By Ken Ham No matter where you go when visiting America’s national parks, city zoos, and other attractions, the religion of evolution and millions of years permeates the culture. To help combat these lies and proclaim the authority of God’s Word, every year Answers in Genesis partners with Canyon Ministries to hold creation raft trips through the Grand Canyon in northern Arizona. Canyon Ministries has been presenting the Grand Canyon from a biblical perspective since 1997. The trips were done while rafting through the canyon, showing guests firsthand the evidence of Creation and Noah’s Flood. But now Canyon Ministries …read
By Creation Moments Albert Einstein said that James Clerk Maxwell made greater contributions to physics than anyone except Isaac Newton. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Good ole Hillary, just another establishment shill for GMO’s, what a surprise. She would be another unmitigated disaster, just like the current occupant is, to have in the WH. For more info on the Clinton’s and their evil doings, CLICK HERE.” Admin Speaking at a conference in San Diego last week for the world’s largest trade organization of biotechnology firms, potential presidintial candidate Hillary Clinton backed GMOs and Big Ag, further displaying her allegiance to the industry in the eyes of sustainable food and organic advocates. While trumpeting her endorsement of GMO seeds when she served as Secretary of State,
In recent months we have been paying close attention to the developing Ebola outbreak that is sweeping western Africa. Just a few weeks ago we reported that officials with ties to Doctors Without Borders and the World Health Organization were admitting that the outbreak is out of their control. Now new developments came this week as the World Health Organization put out a press release highlighting the increase in deaths and infections in the past few days. The recent statement said that “as of 30 June 2014, the cumulative number of cases attributed to EVD in the three countries stands
One of the biggest myths about health and nutrition is the one which would have us believe that we can get all the nutrition we need by simply eating a balanced diet. The truth is that it is next to impossible to get even the minimal RDA amounts of the limited number of vitamins and minerals on the RDA list from diet alone, much less the optimal amounts of all the many nutrients needed for optimal health. Decades of over-farming has left the world’s top soils severely depleted of essential minerals. For the most part, the only minerals replaced have
“Oh well, another attempt by big medicine to demonize supplements with a flawed and basically worthless study as you’ll read. I personally have taken supplements for years and consider them one of the best forms of health insurance you can get, along with a healthy diet. Just make sure they are quality supplements.” Admin The mainstream media is awash and abuzz with news about a new study which purports to show that taking vitamins, minerals and other supplements can be dangerous. However, even a perfunctory look at the study reveals it to a seriously flawed study using junk science. The
Discovery inside a diamond in the rough shows Jules Verne wasn’t that far off when he wrote about a hidden ocean in Journey to the Centre of the Earth. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Why do scientists want to push the origin of life into outer space rather than believe that life originated on earth? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Is this flooding of illegals on our SW borders a designed strategy by Mr. O … read this and decide.” Admin On Tuesday, July 1., approximately 150 illegal immigrants will be brought into Murrieta’s Border Patrol Center for processing, (sometime between 11 and 1 p.m.) then released into the surrounding areas, according to Murrieta Mayor Pro-Tem Harry Ramos. This is expected to be continuous and ongoing with new illegal immigrants every 72 hours with no end date in sight. The latest updates by most officials out of Murrieta have unfortunately been down played and painted an incomplete picture, according to
On Monday, Quartz published an article by Devin Cohen titled, There is a Secret Ingredient in Your Burgers: Wood Pulp. Given the headline and people’s already present suspicion regarding all of the shady and potentially dangerous ingredients hidden in food items, the article gained a lot of traction. In subsequent days, most journalists and bloggers have focused on the dangers of this additive (unclear) and whether or not it is pervasive throughout the food chain as opposed to just fast food (it appears to be). The one angle that has not been explored as much is the overall trend. Let’s
“One often sees this attack from skeptics that the Genesis account was taken from pagan sources but as this article shows this is not so. A great read.” Admin Despite secular claims that the Genesis account is a myth borrowed from various earlier sources, author Bill Cooper discovers the reverse is true. Bill Cooper is vice-president of the Creation Science Movement in the UK, and a respected historian and scholar. On behalf of the British Library, he transcribed and edited the latest reprint of John Wycliffe’s 1388 translation of the New Testament.1 He has also authored a number of articles
Seven-year-old Priyala rested on her bed so motionless you would think she was dead. A fever, cough and stomach pains had taken over her body. Her mother, Marala, hated to stand idly by, not willing to give up her daughter. Priyala had attended the local Bridge of Hope center, and Marala knew, from everything her precious daughter had told her, that the staff were people who prayed. So she asked them to pray for her daughter. When they came to her home at the end of the day, Priyala’s father, Ganesh, turned them away, telling them he did not believe
“Emotional video interview with Justina. It looks like she still has quite a ways to go to recover from this.” Admin Justina Pelletier, the 16-year-old Connecticut girl taken from her parents more than a year ago after two hospitals clashed over her diagnosis, told Fox News’ Mike Huckabee in an emotional interview Saturday that no child should go through the ordeal she went through at the hands of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. “I’m like, ‘Yeah, this should never happen again to anybody.’ To any kid or any person. They should never be put through what I’ve been
“You’ll notice a comment about “brown shirts” providing security at the camp. Brown shirts was a group originally created by Hitler in Germany to take care of his political opponents. That a security force would liken themselves to a bunch of Nazis is appalling. This whole Mr. O contrived mess gives us a clear indication how far down the road to tyranny we are.” Admin A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio,
By Creation Moments If Isaac Newton or someone else had never made the discoveries Newton made, our world would be very different today. He is one of the most important scientists in all of history. What many people don’t know is that this great scientist was a creationist. He actually wrote more Bible commentaries than he did scientific papers. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“What can you say about this, violating the law and putting the security and health of this country in jeopardy … just another day on the job for Mr. O and his marxist regime.” Admin A Border Patrol agents union representative told 10News the influx of undocumented immigrants now in Border Patrol custody is threatening the health of agents as well as national security. “We have compassion for them …,” said union representative Ron Zermeno. At about 12:45 a.m. Wednesday, one of the buses pulled out of the checkpoint and onto a freeway. Two people sitting behind the driver appeared
“Great, I feel safer already … NOT! If it can scan objects in cars then most likely it could scan through clothes as well, how nice.” Admin In the not so distant future, revenue collecting state enforcers will have the ability to see into your entire vehicle using a miniature x-ray gun. The gun is specifically designed to recognize guns and drugs, so police can have an easier time finding nonviolent offenders to put behind bars. The device is being developed by an organization called the “American Science & Engineering Company”. The device has no official name but has been
The evolutionary theory cannot explain certain aspects of solar system bodies. There have been few comprehensive proposals for a creationary model. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Some good links at the end of the article.” Admin Historically, the European Union (EU) has taken a far stricter, more cautious stance with regards to genetically engineered (GE) crops and foods. Not only must GE foods be labeled in the EU, but resistance to growing GE crops is high in general. As reported two years ago, an estimated 75 percent of Germans oppose GE, and few politicians are in favor of genetic technology. Over there, it’s actually politically risky to support GMOs. This is something the chemical technology industry, through the shrewd manipulation of the US government, has fought
By Ken Ham Dr. Raymond Damadian My involvement with Answers in Genesis has resulted in meeting many interesting people. One of them is Dr. Raymond Damadian, who in 1969 demonstrated to the world that magnets can be used to scan human tissue to detect diseased cells. His invention of the MRI scanner has resulted in the saving of countless lives by early, non-invasive detection. This is an excellent example of how God has given mankind the ability to use technology to temporarily fight against the effects of the Curse. I have personally benefited from Dr. Damadian’s MRI scans on my
A popular evolutionary belief is that humans and chimps shared a common ancestor 2 to 6 million years ago. Apparently, evolutionists still aren’t too sure of their own theory: now they’ve more than doubled that timeline. More… …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Creation College 4 is coming to the Creation Museum from August 20–23. Sponsored in part by Cedarville University, this event provides foundational training in the foundational book—Genesis. This is one event that anyone wanting to present, teach, or just be better equipped for creation apologetics needs to attend. Now, I want to give you four very compelling reasons why you should plan to be at Creation College 4. You will: receive training on how to develop a strong biblical worldview; expand your presentation skills for giving “relevance of Genesis” talks; learn in-depth information from leading creationists on
By Creation Moments We often hear today that no true scientists are creationists because science disproves creation. The truth is, most of the founders of the various disciplines of modern science were creationists, as are a great many scientists today. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Did dinos give rise to birds? No-they ate them. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments In 1866, a German scientist and strong supporter of Darwin, Ernst Haeckel, got into trouble for faking evidence. He supposedly showed that developing embryos go through the earlier evolutionary stages of their species. The scientific community investigated his so called discovery and found that he had faked his drawings. Unfortunately, some textbooks today – well over a century later – still present this faked evidence in support of evolution. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Recently on our good friend Eric Hovind’s program Creation Today¸ Eric was hosting an interview. In a report on the very liberal Salon website, we read a quote from the person being interviewed: “You have to start asking questions: Well, if evolution is true, and it’s just all about the male propagating their DNA, we had to ask hard questions, like, well, is rape wrong?” Isaacs says to a stunned host. Well the host wasn’t “stunned.” And of course you can never trust any reports these secularists write about us, and you have to see the program
By Ken Ham This is the headline of a new story in the media. How many times do we read headlines declaring some supposed finding that “proves” evolution such as another “ape-man” find—or that they supposedly found evidence of life on mars (remember the mars rock episode)—only to read an article days, months, or years later stating the item is no longer accepted. If secularists would only admit the difference between historical science and observational science, then the way they write up their findings would be very different. However, that would mean they would have to admit a belief aspect