing and breastfeeding after vaccination is dangerous? Our warnings were dismissed as “misinformation” and we were cast as ignorant, science-denying cranks. Well, now the Journal of American Medical Association published a letter (archive link) that proved conclusively that mRNA vaccine shedding is real! The vaccine mRNA is indeed …read more Source: Health Impact News     
A heart-breaking video released last week by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation shines a light on the growing number of children diagnosed with myocarditis after taking Covid injections.   The video begins with Pfizer’s television advertisement in late 2021 to manipulate and recruit children for its clinical trials. In the advert, the company’s message is that any child who volunteers for the trial for Pfizer’s novel “vaccine” will become a hero.  “Bravery,” “helping others,” and “courage” are the qualities describing kids who sign up for Pfizer’s clinical trial.   Following Pfizer’s hero advert is an advertisement released by a New York City [More]
10/11/22 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be giving $1.27 billion to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, $200 million of which will be used to establish a global digital ID system that can enforce vaccine mandates. The Gates Foundation “encompasses tools such as interoperable payment systems, digital ID, data-sharing systems, and civil registry databases” that will be “more resilient to crises such as food shortages, public health threats, and climate change, as well as to aid in pandemic and economic recovery.” The money will be used to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which is a plan for socialist global [More]
” Some of my essays are grounded in politics, the economy, the material world. Others reference the medical and scientific insights of the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, along with other principled medical and scientific experts. The spike protein haunts some of the good “dissident doctors” and honest scientists. The mRNA fragments, for their part, profoundly disturb others; and all for good reasons.   But it is the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the mRNA injections that keep me up nights, feeling that the dystopia on earth has now fully arrived. And the reasons for that includes questions that border [More]
By Ken Ham A new discovery might just change the entire evolutionary timeline (again!). Very tiny fossils—preserved in 3D, rather than squished flat—were recently uncovered of a green algae species almost identical to a modern genus of seaweed called Codium and “surprisingly complex.” Why is that significant? Well, these fossils are from some of the lowest rock layers, making them, in the evolutionary story, older than half a billion years old—half a billion years (during which five mass extinctions are believed to have taken place!) and no “evolution” occurred! How many times have we heard that evolutionists have had to [More]
10/11/22 Democrats are working right now to steal the 2022 election – here we go again. Writers for a D.C.-based media operation run by prominent Democratic operatives are behind a sprawling network of “fake news” outlets started recently that are churning out slick “news content” in midterm battleground states. These sophisticated disinformation efforts are operating right now, at this late date, by pumping out Democratic talking points on ostensibly “local news sites” from its Washington headquarters, targeting key swing states Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.   Read More: Here’s one way [More]
Why is there travail, sorrow, and ultimately death in this life? Why does God allow this to happen to His children? Per Romans 8:20, “for the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope.” In other words, because of the fall of man—the shift of the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience—all of God’s creation was… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Michael By Tyler Durden The first crop damage estimates are in for Florida’s citrus groves following Hurricane Ian last week, and they point to utter devastation in certain parts of the state, sending orange juice prices Monday to almost six-year highs. Bloomberg spoke with Ray Royce, executive… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Shyla Cadogan Stress not only wears on the mind, but the body too. Our bodies can generally withstand this, but chronic stress takes an enormous toll that can increase fatal cancer risk over time, according to researchers from the Medical College of Georgia. “As… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News If the Globalists such as those who participate in the World Economic Forum get their way and are actually able to implement a new One World Government, as they have been broadcasting for years, but have now accelerated in their efforts since the success of COVID where they effectively shut down almost the entire world through lockdowns, what would that world look like? We don’t need to guess or speculate about this any longer, because here in …read more Source: Health Impact News     
The Egyptians knew about Creation, Adam, Eve, the Serpent, and the Tree of Knowledge. This knowledge was handed down from Noah’s descendants after the Flood and Babel. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) “Please maintain six feet of space between you and others.” We’ve seen these warnings plastered just about everywhere since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2019/2020. Tape and stickers on floors, signs on walls … where did this magical 6-foot rule come from, anyway? According to Business Insider, it’s actually nothing more than a dogmatic, “outdated,” 80-year-old rule originating from the early 1940s when researchers took photos (at 30,000 frames per second) of people sneezing and found that “most of the infectious gunk people expel … travel less than 6 feet away.” It is a [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News More cases of damage done by the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be published in the medical journals, and now Japanese researchers have published a couple of cases of unusual blood clots found through autopsies after the Pfizer COVID vaccines that seem to corroborate what some funeral home embalmers are also reporting in terms of strange blood clots found in the bodies of dead people. A study published in the November, 2022 edition of Legal Medicine titled …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Danilo Vitorovic, MD, a neurologist at Loma Linda University Health, supports claims that severe COVID-19 may age the brain by decades. “It’s quite devastating to see these effects on the younger population.” Brain fog, anxiety, and sleep disturbances are some long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, but recent studies have found that severe COVID-19 can cause lasting cognitive and mental health problems. Vitorovic says it’s important to understand that the virus is not in the brain, but instead, the brain is reaping the consequences of severe COVID-19-associated whole-body inflammation. The brain aging process is driven at the cellular level by molecular changes that [More]
Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation. This is an extremely bold claim to make. But unfortunately, this bold claim is backed up by a mountain of evidence contained in the confidential Pfizer documents and official Government data from around the world. The world is at a crossroads, and the elite has two choices. They sustain millions or even billions of people with financial support and help to ensure they survive and live quality lives. Or, they set about to depopulate the world. Unfortunately, evidence suggests they chose the depopulation route a while ago, and their plan to do so is [More]
By Ken Ham Seven out of 10 US adults call themselves “Christians” and yet only 6 in 100 (6%) actually have a biblical worldview. So, what do the rest of Americans believe? Well, The 10-Minute Bible Journey. This is a devotional overview of the whole Bible to help you catch the grand narrative of Scripture and see how everything in Scripture fits together chronologically. With just 10 minute reads, this is great for around the breakfast or dinner table. Answers Bible Curriculum. These detailed lessons will take you through the whole Bible in chronological order, emphasizing biblical authority and apologetics [More]
By Editorial Team In the pursuit of a greener clean, you will eventually come to the conclusion that store-bought cleaners are more expensive than they are worth. Walk down any cleaning aisle and you can smell the myriad of chemicals, the ones that you are about to cover your home with, and wash down your drain. Conventional cleaners not only make you – …read more Source: Natural Living Ideas     
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Big agriculture is in the spotlight now that the public is learning about how the industry’s cost-cutting ways have resulted in unhealthy food with minimal nutrients, empty calories, and addictive ingredients. It wasn’t long ago when the fruits and vegetables available in local stores were chock-full of vitamins and minerals. Nowadays, the majority of the produce we consume is grown with harmful pesticides. Big Agriculture tech has improved, yet cancer and diseases are still prevalent, creating a progress paradox in desperate need of our collective attention. Today’s toxic food stems …read more Source: Natural [More]
By Brian-Admin by Adan Salazar Infowars.com The family of a 20-year-old medical student in Kansas is reeling after she succumbed to a cardiac arrest within one day of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. In a tragic Facebook post Tuesday, the family of Regan Lewis commented they “can’t say for sure there is a link” between her untimely death and the Covid shot she received one day prior in order to take part in nursing school clinical studies. “I can’t say for sure that there is a link, but our beautiful …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Until quite recently, an article on what it means to be a woman would have been deemed rather absurd. Not anymore. In our post-Christian culture, confusion abounds. …read more Source: creation.com     
“Somewhat lengthy article but loaded with information on how deadly these shots have been and the perverse way they were pushed on people.” Admin   First, let’s survey the casualties littering the global battlefield. Claim: Big Pharma has killed around 20 million people and wounded over 2.2 billion. See here for how this claim is derived.   20 million saved or 20 million killed – by Peter Halligan (substack.com)   Those wounded will develop morbidities in the months and years to come, so this is the butcher’s bill so far.   This genocide has been perpetrated by stealth. Data is [More]
By Michael By Mike Campbell Western Australia, one of the most radical states Down Under, has proposed a bill that grants COVID-19 officers authorization to strip people from their homes and vaccinate them against their will. The “Emergency Management Amendment” legislation passed last year. The amendment includes… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Mike Campbell Dr. Peter McCullough, who has over 500 thousand followers on Twitter, has been suspended by the platform for violating its terms and services. “All my followers are asking what happened on Twitter. First with no warning they stripped all my followers to… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
A doctrinaire evolutionist rehashes old canards and calumnies. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I’m excited to share there’s a new film in the fantastic Patterns of Evidence series, this time with accomplished filmmaker Timothy Mahoney looking for physical evidence of the Exodus journey to Mt. Sinai. Previous fascinating films in this series have looked at the exodus, who wrote the Pentateuch, and the Red Sea crossing. Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mt. Sinai is a remarkable film—you won’t want to miss it in 800 US theaters, October 17–18, 2022. <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Guest Contributor By Oscar Collins The apocalypse could look like a number of things. It could come in the form of nuclear war, societal collapse, or a new contagion. Regardless of the scenario, the surviving humans need to be able to navigate the stressed landscape with efficiency and safety. When determining what is the best vehicle for the apocalypse, all have their pros and cons – the key is adaptability and knowing your survival plan. For this article, we’re going to look at the ideal. If you could pull out a apocalypse vehicle Christmas catalog, this would be it. [More]