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By Creation Moments Did you ever stand up a little too quickly and get dizzy? It can happen because by standing, you may have temporarily lowered the blood pressure in your brain. Can you imagine what might happen when the giraffe swings its head from the ground to a treetop? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“I feel sorry for those trapped in fanatical Islam. There is no singing, dancing, music in the mosque just sermons about hating infidels and the glory of dying for Allah in jihad. They all need to experience the love of Christ like these former Muslims have which would set them free from spiritual darkness.”  Admin Today, Friday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one another. If you’re thinking about making a study of how couples celebrate this day, the Muslim world and the milieus of the radical [More]
Free Copy of Tortured For Christ VOM_MediaDev February 13, 2014 It was the book that shocked the nation. After surviving 14 years in communist prisons, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand came to America to proclaim the trials and testimonies of our persecuted brothers and sisters. TFC_COVERIn Tortured for Christ, Wurmbrand tells of his imprisonment for his work with the underground church and introduces the work of The Voice of the Martyrs. More than 45 years later, The Voice of the Martyrs remains true to its calling to be a voice for persecuted Christians, to serve with them in their time of need [More]
For the amazing echolocation ability of bats to function properly, both emitting and receiving organs must be present, and cooperate. (There are other problems too, to drive evolutionists ‘batty’.) …read more Read more here: creation.com     
“If you are looking for a truly Christian alternative to the problematic Girl Scouts you now have it in the American Heritage Girls. This difference between the two is quite apparent in the article.”  Admin A “Christ-centered” girls group, an alternative to the Girl Scouts, is taking up the issue of abortion. The group, American Heritage Girls, is now offering girls a “Respect Life” merit badge. The badge honors girls who are involved in pro-life activities, such as collecting diapers for a pregnancy care center. The badge also recognizes the girls’ involvement with the elderly and disabled. The Girl Scouts, [More]
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) How Does Genesis Establish the World of Biblical Theology? …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
Paleontologists recently presented their analysis of original skin leftovers from three marine reptile fossils and inadvertently revealed three clues that darken their evolutionary explanations. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Creation Moments In 1835, when scientists first saw Peru’s most unusual hummingbird, they were so overcome with its beauty that they gave it the name “Marvellous”. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
If you think that gambling is a potential way to wealth and prosperity, think again. The Creator has shown us a much better way, and everyone wins. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“One of the scientists quoted in the article states “We’ve got some catching up to do.….The nature-produced tiny structures are far beyond any human designs.” yet evolutionists want us to believe this marvel of design happened by chance … ridiculous.”  Admin The diamond weevil, which makes its home in the Brazilian tropics, has a body studded with tiny, brilliant reflectors. Each one is like a diamond, reflecting different-colored light in shiny arrays. New research has probed the microstructure of these brilliant facets and discovered that the way they work is familiar—but the way they are made is not. These insect [More]
This very title promotes a misconception that the debate should clarify for many. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
The animated film Walking with Dinosaurs centers around the narrator’s line that “every fossil tells a story.” But the use of one tiny piece of evidence to weave such a tale is illustrative of evolutionary ideas in general. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Most of us are familiar with the fact that our Earth is being observed by dozens of satellites that keep track of weather systems, natural resources, ocean currents, sunlight, climate and animal migrations which makes every crop grown anywhere on Earth able to be identified. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“This is insane! Now there are no limits to how high the debt can go from now til 03/15. Whenever this debt bubble bursts, as it surely will, the resulting economic crash will make the Great Depression of the 1930’s look like the good old days.”  Admin In 2011, House Speaker John Boehner established what would become known as the “Boehner Rule”: he said any debt ceiling increase would have to be offset by spending cuts. Politico reminds us about Boehner’s bold demand: “Let me be as clear as I can be,” Boehner told the Economic Club of New York [More]
Posted on: 02/13/14 How many kids will become guinea pigs for this unapproved new vaccine? When the CDC shouts “outbreak,” you better run for cover. Who knows what’s next? Maybe hazmat-suited doctors will be walking the streets keeping us quarantined at gunpoint (or should Dustin Hoffman be brought in to save the day)? What’s happening now in New Jersey and California is even worse than a fast-track drug approval. And only one group is smiling as a result of this media-hyped “outbreak” scare…the CDCs drug-making friends at Novartis. Our story begins with an unapproved drug getting rushed in from Europe [More]
Correspondents take CMI to task over our ‘attitude’ to Adam. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
At approximately 510 feet long, just how big was Noah’s Ark? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Does common anatomy necessarily point to common ancestry? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Governments bow to special interests to impose belief systems in schools. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
How should creationists respond to claims that dark matter has been found? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
“Just goes to show that what the people want is of no concern to the autocrats in Brussels or in the US. In fact the US has been pushing these toxic GMO crops world wide.”  Admin A majority of EU countries on Tuesday expressed opposition to the cultivation of a new genetically modified maize in Europe, yet the bloc’s executive body, the European Commission, could be set to green-light the crop anyway. At the meeting in Brussels, 19 countries, including France, said they were against the approval of Pioneer’s GM maize known as 1507, and four countries abstained during the [More]
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) How Shall We Equip Our Children to Answer Challenges to the Truth of God’s Word? …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
9 Reasons Processed Foods May Make You Sick and Fat I have long stated that if you want to be optimally healthy, you should spend 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods. Unfortunately most Americans currently do the opposite, and their health suffers as a result. With most foods, the closer they are to nature, the better. It’s possible to have some processed foods that are still healthy; for instance, frozen green beans have been “processed” as has butter, grass-fed ground beef, or freshly prepared almond butter. In most cases, however, [More]
“Those with dictatorial mindsets and involved in criminal activity are the least likely to be forthcoming regarding their activities. Mr. O has been described as secretive, control freak and hostile to the media. Therefore one would expect this slide in press freedom to continue unabated.”  Admin The Obama administration’s handling of whistleblower Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency leaks and the investigation of a string of leaks produced a plunge in the country’s rating on press freedoms and government openness, according to a global survey released Tuesday. The U.S. under President Obama, who once promised to run the “most transparent” [More]
“This is just another way Mr. O is bypassing congress and bringing more Islamists into the US. But since he fancies himself as being able to do anything and is a great admirer of Islam this Islamization of the US isn’t surprising.”  Admin A U.S.-born Israeli author and Middle East expert says the Obama administration’s decision to ease restrictions on those seeking asylum in the United States will open the floodgates to America’s enemies. The Obama administration announced last week it has unilaterally eased restrictions on asylum seekers, saying people considered to have provided “limited material support” to terrorists or [More]
Evolution textbooks have said for years that placental mammals didn’t appear until after dinosaurs went extinct. But now many are saying that’s wrong. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments There are certain things in creation that people seldom talk about, including earthworms. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments