A team of attorneys is jumping to the defense of a scientist who made the stunning discovery of soft tissue still attached to a triceratops skeleton, undermining the belief that dinosaurs roamed earth 60 million years ago, and was then fired. Officials at the Pacific Justice Institute said their case on behalf of Mark Armitage includes an allegation that an official of the university where Mark Armitage worked shouted at him, “We are not going to tolerate your religion in this department!” The legal action against California State University Northridge was filed recently in Los Angeles County Superior Court against
“These timid pastors are doing zilch to motivate their congregations to have some kind of impact on our rapidly decaying society. I guess it’s just easier to preach ear tickling sermons that won’t offend anyone … sad.” Admin Many theologically conservative pastors agree the Bible speaks to key issues of the day, but research indicates only a handful of them say they will speak to it. On Thursday, George Barna – research expert and founder of The Barna Group – shared with American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” about new information he’s compiling at American Culture and Faith Institute over the
By Creation Moments What languages did Jesus speak during His ministry on Earth? Of course He spoke Aramaic, since that was the common language of the people He taught. When He read from Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth, He would have read it in Hebrew. But did Jesus also speak Greek? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
NASA promoters discussed the hope of discovering life on other planets at a recent meeting in NASA headquarters. Despite billions of dollars spent over the decades-long search and the fact that not one shred of distant life evidence has been found, NASA continues to suggest that life might really be out there and that its discovery is within reach. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
By Creation Moments Brine shrimp and water bears are tiny animals that are able to basically freeze dry into a state of suspended animation and then return to active life. Scientists have learned that they do this by replacing the water in their cells with a sugar called trehalose. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“The Bible does tell us there will pestilences in the last days and this has turned into the biggest outbreak of Ebola ever. Lets hope it gets contained.” Admin The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Emory University Hospital is expected to receive a patient infected with the deadly Ebola virus within the next several days, the university announced Thursday. It’s unclear when exactly the patient will arrive, according to a statement from Emory. The Clifton Road hospital has a specially built isolation unit to treat patients exposed to certain serious infectious diseases. Set up in collaboration with the Atlanta-based U.S. Centers for Disease
“Dawkins remarks illustrate the sick fruits of atheistic thinking.” Admin Atheists like to talk a good game about morality in a God-free world. But consistent atheists recognize that morality in an evolving materialistic universe is relative and arbitrary. Richard Dawkins, famed apologist for atheism and Darwinism, just proved this point most spectacularly when he defended what he called “mild” pedophelia: Read More Atheist Richard Dawkins Defends “Mild” Pedophelia | The Last Resistance.
“Not surprising this is going on since Mr. O is such a great admirer of Islam.” Admin Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims, and learn more about their religion. That’s the directive that has gone out to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a Department of Defense medical and graduate school in Bethesda, Md. The brigade commander sent an email to military personnel at the facility last month – just before the start of Ramadan – advising them to show respect to Muslim colleagues. “This is a period of great
The question about the origin of matter and the energies we observe in action is already answered in the first verse of the Bible. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“This is nothing more than blatant, in-your-face criminality by Mr. O and the demorats.” Admin Luke and Jo Anne Livingston, former director and producer of our PolitiChicks studio show, have been working with Tea Party Patriots on a documentary about the influx of illegals across the U.S. Jo Anne just posted a statement about their findings on her Facebook page and she has given me permission to share it here. From Jo Anne: “Just arriving home from two solid days of interviewing experts on this immigration crisis. Numbers USA executive director, Center for Immigration Studies, director, Rep Steve King, Rep
Agents of the ‘Black Death’, these much-despised rodents very clearly did not have a non-rodent ancestor. …read more Read more here: creation.com
“Excellent article on the conquest of Canaan by Joshua and errors made in it’s dating.” Admin When Palestine was first opened to archaeologists, they were excited to seek evidence of Israel’s Conquest. When the findings didn’t match their expectations, they decided to throw out the Bible rather than question their assumptions. Archaeological research in the Holy Land began in earnest in the 1800s, driven by a keen interest in the history of Bible lands. Joshua’s Conquest of Canaan soon became an important focus. Unfortunately, two developments eventually led most scholars to deny that the Conquest ever happened. At first the
By Ken Ham BioLogos is at it again! Earlier this week, I wrote about how they’re indoctrinating children, teens, and young adults with theistic evolution. But now they’re running (for the second time) a blog series on the supposed evidence for human evolution! Now, evolutionists have claimed for decades that humans evolved from an ape-like ancestor over long ages. But the so-called evidence they’ve produced for their idea doesn’t support it at all. In fact, many of the alleged fossils of “missing links” have turned out to be hoaxes, and many others are easily identified as either fully human or
“With people eagerly accepting biometrics id, how much convincing will it take for them to accept a microchip in the hand or forehead when that time comes, probably not much.” Admin Eight in ten (79%) Brits are ready to ditch their passwords in favour of biometric security measures like fingerprint scanners, new research shows. iPhone 5s sales of more than 10 million have helped contribute to a major shift in consumer attitude toward biometrics, as consumers become used to its intuitive Touch ID fingerprint scanner, which is predicted to be incorporated into iPads shortly. Fingerprint technology was voted as the most popular
A life poured out for China and for God …read more Read more here: creation.com
“Although this article was written a few years ago it gives an excellent primer on who the “elite” are and how they are pushing their agenda for global control. We may very well be on the precipice of a new and extremely dangerous war because of the elites mad desire for power and wealth at any cost.” Admin The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time
“By infiltrating the media, government and education this tiny minority has been able to push their unbiblical lifestyle and values on society far beyond what their numbers would indicate as possible” Admin A large-scale government study in America has found that just 1.6 per cent of adults self-identify as homosexual.The 2013 National Health Interview Survey, published this week, collected data from more than 33,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 64.The research found that 96.6 per cent said they were heterosexual, 1.6 per cent identified as gay and 0.7 per cent considered themselves bisexual. Read More Large US study:
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, hear a discussion about a video recently released by Discovery Institute–The Workhouse of the Cell: Kinesin–that reveals the awe-inspiring inner workings of the cell. Kinesins are motorized transport machines that move cellular materials to their correct locations in the cell so they can perform their functions. Kinesins have two feet, or “globular heads,” that literally walk, one foot over another. Known as the “workhorses of the cell,” kinesins can carry cargo many times their own size. Watch the video at YouTube.
Many Americans are convinced that mainstream narratives are true—like humans descended from ape-like ancestors or that burning fossil fuels causes global warming. But many times large contingents totally disagree with these popular ideas. How can equally intelligent and educated people arrive at such opposing conclusions? Conventional thinkers often assume that those who diverge from mainstream narratives simply need more science education. However, a new study shows why some other factor must be to blame. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
By Ken Ham I’m thrilled to announce that the revised and updated edition of Dr. Carl Werner’s Evolution: The Grand Experiment is now available in the Answers in Genesis web store! This exciting book, which is the first volume in a homeschool life science curriculum, will challenge your children to think critically about the creation/evolution issue. What’s more, Dr. Werner has added brand new interviews with two scientists who admit that “they attached whale body parts (flukes, blowholes, and fins) to land animals and supplied these altered fossils and diagrams to museums” as supposed proof of whale evolution. Evolution: The
Did five million years of duking it out over females build the modern human male visage? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“In a previous post on “bankers wars” it was shown how big banking interests were in the habit of fomenting wars to achieve their goals or to eliminate perceived problems, well it looks like we are heading down that road again. In another post on the new BRICS nations bank I mentioned that the establishing of this bank would be viewed as a threat by western banking interests. The article below clearly illustrates that the evidence so far does not point to Russian involvement in the shoot down of MH17 but the US gov and lapdog media have gone to
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, Stephen Meyer debates Michael Shermer, founding publisher of Skeptic magazine, on the question: Should scientists be skeptical about Darwinian evolution? The debate extends into the topics of whether we should allow criticism of evolution in the classroom; the extinction of Neanderthals, and their differences from humans; and the controversy over global warming. …read more Read more here: id the future
A review of A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Ken Ham Every teacher, including Pastor Martin Thielen, needs to be reminded of this verse of Scripture. This verse came to mind when I read Pastor Thielen’s latest article on the creation/evolution issue. Now, I’ve written about Thielen before, who is known for his book What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian? He’s a United Methodist pastor and is, by his own admission, a theistic evolutionist. I often ponder the influence a Christian teacher has on his people—and I have to search my heart also before the Lord as I meditate on these verses: My
Elitism of the worst kind, from a media presenter on religious affairs-a former church minister and lecturer in theology. …read more Read more here: creation.com
The July 2014 issue of Answers is on its way! Get ready to explore some of the world’s greatest natural wonders. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily