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The use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup, has dramatically risen over the past 15 years, right in step with the use of GE crops. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, glyphosate appears to be strongly correlated with the rise in celiac disease. Dr. Anthony Samsel and Dr. Seneff produced some phenomenal research1 on this connection, which was published in December last year. Previously, she has investigated the relationship between glyphosate and the development of a wide array of modern diseases, including autism. She believes that [More]
Russell and Marion Pyle share their story of faith and how the Lord provided strategies that helped Russell beat cancer. cbn.com
By Creation Moments Perhaps you remember the line from the film Amadeus in which someone observes of Mozart’s music, “Too many notes.” That statement reflects some people’s opinion of Mozart’s highly complex music. But researchers are finding that this mathematical complexity may be the reason for what some call “the Mozart effect.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Hybrid of arthropod exoskeleton and silk is about as strong and tough as an aluminium alloy, but is only half as dense. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
Bill Nye maintains that any critical evaluation of evolution is tantamount to “fighting against science.” …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“Here’s a classic Orwellian quote from the school district superintendent: “we value inclusivity and diversity on our campus..” unless it’s something they disagree with then it must be banned. Typical liberal doublespeak.” Admin The principal of a high school in California has banned the booster club for the school from selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches for its football fundraiser due to the company’s stance on the institution of marriage. Val Wyatt, principal of Ventura High School, recently told the Ventura County Star that she wanted to refrain from using outside vendors, but also cited her concerns about Chick-fil-A’s opposition to same-sex “marriage.” [More]
In one sense, Genesis 1:1 is the most important verse in the Bible: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” If we can believe this verse, no other verse in the Bible should be a problem. For example, if God can create the whole universe, then raising people from the dead and causing a virgin to conceive would be easy beyond words. Also, in this one verse, all other false religions are rejected:1 Conversely, if we can’t trust this verse, then nothing else in the Bible makes sense. Since this verse is so foundational, it is not [More]
“We’ll see more of this as we move deeper into these last days.”  Admin International Christian Concern has warned that Sangh Parivar, an umbrella Hindu nationalist group, is inflicting suffering and looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India, much like terror group ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria. The watchdog group said in a press release that the nationalist group and its associate organizations have been directing hate speech toward Christians and leading attacks on pastors and churches in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Believers are reportedly worried that radical Hindu nationalism and persecution of minorities [More]
Former Israeli President Shimon Peres met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Thursday to discuss a number of proposals on forming a united front against terrorism, including the idea to create a “United Religions” organization to combat religious extremism. In his meeting, Peres told the pontiff that the Arab world recognizes the growing threat of terrorism that is being carried out by groups like the Islamic State. He said the Arab world “can join forces with Israel, the United States, and the European Union in the united front against terror in which religious leaders play a pivotal role, led [More]
Collision theory fails. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Crazy-looking fossil’s evolutionary descendants are crawling around in the tropics, evolutionists say. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
The origin of snake venom has long been a mystery to both creationists and evolutionists. However, by stepping outside the standard research paradigm, scientists recently showed that snake venom proteins may have arisen from existing salivary proteins, supporting the idea that they arose post-Fall through modification of existing features. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Ken Ham The Cincinnati Zoo has a brand new addition to the gorilla exhibit. One of the gorillas, called Asha, gave birth to a healthy baby gorilla. Now, this is very exciting, and I’ve enjoyed many family outings to this excellent, well-known zoo (located about 30 minutes from our Creation Museum)—despite its evolutionary content. But the Cincinnati Enquirer‘s write-up about the baby gorilla includes some claims that are clearly driven by an evolutionary view of the world. The reporter writes that the “dad Jomo walked out into the public space and gave the crowd a serious look” and that [More]
Astrophysicists have found there is too much light in the space between galaxies and propose it is caused by decaying Dark Matter. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Just about every public school textbook once included the example of the peppered moth. The moth is used as a prime example of natural selection. Supposedly, as the trees in the English countryside began to be covered with coal pollution in the mid 1800s, the light colored tree trunks became darker. The peppered moth exists in two varieties – black and white – and was said to rest on the tree trunks. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham My brother Stephen recently had the opportunity to challenge atheists at their booth at the Kentucky State Fair. Here is the report he sent me: My family and I went the Kentucky State Fair recently. Dave (my son) placed second in the open division for pencil drawing. We were all very excited. While we were there, we spent quite some time walking through all the different booths representing different companies and organizations. Among them was a booth representing the Association of Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and Free Thinkers. I was drawn to the booth because at the very [More]
It’s not a caterpillar. Nor an earthworm-its ‘legs’ have retractable feet and hooked claws. And it most certainly is not a ‘missing link’. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Archaeology provides us with fascinating and amazing affirmations of Scripture’s accuracy and trustworthiness. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
THE World Health Organisation has issued a terrifying warning: Ebola will claim 20,000 lives within the next six months. The virus, which is spiralling out of control in Western Africa, has already claimed 2300 lives, the international health body reports. More than half of that figure have died in the past 21 days alone. Originating in Guinea earlier this year, more than 4200 people have since been sickened in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal. “As soon as a new Ebola treatment facility is opened, it immediately fills to overflowing with patients, pointing to a large but previously invisible [More]
By Creation Moments Not all dangerous predators can be seen. One of the most dangerous predators in a drop of pond water is Amoeba proteus. This amoeba literally terrorizes its one celled pond mates because they can smell him coming to engulf them. Among his favorite snacks are one celled creatures of the genus Euplotes. But Euplotes can defend themselves. When some members of this genus smell the amoeba coming, they dart away to safety. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Healthier, more productive pigs, more profit, and much less birth deformities; an important lesson for all farmers not to use GMO feed or glyphosate on their land Ib Borup Pederson Based on invited lecture at the 1st Forum of Development and Environmental Safety, under the theme “Food Safety and Sustainable Agriculture 2014”, 25 – 26 July 2014, Beijing Please circulate widely and repost, but you must give the URL of the original and preserve all the links back to articles on our website. If you find this report useful, please support ISIS by subscribing to our magazine Science in Society, [More]
“It gave me no pleasure to make this post but it must be said. If anyone is wondering why God would bring judgement upon America and Britain this article will give you some food for thought. Besides kicking God more and more out of our societies we have been busily causing the deaths of millions. To this you can add the hundreds of thousands that have been killed in Syria in the war we have been sponsoring there. The Bible says that whatever a man sows, and this applies to nations as well, that shall he also reap. The death [More]
This paper documents the radioisotope dating data for more meteorites, so as to continue the discussion of the significance of these data. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“This politically correct madness is destroying Britain. It’s no wonder people are fearful of reporting these types of crimes which means many other crimes like this will probably go unreported.”    Admin “You must never [again] refer to Asian men,” and your “awareness of ethnic issues” needs to be raised. This chastisement was given to a UK Home Office researcher who, apparently, was thought guilty of “racism.” Her offense? She blew the whistle on a pedophilia ring in the English town of Rotherham. One in which the girl victims were white — and the abusers Muslim Pakistanis. The New American, [More]
“With the US soon directly intervening in the Syrian war I thought this article from last year would be appropriate to clearly show who we are supporting. It’s not a bunch of freedom fighters wanting legitimate democracy but rather hardline Islamists bent on imposing Sharia law in Syria which will make conditions for Christians and other religious minorities there much worse.”  Admin As weapons and supplies funded by U.S. taxpayers pour into Syria in a bid to help Western-backed Islamist rebels take down the Assad regime, the Obama administration and its apologists continue to insist that the aid is meant [More]
If anything, I believe we have become stronger in our presentation of “the relevance of Genesis” and with our warning to the church. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily