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And disabilities are up 10X normal. I thought the vaccines were supposed to reduce death not increase it! I just asked the FAA for their comment, but no answer.   Read More: Pilots are dying at Southwest Airlines at over 6X the normal rate after the COVID vaccines rolled out
The Covid-19 virus and Big Pharma’s mRNA vaccines form a bioweapon developed by the global elite in concert with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in order to slowly depopulate the Western world, according to Dr. Naomi Wolf, who joined Steve Bannon on The War Room this week.   Dr. Wolf did not hold back when she described the seriousness of these dangerous poison shots that are causing horrible internal damage and killing and maiming an untold number of Westerners. Dr. Naomi Wolf: I believe, as you know, that this is a bioweapon. I’ve done reporting showing it’s being manufactured in concert with [More]
Back in the nineteenth century, Charles Darwin promoted the supposed similarity between humans and chimpanzees. Later DNA studies seemed to support that idea—until someone started taking a closer look and noticed that there had been some…monkey business. In the first installment of this two-part episode, ICR geneticist Dr. Jeff Tomkins and host Trey Bowling discuss how chimp and human DNA are not as similar as many people think, and why it matters.
“Explosive undercover video by PV exposing Pfizer. The video is available to watch in the article.” Admin   Also, YouTube removes the Project Veritas video. Every expert I’ve talked to said, “you can’t make up a story like that” when viewing the PV video. Plus, the part you didn’t see…   Executive summary Project Veritas releases explosive video that gets over 20M views, YouTube blocks it, Pfizer issues press release two days later which doesn’t deny anything in the video, and three experts validate authenticity of what was described in the video.   Worldwide press blackout. All the articles in newspapers [More]
By Guest Contributor By Blackbird Imagine, the S has hit the fan. Several years have passed and have made for trying times. You’ve managed to survive a famine, and defended yourself and your family from vicious groups of people that have threatened you. You’ve learned a variety of practical skills that make you indispensable to not only your group, but to your family. You’ve survived many difficult scenarios, earning a tough-as-nails reputation, only to be taken out by…dental problems… While it seems like an unlikely way to die, it’s certainly possible both now, and especially in times of hardship that [More]
By Ken Ham We do what we do at AiG, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum because we want to see generations believe the Word of God, defend the Word of God, and boldly proclaim the Word of God in a dark and lost world. That’s why Answers in Genesis exists and also why our attractions exist—and we love it when we receive testimonies of how God has used this ministry and the attractions to do just that! We recently received a wonderful testimony on one of our social media posts from a woman whose family recently visited our [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Most people who consume fast food are aware that it isn’t good for them. Fast food is notoriously high in fat, sodium, processed carbohydrates, and calories. However, what consumers might not be aware of is that these foods are also high in harmful chemicals called phthalates. A study from the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health has found that those who eat fast food are exposed to harmful chemicals in addition to the other known health hazards of these foods. The study appeared in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. …read more [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) In yet another sign of the seemingly inevitable apocalypse, Moderna and Pfizer are coordinating clinical trials to analyze whether the coronavirus jab causes harm. To say it is ironic that Big Pharma is studying whether its own mRNA creations are spurring the onset of myocarditis and other negative health outcomes is an egregious understatement. Those capable of critical thinking eagerly point out that vax makers went to great lengths to stress the alleged safety and efficacy of their mRNA jabs. However, as recently admitted by the power brokers at Pfizer and Moderna, …read more [More]
Does the dependent clause reading of Genesis 1:1 support the compatibility of the Bible with ‘billions of years’? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) There’s a really good reason why Monsanto has been called “the world’s most evil corporation.” Since 1901, some of its creations include the artificial sweetener saccharine, pesticides laced with dioxin, Agent Orange, aspartame (created by its partner, G.D. Searle), and the most toxic chemical on the planet – glyphosate. We are literally drowning in poisons because of Monsanto. MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has warned for years about the ugly truth behind the most widely used herbicide in the world. So what’s behind the epidemic rise in food allergies, digestive disorders, and nutrient deficiencies? GMOs …read [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) You are not alone if you feel the world has lied to you since birth. The mainstream media inundates us with half-truths, myths, and even some bald-faced lies every day without exception. The latest “big lie” was revealed earlier this week when a World Health Summit member admitted that coronavirus lockdowns were rooted in political posturing instead of scientific reasoning. Globalists conveniently admit pandemic lockdowns were politically motivated Though the World Health Summit members are finally coming clean and acknowledging the real motivation behind Covid lockdowns, few people will take notice of the admission. [More]
01/29/23   “I recommend this article for adults only as it contains much shocking information about Americas ‘dirty little secret’. This is not surprising since our culture has gone into a serious moral decline and with that will come an increase in ungodly and appalling behavior. The sexualizing of children now going on in schools and online is no doubt a contributing factor in all this depravity. How much longer will God delay in judging this increasingly wicked nation?” Admin   Hundreds of thousands of children in the United States go missing every year, with many of them falling into [More]
Ivermectin and its use as a treatment for COVID-19 was catapulted to centre stage when the pandemic erased all rhyme and reason in 2020. However, even as the totality of evidence demonstrated Ivermectin’s efficacy, mainstream media and governments across the world dismissed its use based on the absence of randomised control trials. Further to that, virtually anything related to Ivermectin that made mainstream media was negative coverage of a drug that could’ve saved countless lives. Now, at last, a large randomised control study on Ivermectin efficacy for preventing and treating COVID-19 has been released, as discussed in this article by [More]
Shouldn’t the alarm bells be ringing? Why haven’t the authorities long since swung into action to assure the public that a full independent public investigation is well underway? To a critical ear, the silence is as deafening as it is worrying. After 11 months of official reports of a sustained fall in the birth rate, the Swedish mainstream media have reacted. However, news reports omit any reference to a possible involvement of the elephant in the room: mRNA vaccines. So, what is the evidence that we should all have an opportunity to consider? The number of children born in Sweden [More]
By Hillary Morgan Ferrer Today’s ID the Future puts atheist Richard Dawkins’s book Outgrowing God under the microscope and reveals multiple ways his argument smashes up against contrary scientific evidence. Walking us through the critique are author and Mama Bear Apologetics founder Hillary Morgan Ferrer and her co-host, Amy Davison. Dawkins invokes the beautiful order evident in the murmuration of bird flocks as evidence that complexity can evolve from simple algorithmic rules. But Ferrer explains why the phenomenon of bird murmuration doesn’t even begin to approach what we find when sophisticated engineering order emerges in the growth of embryos. Ferrer [More]
By Troy Lacey Jesus’ Parables of the Mustard Seed, Leaven, Lost Treasures, and Pearls. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death in adults and children alike.  It doesn’t care about age, race, or gender.  It is an equal opportunity destroyer.  Researchers are continually searching for ways to cure this disease as well as prevent it.   Recent research shows that black tea may have cancer-fighting effects.   Unique compound in black tea may be responsible for the drink’s cancer-fighting effects   Theaflavins are compounds that are formed in the process of making black tea.  There are no black tea leaves or black tea plants found anywhere in nature.  It actually comes from the [More]
By Dr. Jason Lisle We will close out the logical fallacy series with two of the most common fallacies that occur in arguments about origins. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
“Progeria is a rare genetic disorder in children that causes them to age rapidly. Interesting theory advanced by the author, we’ll have to wait and see if others think it’s valid.” Admin   The Spike Protein, in Essence, Acts as a Progeria Drug.   Since the appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, the world has been stunned and puzzled by the increase in sudden deaths and dramatically increased excess mortality which continues to accelerate with each passing year. Curiously, there is a plethora of causes for these excess deaths. It is not just a “pandemic” of sudden cardiac arrests, cancers [More]
New research shows how gold was deposited quickly as hot colloidal liquid at depth, aided by sea water. This is consistent with the Flood and not millions of years. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Simon Turpin The Apostle John saw Jesus as present at creation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Arthritis is a general term that refers to more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions; the four most common categories are osteoarthritis, autoimmune inflammatory arthritis, infectious arthritis and gout Small food choices can significantly impact pain from arthritis. For example, choosing cruciferous vegetables that are high in sulforaphane, an organic sulfur that supports cell function, helps block the enzymes linked to joint destruction and lowers inflammation that drives pain Anthocyanins found in purple and red-colored berries lower oxidative stress and inflammation and support gastrointestinal health, which is crucial to lowering inflammation [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Ophthalmologist Dr. Chris Knobbe says most chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration are linked to the consumption of processed seed oils Knobbe says the large consumption of omega-6 seed oil in everyday Western diets is so dangerous it is “a global human experiment … without informed consent” Polyunsaturated fatty acids, also called PUFAs, found in vegetable oils, edible oils, seed oils, trans fat and plant oils, owe their existence to “roller mill technology,” which replaced stone mill technology and removed [More]
By Melissa Webb Some creatures produce tenaciously sticky substances and researchers hope to mimic these materials to create safer surgical procedures. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
On today’s show Dr. Jane talks with Canadian emergency room physician Dr. Dqniel Nagase about his research into the deaths of babies after vaccination. When vaccines were delayed to 2 years old, sudden infant death virtually disappeared in Japan. This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine.
Stew Peters Show: Vaxx injured woman is able to walk again after taking Ivermectin for only 10 days! Angelia Desselle joins Stew to discuss her life threatening side effects due to the vaccine. Shame on heartless people – like Alex Berenson – who dismiss and make fun of the vaxx injured. Many of the people who died in hospitals were poisoned by Remdesivir which causes organ failure. Now, we must keep fighting against the vaccine lies and spread TRUTH in order to save lives!
Stew Peters Show: A young and healthy pilot is grounded and can’t fly because of heart issues due to taking the Covid-19 vaccine. Sierra Lund is here to blow the whistle and tell the truth about the dangerous myocarditis jab. Since being diagnosed with myocarditis Sierra is now seeing her fourth cardiologist. Pilots may be keeping their vaxx side effects a secret to maintain flight status.