The geological history of Brisbane and Ipswich Australia from a biblical perspective. One of the values of history is that it helps us understand where we have come from and so appreciate our place in the world. Our view of the past will inform the choices we make today, which also shape our future. Especially significant is our understanding of geological history, which provides the broadest and most basic picture of where we fit into the world. George Orwell said, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”1 How true. There
Among the many amazing evidences that confirm the Bible’s divine origin, surely the wealth of fulfilled prophecies is near the top. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments The Bible says that when the flood waters came upon the Earth, all living things that have the breath of life were killed. While many of them drowned, some were encased in mud while still alive, as some fossils show. What they all had in common is that they died from lack of oxygen. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
n an apparent example of Facebook censorship, multiple users of the social media site reported they were unable to share YouTube videos by Infowars and other alternative media outlets during the past day. When attempting to share videos by Infowars and by social commentators E.T. Williams and Mark Dice, Facebook users received error messages preventing them from sharing the videos even though they were able to share videos from other, non-political YouTube channels. “I clicked on ‘Share’ at the bottom of YouTube as usual to post [the latest Alex Jones Show] to my Facebook profile to share it with various people
Britain has increased the number of maritime patrols, and beefed up security at French ports to counter the risk of illegal immigrants making it across the Channel. The French town of Calais is home to thousands of African immigrants desperately waiting to come to the UK. There are fears that some of those waiting may have come from countries in West Africa that are now rife with Ebola. As previously reported on Breitbart London a makeshift isolation unit has been built at Calais Hospital to deal with any cases that arise. Authorities in Calais have become frustrated with the situation,
By Ken Ham Secularists are often masters at what I would describe as “implying untruths.” Every now and then I like to give you specific examples of this phenomenon, just to remind you not to trust what you read on the Internet from secularists—and to check claims out carefully! You may be shocked to learn that there are many Christians who read something on a secularist website about us and just accept it at face value—then write or call us to (falsely) accuse us without checking out the matter with us first to see if the claim was even accurate!
Meet some theologians and prominent church leaders from around the world who support biblical creation. …read more Read more here:
Get used to seeing feathers on all evolutionary depictions of dinosaurs, not just theropods! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Astronomers who believe in evolution tell us that the stars formed when gas in a nebula began to gather due to gravity. Eventually, that gravity became strong enough to collapse the gas into a star. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
It seems to be a common assumption that Ebola isn’t Aerosol and cant be transmitted via inhalation (a lot of news stories I read seem to make this assumption when talking about a story surrounding an infected person). While this is true for SOME strains of Ebola (4 out of 5), there is a strain that is Aerosol and transmittable via inhalation; the Zaire strain, which this current virus is a genetic variant of. Because of this I find that a lot of the precautions being taken, especially at airports, and in planes involving visibly sick people, really aren’t going
By (Steve Ham) How Is the Gospel Going Forward in Arabic-Speaking Countries? …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
By Creation Moments Charles Darwin’s ignorance of geology, a science he never studied, probably resulted in the biological errors he made in formulating his theory of biological evolution. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
A review of Slaughter of the Dissidents by Jerry Bergman. …read more Read more here:
Many dinosaur fossils include real bone—they are not completely mineralized, i.e. are not yet ‘rock’. And what is found inside those dinosaur bones is a huge surprise to many people. A series of discoveries since the early 1990s has revealed dino bones with blood cells, hemoglobin, fragile proteins, and soft tissue such as flexible ligaments and blood vessels. And of special note: DNA and radiocarbon. This is enormously confronting for evolutionists, because how could such bones possibly be 65 million years old? As one of the researchers involved in the discovery of dinosaur blood cells, Dr Mary Schweitzer, said: Why
Extremist supporters of Islamic State have been handing out leaflets promoting the establishment of a “Kahlifah” and calling on Muslims to “obey the Kahleef”, on the streets central London this week, becoming threatening and abusive when challenged, according to witnesses. One of the leaflets given out by the supporters calls for Muslims to “spread the Khalifah [caliphate] across the world,” forming a new Islamic State governed by an Imam executing Islamic Sharia law. Asmaa Al-Kufaishi, a British-Iraqi doctor, tweeted images she said were of the group canvassing around the busy shopping area of Oxford Street on Saturday, with materials using
“Please pray for pastor Abedini.” Admin Imprisoned supporters in Iran of the Muslim terror army Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are threatening the life of American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been detained since September 2012 because of his Christian faith. Abedini has told his family members he fears for his life after he was told the ISIS prisoners plan to murder him because of his Christian faith, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. ISIS, which has grown to an estimated 10,000 fighters, has been sweeping across Iraq, imposing Islamic religious law, killing Christians and other
British jihadists fighting with terror squads in Iraq are using social networking sites to lure young Muslim teenagers from the UK into joining the Islamic State fanatics. The extremists, who boast of ‘slaughtering’ innocent Yazidis and ‘taking their women as slaves’, are advising 15-year-olds that they are ‘not too young’ to die fighting for Allah. Asked by a British 18-year-old girl if she is too young to join, one of them replied: ‘I know sisters younger than you. I heard of maybe 16-year-olds being here from UK. You aren’t too young.’ They are informing their British ‘brothers and sisters’ every
“As the photos in the article show the police look more like an invading army not local law enforcement. This ongoing militarization of police should be a concern to all of us. It does not bode well for our future as a free society.” Admin While serving as a U.S. Marine on patrol in Afghanistan, we wore desert camouflage to blend in with our surroundings, carried rifles to shoot back when under enemy attack, and drove around in armored vehicles to ward off roadside bombs. We looked intimidating, but all of our vehicles and equipment had a clear purpose for
( –The systematic slaughter of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq by the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is “far worse” than the atrocities committed against believers by communist regimes in North Korea and China, says Catholic League president Bill Donohue. “I would say they’re actually worse than the North Koreans at this point,” he told “We’ve seen what’s going on in Communist China. It’s going on right now – they’re destroying churches. We’ve seen it in North Korea, the mass killing of Christians.” “But what’s different about this is that no one really believes that
By (Steve Ham) How Do Birds Fly? …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
Numerous fossil remains ‘dated’ as being many millions of years old are hardly mineralized (i.e. where minerals take the place of the creature’s original tissue), if at all. For example, Tyrannosaurus rex bones containing red blood cells and soft ‘squishy’ tissue boggle the minds of those who claim that dinosaur remains are 65 million years old, at least.1 Such soft tissue finds utterly contradict the widely believed old age of the earth.2 And now, a new find exceeds all previous claims for persistence of the remains of dead creatures to the present day—that is, according to the mind-stretchingly bizarre pre-Cambrian
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
By Creation Moments People and animals recognize their siblings and generally treat them differently than unrelated acquaintances. Scientists wanted to know: do plants do the same thing? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“This and the establishment of a BRICS bank I’m sure play a significant role in the Wests hostility towards Russia and China. Lets hope it doesn’t lead to a major war.” Admin The Russian and Chinese central banks have agreed on a draft currency swap agreement, which will allow them to increase trade in domestic currencies and cut the dependence on the US dollar in bilateral payments. “The draft document between the Central Bank of Russia and the People’s Bank of China on national currency swaps has been agreed by the parties,” and is at the stage of formal approval
“Sadly, since the government and big pharma are practically joined at the hip the chance that any serious consideration will be given to natural remedies is virtually nill.” Admin Coffee, fermented soy, homeopathic spider venom and vitamin C, may all hold promise as anti-Ebola virus therapies, despite the common belief that nothing can stop this lethal virus from spreading uncontrollably worldwide. Fear of infection with the Ebola virus is becoming as contagious as the virus itself, with mainstream media outlets like CNN reporting, ‘Ebola outbreak could have ‘catastrophic’ consequences.’ Given the prevailing mortality statistics, perhaps the fear is, at least
A pterosaur fossilized-in its egg! What would you think? …read more Read more here: