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“This politically correct madness is destroying Britain. It’s no wonder people are fearful of reporting these types of crimes which means many other crimes like this will probably go unreported.”    Admin “You must never [again] refer to Asian men,” and your “awareness of ethnic issues” needs to be raised. This chastisement was given to a UK Home Office researcher who, apparently, was thought guilty of “racism.” Her offense? She blew the whistle on a pedophilia ring in the English town of Rotherham. One in which the girl victims were white — and the abusers Muslim Pakistanis. The New American, [More]
“With the US soon directly intervening in the Syrian war I thought this article from last year would be appropriate to clearly show who we are supporting. It’s not a bunch of freedom fighters wanting legitimate democracy but rather hardline Islamists bent on imposing Sharia law in Syria which will make conditions for Christians and other religious minorities there much worse.”  Admin As weapons and supplies funded by U.S. taxpayers pour into Syria in a bid to help Western-backed Islamist rebels take down the Assad regime, the Obama administration and its apologists continue to insist that the aid is meant [More]
If anything, I believe we have become stronger in our presentation of “the relevance of Genesis” and with our warning to the church. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
“Noted Hollywood actor speaks out on the toxic world we live in.”  Admin It is a rare occasion to find such brutal honesty from a Hollywood celebrity figure, but Nick Mancuso not only tells it like it is but exposes the entire myth to why disease rates are mounting to pandemic proportions. Who do we hold responsible for societies catastrophes? Do we just attribute the disease process to modern times or do we examine the issues under a microscope and say enough is enough and demand a change. This is the age of toxicity where common household products can literally [More]
“Just another reason to buy organic.”  Admin Your meat maybe not as fresh as you think it is, The meat industry in America is using a dubious practice to extend the ‘fresh and healthy’ appearance of 70% of all packaged meat sold to the consumer. As a result, consumers are deceived and public health is jeopardized. Most consumers are unaware that this deception is taking place right under their noses. When shopping in a grocery store consumers generally believe that the usual pink or reddish color of meat is an indication that it is fresh. However, in a process banned [More]
There are hundreds of food industry facts that are sheltered from consumers and only made public by food scientists if absolutely necessary. The following are 14 of the more well known industry insider secrets that have been exposed now for some time, but still not common knowledge to millions of consumers. Many consumer watchdogs have found that food label claims such as ‘pure’, ‘fresh’, ‘non-artificial’, ‘natural’ and ‘real’ are largely unregulated and false when these claims are investigated. Moreover, the processing of most foods, ingredients used in manufacturing, their byproducts, waste management and other details are often kept hidden from [More]
Data linking GMOs and pesticides to human health ailments continues to emerge, as a new report put together by the Ministry of Health in Cordoba, Argentina has found that increased levels of crop spraying in Argentina’s most extensively farmed areas has resulted in a large increase of cancer rates for those that live in the vicinity. According to the report, deaths from cancerous tumors have as much as doubled in areas where genetically modified (GM) crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. That’s not really surprising, given the fact that numerous studies have linked them to cancer, and other detrimental [More]
What does an informed parent look like? We’ll show you. Below is a letter written by Bob O’Kane, a concerned parent, to his pediatrician about vaccines and the danger they pose to his child. This letter is one great example of how to approach your doctor, especially if you have looked into the matter further and are uncomfortable with their stance on the topic. The name of the doctor has been intentionally omitted. Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: This Is The Way One Father Told His Pediatrician “No” To Vaccines.
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
Student groups in the California State University system that identify as Christian are being labeled discriminatory for requiring leaders to be Christian and are beginning to be stripped of official recognition. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, which identifies as an “evangelical campus mission,” recently lost recognition at 23 schools across the state over the decision, which is based on the system’s anti-discrimination policies. “Loss of recognition means we lose three things: free access to rooms (this will cost our chapters $13k-30k/year to reserve a room). We also lose access to student activities programs, including the new student fairs where we meet most [More]
By Ken Ham UK atheist Richard Dawkins caused outrage from many quarters due to some tweets he made last week. The Independent in England reported it this way: But after engaging in conversation with a number of users, his ethical values appeared to come a little unstuck. “994 human beings with Down’s Syndrome deliberately killed before birth in England and Wales in 2012. Is that civilised?” @AidanMcCourt asked. “Yes, it is very civilised. These are fetuses, diagnosed before they have human feelings,” Dawkins responded. “I honestly don’t know what I would do if I were pregnant with a kid with [More]
What do porous dinosaur eggs laid on flat bedding planes mean? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
“I take these surveys with a grain of salt since a lot of people who identify themselves as Christian really aren’t but nonetheless it reflects poorly on the state of the Church in America.” Admin Shocking porn consumption statistics released earlier this month show that an almost identical proportion of Christian men report watching smut each month as their non-Christian counterparts. In a survey undertaken by Proven Men Ministries in collaboration with the Barna Group, it was found that 15 percent of self-identified Christian men view pornography several times each month compared to 14 percent of non-Christian men. Additionally, 3 [More]
“Great expose article on the psychiatric industry.” Admin September 8, 2014 www.nomorefakenews.com This is an article about the intentional construction of false reality. Not a minor construction—a huge, enduring, institutional, wing-flapping, money-munching, poison-dispensing, Matrix-welding, yet “humanity-saving” invention. In the wake of CDC whistleblower William Thompson’s confession that he buried a vaccine-autism connection, some people reacted with shock—as if this was the first case of rank fraud that had ever taken place within the hallowed halls of medical research. How about a whole branch of modern medicine that is a fraud from top to bottom? Let us turn the page to [More]
This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies. A detailed Contents listing of this article with each category of disease and related graphs appears after the Introduction. Introduction The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute. This is also [More]
Authentic speciation is a process whereby organisms diversify within the boundaries of their gene pools, and this can result in variants with specific ecological adaptability. While it was once thought that this process was strictly facilitated by DNA sequence variability, Darwin’s classic example of speciation in finches now includes a surprisingly strong epigenetic component as well. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, the CSC’s Rob Crowther speaks with Casey Luskin, co-author of the new book Science & Human Origins. There are frequent and spurious claims made in the media that the genetic and fossil evidence of human-ape common ancestry is incontrovertible. In Science and Human Origins, Doug Axe, Ann Gauger, and Casey Luskin seek to equip readers with the knowledge to discern interpretation from fact and rhetoric from evidence. Listen in as Luskin introduces the book and specifically discusses his own assessment of the fossil data.       
Two Russian strategic bombers conducted practice cruise missile attacks on the United States during a training mission last week that defense officials say appeared timed to the NATO summit in Wales. The Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers were tracked flying a route across the northern Atlantic near Iceland, Greenland, and Canada’s northeast. Analysis of the flight indicated the aircraft were conducting practice runs to a pre-determined “launch box”—an optimum point for firing nuclear-armed cruise missiles at U.S. targets, said defense officials familiar with intelligence reports. Disclosure of the nuclear bombing practice comes as a Russian general last week called for Moscow [More]
Bill Nye’s technique uses the same word science to refer to what is clearly historical science as well as for what is clearly observational science. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“Apparently the Posse Comitatus Act, prohibiting the usage of US federal troops from acting as law enforcement agents on US soil, is now officially dead.”  Admin A U.S. Army report warns that American troops need to be prepared to enter New York City and other global “megacities” in order to prevent civil unrest, political uprisings and protect key infrastructure and natural resources in the national interest. The report, entitled Megacities and the United States Army (PDF), was released by the Chief of Staff of the Army, Strategic Studies Group. Cautioning that the power of national governments to deal with the [More]
“Despite evidence to the contrary the “global warming” crowd has it’s agenda and will do anything to advance it. This climate summit will feature a massive propaganda campaign to frighten the public into backing it. An agenda to enrich the few at the expense of the many. What an age of deceit and treachery we live in.”  Admin As the United Nations prepares for its 2014 Climate Summit in New York this month with an agenda to advance a new carbon-emissions regulatory agreement to supersede the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the Russian scientist who correctly predicted the lack of global warming [More]
Does the Bible really teach that there is one God in three Persons? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Surely I don’t need to say anything more about this video clip and a claim that “these walking fish raised out of water on land help explain evolution” than quote this verse: Professing to be wise, they became fools. (Romans 1:22) You can watch the video clip and read an article about these fish at this link. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
Even if you don’t yet know any other compelling evidences that the Bible is true, you should know the experience of your own life. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“Excellent article on Mr. Armitage’s firing for the soft tissue discovery and how this story can be used for evangelistic purposes.”  Admin A Christian author from the Pacific Northwest is adding his voice to a growing national discussion as a scientist is challenging his former university employer in court after being fired for presenting colossal fossil evidence invalidating evolutionary “millions of years” theory. As previously reported, Mark Armitage was a scientist at California State University—Northridge (CSUN) up until two years ago, where he worked as a researcher and supervised the school’s electron microscope laboratory. He was suddenly terminated after he [More]
Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey host wonders why Answers in Genesis critiqued his series and why anyone cares. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily