“Copied this from an email I received.” Admin It’s no coincidence that the mRNA COVID jabs are being called “clot shots”… That’s because these shots trigger blood clots throughout the body. Thankfully, many medical experts like, Drs. Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole and Thomas E. Levy have been warning the public and, now, offer many solutions. For example, Dr. Levy reveals how to reverse the clot damage in this brand new eBook: Protocols for Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Other Vaxx, Shedding & COVID-Related Heart Issues, created by Jonathan Otto, an investigative journalist and long time supporter of our NaturalHealth365 Programs.
Mars is a lifeless world. But those holding to a naturalistic worldview continue to have hope—even faith—that the Red Planet was at one time thriving with life. Such a conviction is based on the strange hypothesis that organic life can spring spontaneously from inorganic non-life. This theory is called spontaneous abiogenesis.1 Here on Earth, evolutionists are still at square one in their vain attempt2… More… …read more Source: icr.org
01/26/23 “Things just keep getting more Orwellian under the Dems” Admin The United States government, back in the day, fought “misinformation” being spread by ISIS by creating military-grade artificial intelligence that quickly identified and censored the ideologies the radicals were disseminating. Now the feds’ plan is to adapt that tech so that Americans who dissent from the politically correct lines on vaccine safety and election integrity also can be censored. That’s according to a new report from Just the News which cited grant documents and cyber experts. Read More: AI used by feds to track ISIS now
By Liz Abrams Who were the magi, and should they be part of the Nativity? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval for the Alzheimer’s disease drug lecanemab (Leqembi) The drug, a monoclonal antibody, binds to amyloid beta in the brain The most common reactions included amyloid-related imaging abnormalities, or ARIA, which involves swelling and bleeding in the brain that can be life-threatening. During the trial, ARIA occurred more often in people with the APOE4 gene, which is considered to be the strongest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease Amyloid beta may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s — not the cause — and could even have a
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE One of the simplest steps you can take to improve your health is to provide your body with optimal hydration, which reduces your risk of being biologically older than your chronological age, developing chronic diseases and dying prematurely Data show participants with serum sodium levels outside the narrow range of 137 mEq/L to 142 mEq/L had a 10% to 15% higher risk of being biologically older than their chronological age. The current acceptable normal range of serum sodium is 135 mEq/L to 145 mEq/L Signs you could be dehydrated include bad breath, headache, confusion,
American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks to vaccine-injured Angelia Desselle about pharma-enablers in the media coming after her publicly. Watch: LIVESTREAM REPLAY: Horribly Vaccine-Injured Angelia Desselle Goes Viral
Showing how it’s reasonable to doubt universal common ancestry and accept that Jesus’ tomb was empty. …read more Source: creation.com
Big Pharma’s liability shield is a lie and they can be criminally charged for manslaughter. Karen Kingston reveals the Geneva Convention clearly states any organization that willfully murders can be charged. The 1949 document specifically includes biological experiments as a criminal act. Big Pharma’s bioweapon was intentionally designed to kill and the idea they can’t be criminally charged is a psyop.
Stew Peters Show: The clot shot trains your body to make more and more toxic spike proteins! Dr. Eduardo “Ed” Balbona is here to explain how the spike protein accumulates in multiple organs and causes chaos. The evidence is clear and a case can be made that the vaccine was made in a bioweapon laboratory. The vaccine creates larger amounts of the spike protein than the covid-19 virus but pediatricians continue to jab children!
Executive summary A new peer-reviewed paper was just published that finally gets the truth out: Over 217,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine in the first year after rollout The rate of severe adverse events reported in the survey by the survey participants (13.4%) after adjusting by a factor of 2 for categorization error, is still 5X more than was reported by Pfizer in their Phase 3 trial. Since deaths from the vaccine were higher in 2022, most experts would estimate the all-cause mortality death toll from the COVID vaccines to be in the range of 500K to 600K.
The discovery of dozens of ichthyosaur fossils in Nevada was announced in the journal Current Biology.1 Seven 50-foot long ichthyosaurs of the species Shonisaurus were found in a single layer, and up to 30 more were spread vertically across deposits totaling over 650 feet thick.1 Oddly, almost all of the fossils were large adults, mixed with some neonatal specimens. There were no juveniles or subadult… More… …read more Source: icr.org
Dr. Michael Yeadon (telegram: Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon) joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how the public was lied to in every way about the COVID pandemic.
By Ken Ham I’m excited to announce that we just released a new year of our award-winning Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. Year 1 covers the book of Genesis, as well as foundational concepts, and Year 2 takes children through the book of Exodus and up to the fall of Israel. And now, the next period in biblical history is available with the release of Year 3 of this phenomenal one-of-a-kind, through-the-Bible homeschool curriculum. That’s the incredible power of chronological Bible teaching! Year 3 picks up with the Assyrian captivity of Israel and continues through Judah’s fall, the later prophets,
By Amy Allen In these uncertain times, it’s no wonder that people are stressed, depressed, and anxious. Between supply chain issues and crazy high prices on pretty much everything, we all have great reason for concern. Many do use psychiatric medicines, and for good reason. But what happens when one either can’t find or can’t afford one’s meds? Are there alternatives? Read on! Firstly, however, the disclaimer. I’m not a doctor, and I don’t play one on TV. None of what I’m saying in this article should be construed as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before changing meds,
Adrian Walker has been injured by one dose of the AstraZeneca covid injection. He was administered an AstraZeneca injection in mid-February 2021. Three weeks later he was so severely ill that he barely survived. His diagnosis is thrombosis thrombocytopenia. He has multiple blood clots and extremely low blood platelet levels. He is now wheelchair-bound and relies on a mobility scooter to give him a level of independence. He is unable to work and there is a real possibility they will lose their family home as he is struggling to pay his mortgage. The AstraZeneca injection has taken away his
Old Testament scholar, Cornelis van Dam, clearly shows that Genesis leaves no room for theistic evolution. …read more Source: creation.com
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE By increasing blood flow to the organs, CPR provides a life-saving, temporary treatment for cardiac arrest If someone near you experiences cardiac arrest, you should first call 911, then immediately begin CPR For the general public, hands-only CPR, or compression-only CPR, is recommended and highly effective Perform chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute; this is about the same beat as the song “Stayin’ Alive” If you have access to an automated external defibrillator (AED), which are required in many public spaces, follow its simple instructions to deliver a
“Madman Gates is basically telling us to expect another ‘plandemic’ which I’m sure will include new toxic vaccines, global lockdowns and more draconian ‘health’ measures.” Admin Globalist billionaire and pandemic whisperer Bill Gates has warned the world that the “next pandemic” is likely to be “man made” and “much more brutal than Covid.” The self-appointed global health czar told an audience at the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia that the world must listen to his advice very carefully and follow his instructions to the letter, otherwise there will be economic carnage on a scale never seen before. Read/Watch:
Spike proteins associated with the Covid-19 virus and mRNA vaccines could be causing accelerated degradation of cells in the human body, causing organs to biologically age more rapidly and bring on early death. The frightening hypothesis was put forth by French researchers, who concluded spike proteins induced by Covid infections and mRNA jabs shorten DNA sequences known as telomeres, which protect the ends of chromosomes, thereby decreasing life expectancy. Read More: Bombshell Report: Spike Proteins Invade All Major Organs, Induce Hyperaccelerated Cellular Aging Prompting Shorter Lifespan – NewsWars
“There are two great video interviews of Dr. McCullough in the article.” Admin Dr. Peter McCullough joined The Alex Jones Show in-studio Tuesday to expose the truth behind the mass deaths following COVID vaccination. From Covid injuries and deaths to the collapse of the NFL’s Damar Hamlin, Jones and McCullough covered a plethora of subjects in this epic discussion. Watch: Exposing the Truth Behind Mass Deaths from COVID Vaccines: Dr. Peter McCullough Joins Infowars In-Studio – NewsWars
By Ken Ham Most people have this view of so-called “cavemen”: less-evolved brutes, barely able to make fire, weapons, or clothing. Thanks to the popularity of the evolutionary narrative of the slow and gradual evolution of mankind, this picture of “cavemen” is strongly rooted in the minds of the general public. But it’s not true! In the news recently was yet another example of the intelligence of cave-dwellers. On the walls of certain caves are paintings of animals, but next to some of those animals are a series of dots and dashes. What do these markings mean? Well, a new
By Michael By Sayer Ji A promising study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine titled, “Effect of Wasabi Component 6-(Methylsulfinyl)hexyl Isothiocyanate and Derivatives on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells,” reveals the potent Japanese horseradish concoction known as wasabi may help fight highly lethal pancreatic cancer by striking… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Ken Ham This week is celebrated by the ecumenical World Council of Churches as “the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21 where he prayed, “that they may all be one.” Now, Christian unity is wonderful, and we should follow Christ’s example and pray for it—but unity around what? Based on its website, the World Council of Churches wants unity in the sense of everyone just getting along with each other. But is that really biblical unity? Is that what Jesus prayed for? You see, while unity is important, what we’re unified around
By Michael By Study Finds On Star Trek, the replicator recycles matter to create anything you could possibly desire out of thin air — from a delicious steak dinner to a simple glass of water. Now, scientists are turning science fiction into reality! A team in Switzerland… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
Compared to all previous non-covid vaccines there are many worrying signals in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines A standard way to determine whether there is a genuine concern that a new vaccine may be causing a particular type of serious adverse event (SAE), such as ‘myocarditis’, is to compare the proportion of adverse event reports associated with the new vaccine that include myocarditis with the proportion that include myocarditis in other vaccines. For example, suppose that in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): For the new vaccine there are 1000 reports of SAEs of which 300 include myocarditis. For all
By Bodie Hodge Like the city of Enoch, Babel was ultimately destroyed and left in ruins. But unlike Enoch, there are archaeological remains of Babel that can be studied today. …read more Source: AIG Daily