Ben Stanhope, a liberal Christian YouTuber, has responded to us on behemoth. We refute his claims. …read more Source:
Researchers in the United States and the United Kingdom have revealed that Lagevrio, a drug designed by Merck meant to treat COVID, is causing the virus to mutate in patients. This creates the potential for more communicable and deadly versions of COVID to emerge in the future. When one studies how Lagevrio works, this should not come as a shock. The pill attacks the COVID virus by trying to alter its genetic code. Read More: HORROR: Researchers Discover COVID Drug Created By Merck Is Causing Virus Mutations In Patients
It’s been a year since four Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers found a sudden increase in various diseases in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which coincided directly with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccinations. Now, new data shows more evidence. That’s according to Lt. Col.Theresa Long, M.D., MPH, a board-certified aerospace medicine doctor and Army Brigade flight surgeon with specialty training as an aviation mishap investigator and safety officer, who was one of the four whistleblowers. Long’s background has uniquely equipped her to recognize what she described as “unusual diagnoses and alarming trends only after the introduction of the
“Could it be they are planning to round up the unvaxxed at some point. I wouldn’t put it past these psychopaths.” Admin ‘There is interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized’ The U.S. federal government is tracking people who decided not to get the COVID-19 vaccine injection, according to bombshell federal government records and video exclusively obtained by NATIONAL FILE. According to the shocking video, unvaccinated people are quietly tracked when they go to the doctor’s office or to the hospital due to a quiet new program proposed and implemented by
Data obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) continue to challenge expectations of Big Bang proponents.1,2 The JWST is designed to “see” in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, just outside the range of visible light. Since redshifts3 ‘push’ most of the light from distant galaxies into the infrared part of the spectrum, the JWST can obtain better images of t… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham According to the 2021 census, less than half the population of England and Wales profess to be Christians (and probably fewer would classify themselves as true born-again believers). This is why UK Christians must know how to defend and share their faith—and that’s what Answers in Genesis–UK is working hard to accomplish by equipping believers to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word. In recent months, AiG–UK has been very busy giving presentations at numerous events across the country. After one of these events, an organizer reported, Answers in Genesis always provides rich, relevant, and informative
By Michael By Guy Hatchard The New Zealand government is introducing the Therapeutic Products Bill, which is an omnibus piece of legislation controlling, among many other things, the availability of Natural Health Products and the introduction of biotech medical interventions. Given our experience of the last three… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
Stew Peters Show: Australian politicians are waking up to the tyrannies of W.H.O. regulations. Maria Zeee is here to celebrate the victory and triumph of Novak Djokovic over covid totalitarians . The news Pfizer is conducting “gain of function” research is being covered by the mainstream media in Australia. Every single person should have the same courage Novak Djokovic displayed and he is an example to the world!
Stew Peters Show: We must hold the medical establishment accountable for Remdesivir deaths. Esteban Lizarraga is here to explain his wife and baby’s near death nightmare caused by Remdesivir pushing Covidians! Had the mother taken the full 10 day dose of Remdesivir she would not have survived. If Remdesivir had killed the mother and child the hospital would have been rewarded with hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Graham Hancock’s popular Netflix TV series, Ancient Apocalypse, challenges the evolutionary status quo, proposing civilization is older than claimed, however, his ideas are not friendly to biblical history either. …read more Source:
Stew Peters Show – Flying is definitely not as safe as it was 3 years ago thanks to vaccinated pilots! Joshua Yoder is here to discuss how the FAA reduced heart health standards in order to maintain the flight status of vaccinated pilots. The vaxx mandate drove many pilots from their jobs and now the ones left are having vaxx induced heart problems! All pilots must be tested for subclinical myocarditis because oftentimes the first symptom is sudden death.
Jeff & Erica – They talk about the jab as being a planned bioweapon plus a school paying people to come and get the shot plus the government revising all vaccines to be based on MRNA technology, how 50% of kids who get the jab will develop, on some level, myocarditis, they read some vax injury testimonials and much more. Listen here
As the death toll rises, a dark shadow has been cast over Britain. Official data reveals that since April 2022, 407,910 deaths have occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average. As the investigation deepens, it has become increasingly clear that the Covid-19 vaccines are the most likely cause of the unprecedented loss of life in Britain. The evidence is damning, with a startling correlation between the rollout of the vaccines and the spike in deaths. We were told the vaccines would bring hope and healing in the midst of an alleged global pandemic. But
The fully discredited Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved an endless covid booster program that will continue to weaken and cripple the population, year after year. With dozens of new boosters on the horizon, the FDA can no longer pretend that the covid jab is an immunization that is “saving millions of lives.” Like the flu shot, the covid jab will be marketed annually as a solution to rampant seasonal illness. The annual boosters will be promoted in the Fall of each year, as medical institutions continue on with their coercive fraud, unabated. As the vaccines cause more health
Are all supposed ‘ice age’ deposits really formed by glaciers? …read more Source:
“This is just the beginning. The elite eventually want all ingredients to be from insects or from some lab grown monstrosity while they of course will be dining only on real food.” Admin European citizens are now being force-fed bugs and crickets in everyday food items as the World Economic Forum policy of forcing humanity to eat insects become a reality. The food additive made out of powdered crickets has begun appearing in popular foods including pizza crusts, pasta, whey powder and cereals across the European Union. Defatted house crickets are now on the menu for Europeans
By Ken Ham Which “religious museum” in the United States is your favorite? The USA Today Readers’ Choice Awards wants to know! They’ve nominated 18 attractions across the United States and opened the polls for voting—and the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, of course, are on the list. Thanks to our supporters, the Ark Encounter finished #1 and the Creation Museum #2 in this same poll in 2020, and we’d love to see those results again! If you love the Ark and Creation Museum, please consider voting for either attraction. Thanks to our supporters, the Ark …read more Source: Ken
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker Cats are different from dogs, and even from each other, meaning the way to your cat’s heart is a unique path. How do you find the way so your cat will feel truly loved and cared for? With a little time, attention and outside-the-box thinking, it can happen. Read More: 8 Ways to Help Your Cat Feel Loved
Follow the diligent journey of an academic as he searched out the reality of God and his need of repentance within his field of study and the Bible. …read more Source:
Jeff & Erica – They talk about the undercover Project Veritas video and play clips of Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone commenting on it. They then talk about draconian laws being proposed in NY state and what is going on in other places in the world and more. Listen here
The Ediacara biota is a sporadic faunal (animal) stage containing unique soft-bodied fossil creatures in sandstone from the Ediacaran System dating “635-541 million years ago” according to evolution theory. The Ediacaran layer is found at the bottom of the geologic column—just below the Cambrian—and contains creatures that creationists would expect: algae and soft-bodied invertebrates. In other words, ocean bottom-dw… More… …read more Source:
A professing young-earth creationist should be the last person to call into question the historical, objective nature of Christianity. However, Todd Wood does this in his book, The Quest. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Michael By GreenMedInfo Research Group Pecans are the only tree nut native to North America, and they’re also No. 1 in antioxidant concentration. When you’re on the lookout for a healthy snack, pecans check every box. Pecans are the only major tree nut native to North… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
Deaths continue to run at extraordinary levels in England and Wales. In the week ending January 13th 2023 there were 17,381 deaths, which is 2,837 or 19.5% above the five-year average. This is despite the five-year average having risen due to the early 2021 Covid wave. Compared to the pre-pandemic five-year average of 13,822 it is 3,559 or 25.7% above average. There were 922 deaths with Covid registered on the death certificate, of which 654 were registered as due to Covid as underlying cause. This leaves 2,183 excess deaths from a different underlying cause. Since the wave of excess non-Covid
In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. PRR1 measures how common an adverse event is for a specific drug compared to all the other drugs in the database. According to the standard operating procedures2,3 for the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is run jointly by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration, the CDC is required to perform these data mining analyses. Not only did the CDC refuse to release the data, but it also provided false information —
Have scientists proven human evolution from a “common apelike ancestor,” or are we being told a clever, confusing story filled with farcical “facts?” What is chromosome fusion, and why does it matter when discussing matters of the Christian faith? In the second installment of this two-part episode, ICR geneticist Dr. Jeff Tomkins and host Trey Bowling dig deeper into the science and expose the flaws of an anti-design approach to genetics.
“Sure sounds like the authorities are expecting a large uptick in cardiac events in schools … I wonder why (we know why)? Video of the Dr. Talking about this is in the article.” Admin On January 20, 2023, deliveries of defibrillators began to all state-funded schools in England. Typically, heart attacks and other cardiac issues which require rapid electrical stimulation of the heart in children are rare, explains Dr. Suneel Dhand, almost unthinkable. However, over 20,000 defibrillators will now be in nearly 18,000 schools by the end of the academic year. Read/Watch: Tens of Thousands of Defibrillators Being Installed