By Creation Moments Did King David go to the mall? Malls or shopping areas are hugely popular today. Archaeologists are now asking whether shopping malls originated in the 11th century BC. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Invoking the risk of famine as a justification for GMOs is “a deceitful strategy, no different from…Russian roulette,” according to a statistician and professor at New York University. Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a scholar, statistician, Wall Street analyst and advisor, professor at New York University, and the bestselling author of Fooled by Randomness and The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. He predicted the 2008 financial crisis by pointing out that commonly used risk models were wrong. (He was correct, and he became quite wealthy from the strategic financial decisions he made at that time.) Now his analysis
Secular scientists claimed in the 1970s that chimp genomes are 98% similar to humans, and it was apparently verified by more modern techniques. But that estimate actually used isolated segments of DNA that we already share with chimps—not the whole genomes. The latest comparison that included all of the two species’ DNA revealed a huge difference from the percentage scientists have been claiming for years. More… …read more Read more here:
Links tweeted by WikiLeaks this week called attention to the development of crowd control doctrines by the US military, the most recent of which are codified in a US Army Techniques document dated April 2014, titled “Civil Disturbances.” Main concepts elaborated in the document include crowd dynamics, behavior theories, crowd types, and a “Graduated Response Matrix.” The document points to various dissident political groups as main targets of the Army’s crowd control planning. “Examples of well-organized groups are anarchists, antiglobalization groups, and anti free enterprise groups,” the US Army document states. The paper further cites demonstrations coordinated by labor groups,
“At the end of the article it lists some practical things you can do to prepare in advance for this.” Admin Though news on the Ebola virus has been muted since two American health care workers were admitted to U.S.-based facilities last month, the deadly contagion continues to spread. According to the World Health Organization more than 40% of all Ebola cases thus far have occurred in just the last three months, suggesting that the virus is continuing to build steam. Physicist Alessandro Vespignani of Northeastern University in Boston is one of several researchers trying to figure out how far
The creation of the Truthy database by Indiana University researchers has drawn sharp criticism from free-speech advocates and others concerned over government censorship of political expression. According to the award abstract accompanying the funding provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Truthy project aims to demonstrate “why some ideas cause viral explosions while others are quickly forgotten.” In order to answer this and other questions, the resulting database will actively “[collect] and [analyze] massive streams of public microblogging data.” Once the database is up and running, anyone can use its “service” to monitor “trends, bursts, and suspicious memes.” Several of the researchers suggested
Both the cosmic microwave background and the big bang model are fraught with problems. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
The Dallas Morning News recently reported that a group of Ph.D. scientists is swimming upstream against the scientific community. Instead of believing in millions of years of evolution, the team at the Institute for Creation Research dares to suggest that science confirms biblical creation’s view of a world only thousands of years old. And there’s more to the story. More… …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments You may never see a troop of monkeys traveling from city to city to perform Shakespeare, but some researchers now believe that monkeys do, indeed, develop culture. This unexpected discovery does not support evolution. Rather, it shows how the creation itself reflects the nature of our Creator. God’s very act of creation was an application of His knowledge to impress order on the creation. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
A new peer-reviewed scientific study challenges a common argument for the Darwinian theory of evolution by showing that so-called “redundant” units in the human genome actually have highly specialized functions. Casey Luskin, an attorney with graduate degrees in both science and law, explained in a report published at Evolution News and Views that evolutionists have generally assumed that synonymous codons – a sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code – are functionally equivalent. A nucleotide is the basic building block of nucleic acids. Luskin is research coordinator for the Center for Science and Culture at
By Ken Ham Well, it’s back-to-school time again. Across the nation, millions of college students are headed to the campus, perhaps for the first time. Many parents—trying to protect their children from non-biblical ideas, like evolution—have sacrificed thousands of dollars to send their young people to a Christian college. Sadly, what many parents don’t realize is that many Christian colleges are already compromised. These parents are sending their students into the schools assuming that they are going to be faith-nurturing and truth-affirming institutions. The sad reality is that many of the schools actively discredit faith, discredit the Bible, and break
ok. listen up political correct people! if you’re someone who reflexively calls others “racists” or “neofascists” without first checking into whether or not they actually are, you need to STOP it, because you’re creating a climate of fear in which people are afraid to do their jobs. and now i’m not talking about some academics sitting comfortably in their ivy towers, i’m talking about governmental agencies like THE POLICE and child welfare services. here’s where your pc moral posturing has gotten us today: Revealed: How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers s… • Report found 1,400 children
Evidence exposing who put ISIS in power, and how it was done. Would it interest you to know who helped these psychopaths rise to power? Would it interest you to know who armed them, funded them and trained them? Would it interest you to know why? The Islamic militant group ISIS, formerly known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and recently rebranded as the so called Islamic State, is the stuff of nightmares. They are ruthless, fanatical, killers, on a mission, and that mission is to wipe out anyone and everyone, from any religion or belief system and to impose Shari’ah law.
Some big bang cosmologists end up with the conclusion they want to find simply by turning the evolution knob. …read more Read more here:
Neanderthal labyrinth in non-Neanderthal fossil hints at maze of post-Babel migrations. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Jonathan Wells about a recent article that claims that the human genome is full of useless, non-functional DNA. Dr. Wells explains the concept of “junk DNA,” and why there is such a stark disagreement between those who say our genome is at least 80% functional, and those who say it’s only 8.2%–and how we can know who to listen to.
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
If you thought that the earthquake that struck northern California on Sunday was something, just wait until you see what is coming in the years ahead. As you will read about below, we live at a time when earthquake activity is dramatically increasing. This is especially true of the “Ring of Fire” which runs roughly along the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. Approximately 81 percent of all big earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire, and the entire west coast of the United States falls within the danger zone. Over the past few years, we have seen huge earthquake
By Creation Moments How important are fathers to their children? First of all, the role of father was given to us by God. But over the last several decades, some have tried to redefine or redesign the family in a way that makes fathers unimportant or unnecessary. Numerous studies have shown what happens when we do this. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Is there too much helium in moon rocks for a young solar system? …read more Read more here:
Noah’s Flood explains Hopewell Rocks, Canada. The Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada is famous for its enormous tides. At Hopewell Rocks, toward the end of the bay, the tide may rise as high as 14 metres (46 feet), but it does not stay high very long. The water is always moving, either up or down, and the level can change by a metre (3 feet) in 30 minutes.1 The tides are eroding the cliffs and leaving stacks that are narrow at their base and look like ‘flower pots’ standing on the shore. These have fascinating names like Baby Elephant,
A recently recorded video is circulating online of Victoria Osteen, wife of megachurch speaker and author Joel Osteen, calling on congregants at Lakewood Church to ‘do good for your own self’ because obedience, the church and worship are not for God as much as for self-happiness. “I just want to encourage every one of us to realize when we obey God, we’re not doing it for God—I mean, that’s one way to look at it—we’re doing it for ourselves, because God takes pleasure when we’re happy,” she declares in the undated 36-second clip with her husband standing by her side
By Ken Ham Every so often, I like to share encouraging letters and testimonies I’ve received from AiG supporters. Not long ago, I met a family at a homeschool conference that has been using AiG materials for 20 years! Their children had their picture taken with me, and later they sent me a card sharing some of their testimony: Dear Ken, Our family cannot thank you enough for your conviction to stand on the authority of God’s Word. Your teaching and your ministry materials have had an incredible impact on our children in equipping them to defend their faith. It
Hollywood’s obsession with making apes appear as human as possible starts with the eyes. …read more Read more here:
A recent article in The Dallas Morning News and a follow-up NBC interview presented some history and touched on the tenets of the Institute for Creation Research. Both news reports sparked inquiries from readers and viewers. For example, some are now asking, “What defines credible scientific research?” More… …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Well I have to admit it! The anti-creationist group Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) are experts at one thing: making the straw man fallacy. They are vehemently against biblical Christianity. AU frequently invents straw-man arguments to try to discredit, undermine, and attack organizations like Answers in Genesis. A straw man argument is defined this way: Straw Man is one of the commonest of fallacies. It is endemic in public debates on politics, ethics, and religion. A straw man argument occurs in the context of a debate?formal or informal?when one side attacks a position?the
By Creation Moments Since God is the Author of all language, we shouldn’t be surprised to find many and varied forms of communication among the creatures He made. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments