By Ken Ham How many children will be sacrificed on the altar of the LGBTQ religion before parents wake up and stand against the madness that’s preached fervently in so many schools around our nation and through the media? It seems the answer is many thousands of children. You see, the push to teach gender ideology to young children and teens isn’t without consequences—it’s scarring (quite literally) thousands of children, leading them to do irreversible damage to their bodies. A recent article shared that rates of so-called “top surgeries” (mastectomies or chest reconstruction on trans-identifying patients) have soared in recent
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell As much as we complain about it, our bodies are made to store fat. And that’s a good thing. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Heart failure – a chronic, progressive disease that develops when the heart can’t pump enough oxygen-rich blood to keep up with the body’s needs – affects over six million adults in the United States. Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity are all risk factors for this potentially life-threatening condition, which claimed the lives of over 86,000 Americans in 2019 alone. Experts report that controlling risk factors may not only ease the severity of heart failure symptoms and improve quality of life – but may help prevent its onset in the first place. A
… and if you complain about the erasure of records, they will revoke your license to practice medicine. You can’t make this stuff up. Just as Canada’s “free press” has largely stopped reporting people “dying suddenly” (unless they’re famous), Alberta’s “health service” is now erasing ER records of the “vaccine”-injured. Read More: Alberta is deliberately erasing hospital records of vaccine injury…
CMI’s Gavin Cox is challenged regarding his Journal article on the chronological issues of biblical Shishak being pharaoh Shoshenq 1. …read more Source:
I found a Stanford course used to train doctors worldwide on how to overcome vaccine hesitancy. Basically, they tell doctors to give false information. They truly believe the false narrative. It’s a series of short YouTube videos. It’s free to watch all the videos. Here is the outline of the cases covered: I viewed a number of the lessons to save you the pain and agony. Some takeaways: Read More: Stanford tells doctors to give false information in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy
They just aren’t letting you know that. In Canada, the medical community is very smart about this: they don’t let doctors measure troponin levels before you are vaccinated so nobody is the wiser. A new study shows that nearly everyone getting the mRNA COVID vaccines are experiencing some amount of heart damage. Introduction Watch this episode from Vinay Prasad before YouTube censors it. Read/Watch: New study shows that pretty much everyone is getting heart damage from the COVID vaccines
“There is a lot more information later on in the article on the many deaths associated with the roll out of the jabs.” Admin Fitness enthusiast, author and bodybuilding champion Doug Brignole died suddenly on October 13 after offering to be “a test” case for the safety of experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccines on April 4, 2021. In the comment thread of one of his own Facebook posts, in which he promoted uptake of the controversial injections, the former Mr. America and Mr. Universe wrote: Read Mor: Sudden death of pro-vax bodybuilder highlights epidemic of dying athletes since jab
Stew Peters Show: MRNA is a LIE. It is not what researchers want us to believe. Our bodies are physically unable to accept MRNA into our bodies!
By Ken Ham According to the evolutionary worldview, dinosaurs first appear in the Triassic period (with the most well-known dinosaurs not emerging until the Jurassic and Cretaceous), when mammals were few and very small. Now a new study claims they’ve identified the “earliest known mammal,” moving back the “appearance of mammals by about 20 million years.” This study is quite controversial, with many scientists arguing that this tiny, 8-inch creature wasn’t a mammal at all. What do both sides of the Brasilodon quadrangularis debate have wrong? The new study, which looked at cross-sections of the creature’s jaws, discovered that B.
10/22/22 Horrified by what has been called the Sovietization of the Biden administration – including the shocking criminalization of dissent and the weaponization of the FBI, whose agents daily arrest, intimidate and persecute the regime’s political opponents – tens of millions of Americans anxiously wonder whether November’s midterm elections will bring any positive change of direction for a once-great nation now careening toward total destruction. Although many voices are weighing in on “what’s at stake” in the midterms, ironically no one has expressed it more clearly or forcefully than Joe Biden himself, in his astonishingly dark Sept. 1 “Soul of the Nation” speech, delivered
By Troy Lacey What we can learn from the parables of Jesus? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Michael By Jocelyn Solis-Moreira Nanoplastics are making their way into our food, and likely accumulating in our bodies as a result, according to a recent study. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland have created a fingerprint-based technique to detect tiny plastic particles in organisms. The… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Osteoporosis, characterized by porous, brittle bones, and low bone mass currently affects 54 million Americans – with potentially debilitating consequences. Because this age-related condition often shows no symptoms, many people do not realize they have it until a sudden bone fracture occurs. According to the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation, a shocking one out of every two women aged 50 and older (and one in four men in that age group) will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture at some point in their lives. In fact, people with osteoporosis can experience broken bones from such …read
The world is being STERILIZED by the vaccine! DeAnna Lorraine joins to detail how OB/GYNs across the globe are seeing huge increases in infant deaths, reproductive issues, and so much more! Penial disfunction is attacking vaccinated men, and pregnant women are suffering from dramatic miscarriages!
Does Schwinger effect in graphene prove that something can come from nothing? …read more Source: <a href= target=_blank title="Was something created from nothing?” >
Florida’s firebrand Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is maintaining his reputation for resisting totalitarian COVID-19 mandates by pledging that school children in his state won’t be required to get coronavirus jabs despite the CDC’s vote to add the shots to its childhood immunization schedule. The decision comes as a CDC committee on Thursday unanimously voted to greenlight the addition of the experimental mRNA COVID shots to the recommended childhood immunization schedule. The upshot of the vote is that many schools will add COVID shots to their required vaccinations, making the jabs functionally mandatory for many children. Read More: DeSantis: No mandatory COVID jabs
This YouTube video where Dr. Marquis tells people to think before they jab their kids is still up on YouTube 24 hours after it was posted. How is that even possible!?? This should be front page news that a video like this lasts for more than a few minutes before being censored. Watch: Dr. David Marquis speaks out about the dangers of the vaccine
Dr. Spiro Pantazatos co-authored a study on mRNA-induced fatality rates: data that he says has been suppressed by most major publications and journals. At the outset of the pandemic, Dr. Spiro Pantazatos, a clinical neurobiologist and researcher at Columbia University (on leave), vowed he would stay in lockdown until a vaccine was available. He was a believer. But then he began to question the story being told. Next, he studied the data. Dr. Pantazatos has found a clear link between the rollout of experimental mRNA vaccines and excess mortality numbers. While life insurance companies began screaming from the
Evolutionists recently reported observations about a plant group called the Zygnematophyceae (a class of green algae). They claimed to know more about its evolutionary history. This class of algae has been suggested as the closest evolutionary ancestor of land plants via “algal multicellularity.” Gabriele Meseg-Rutzen of the University of Cologne told PhysOrg, An international… More… …read more Source:
“This just proves that those pushing these jabs are dangerous psychopaths knowing full well these shots will cause the deaths of many children over time.” Admin We all predicted this would happen. This allows the EUA to end, but provides full immunity protection forever for the COVID vaccine manufacturers. This just happened minutes ago. The ACIP committee voted on Thursday, as predicted, to add the COVID vaccines to the childhood vaccination schedule so that the manufacturers will now get full liability protection for the authorized product forever. Here’s the Reuters story that was just published: Read More:
10/21/22 “As I’ve mentioned before this Russia/China attack on the US has been seen by people in dreams and visions given them by God. It’s not if such an attack will occur only when.” Admin The Heritage Foundation has released a truly disturbing report that analyzes the strength of the U.S. military, which is being systematically dismantled by Democrat presidents like Obama (who was actually elected) and Biden (who was not elected). That report, linked below, reveals that the entire United States military has just 300 land missiles remaining in its entire arsenal. This number should set off alarm bells in the minds of
By Selco Urban survival vs. rural survival is a near-constant debate in preparedness circles. Those who live on acreage sometimes scoff at those who live in cities for reasons of business, education, or families. Those who live in the cities feel obligated to defend their choices. The truth of the matter is that there IS no perfect plan, and even if you had one, SHTF might have other ideas. You need both skillsets to survive, as Selco teaches. In this reality check, Selco explains how even the best survival plans can go horribly wrong when the SHTF. ~ …read more
Much biblical doctrine and morality is based on its historical sequence. …read more Source:
Pastor Raymond’s brother George took the Johnson and Johnson shot despite his family begging him not to do it. Shortly after, he was found dead on his living room floor, dead of a heart attack.
Speaking in Ottawa, PM Trudeau tells Canadians: “people have got to get vaccinated.” Whether that’s a flu vax or a COVID booster, Trudeau says this will “reduce the danger of needing to take other health measures.” Watch: It’s still on – Trudeau tells Canadians: “people have got to get vaccinated.” – Investment Watch
By Stuart Burgess Today’s ID the Future completes a talk by award-winning British engineer Stuart Burgess, who explains how the human ankle and wrist joints offer powerful evidence of engineering genius. Burgess is answering evolutionist Nathan Lents, who has argued that human joints are badly designed and, therefore, evidence against intelligent design and for Darwinian evolution’s blind trial-and-error process. According to Burgess, Lents ignores—and seems to be ignorant of—the many ingeniously engineered features of our joints, leading Lents to make easily refuted claims. For example, Lents says an ankle with fused bones would be a superior design to a healthy