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By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Big Pharma is still unashamedly rolling out one Covid shot after another, insisting new boosters are effective against the seemingly endless coronavirus variants that arise every couple of months. However, evidence is mounting to show that COVID injections have a terrible effect on the immune system. Internal documents from Pfizer and the federal government reveal COVID shots compromise the human immune system, causing a spike in stillbirths, infertility, cancer, and even death. Sift through these documents, and you’ll find hundreds of thousands have been killed due to being deceived by Big …read more Source: [More]
Dr. David Nixon noted that the ‘chips,’ which seem to gather around ‘wire’ structures, appear to be the product of ‘intelligent design.’   An Australian doctor has gone public with microscopic images of unidentified objects that appear to be “self-assembling” from the contents of Pfizer’s COVID injection.   Family physician Dr. David Nixon recently shared dark field microscopy photos of “concerning” structures that appeared in Pfizer jab fluid over time and that seem to be the product of “intelligent design” in a Sunday episode of the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) co-hosted by the group’s founder, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and ex-Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon.   Watch/Read: [More]
Introduction to Dr. Bruce Dooley interview with Liz Gunn on the Federation of State Medical Boards   It was uncanny. During the past two and a half years virtually every doctor in the West who dared to question the official Covid Narrative – by raising doubts about the Jab, by discussing natural immunity, individualized treatment, informed consent, and by questioning draconian mandates and restrictions? – found themselves under attack by their local medical authorities.   Licences were suspended and sham investigations were begun by medical boards and councils, globally.   I first learned of the Federation of State Medical Boards from a colleague [More]
Scientists build amazing animatronic ammonite models to investigate their swimming abilities, but this demonstrates their intelligent design rather than evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Western culture generally prides itself on being open-minded and tolerant of everyone and everything—but do they live up to their own ideals? Not according to a new study out of Great Britain. This study found that Gen Z (today’s 13–24-year-olds) “is less open-minded and more intolerant than older generations.” According to the report, “[a] quarter of Gen Z say they ‘have very little tolerance for people with beliefs that they disagree with.’ They don’t believe in unrestrained free speech, with nearly half agreeing that ‘some people deserve to be canceled.’” According to an executive of the group [More]
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) In 1962, scientist Rachel Carson published the book “Silent Spring” which turned the environmental movement upside down and was instrumental in pushing the United States to place a ban on DDT. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also sprang up in the wake of the groundbreaking publication. Despite the extraordinary evidence Carson’s book offered concerning the dangers of pesticides and their link to certain cancers and other serious health issues, the EPA has chosen to ignore it all. To date, the EPA is still approving pesticides strongly linked to breast cancer. …read more Source: Natural Health [More]
In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews senior editor Rebecca Terrell about how members of The JBS, who are not themselves necessarily farmers, are helping farmers in the Midwest fight the carbon-capture pipeline project that is threatening their livelihoods.   Terrell also points out how the JBS is helping to spread the word, to farmers and others, that the war against CO2 is actually just part of a broader globalist/UN-orchestrated power grab now known as Agenda 2030 and formerly known as Agenda 21. If the power grab is completed, the world will be shackled under the guise [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Periodontal disease may be a contributory factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease In 2019, researchers identified Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), a pathogen involved in chronic periodontitis, in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease Gingipains — toxic proteases from P. gingivalis — were also found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients Levels of gingipains were associated with two markers of the disease, tau protein and another protein called ubiquitin In vivo and invitro studies also showed gingipains were neurotoxic and damaging to tau, which is needed for normal neuronal function The risk of [More]
By Bodie Hodge What is sin, what is the penalty for sin, and how can we be saved from sin? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE An analysis of medical records revealed a direct correlation between levels of vitamin D and the severity of illness in people infected with SARS-CoV-2 Low vitamin D levels are normally found in people with dark skin. This may be a compelling factor in the higher rates of COVID-19 illness and mortality The U.K. recommends vitamin D supplementation during this pandemic, concerned people are not getting enough sunlight; yet the U.S. continues to focus on drugs and vaccine production Vitamin D needs vary widely, so it’s important to get your levels tested before deciding how [More]
In European history, a 900-year period between the 5th and 14th centuries is known as the “Dark Ages.”  It is given this name because many suggest that this period saw little scientific and cultural advancement.  Has the reshaping of science during the Covid Era ushered in a new Dark Age?   Imagine for a moment you are a doctor living in a universe where all the “conspiracy theories” regarding the dangers of mRNA “vaccinations” are true. Imagine, that concepts like long-term heart disfunction, immune erosion, turbo cancer and infertility are all consequences of permanent and irreversible gene therapy. Imagine living in a [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE At the end of September 2022, the White House hosted the Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, during which President Biden laid out a “bold goal” to “End hunger and increase healthy eating and physical activity by 2030” At first glance, it may seem that government finally taking an interest in nutrition and realizing its impact on health is great news. But things are not at all what they seem Google and Warner Bros. are among those responsible for improving food access and affordability. Danone, Dole, Instacart and Walgreens will empower consumers to make [More]
12/10/22 “I’m sure this will be going on over here in the not to distant future as well. This is just the another step in the globalists Satanic plans to impose tyranny on the world.” Admin “Imagine if your power-mad politicians liked Covid Lockdowns so much, they wanted to continue them indefinitely. This is going to be trialled in Oxfordshire in Britain,” a Watts Up With That article stated.   The article is about Oxfordshire County Council’s plans to trial climate lockdowns in 2024 using the “15-Minute City” concept which is intimately tied to sustainability and climate goals. The Watts Up With That [More]
Someone writes in to ask about the significance of the new photos taken by the James Webb Telescope. …read more Source: creation.com     
Stew Peters Show: Can the police be trusted? Audra Morgan joins the show to detail how she was abused by the police force, because she stated remdesivir is a killer!
Is it ‘unfair’ that Adam’s sin affects all creation? …read more Source: creation.com     
Dubbed the golden spice of life, turmeric (Curcuma longa) is one of the world’s most powerful superfoods. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and contains more than 300 naturally occurring plant nutrients. Curcuminoids, phytonutrients naturally found in turmeric, are five to eight times more potent than vitamins C and E.   Turmeric’s bright yellow color makes it a key ingredient in popular Asian, Indian and African dishes. This rhizome is also used in Ayurveda and other traditional Indian medical systems. Traditional Chinese medicine, meanwhile, uses turmeric to address a variety of conditions, including depression and disorders of the skin, joints, liver, upper respiratory [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data from a study with 86,657 male and female participants demonstrated that those who exercised between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. had the lowest risk of coronary heart disease and stroke and women appeared to benefit more than men A past study of 350,978 participants showed no significant difference in all-cause or cause-specific mortality in people who exercised on the weekend or regularly throughout the week Exercising in the evening, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., can disrupt your circadian rhythm, which is associated with the dysregulation of the neurological, psychiatric, metabolic, cardiovascular and [More]
The American Academy of Pediatrics claims to support the health of all children. Many doctors are appalled by its prescriptions.   Thousands of pediatricians convened in Anaheim, Calif., in early October for the American Academy of Pediatrics’s (AAP) annual conference. The group, which boasts 67,000 members in the United States and around the world describes itself as “dedicated to the health of all children.”   So some audience members were shocked when Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, lauded a transgender teenager for committing suicide.   In an address about “standing up for [More]
By Patricia Engler BCIs could help reverse devastating medical conditions but could also change what it means to be human. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Bill Gates’ answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits through toxic means, be it chemical agriculture and GMOs, or pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines Gates has used “charity” as a way to gain tremendous political power The true beneficiaries of Gates’ philanthropic endeavors tend to be those who are already rich beyond comprehension, including Gates’ own charitable foundation Over 20 years prior to the pandemic, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave close to $250 million in charitable grants to companies in which the foundation holds corporate [More]
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE New York State isolation camp regulation, 10 NYCRR 2.13 “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures,” allows the authorities to force-isolate free citizens without age restriction, time limit, due process, or having to prove that the person is infected Brave attorney Bobbie Anne Cox defeated the New York state draconian isolation camp regulation in July 2022 The New York State Governor and Attorney General have been fighting with tooth and nail to keep this regulation in place — and after the Judge struck it down, they promised to appeal Currently, the tyrants are likely sitting in ambush, trying [More]
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick gives an incredible speech that everyone in the world should hear. And Dr. Naomi Wolf gives a fiery speech against Yale’s vaccine mandate.   Here is Australian Senator Gerard Rennick’s 10-minute speech exposing the hypocrisy over the COVID vaccine. What he says is applicable to every country pushing the COVID vaccines. When are we going to see speeches like this from members of the US Congress?   Watch: Two speeches you should watch – Steve Kirsch’s newsletter
By Howard Glicksman On today’s ID the Future, Your Designed Body co-author and physician Howard Glicksman talks with host and neurosurgery professor Michael Egnor about Glicksman’s new book, co-authored with systems engineer Steve Laufmann. Glicksman walks through a series of systems in the human body that are each irreducibly complex, and are each part of larger coherent interdependent systems. As Glicksman puts it, the human body is “irreducible complexity on steroids.” How could blind evolutionary processes, such as neo-Darwinism’s joint mechanism of natural selection working on random genetic mutations, build this bio-engineering marvel? Your Designed Body makes the case that [More]
12/08/22 Stew Peters Show: Drag shows are infiltrating happy communities! Emily Grace Rainey joins to detail how local media attacked her for prayer protesting outside a drag show open to children! Rainey stood with pastors and prayed, and now Big Media is wrongfully defaming her by accusing her of Moore County, NC’s blackout!
12/08/22 “Naturally the Dems and some RINO repubs will try to ram through as much ungodly legislation as possible before the new congress is seated in Jan., this is a prime example.” Admin President Biden now has on his desk a bill that would codify same-sex marriage in federal law and, according to opponents, provide legal grounds to prosecute or remove privileges and rights from individuals and institutions that hold to marriage as a lifelong conjugal union between one man and one woman. The House voted Thursday – with 39 Republicans joining 219 Democrats – to pass the Respect Marriage Act, and Biden [More]
By Ken Ham Everyone knows children often ask the best questions (and a lot of them!). Are you equipped to answer these questions? If not, get equipped at our It’s going to be a wonderful time of exploring topics such as equipping children to face the giants of our day, whether the Bible can be trusted, how to deal with today’s social issues, dinosaurs, and supposed Bible contradictions. I encourage parents, Christian and Sunday school teachers, youth teachers and leaders, and VBS directors and volunteers (who can also come to our VBS Keepers of the Kingdom Showcase Event the next [More]