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Indonesia’s Flores Island was probably populated not by a Lilliputian human species but just ordinary people including a person with Down syndrome. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
In the twilight zone, bright sharks know how to hide in the light. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments The abundance and variety of living things that God made continues to amaze scientists. All of us learned in school that bacteria are too small to see without a microscope. That’s why, when scientists studied a newly discovered type of bacteria that is visible to the naked eye, they couldn’t believe it was bacteria! More study convinced them that the sulfur pearl of Namibia is indeed the largest known bacteria. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Earlier this year, Darren Aronofsky’s film Noah, starring Russell Crowe, was met with strong criticism and disappointment from a variety of Christian groups, including Answers in Genesis. Two of our staff members wrote a detailed review of Noah, pointing out the many, many ways it was unfaithful to the biblical text. In fact, most of the film was unbiblical fantasy. As I stated in a previous blog post, the Noah movie is disgusting and evil—paganism! Well, in a recent piece from USA Today , Aronofsky’s set designers share why they designed the ark to …read more Read [More]
“I agree with conclusion that Mr. O is trying to destroy the Christian foundations of this country and in the process to get as many people dependent on the gov as possible ultimately turning us into an impoverished socialist “paradise” so we can be comfortably moved into the totalitarian NWO.” Admin A day prior to the meeting in the California capitol, Brown announced the collapse of the United States and the elimination of its national borders when he declared California to be wide-open to illegal immigration. “You’re all welcome in California today,” Brown said in Los Angeles on Monday. Nieto [More]
“This just illustrates the big push to get GMO crops everywhere whether the people like it or not. It’s a hugh windfall for big AG since the farmers have to buy the seed every year from them. And of course there are the serious health implications associated with these crops. All in all the people there will eventually regret taking this deal when they fully understand what’s been done to them.”  Admin Finally, a little-known aspect of the crisis in Ukraine is receiving some international attention.  On July 28, the California-based Oakland Institute released a report revealing that the World Bank [More]
“Just more reasons to go organic”  Admin According to the new book Rich Food, Poor Food, ingredients commonly found in up to 80 percent of all pre-packaged foods on grocers shelves in the U.S. have been banned in other countries. As alarming as such information is, our food safety outlook becomes even bleaker when we consider other banned and toxic food items. The toxic banned ingredients in our food In the book, authors Mira and Jason Calton provide a list of banned ingredients which they term “Banned Bad Boys” as well as the countries which have banned them. Among the [More]
“Just another reason why he needs to be impeached ASAP.” Admin Marc Morano statement on Obama bypassing Senate ratification of UN climate ‘deal’. Morano is publisher of Climate Depot, former staff of U.S. Senate Environment  & Public Works Committee and producing and writing the new global warming documentary ‘Climate Hustle.’ Morano: “This is the Chinafication of America. Many global warming activists and the UN have previously praised China’s ability to impose climate and energy regulations without the messiness of democracy. See: NYT’s Friedman lauds China’s eco-policies: ‘One party can just impose politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward’ UN Climate [More]
Govts across world can track movements of almost anyone with cellphone… Makers of surveillance systems are offering governments across the world the ability to track the movements of almost anybody who carries a cellphone, whether they are blocks away or on another continent. The technology works by exploiting an essential fact of all cellular networks: They must keep detailed, up-to-the-minute records on the locations of their customers to deliver calls and other services to them. Surveillance systems are secretly collecting these records to map people’s travels over days, weeks or longer, according to company marketing documents and experts in surveillance [More]
“None of the states attorneys brought up the Bible or God as an argument for traditional marriage. Had they done so I’m sure the judge would have dismissed it with a wave of his hand. God and the Bible are being left out of the picture in these types of situations so all that’s left is ones personal philosophy of what’s right and wrong, a dangerous path to follow.”  Admin During a federal hearing regarding amendments in Indiana and Wisconsin that enshrine marriage as being between solely a man and a woman, a judge appointed by then-President Ronald Reagan went off in a [More]
“Jesus said “Go ye into all the world and entertain people” at least that’s what some Churches seem to think the Great Commission is all about. I hope this has some spiritual impact on those attending but the likelihood of that is not great.”  Admin BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – A megachurch in Alabama recently held an open house to celebrate the opening of its $26 million dollar, six-dome entertainment center, which some are stating is far from biblical Christianity and the example of the early Church. Faith Chapel Christian Center in Wylam, near Birmingham, completed the project on it 137-acre campus last year, all [More]
By Ken Ham In 2011, hundreds of homeschool families reacted in shock as a particular homeschool convention kicked me off their program because I (with their permission) critiqued Peter Enns’s views on Genesis—but Peter Enns was kept in the conference. As a reminder, here is an article I wrote about that situation. Well, from time to time, Peter Enns has attacked AiG and me personally because of our stand on a literal Genesis. Peter Enns was suspended from Westminster Theological Seminary in 2008 over a book he wrote. He has worked with BioLogos, the leading proponent of compromising positions (such [More]
Every claim the Bible makes about science is not only true but crucial for filling in the blanks about the origin of the universe. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Last week huge earth-moving machines were delivered to the Ark Encounter site, and the excavation for the life-size Noah’s Ark project has begun, starting with stump removal on Monday: Now the big excavators have started moving a million cubic yards of soil. Here is a short video of the excavation that is under way for the the full-size Noah’s Ark construction: Find out more about Ark Encounter at arkencounter.com. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
“Something good to think about for a change.”  Admin The woman in this video found the lion injured in the forest ready to die. She took the lion with her and nursed it back to health. When the lion was better, she made arrangements with a zoo to take the lion and give it a new and happy home. This video was taken when the woman, after some time, went to visit the lion. Watch the lion’s reaction when he sees her. AMAZING!!! Animals have the biggest hearts in the world!!!
“Excellent article exploring in depth who is funding ISIS and why. You won’t get this from the MSM.”  Admin Declassified Docs Show ISIS Is More Than An Insurgency The Islamic State, the Caliphate, ISIS — no matter it’s title, it’s a well-established organization able to survive the West’s attempts at de-stabilizing it. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is the wealthiest militant group in the world, with a war chest of approximately $2 billion. … This look into the underpinnings of ISIS comes from the Harmony Program at the Combating Terrorism Center at the Military Academy at West Point. Since [More]
The Christian faith is being pushed out of public life, former attorney general Rt Hon Dominic Grieve has said, adding “Clearly it happens at a level of local power… In my view it’s very undesirable.” In an interview with The Telegraph, Mr Grieve highlighted as “quite extraordinary” some high profile cases in which employees had been sacked for wearing crosses or expressing their beliefs. He conveyed a strong belief that it was “more important than ever” that politicians speak up about their religious beliefs at a time in which Christians abroad were suffering persecution. Religion is generally excluded from political [More]
“The global warming hucksters are being exposed for what they really are: a bunch of dishonest con men. The article notes other instances of blatant data manipulation to perpetuate this hoax.”  admin The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has been caught red-handed manipulating temperature data to show “global warming” where none actually exists. At Amberley, Queensland, for example, the data at a weather station showing 1 degree Celsius cooling per century was “homogenized” (adjusted) by the Bureau so that it instead showed a 2.5 degrees warming per century. At Rutherglen, Victoria, a cooling trend of -0.35 degrees C per century was [More]
Respected guitarist and talented Christian songwriter Michael Gungor has recently made the news—not with his music, but with his outspoken rejection of a historical Genesis. Gungor cited science and reason for his position on Noah’s Ark. How reasonable are his reasons? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Listen Now. Part 2 On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Michael Behe continues his conversation with Research Coordinator Casey Luskin about the evolution of Chloroquine resistance, and how it shows that there can be limits to the extent to which complex traits can evolve. They discuss recent findings on what is required to cause Chloroquine resistance in malaria–findings that confirm a key inference in Behe’s The Edge of Evolution that Darwinists rejected, and even slandered.       
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews microbiologist and immunologist Donald Ewert about his previous work as associate editor for the journal Development and Comparitive Immunology, where he realized that the papers published were comparative studies that had nothing to do with evolution at all. Listen in to learn how, in Dr. Ewert’s words, “evolutionary theory doesn’t contribute to experimental biology.” Donald L. Ewert is a research immunologist/virologist who spent much of his career studying the molecular and cell biology of the immune system, as well as theories about its evolution. Dr. Ewert received his [More]
Is there a difference between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? And what about Buddhism? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
This conference for Christian leaders will strengthen the biblical foundations they need more than ever to defend the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments The tropical looking flower Virginia Meadow Beauty offers some rare tricks for those who would pollinate it. A honeybee can poke around the flower all day and never get any pollen from the gaudy pink flowers. In fact, researchers report that honeybees don’t seem to know what to do with the flowers. Rather, the Virginia Meadow Beauty is pollinated by bumblebees, not honeybees. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“This is great news, let’s hope eventually all states will get rid of this socialist monstrosity. Of course evolutionists, atheists etc. oppose this because they know if students are allowed to hear all the evidence they will be made to look foolish.”  Admin Evolutionists are angered by a proposed bill in Ohio that would cut the state’s Common Core education requirements, thus allowing for creation/evolution debates in the classroom. As previously reported, several U.S. states have rejected the nationalized Common Core curriculum due to the standards’ promotion of debatable issues, including evolution and man-made global warming. In many cases, Christian [More]
Public schools will be strained if tens of thousands of illegal alien children are allowed to enter, predicts a study released by a conservative black organization. The vast majority of illegal alien children don’t speak or read English, and that will cost taxpayers more per pupil than American-born children, says Stacy Washington of Project 21. She tells OneNewsNow: “That per-pupil expenditure assumes that your child is not on free or reduced lunch, that your child is on grade level, that they’re immunized and relatively healthy, and that they’re not going to need a whole lot of special circumstances.” Teacher_and_studentsA press [More]
Uner Tan syndrome does not harbor the evolutionary “how” of human bipedality. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily