Recently I wrote a blog post about a German homeschool family that has asked for asylum in the USA—but the current administration is opposing the request by the Romeike family. Sadly, the arguments the American administration is using could be utilized one day to close down homeschooling in America and restrict the overall religious freedom this country has enjoyed since its founding. Read More via Religious Freedom Under Threat | Around the World with Ken Ham.
Answers in Genesis participates in and organizes “Answers” conferences around the USA and in many countries every year. Sometimes we choose to participate by having a booth at select conferences put on by organizations who share our passion for reaching today’s culture with the importance of biblical authority. The Alberta Home Education Association’s conference in Red Deer (Alberta, Canada) is one of those where we will have a large booth presence. The conference theme this year is “Standing Firm.” This is an appropriate exhortation for Christians everywhere as pressure from secular forces makes it challenging to hold to the sound
Analysis and critique. Read more here:
This weekend, Friday through Sunday, Dr. Andrew Snelling and I have been speaking at an AiG conference at Centreville Baptist Church in Virginia (near Washington DC). We were thrilled to see an overflow crowd Friday night and a packed auditorium again Saturday morning for the two sessions. What a great opportunity Saturday night to speak to the large number of young people who turned out for the special session for youth. Dr. Snelling and I were inundated after the sessions with people asking questions and giving testimonies as to how AiG had so positively affected them personally and their families.
Vents at the bottom of the ocean that spew out superheated water and toxic chemicals. Yet even here we find an abundance of living things, well designed for life at the extreme. Read more here: AIG Daily
A recent article from the UK’s Daily Mail declared, “Swallows are evolving shorter wings because they keep getting hit by traffic.” Now, the article explains the results of a recent study from the journal Current Biology. The study examined cliff swallows, both living and dead, that build their mud nests on highway overpasses, to see if there were certain traits in swallows that favored their survival. The researchers argued that natural selection should “favor individuals that either learn to avoid cars or that have other traits making them less likely to collide with vehicles.” The study found that the swallows
April fools! Did you know that a deceived person does not know he is deceived? Nathan Ham explains. Read more here: AIG Daily
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., examines the claim that archaeologists have discovered the tomb of Jesus and His family. Read more here: AIG Daily
In 1980, you could attend a typical four-year college for $2,500 in tuition. Skip ahead 30 years and now you’re looking at $16,000 (at least) for a four-year public college. If you want to attend a private college or university, which includes some Christian schools, then the typical cost is almost double that amount! According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the cost for a four-year private college or university is $32,000 (not including room and board). Many students begin their adult lives in debt because of the massive amount of student loans they have. However, there is help!
The phrase “queer theory,” coined by Teresa de Lauretis, describes a school of thought that examines sexual identity, human sexuality, and gender. Read more here: AIG Daily
Much to the chagrin of evolutionists, the past decade of research has clearly shown that transposable elements play vital and purposeful roles in regulating how genes and the genome function. More… Read more here:
Photo by Eric Erbe, wikipedia Escherichia coli Low-temperature electron micrograph of a cluster of E. coli bacteria. Each individual bacterium is oblong shaped. by Shaun Doyle Published: 7 July 2011(GMT+10) Subsequently published in Journal of Creation 25(3) Beneficial mutations are often seen as the engine of evolution (Mutations: evolution’s engine becomes evolution’s end!). However, beneficial mutations by themselves don’t solve the problem (see Beetle Bloopers). Mutations not only have to be beneficial, but they have to add biological information, i.e. specified complexity. However, practically all beneficial mutations observed have been losses of specified complexity (The evolution train’s a-comin’), with
I wrote a blog post recently about a report from a “gay” news source that so-called “gay marriage” was only one part of the real agenda for those redefining marriage. The report stated the following: Legislative victory should not mean identity erasure. There remain numerous sexual freedoms to campaign on – yes sexual – that’s what gay rights is about, not merely a civil rights campaign – and there are battles still to be won. Battles relating to pornography, the continued criminalisation of consensual sexual acts, re-constructing our ideas of relationships in relation to sex, monogamy and the illusion that Read
May we redeemed daughters of Eve consistently root out the deceptive influences within and without, trusting and obeying God’s perfect Word and teaching it to the next generation. Read more here: AIG Daily
Michael, Dumitru Dudumans grandson, always has something interesting to say on a variety of subjects in his posts. Check out the latest 30 of them below. You can visit his website here:
Dr. Troy Shoemaker, the new president of Pensacola Christian College of Florida, and his wife Denise, recently visited our Creation Museum, and it was for the first time. He spoke to our staff while I was wrapping up a speaking engagement in Chicago, but I returned to AiG the next morning to spend some time with the Shoemakers. Several staff—including on the creative side of the museum team and the future Ark Encounter—attended Pensacola Christian College, and Dr. Shoemaker enjoyed getting to meet with many of them. Here is a photo of Dr. Shoemaker and his wife Denise—with museum operations
by David Catchpoole Published: 2 April 2013 (GMT+10) ‘Vestigial’ organs have been used as an argument against a designer for many years, and have been used as a major ‘proof’ of evolution. But it has suffered repeated blows over the last few decades, with functions being found for most, if not all, of the over 180 organs listed as either vestigial or rudimentary by anatomist Robert Wiedersheim in 1893. So much so that an evolutionist observer wrote in New Scientist that ‘these days many biologists are extremely wary of talking about vestigial organs at all’ and that this ‘may be
(and the timing of the Fall and Ark-building) by Jonathan Sarfati The history book of the universe © Staircase The Bible is a collection of 66 books of many types, including poetry, biography, romance, instruction and theology. And it was written over 1,500 years, by many types of authors: e.g. kings, generals, fishermen, prophets, scholars, a tax-collector and a doctor. But over-arching all this, the Bible is the true history of the universe,1 showing how God glorifies Himself all the way from Eternity Past to Eternity Future. And a central theme is Heilsgeschichte (German for ‘salvation history’): God’s eternal plan
The ‘big picture’ in which the Gospel makes sense Published: 24 March 2013 (GMT+10) Why bother with creation evangelism? Why start all the way back in Genesis when the gospel is all about Jesus dying for our sins and rising for our justification (Romans 4:25)? CMI’s Dr Carl Wieland explores these questions in today’s feedback. Read More via Creation evangelism.
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., examines a couple of views that admit Jesus was crucified but claim that He somehow managed to survive for a short time after being taken off the Cross. Read more here: AIG Daily
As you may know, each year AiG partners with Canyon Ministries—led by our good friend Tom Vail—to conduct three to four raft trips on the Colorado River through the incredible Grand Canyon. These raft trips, focusing on creation and Flood geology, typically fill up months before they launch. Tom has alerted us to the fact that an AiG supporter, Lowell Shoaf of Ohio, will be conducting a special fundraising effort to benefit not only Canyon Ministries, but also Answers in Genesis and the Ark Encounter project. The journey that Lowell will be on is called “The Canyon-to-Creation Walk and Read
by David Catchpoole Locust The challenges confronting designers of small robotic aircraft are many. For example, fixed wings, like those used on passenger aircraft, become very inefficient in tiny robotic planes.1 So aeronautical engineers are looking at flapping wings as an alternative. Researchers at the University of Oxford (UK) and the Australian Defence Force Academy decided to study locust flight because locusts are such efficient flyers.2 Any artificial wing that isn’t modelled on the ‘optimised’ design of the insect wing is less efficient. “They can fly for a very long time, over long distances with very little energy,” explained lead
For a hundred years, this evidence of rapid burial in recent history has been right under evolutionists’ noses—yet even now they still claim these crinoid fossils are 350 million years old crinoids by David Catchpoole Published: 19 March 2013 (GMT+10) The photograph at right appeared in an Ohio State University press release, with the following caption: “Different species of the sea animals known as crinoids display different colors in these 350-million-year-old fossils. Ohio State University researchers have found organic compounds sealed within the pores of these fossilized animals’ skeletons. Photo by William Ausich, courtesy of Ohio State University.”1 Now,
Click here to listen. On this episode of ID the Future, hear from Casey Luskin as he talks about why science censorship is bad for education, even as Darwin activists such as Zack Kopplin lobby to repress critiques of Darwinian evolution. Casey explains how giving students full access to the best scientific information would help solve many problems facing science education today.
Abraham Ulrikab—the ‘zoo exhibit’ who could write by Shaun Doyle Creation readers may recall the story of Ota Benga—the pygmy taken from his home in Africa in 1904 and showcased in a US zoo as an example of an evolutionarily ‘primitive’ race.1 His story was not unique; from about 1870 to 1940, “travelling exhibits of non-European natives were recurring features of zoological gardens where they eclipsed the drawing power of the more usual animal exhibits.”2 Abraham Ulrikab was an Inuit (formerly called ‘Eskimo’) whom Moravian missionaries in Hebron, Labrador (Canada), counted among their converts. He and several of his fellow
Reverse evolution, four-winged birds, Jesus Christ’s ministry on the History Channel, what’s in a name?, cosmic map, and more in this week’s News to Note. Read more here: AIG Daily
It’s not too often that I am totally surprised, but I was wondering what was happening when Mr. Walt Sivertsen walked on the platform during our “Answers” conference in Chicago recently. Walt was holding something in a frame as he walked to the podium. He told the conference audience gathered at Quentin Road Bible Baptist Church that his creation group, Midwest Creation Fellowship, had passed a resolution—which they called a “spiritual bouquet.” In the resolution, it stated that because the “principalities and powers of darkness have captured the minds of many in our society, and whereas Ken Ham left his homeland