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The largest student union in the United Kingdom has rejected a motion to condemn ISIS for its brutal treatment of the Kurds on the grounds that it could be seen as anti-Muslim “Islamophobia,” a British newspaper has reported. The political split in the student body over the conflict in the Middle East erupted after a motion was put forward last month to the executive council of the National Union of Students. It asked students to express “solidarity” with the Kurds in Iraq and Syria who are engaged in a bloody struggle against ISIS terrorists, reported the Independent. Robert Spencer, author [More]
With 30 states now legalizing same-sex “marriage” — 11 court decisions overturned marriage protection amendments this month alone — many are fearing that Christian wedding vendors may become extinct as quickly as the 20 remaining states that still honor marriage as a union only between one man and one woman. Since Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage a decade ago in 2004, dozens of homosexual couples have sued Christian wedding vendors who have refused to offer their services for ceremonies that go against their biblical beliefs. And the lawsuits — many spurred by homosexual activists and the [More]
A response to David Barash’s op-ed about how he preaches an anti-religious sermon in his biology classes. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Andrew McDiarmid On this episode of ID the Future listen as Dr. William Dembski reflects on the origins of his thinking on intelligent design, acknowledging the influence of Richard Dawkins, who gave him the link between specification and complexity as a marker for ID. Order your copy of Being as Communion at a dramatic discount–only $25.95 plus shipping–at www.beingascommunion.com. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham According to news reports (including on Fox News yesterday), a school district in Lincoln, Nebraska has recently given its teachers a handout to promote gender inclusiveness in their classrooms. This handout encourages teachers to stop referring to students as “girls and boys” but instead to describe students as a group, with phrases like “calling all readers” or “hey campers.” Instead of separating the children into groups of boys and girls, teachers are being urged to divide the students by things such as whether they prefer milk or juice or perhaps skateboards or bikes, to create classroom …read [More]
By Ken Ham Black holes form the background in many science fiction stories. But black holes are not fictional. A black hole, as you probably know, is so massive and dense that even light cannot escape from its enormous gravity, so it is invisible. Even though we cannot “see” black holes the way we see a star or the moon, there is overwhelming observational evidence that they do exist. Astronomers are able to see the effects of their enormous gravity on other things in space. So if that is the case, why have two secular scientists now claimed that black [More]
By Creation Moments Modern criticism of the Bible began in the late 1700s and has continued to this day. The usual claim, often from Bible scholars, has been that the Bible is nothing more than error-filled human writings. Before serious excavation work had begun in the mid-1800s, scholars felt free to consider lack of evidence as proof that people, cities, and even whole nations mentioned in the Bible never existed. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Tiny technology—an environmentally matched biological cloaking device—hides shrimp in plain sight. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
“The screening methods being used in the US and UK appear to be little more than a farce. We are in trouble folks.”  Admin Britain’s Ebola screening plans descended into chaos on its first day today after people flying to the UK from high risk countries revealed the checks are not compulsory. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said airline passengers from West Africa must be checked for symptoms ‘to make our country safe’ and warned the epidemic could be as deadly as Aids. He also warned Britain should expect up to ten cases by Christmas as screening of passengers from Sierra [More]
Few animal traits are trotted out as illustrations of evolution as often as the whale’s supposed vestigial hip bones. Recent research has uncovered new details about the critical function of these whale hips—details that undermine this key evolutionary argument and confirm divine design. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Katydids solve acoustic impedance matching problem in tiny ears on their legs. This could inspire designs of tiny microphones. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Dr. Ann Gauger about her criticisms of the PBS video, “There Was No First Human,” that attempts to show how evolutionary change happens. The video makes the claim that evolution has been a continuous and gradual process–a claim that many evolutionary biologists would disagree with, and that is not supported by evidence from the fossil record. Listen in as Dr. Gauger explains. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: [More]
“America, becoming the new Sodom”  Admin Officials with the city of Houston, Texas, who are defending a controversial ordinance that would allow men to use women’s restrooms now have demanded to see the sermons preached by several area pastors. The recent move came in a subpoena from the city to pastors for copies of their sermons and other communications in the city’s legal defense of a “non-discrimination” measure that allows “gender-confused” people to use public restrooms designated for the opposite sex. A lawsuit challenging Houston’s move alleges the city violated its own charter in its adoption of the Equal Rights [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin takes a keen-eyed look at Darwin’s tree of life and finds that common descent, far from being confirmed by the data, is actually contradicted by it, as New Scientist pointed out in their cover story, “Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life.” Listen in to learn how the data is challenging Darwinist assumptions, and check out “A Primer on the Tree of Life” for more information. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Dominic Halsmer, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at Oral Roberts University, continues the discussion of his peer-reviewed paper, “The Coherence Of An Engineered World,” published in the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Listen in as Dr. Halsmer explains some of the aesthetic arguments for design from beauty in science, engineering, and the study of humanity. How do modularity, specificity, adaptability, durability, and other aspects of engineering systems argue for intelligent design in nature? Tune in to find out. Your browser does not support playing [More]
“This is insane letting them come here. Over 4000/month and do you think that that all those with Ebola will be found by using the methods of screening they are doing, not likely. It only takes a few infected individuals circulating in society to potentially unleash a catastrophe. As the situation in these countries continues to deteriorate most likely the number of people wanting to come here will increase. If you are not right with God get right! The world is spiraling out of control and the only real security to be found comes from God.”  Admin Both Homeland Security [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Paul Nelson to hear his take on a recent NYT op-ed authored by University of Washington Professor David Barash. In his article, Prof. Barash explains “The Talk” he gives to his students, in which he insists that science and religion are incompatible. How should students respond to professors that attack their worldviews, and claim to be backed by science? Dr. Nelson gives some advice. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more [More]
The October 2014 issue of Answers is on its way with something for everyone’s interest, from fearsome dinosaurs to tiny microbes. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, Biologic Institute’s Dr. Richard Sternberg explains what a gene is, how it works and how our understanding of genes and DNA has changed over the years. He also discusses the growing number of discoveries that are overturning the notion of junk DNA. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
The UK authorities are operating a surveillance system where “anything goes” and their interceptions are more intrusive to people’s privacy than has been seen in the US, Edward Snowden said. Speaking via Skype at the Observer Ideas festival, held in central London, the whistleblower and former National Security Agency specialist, said there were “really no limits” to the GCHQ’s surveillance capabilities. He said: “In the UK … is the system of regulation where anything goes. They collect everything that might be interesting. It’s up to the government to justify why it needs this. It’s not up to you to justify [More]
Jurassic mammals made headlines recently, as Chinese paleontologists described six tiny skeletons comprising three new species. The squirrel-like fossils break the long-held idea that most so-called “dinosaur-era” mammals resembled shrews. These newfound mammals look like they lived in trees—not underground like shrews. Do the new fossils help evolutionists clarify their story for the origin of mammals, or do they crank more twists into evolution’s troubled saga? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
A recent Huffington Post1 article penned by David Bronner, President of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, highlights the dire problems we face as pesticide use on genetically engineered crops continue to rise. It’s quite shocking to realize that the way we grow food in the US, as well as many other regions of the world, is producing a toxic legacy that our descendants will undoubtedly struggle with as time goes on. Land, waterways, and food itself is becoming increasingly toxic, thanks to the seemingly unlimited greed of chemical technology companies. Mr. Bronner offers a summary of Dr. Ramon J. Seidler’s paper [More]
Two of my daughters arrived home from primary school last week with public health packages in their bags. It’s that time of year again, when nurses are out in force like army recruitment officers, waging a war on deadly germs and rounding up volunteers for vaccines. This year in the United Kingdom the intranasal flu vaccine is being rolled out. It’s already been used in the United States where 14 to 15 million doses of AstraZeneca’s FluMist are currently in distribution for this flu season but this is the first year it is being offered under the brand name Fluenza [More]
Has the evangelical church lost its ‘saltiness’ in the world by abandoning the authority of Scripture? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The Washington Post recently ran a news article on a young lady named Kelsey Beckham who defines herself as “agender”or “non-binary,” rather than male or female. Kelsey says, I don’t want to be a girl wearing boy’s clothes, nor do I want to be a girl who presents as a boy . . . I just want to be a person who is recognized as a person. That’s how I’m most comfortable. I’m just a person wearing people clothes, who likes to look like myself and have others see me how I see me. The reporter sympathizes [More]
By Creation Moments Whether you know it or not, you are the proud owner of the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. I am speaking of your brain. Even though it weighs only three pounds, the brain’s structure is so complex that it defies all explanation except to admit that a higher intelligence created it. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
A fossil group of alleged evolutionary human ancestors called australopithecines—all quite ape-like in their features—have traditionally been uncooperative as transitional forms. Now the famous Taung child, a supposed example of early transitional skull features, has been debunked. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org