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By Ken Ham From April 5 until April 25, AiG was offered a phenomenal opportunity to reach hundreds of thousands of people—a unique outreach possibility that was presented to us by the advertising agency that promotes our Creation Museum and its many dinosaur exhibits. In movie theaters in Indianapolis (Indiana), Cincinnati (Ohio), Columbus (Ohio), Dayton (Ohio), Louisville (Kentucky), and Lexington (Kentucky) that are showing the newly released Jurassic Park 3-D movie,* those people attending will learn about the Creation Museum. In these markets located within a two-hour drive of the museum, our award-winning, Hollywood-like, 30-second, animated commercial for the Creation Museum will be [More]
How a CMI speaking tour can energize Christians and congregations, and make a difference in your church. Read more here: creation.com   
The evolutionary timeline is constantly being revised. The latest revision is a doozy-by half a billion years! Read more here: creation.com   
By Ken Ham If you’ve ever wanted to talk with an author about his article in Answers, our award-winning magazine, you’ll have the opportunity this week. (Answers won eight awards last year from the Evangelical Press Association, including the top award for excellence for the second year in a row). Answers is the world’s leading apologetics and Christian worldview magazine (with an emphasis on creation apologetics and general biblical apologetics). Each issue contains a collector chart or poster and also includes a lift out mini-magazine for kids. If you don’t subscribe, I urge you to do so on our online store. This [More]
Dr. Phil Fernandes is asked a series of questions affecting Christians today by David Howard July 2nd, 2012 http://www.instituteofbiblicaldefense.com Dr. Fer…
Dr. Fernandes is President of the Institute of Biblical Defense. He is a Christian Apologist, Author and Pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship Dr. Fernandes hol…
Some respected Christian leaders, famous for defending the fundamentals of the faith against compromise, were guilty of their own compromise. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Creationist earth scientist Shaun Doyle discusses some of the differences. Read more here: creation.com   
By Ken Ham Many of you have probably heard of the online dating site eHarmony. The cofounder, Neil Clark Warren, describes himself as a “passionate follower of Jesus,” and eHarmony initially only provided its services to heterosexual people. After a legal battle, eHarmony included homosexuals, first in a separate site and later in its main site. In a recent interview, Warren said that his company has been damaged by the same-sex marriage debate. What does Warren mean by this? Well, according to the Christian Post, he said “that he hopes America can ‘be more harmonious’ on the issue.” Now, Warren’s [More]
The gender theorist argues that gender identity is formed by culture and experience, and that there is no foundation for gender norms. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Clocking humans, of apes and men, dinosaur embryology, eco-evolutionary rescue, global warming questioned, and more in this week’s News to Note. Read more here: AIG Daily   
How should we approach the distant starlight travel time issue? How do we argue against day-age theory? Read more here: creation.com   
By Ken Ham The lead article on our website today, “Can We See the Surfaces of Stars?” was written by Dr. Danny Faulkner, our astronomer on staff. In today’s main web article, Dr. Faulkner responds to a question we received about whether astronomers have actually seen the surface of a star. Dr. Faulkner joined the Answers in Genesis staff at the beginning of this year. Dr. Faulkner has a PhD in astronomy and was on the faculty of the University of South Carolina Lancaster for over 25 years. He retired as a full professor and now holds the title of [More]
A response to Discovery Channel’s THE LOST TOMB OF JESUS. (produced by Avatar and Titanic director James Cameron). The same scholars who were interviewed in this documentary are interviewed here. Many of them express their dismay over how they were taken out of context to make it appear that they think the supposed lost tomb of Jesus was authentic. What explanation can be given for the empty tomb of Jesus of Nazareth? The New Testament records the first-century event: The disciples of Jesus reported that he was risen from the dead, while Roman soldiers were paid to claim his followers [More]
Dr. Danny Faulkner, AiG–U.S., explains whether astronomers can see the surfaces of stars and what methods they use. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Research has now shown that one of the key icons of human evolution, the beta-globin pseudogene, is functional and important to hemoglobin gene regulation. More… Read more here: icr.org   
A conundrum for ‘deep time’. Read more here: creation.com   
By Ken Ham Here is the tribute that AiG CCO Mark Looy read out for me on Saturday at the memorial service for creationist pioneer Dr. Duane Gish. The celebration of his life was held at Shadow Mountain Community Church, El Cajon, California, April 6, 2013. Dr. Gish passed away at age 92 last month. I wanted to have Mark Looy let you know how much I appreciated a man that many of us called, affectionately, “Creation’s Bulldog.” * That’s because of Dr. Gish’s vigorous defense of the Genesis account of creation. I’m speaking in Washington DC this weekend, and I am [More]
The Ark’s one and only voyage took place over 4,300 years ago, yet this magnificent vessel still captures the imaginations of believers and unbelievers alike. Read more here: AIG Daily   
During the ‘Late Cretaceous’, 80%–90% of the present UK land did not exist and geological maps indicate that 100% of the UK was under water. Plus it was recent, as evidence based on river flows show. Geologist Dr John Matthews sets out this remarkable research in the latest Journal of Creation 27(1). Matthews notes that geology, as currently taught in schools, colleges and universities, knows nothing of (or at any rate does not mention) the Noachian Flood. Yet, the Bible records that the whole world was submerged under water recently (thousands, not millions, of years ago). And Matthews reveals the [More]
By Ken Ham One of Europe’s most active creationists is my good friend Dr. Nagy Iskander. Nagy and his wife Nashua are medical doctors originally from Egypt. They have done so much to help AiG and others proclaim the creation/gospel message in their adopted home of Scotland. A few centuries ago, most people in Scotland would have called themselves Bible-believing Christians. Today, very few people in this country, which gave us the Presbyterian church, would call themselves Christians anymore. This certainly grieves Dr. Iskander, and he has a passion to proclaim the gospel to Scots. This desire has taken many [More]
When scientists studied yeast and bacteria that “fail to optimize” the production of certain proteins, they discovered that's actually a very good thing. More… Read more here: icr.org   
By Ken Ham As I’ve shared a few times on this blog, our theme at Answers in Genesis for 2013–14 is “Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids,” based on the passage from Galatians: Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. (Galatians 1:4) We’re seeing more examples of how the secularists are aiming to capture the hearts and minds of our children. In their continuing ad campaign, MSNBC TV and its website are pushing the theme “Lean Forward.” They’ve featured a number of [More]
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., explains how the three gardens are linked and how Jesus, the Good Shepherd, offered Himself as the final, once for all sacrifice. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Ken Ham speaks on the sad spiritual condition of our nation and the attack on the Bible and Christian worldview that is now going on. The message starts at the 5 min. mark. Watch Here Building a Foundation for a Lifetime – Answers in Genesis.
By Ken Ham Biblical Christians are being actively maligned with deliberate attempts to marginalize us in this increasingly secularized culture. In recent times we have see an increase in secularists doing the following: Accusing Christians/creationists of “child abuse” (as Lawrence Krauss, Arizona State University professor, has been delcaring in recent times). Claiming Christianity is a virus (as atheist Richard Dawkins and others have done). Accusing people with religious convictions of mental health issues—and causing children to have their own mental health problems (as we saw in a recent TIME article). I want to suggest to you there is an increasing [More]
For InSite this month, we’re announcing AiG Live, talking about our upcoming Answers for Women conference, going back to the Tower of Babel, and more! Read more here: AIG Daily