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Are we to believe that a whopping 505 million years' worth of mutations and natural selection have performed no alterations to acorn worms? More… Read more here: icr.org   
We’ve had many people come to the Creation Museum to celebrate significant occasions, such as anniversaries, weddings, and birthdays. Recently, a seven-year-old girl named Anna decided she wanted to celebrate her birthday at the Creation Museum. I thought I would share her father’s January email to us because it’s a testimony to the impact we are having as we strive to share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Read More via I Would Rather Learn More About God | Around the World with Ken Ham.
For the last 15 years, Dr Mary Schweitzer has been rocking the evolutionary/uniformitarian world with discoveries of soft tissue in dinosaur bones.1 These discoveries have included blood cells, blood vessels, and proteins like collagen. But under measured rates of decomposition, they could not have lasted for the presumed 65 million years Ma since dino extinction, even if they had been kept at freezing point never mind the much warmer climate proposed for the dinosaurs.2 As she said in a popular TV show: When you think about it, the laws of chemistry and biology and everything else that we know say [More]
One of the tired old canards on which antitheists have dined out for years is the claim that our eye is stupidly wired back to front, something no decent designer would use. E.g. the vociferous misotheist and eugenicist Clinton R. Dawkins said in his famous book, The Blind Watchmaker: Read More via Fibre optics in the eye.
On March 21, 2013, the European Space Agency (ESA) published a new image of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, generated from data collected by the Planck space telescope. Big Bang cosmologists interpret the CMB to be "left-over" radiation from a time about 380,000 years after the alleged Big Bang.1 These are the highest resolution images of the CMB to date. Read More via The Planck Data and the Big Bang.
A team of researchers gave a presentation at the 2012 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore, August 13–17, at which they gave 14C dating results from many bone samples from eight dinosaur specimens. All gave dates ranging from 22,000 to 39,000 years, right in the ‘ballpark’ predicted by creationists.1 But if dinosaurs really were millions of years old, there should not be one atom of 14C left in them. Two of the report’s physicist co-authors … are urging colleagues to do their own carbon dating of dinosaur bones. This was a joint event of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and [More]
Death, whether animal or human, physical or spiritual, is a consequence of man’s disobedience towards his Creator and an intrusion into His “very good” creation. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Great minds of the past had no difficulty with the concept of a young earth shaped and reshaped by catastrophic forces, especially the upheavals associated with Noah’s Flood. Today, we have been so thoroughly saturated with the ‘slow and gradual’ philosophy that when we look at vast cliffs, landscapes and boulders we tend to immediately associate them with very long ages. The pictures in this article are of Surtsey, an island which was born in only days from a huge undersea volcanic eruption off Iceland in the North Atlantic in 1963. It shows features which most people would think take [More]
Galápagos with David Attenborough by Russell Grigg Published: 4 April 2013 (GMT+10) Galápagos with David Attenborough is the title of a three–part Sky 3D TV series that premiered in the UK in January 2013. The series was shown in Australia in March 2013 with the revised title, David Attenborough’s Galápagos. In the first episode, titled “Origin”, Sir David introduces viewers to this group of 16 major volcanic islands and many smaller ones that straddle the equator some 600 miles (970 km) from the west coast of South America (off Ecuador, which claimed sovereignty in 1832). Charles Darwin developed his theory [More]
Galápagos with David Attenborough is the title of a  three–part Sky 3D TV series that was shown in Australia with the revised title David Attenborough’s Galápagos. In this, the second episode,1 Sir David discusses the way animals have adapted to the varying conditions on the Galápagos islands. He labels various islands as ‘old’, ‘middle-aged’, and ‘young’, but the millions of years claimed by evolutionists for all this to have happened are not needed in the creationist model. Read More via Galapagos adaptation.
Over the past several articles we have critiqued the leading alternative hypotheses that have been developed in attempts to explain away the Resurrection of Jesus. Each of these ideas contradicts Scripture, and each is woefully inadequate at explaining the facts. Instead, we have seen that historical and archaeological evidences are perfectly consistent with Christ’s conquering of death recorded in God’s Word. Nevertheless, many critics and skeptics have remained undaunted and sometimes resort to even more outlandish theories to justify their unbelief. In this article we will examine three Read More via The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Grasping at Straws – [More]
The Gospel of Matthew gives us another reason to be thankful. The events associated with the birth of Jesus fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies given centuries before the events they described. Read More Fulfilled Prophecies at the Birth of Christ – Answers in Genesis.
As six-day creationists, can we know what God did when he created this vast universe? If we agree that God created the universe, and it was created in a form that is essentially like we observe today—a mature creation—very large, tens of billions of light-years across—very old in appearance, in terms of processes we observe—then we have two possibilities within the creationist worldview: Read More via Creationism modern science.
If the regulatory picture of the genome was not complicated enough, now scientists have discovered yet one more amazing level of bio-complexity that involves a whole new class of molecules in the form of RNA hoops, or circles—the results just published in several new Nature papers.1, 2 In fact, the findings were so startling that one of the lead authors commented the molecules formed "a hidden, parallel universe" where many new types and functions remain to be discovered.3 Read More via Circular RNAs Increase Cell Bio-Complexity.
Nathan Ham responds to an email that accuses us of being stupid, lazy, unscientific, and morons for believing in a young earth and the existence of God. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Green plants are a beautiful part of Earth’s environment, and they are essential for life. God created them on the 3rd day of Creation Week (Genesis 1:10–13), before animals, and even before the sun.1 At the beginning of creation, humans and all animals were herbivores (Genesis 1:29–30). Even now, plants are the basis of the food chain, because they don’t require their own food but make it from sunlight via photosynthesis. In this process, they also produce the oxygen (O2) which is essential for all air-breathing life. Photosynthesis is therefore one of the most important chemical reactions on Earth. If [More]
Researchers in Trinidad relocated guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from a waterfall pool teeming with predators to previously guppy-free pools above the falls where there was only one known possible predator (of small guppies only, therefore large guppies would be safe).1 The descendants of the transplanted guppies adjusted to their new circumstances by growing bigger, maturing later, and having fewer and bigger offspring. Tead More via Speedy species surprise.
The Creation Answers Book by Dr Don Batten (contributing editor), Dr David Catchpoole, Dr Jonathan Sarfati and Dr Carl Wieland Is there really a God? Where did Cain find his wife? What about the gap theory? Are radioisotope dating methods reliable? How did ‘bad things’ come about? If you have friends or relatives who are asking these questions too, email them and let them know they can get answers at creation.com. Or purchase your own copy of The Creation Answers Book at our online bookstore. PDF iconClick on the PDF icons below to view any of these articles as a [More]
This is a continuation of our response to the BBC’s recent series Wonders of Life, presented by Professor Brian Cox.1 The subtitle Endless forms most beautiful, is the title of Episode 3 of the BBC series and is taken from the last sentence of Darwin’s Origin of Species.2 Part 1 of our response can be found here. Evolution of the ear (Episode 2) Cox made the claim that certain bones in our ears had clearly evolved from reptilian ancestors and, before that, jawless fish that lived around 530 million years ago. These bones, known as the malleus, incus and stapes, [More]
Professor Brian Cox is a particle physicist at Manchester University in the UK, and is widely tipped to succeed David Attenborough as the BBC’s top presenter of popular science TV programmes.1 It is a position for which he has all the ‘right’ qualifications. In the 1990s, he played keyboards for the pop group D:Ream; he is considered the best looking physics professor around; and, most importantly, he has no time for the God of the Bible. As a ‘Distinguished Supporter’ of the British Humanist Association, he gave their 2010 Voltaire lecture entitled, The value of big science. In this he [More]
Recently I wrote a blog post about a German homeschool family that has asked for asylum in the USA—but the current administration is opposing the request by the Romeike family. Sadly, the arguments the American administration is using could be utilized one day to close down homeschooling in America and restrict the overall religious freedom this country has enjoyed since its founding. Read More via Religious Freedom Under Threat | Around the World with Ken Ham.
Answers in Genesis participates in and organizes “Answers” conferences around the USA and in many countries every year. Sometimes we choose to participate by having a booth at select conferences put on by organizations who share our passion for reaching today’s culture with the importance of biblical authority. The Alberta Home Education Association’s conference in Red Deer (Alberta, Canada) is one of those where we will have a large booth presence. The conference theme this year is “Standing Firm.” This is an appropriate exhortation for Christians everywhere as pressure from secular forces makes it challenging to hold to the sound [More]
Analysis and critique. Read more here: creation.com   
This weekend, Friday through Sunday, Dr. Andrew Snelling and I have been speaking at an AiG conference at Centreville Baptist Church in Virginia (near Washington DC). We were thrilled to see an overflow crowd Friday night and a packed auditorium again Saturday morning for the two sessions. What a great opportunity Saturday night to speak to the large number of young people who turned out for the special session for youth. Dr. Snelling and I were inundated after the sessions with people asking questions and giving testimonies as to how AiG had so positively affected them personally and their families. [More]
Vents at the bottom of the ocean that spew out superheated water and toxic chemicals. Yet even here we find an abundance of living things, well designed for life at the extreme. Read more here: AIG Daily   
A recent article from the UK’s Daily Mail declared, “Swallows are evolving shorter wings because they keep getting hit by traffic.” Now, the article explains the results of a recent study from the journal Current Biology. The study examined cliff swallows, both living and dead, that build their mud nests on highway overpasses, to see if there were certain traits in swallows that favored their survival. The researchers argued that natural selection should “favor individuals that either learn to avoid cars or that have other traits making them less likely to collide with vehicles.” The study found that the swallows [More]
April fools! Did you know that a deceived person does not know he is deceived? Nathan Ham explains. Read more here: AIG Daily