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A vast number of conservative theologians accept animal death before Adam’s Fall. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Five years ago, if someone were to mention the use of oregano essential for health and wellness purposes I would have looked at them cross-eyed.  Although well versed in the benefits of essential oils, for one reason or another, oregano essential oil was nowhere to be found on my radar screen.  Oregano for wellness? Although I grow it in my yard and use it in pasta dishes and on pizza, I had never considered it to have healing qualities. Moving forward in time, as I began to toss out conventional over-the-counter remedies, I discovered that Oregano essential oil has some amazing [More]
“I wish I could disagree with his conclusion at the end but it is abundantly clear that the US gov. has become more warlike, secretive, dishonest and murderous in its dealings with others. Ultimately, as some have seen in dreams and visions, this is all going to catch up to us and we will reap what we have sown.”  Admin Alone among the governments in the world, Washington requires sovereign governments to follow Washington’s laws even when Washington’s laws contradict the laws of sovereign countries. The examples are endless. For example, Washington forced Switzerland to violate and to repeal Switzerland’s [More]
Commentator Mark Dice discussing the growing use of facial recognition cameras with Ford apparently now starting to install them in cars. Talk about being tracked everywhere you go, it’s a soon coming reality.
In spite of widespread disregard for the Genesis Flood, journalists and politicians can’t resist invoking the Bible when catastrophe strikes! …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) Why Must We Have Confidence in God’s Word over Man’s Word? …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
Rough scorpion armour deflects airflow, greatly reducing sand damage. Exposed steel with such design would prolong life. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Skeptics have objected strongly to CMI’s presenting of the famous Angkor carving as evidence that man lived alongside dinosaurs. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Amid all the talk of recovery by politicians, economic officials and big business leaders, the fundamental numbers behind all the propaganda tell a starkly different story. Home sales have dropped to record lows, more people are out of the workforce than anytime in the last 50 years, and cash-strapped consumers have run out of money to fuel economic growth. By all meaningful measures the American boom times of old are gone. A recent report from the Department of Health and Human Services suggests that we may have already reached the tipping point and that things are only going to get [More]
Secular scientists believe that fossils and rock layers correspond to multi-million-year time scales, but nowhere does the Bible refer to that supposed “deep time.” Do these old ages come from genuine observations, or are they somehow maintained as fact no matter what the data show? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
The massive challenges in the culture and the church are why I believe God has raised up ministries like Answers in Genesis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Most creationists are pro life because they see conception and birth as one of the clearest evidences of God’s original role as Creator. Scripture is filled with examples showing that God not only created the heavens and earth in six days, just as reported in several places in Scripture, but that He is still intimately involved with His creation. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Despite its name and hopping gait, the kangaroo rat actually has more in common with a camel than with its much larger marsupial namesake. The kangaroo rat is a rodent, but it is unlike any other rodent on Earth: it is able to survive in the desert with virtually no drinking water.1 The camel is the only other mammal that can match this feat, and yet the kangaroo rat looks nothing like the ‘ship of the desert’. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Recently AiG started a section on our website called “Creation Debate.” As we say on the Creation Debate page, “Creation Debate” is AiG’s ongoing examination of how, from the book of Genesis, the Bible’s authority speaks with relevance to many of the hot button news and events of our day. For Christians, Creation Debate seeks to help them become better informed believers and to embolden them to be more effective in engaging our culture with biblical truth. For non-Christians, we seek to proclaim the authority of the Bible and the gospel message with boldness. So, from TV [More]
Washington can’t stop lying. Don’t be convinced by last Thursday’s job report that it is your fault if you don’t have a job. Those 288,000 jobs and 6.1% unemployment rate are more fiction than reality. In his analysis of the June Labor Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, John Williams (www.ShadowStats.com) wrote that the 288,000 June jobs and 6.1% unemployment rate are “far removed from common experience and underlying reality.” Payrolls were overstated by “massive, hidden shifts in seasonal adjustments,” and the Birth-Death model added the usual phantom jobs. Williams reports that “the seasonal factors are changed each and [More]
By Creation Moments How do you know that what you think you know is really true? Charles Darwin wondered just that, and the answer to his question sheds a lot of light on the origins debate today. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham On the Engadget website, we read this interesting information about an interview with Bill Nye “the Science Guy”: As for his battle with creationists, he told us the debates are off. At least for now. “I’m not gonna debate that guy again. He’s zero for one as far as I’m concerned,” Nye said, in reference to his debate with author Ken Ham. His next step is a book being published this fall: Bill Nye’s Evolution: The Science of Creation. Unlike his classic show, the book is aimed squarely at adults, though he said it’s not as complex [More]
Cosmos astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson asserts that religious influence on science intellectually cripples would-be innovators. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Meet the Christian mother behind the tradition that has become known as Father’s Day …read more Read more here: creation.com     
This Fourth of July we celebrate our precious liberty as a country, but we should not forget the things from which we are truly free, and the Liberator who rescued us from them. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
The Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
The beauty industry has big marketing budgets. They’ve spent fortunes trying to convince women that injections, chemical peels or $300 creams and serums will smooth wrinkles and restore youthful skin. But harsh treatments and chemicals can actually make things worse. The beauty industry focuses almost exclusively on external issues. But skin reflects the health of your entire body from the inside out. It tells the story of chronic stress, the toxins in your food, chemicals in your environment, and lifestyle choices. There is no magic bullet to repair the skin from all that. But there are natural alternatives for slowing [More]
In the first study of its kind, this common herb was found to have remarkable healing results for common warts and corns. A clinical study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, titled “Healing effect of garlic extract on warts and corns,” reveals the amazing healing properties of garlic extract in healing common warts and corns. Warts are caused by the virus human papilloma virus (HPV), and corns by pressure of friction. They are some of the most common conditions found in dermatological practice today. In the new study, peeled garlic was processed to produce either a water or fat [More]
“Just another sign of the true state of the economy.”  Admin The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP), a non-profit advocacy group, recently released a comprehensive study called “Welcome Home: The Rise of Tent Cities in America.” The report found that there were more than 100 tent cities in 46 different states. These tent cities are popping up all over the country, as the increasing number of homeless are seeking shelter. The NLCHP blames the rampant rise in homelessness on the financial and mortgage crisis of 2007 and 2008. The number of homeless families in the U.S. increased [More]
Nobody ever said parenting would be easy. All the daily struggles seem to keep getting in the way. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) What Does It Mean that Man Is Created in the Image of God? …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
By Creation Moments Have you ever been in a cave? If you have, perhaps someone has told you that the rock formations hanging from the ceiling – called stalactites – are thousands or even tens of thousands of years old. Scientists tell us that stalactites take 100 years, on the average, to grow one inch. But just how accurate is this figure? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments