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By Ken Ham May 6, 2023, something very big is happening that is a rare event for anyone to see. Preparations are well underway, and hundreds—if not thousands—of people will be directly involved in pulling this event off. It’s a spectacle that will draw millions of visitors and will be broadcast to many more millions on TV. And it’s an event that will use Scripture and reference God. What is this upcoming event? The coronation of the British monarch, King Charles III. Our friends at Living Waters don’t want to allow this exciting opportunity—when millions of visitors from around the [More]
By Bodie Hodge Can all sins be forgiven (Acts 13:39; Titus 2:14; 1 John 1:9) or not (Matthew 12:31; Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10)? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
In 1995, California was the first state to enact a statewide smoking ban for restaurants, with many other states following suit shortly thereafter as the dangers of secondhand smoke became apparent. But diners today who enjoy non-smoking restaurant areas may unknowingly be harming themselves even more by partaking in certain foods—especially those foods that are cooked in vegetable oils.   Vegetable oils are those oils extracted from grains, seeds, and legumes. They include canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil. How did these innocent-sounding “vegetable” oils [More]
“If you think the unvaxxed are out of the woods better think again. These lunatics are still wanting everyone to be Jabbed and those who are not to be labeled ‘domestic threats’.” Admin   British politicians are demanding the Home Office re-focus a counter-terrorism program to include unvaccinated people who question the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines.   SNP politician Kirsten Oswald said the Prevent program was too preoccupied with the Islamist threat and risked stigmatizing and marginalizing Muslim communities. Instead of focusing on jihadi terrorists, the scheme should add unvaccinated people to the terrorist watchlist and focus on them, she said. [More]
Christians know why pain exists—a consequence of the curse on sin. It is materialistic naturalists who have the problem explaining the existence of pain. …read more Source: creation.com     
Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace of South Carolina spoke at this week’s House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter censorship during which she revealed that covid “vaccines” damaged her heart in a way “that no doctor can explain.”   Mace says she now has “great regrets” over her decision to get jabbed, explaining that the “heart pain” from which she now suffers will likely stay with her for the rest of her life. (Related: Check out investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s running list of covid jab injuries and deaths.)   In explaining the health damage she incurred as a result of getting injected, Mace blasted Twitter executives, [More]
Stew Peters Show: “None of the kids survived and that’s how I knew it was right to not obey.” According to Vera Sharav the covid pandemic is a mass genocide just like the Holocaust! Global tyrants no longer need gas chambers because they have bioweapons and digital concentration camps. Fear and constant propaganda are used to keep people in line. Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo should be tried for the premeditated murder of nursing home patients. The medical industrial complex is just as involved today and doctors were in Nazi Germany.
By Steve Laufmann On today’s ID the Future, radio host Michael Medved spotlights Your Designed Body, the new book from Discovery Institute Press by systems engineer Steve Laufmann and physician Howard Glicksman. Laufmann joins Medved on the show to offer a quick flyover of the book and to explain why he sees the human body as not only designed but designed by a master engineer, light years ahead of our best human engineers. Laufmann says that the human body is an interdependent system of systems that poses grave challenges for the Darwinian mechanism of gradual evolution by natural selection, but [More]
Stew Peters Show: The CDC lied and told us the spike protein was harmless. Dr. David Martin joins Stew to discuss how the spike protein targets our cells and causes cancer. In fact, the spike protein was designed to invade our cells and create inflammation. The mRNA injections prevent the immune system from targeting and destroying rogue cancer cells. By 2018 every single piece of data saying mRNA shots would ultimately be lethal was known and published in peer reviewed medical journals!
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE The story of Dr. John Day in Texas is an illustration of just how upside-down the medical establishment is today All throughout the “COVID pandemic,” Dr. Day was serving his patients and doing his job with soul Not only was he doing his job with soul — being the only one at his clinic who was actually treating COVID patients — he was also helping patients on his free time and volunteering at the clinic by growing a community garden When the vaccine mandates were announced, Dr. Day declined the injection and also spoke up [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE More than 400 animal and human studies show fluoride is a neurotoxic substance, and many have found harm at, or precariously close to, the levels millions of American pregnant women and children receive A 1 mg-per-day increase in the fluoride a mother gets from drinking water may lower the IQ of her child by 3.7 points Infants fed baby formula made with fluoridated water have lower IQs than those fed formula made with unfluoridated water. An increase of 0.5 mg/L of fluoride corresponds with a 4.4 point lower IQ score at age 3 to [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE December 13, 2022, the World Health Organization named Dr. Jeremy Farrar as its new chief scientist for global health Farrar, while director for the Wellcome Trust, was complicit in the coverup of SARS-CoV-2’s origin The Wellcome Trust, which Farrar led from 2013 until February 2023, is part of the technocratic globalist network and the modern eugenics movement Farrar has been on the forefront pushing the envelope on vaccine development, such that experimental gene therapy is now used as a preventive for viral infection. When COVID broke out, Farrar founded Wellcome Leap, which is basically [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Moderna just moved one step closer to bringing mRNA-1345, an RSV shot, to market The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted the experimental shot fast-track designation in August 2021 Now, Moderna’s mRNA RSV shot has been given Breakthrough Therapy Designation, which allows for faster development and an expedited review period RSV is usually not serious; most people experience only mild, cold-like symptoms and recover on their own in a week or two Moderna plans to file for FDA approval of mRNA-1345 in the first half of 2023 Along with Moderna’s mRNA RSV shot, Pfizer [More]
Stew Peters Show: The more vaccines and boosters you have the more likely you are to catch Covid-19! Karen Kingston is back with breaking news. Collier County Florida sheriffs and commissions are recognizing the shots are bioweapons and they are witnesses to crimes. The shots weaken immune systems and increase the risk for severe disease. Hospitals are being overwhelmed with vaccinated people who have Covid-19.
The growing body of scientific evidence shows a direct correlation between the Covid spike protein and heart inflammation. As an indirect signal that the issue of heart damage is widespread, the FAA quietly broadened the acceptable ECG rates for pilots last year.   In this interview with The New American, cardiologist Dr. Thomas Levy discusses the complications of myocarditis and first-degree heart block and explains why even a minuscule deviation in heart rates is a cause for grave concern.   While both Covid infection and Covid vaccinations are associated with the risk of heart inflammation, the doctor maintained that the amount [More]
‘JUST an ear infection, here’s some antibiotics,’ was my hospital diagnosis after a five-minute assessment; strange, as I couldn’t understand how an ear infection could make my eye swell and deliver an excruciating head pain akin to being hit with a hammer four days earlier.   I had an Oxford University/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine on March 28, 2021. I was 54. The government said it would enable people to get back to some kind of normality, both family and work (I was in the clothing industry). It was implied that it was our duty to protect those around us by being vaccinated. Thirdly, I [More]
By Patricia Engler Only a biblical worldview gives a solid foundation for defending the unborn. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Michael By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International In April of 2021, Natural Blaze published “5G Earth Day Countdown: Children — Amelia’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Cell Tower Days” by 13-year-old Amelia Gilardi of “Shacktown” in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. She wrote, “My name is Amelia and… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Shyla Cadogan Toxic chemicals bleeding out of plastic don’t just make the user sick, they can affect the metabolic health of an entire family. Researchers from the University of California-Riverside say fathers exposed to chemicals in plastics which affect metabolic health can pass that… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
The liberal media continues to make sure vaccine victims have no voice. Let us never forget the victims and help them speak out. You can help just by watching this video, and if you wish, sharing it.   Watch: The Media Hid These Vaccine Victims – The New American
By Ken Ham It’s like a seminary class on Genesis and origins—but, at the same time, it’s nothing like that. Okay, what do I mean? Well, If you want to explore Genesis with God’s Word as the authority, I encourage you to subscribe to Answers TV to enjoy Defending a Young Earth. Dr. Mortenson is a wealth of knowledge on all things origins, the history of geology, and why we can trust God’s Word from the very first verse, as well as how the ideas of millions of years and evolution took over the sciences, compromise positions, and why they [More]
This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Naomi Wolf, a bestselling author, columnist, and professor.   Dr. Wolf discusses Covid Vax & Personality Effect, reflecting on how “The light has gone out of their eyes.”    Don’t miss it!   Watch: Glazov Gang: Naomi Wolf on ‘Covid Vax and Personality Effect’ | Frontpage Mag
“Maybe part of what they are designed and positioned for is to kill off vital fishing areas thereby reducing food supplies.” Admin   Stop the wind farms. The environmentalists are completely full of shit. And evil. Whales are dying from offshore wind turbines And its not just whales.   The fishing industry is concerned construction of wind turbines on coastal waters is jeopardizing jobs and the fish population.   Fox Business: “Siting these windmills in historic fishing grounds will torpedo the livelihoods of thousands of hardworking Americans and their coastal communities,” Bonnie Brady, executive director of the Long Island Commercial [More]
The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…   A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below).   Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend.   The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues [More]
By Ken Ham A recent article claims that by mimicking “cosmic evolution” in the lab, researchers have created some of the building blocks of life. But what’s really going on here? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
  “A link to part 1 is below the video of part 2.” Admin   Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole @drcole12 joins @DrKellyVictory on @AskDrDrew for Part 2 of his investigation into mRNA vaccines, lipid nanoparticles, and adverse reactions that he believes are causing sudden adult deaths and footlong blood clots.   EPISODE DETAILS Dr. Ryan Cole returns for Part 2 of his mRNA analysis, and the adverse reactions that he believes are causing sudden adult deaths and foot-long blood clots.   As the owner of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent diagnostics laboratories in Idaho, Dr. Cole alleges he [More]
02/09/22   “The COE has been on a downward spiral for years. If what they are considering is adopted it will bring them one step closer to their demise as a Christian church.” Admin   The Church of England is considering dropping the phrase “our Father” from the start of the Lord’s Prayer, and instructing clergy to refrain from using male pronouns when talking about God, according to a report in The Telegraph.   The move comes after Reverend Joanna Stobart, a vicar in the diocese of Guildford, claimed that some clergy want to refer to God without saying He or Him [More]