Many professors at private religious universities cling to secular views of the past despite the clear anti-Christian consequences. Theological inferences from a recent study on dinosaur extinction illustrate this dilemma. More… …read more Read more here:
Not poor design! …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments We have all heard reports of astronomers claiming that they have discovered a planet orbiting some nearby star. Each announcement results in speculation about whether there is intelligent life on the newly discovered planet. Lost is the fact that some planets are larger than Jupiter and made of gas. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Drink RO purified water, you can buy it cheaply from vending machines at most supermarkets.” Admin New evidence has linked fluoride and other chemicals to brain disorders. What other unknown effects might this industrial by-product added to our water supply have? An examination of water fluoridation’s shadowy history reveals potentially disturbing ramifications for human consciousness. Recent research has brought the controversial practice of water fluoridation back into the spotlight, revealing links between water fluoridation and brain disorders, particularly in regard to its effect on children. Troublingly, the report found that side-effects do not only come from direct ingestion by children,
No matter what season you find yourself in or headed towards, a jumpstart in growing time is always useful to keep your organic vegetable garden producing (that’s one reason transplants are so commonly utilized). Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes demonstrate how easy it can be to regrow food scraps from their leftover organic produce.” Read More Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: Jumpstart Your Garden: Regrow Vegetable Food Scraps.
Tomatoes are often referred to as a vegetable, although in fact they are classified as a fruit. It’s understandable that this confuses many people, since tomatoes are normally stored in the supermarket in the vegetable section! Tomatoes are high in multiple different vitamins and this makes them an all-round great food to include in your daily diet. You can expect to treat your body to good doses of Vitamin A, B6, C and K. Magnesium, copper, niacin, thiamine, phosphorus, potassium and folate are all well represented in the unassuming tomato. The best tomatoes are bright red in color, have a
For whatever reason, sleep tends to get a bad rap. For one reason or another, people don’t think they need it, consider it a waste of time, or feel that it really isn’t a top priority when they’re still younger. After all, you’ll have all kinds of time to sleep when you’re old. However, the truth is that sleep is very important and putting it off for a few hours one night to make up your lost shuteye another time doesn’t actually work. Getting sufficient sleep is essential to human health, function, development, and performance. It is part of the
Many people are finally becoming acquainted with how plants such as cannabis are effective medicinally. Others are very familiar with the healing abilities of garlic, spinach, ginger and of course echinacea. However, there are so many others whose medicinal potential are rarely if ever mentioned and yet rival and even exceed those mentioned above in many areas. Medicinal plants contain a wide array of chemical compounds. They have a distinct order to their perfection. Natural selection pressures push these plants to “try out” variations on molecules to enhance the plant’s odds of surviving stressful environments. So, often, one molecule is
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future Dr. David Snoke continues his conversation with Casey Luskin on his recent paper on systems biology and how it relates to intelligent design. Snoke discusses the assumptions made by systems biology, and the different predictions made by Darwinism and intelligent design–especially in the context of junk DNA and useless vestigial parts.
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. David Snoke talks with Casey Luskin about his newly published paper, “Systems Biology as a Research Program for Intelligent Design.” Dr. Snoke explains what systems biology is and how it arose, and looks and how the approach, putting intelligent design concepts into practice, has seen successful results.
Creationists continue to explore the possibilities of how God caused the cosmos to appear as it does. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments New findings about how the human nose works may help explain why a world that was perfect when it was made has come to have so many stinky things in it. Humans and mammals hold the record among all creatures with about 1,000 genes for odor receptors. But with only 1,000 different kinds of odor receptors, how is it we can smell over 10,000 different kinds of scents? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
“With debt levels climbing and the economy sinking I don’t see any turn around on the horizon.” Admin The 30 statistics that you are about to read prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed. Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a staggering pace. Yes, the stock market has soared to unprecedented heights this year and there are a few isolated areas of the country that are doing rather well
“Excellent article in which Dr. Sarfati addresses two key questions.” Admin In the first section, BW asks good questions about the reasons people leave their faith, whether Christian or atheist, and what the best approach is. In the second section, DC asks about how we can know that Scripture means what it says. Dr Jonathan Sarfati responds to both. Readers should also check out the Related articles section for much more. Having read many wonderful articles on your website, I get the sense that when a believing scientist switches camps from creationist to evolutionist, it is usually not evidence in
Is the account of Eve’s temptation by the serpent meant to be taken literally, or is it purely symbolic? …read more Read more here:
“The NWO has been in the planning stages a long time, perhaps the implementation stage has now been started in earnest.” Admin 1. “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992. 2. “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of “liberalism” they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation,
“Why how dare the author take issue with an exalted member of the Rockefeller clan sticking it to the public. He can’t possibly think this icon of wealth and power should travel like us common folk, that would be insulting and undignified :)” Admin Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families and represents a state only 60 miles from the District of Columbia, yet he travels home almost exclusively via private charter plane at $4,400 per trip and sends the bill to taxpayers. There are as many as six commercial flights a day between D.C. and Charleston,
By Creation Moments Climate researchers are developing more complex computer models in an effort to discover the effects of climate changes. One unexpected conclusion is that greenhouse warming of the Earth may not be happening; even if it is, it may not be a bad thing. Researchers have also had to admit that the natural climate changes of the Earth are much wider than originally thought. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Another great commentary by Pastor Chuck Baldwin, one of the few pastors who has the courage to talk about where our country is headed.” Admin Even America’s smallest towns can be instantly turned into occupied territories as local police agencies quickly transform themselves from peacekeepers into occupying military forces. The small town of Ferguson, Missouri, is living proof of that. The London Guardian covers the story: “Michael Brown was shot dead by an officer from a police force of 53, serving a population of just 21,000. But the police response to a series of protests over his death has been
The evolutionists’ cry that ostracod gametes are 17 million years old defies common sense. … However, that isn’t the only challenge for the evolutionary paradigm. The supposedly millions-of-years-old ostracod fossils that Archer and his team examined from the famous Riversleigh fossil deposits in Queensland, Australia, were beautifully preserved, to the point of “three-dimensional subcellular preservation”.2 That’s what enabled the researchers to study the gametes and internal reproductive organs in great detail. “Nobody has ever seen sperm fossilised like this before,” said Professor Archer. “We get used to fossil bones and teeth but we did not expect the soft tissues would also
By Creation Moments With the creation of Adam and Eve, God also created the marriage relationship and blessed it. God knows how we are made. He knows how we work. And He had all that in mind when He designed the marriage relationship. For this reason, one would expect that trying to fashion a family by simply living together would result in less happiness than when properly married. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Lenski’s long-term evolution experiment does not distinguish between observable limited change and unobservable molecules-to-man evolution. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
After a ten-year-long flight, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft entered into orbit around a comet. It will soon attempt to actually land a probe on the comet’s surface. Though data-gathering has only just begun, the comet is already divulging secrets. More… …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Well, it’s on again! When we announced several years ago that the Creation Museum’s construction was moving ahead, secularists attacked our efforts. Well, it’s happening again with the Ark Encounter as it moves ahead! The intolerant secularists have been writing fictional pieces that malign and attempt to undermine our Creation Museum and coming Ark Encounter. You would think these secularists would have learned their lesson. The more fiction they make up and spread through the Internet, the more it gives us an opportunity to publicize our ministry. To give you some examples of the latest pieces of
Purportedly prehistoric people chose their veggies wisely even before they took up farming, archaeologists say. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
The myth that the Ark will be constructed with funds taken from the Kentucky budget (and presumably away from needed state programs) is rampant. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily