Click here to listen. Over the next several weeks, ID the Future will be presenting an audio adaptation of Nickell John Romjue’s fascinating book, I, Charles Darwin. In today’s episode, Darwin explores what we’ve learned about the fossil record since his time on Earth–and it’s not what he expects. For more information and to purchase the book, visit Episode 1, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5
Click here to listen. Over the next several weeks, ID the Future will be presenting an audio adaptation of Nickell John Romjue’s fascinating book, I, Charles Darwin. What would happen if Charles Darwin were to come back today? What would he think about the science of the twenty-first century, and how might it change his views on evolution? In today’s introductory episode, Darwin finds himself returned from the grave and begins to explore modern London, followed by a return trip to the Galapagos Islands, where he is surprised by what he learns. For more information and to purchase the book,
Bigger eyes in Neandertals didn’t mean they had less brain. Read more here:
By Ken Ham Well, it looks like there are some secularists who are once again worried about the impact of our ministry! In a recent opinion piece titled “Monkey Business,” which appeared in an Australian newspaper, writer Ian Henschke expressed his deep concern over the lack of a human evolution exhibit at a South Australian Museum (we’ll call it SAM for short). Apparently, the SAM removed the human evolution display five years ago to make way for another exhibit, and it was never reinstalled. Why is this? He writes, “We may never know the truth. And as long as there’s
Recently there has been some media attention directed to those who crusade to make medical students learn not only how everything in the human body works but also the evolutionary history of how each human innovation evolved through the ages. Read more here: AIG Daily
This is an introduction to, and announcement of, a new compilation of articles, papers and letters to the editor on creationist astronomy which has been placed on this journal’s website. Read more here: AIG Daily
Entomologists regularly discover examples of mathematical genius hardwired into various tiny-brained arthropods. More… Read more here:
Wake up Christians! When the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is successful in getting the Ten Commandments out of public places and the teaching of creation, the Bible, and prayer out of public schools, they did not get religion out. They just replaced the Christian religion with their religion of atheism. They are involved in this effort again, this time in Ohio, as a Fox News report explains: A proposal by an Ohio school district to add creationism to a list of controversial topics deemed appropriate for classroom discussion has ignited a debate over the separation of church and state
A recent video featuring a number of very intolerant atheists (and some are hateful and angry) is a must watch for all Christians! Read more here: AIG Daily
Do you live near the Ohio cities of Cincinnati, Columbus, or Dayton? Are you close to the Kentucky cities of Louisville or Lexington? Or do you call Indianapolis, Indiana, home? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should soon be seeing one or more of the Creation Museum’s spectacular billboards advertising our new dragon exhibit at the Creation Museum. This colorful and highly impactful exhibition will open on Memorial Day weekend—in just under two weeks! We expect that visitors from all over the country will want to tour this new exhibit, plus see the many other
Earlier this month, our second annual Answers for Women conference was held at the Creation Museum in Legacy Hall—and we were thrilled to see that attendance had doubled from last year! Many women expressed how much they enjoyed and were blessed by the conference. But after the conference, an “interesting” blog post appeared on a well-trafficked atheist blog. Two women, both atheists, had attended the conference in an “undercover” manner—with an obvious agenda. Now, at the beginning of their commentary, these women expressed that they were “jumpy” and afraid when they arrived at the Creation Museum. Why? What exactly were
“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away disciples after them.” (Acts 20:28–30) The article I link to below is an extension of what has been going on at Calvin College in Michigan. In previous blog posts and articles I have quoted professors
David Attenborough attempts to prove evolution via Miller’s experiment and wildlife he has photographed, but the facts support creation not evolution. Read more here:
I often document examples of the rampant compromise taught by many church leaders and academics, which is rife in the church in general. For example, see my blog post from yesterday for an example of shocking compromise in the Christian Reformed denomination that undermines God’s Word. At the same time, it’s also important to know that God still has a remnant—a powerful, faithful remnant in this nation. There are many godly families and pastors who stand boldly on the authority of the Word of God. Let me just give you an example of two. I speak at many AiG conferences
Multicellular organisms’ genomes typically contain a great deal of non-coding DNA (often called “junk” DNA, implying that it has little function), but not the bladderwort. Read more here: AIG Daily
Sex-selection abortion has resulted in killing girl babies, leading to a surplus of men. This is a dilemma for today’s abortion-on-demand feminists, who betray the pro-life stance of the feminist founders. Read more here:
By Ken Ham We are taught in Genesis 2:15 (“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it”) and Genesis 1:28 that we are to be stewards of God’s created world. We have many web articles on this topic (e.g., see Go (Truly) Green—by Starting with Genesis). Therefore, we found it to be a nice touch when we learned that a local group had “adopted” a highway near our Creation Museum and would be cleaning it up from time to time. Yes, as you can tell from the photos
Does this prove molecules-to-man evolution? Read more here:
By Ken Ham Well, the results of a recent poll of pastors held some encouraging results—and some discouraging results. I believe this poll is a reminder of how important it is for AiG to work even harder (as we try to do every day) to distribute Bible-affirming resources to overcome the enormous secular propaganda machine around the world. And we also seek to continue to equip Christians and keep them up to date as the enemy works hard to lead people away from the truth of God’s Word. Such polls just burden me even more to increase the influence of
Some Christians have the idea that faith and reason are in conflict, divided by some unbridgeable chasm. Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Over the years, God has greatly blessed the Answers in Genesis ministry with a quality staff. This includes a number of PhD-level experts in the sciences and theology. These experts, along with a team of researchers, spend their time researching new materials and writing articles, so that unbelievers can be reached with the gospel of Christ and Christians can be equipped to defend their faith. And with that much help, it may seem like nothing would escape our attention when it comes to the news. But many times there’s so much happening in the world, that we
An amazing number of special conditions have come together on Earth making it incredibily suitable for life. Read more here:
“As we excavated the fossil, I thought that we were looking at a skin impression. Then I noticed a piece came off and I realized this is not ordinary—this is real skin.” More… Read more here:
There are powerful forces at work in the world to ‘suppress the truth’ about our origins-especially in schools. But the Christian message is not easily suppressed. Read more here:
Will teaching our children that the Bible means what it plainly says cause them to fall away from the faith? Some Christians say ‘yes!’ Read more here:
By Ken Ham Most of you have likely heard of Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and host of the radio broadcast Bible Answer Man. In a recent issue of the Creation Research Journal, which is published by CRI, Hanegraaff made some very disturbing statements about Scripture’s account of dinosaurs and sea monsters—and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Hanegraaff wrote a book on the issue of creation titled The Creation Answer Book. I previously published a review on my blog. Sadly, The Creation Answer Book made it evident that Hanegraaff does not hold to a
Recently reported research describes massively long and complex gene tails that do not code for proteins, but instead contain hundreds to thousands of built in regulatory switches per gene RNA copy. More… Read more here: