By Creation Moments The French philosopher René Descartes argued that anything that cannot be investigated by human reason must be assumed not to exist. He applied this to animals, calling them “automata” and, while he was careful not to say so, the argument also applies to the human soul and the existence of God. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Great article. The Bible says one of the signs of the last days will be wars and rumors of wars, we’re certainly seeing that and with the US as the biggest instigator of them. Will the collapse come next year, judging by the frenzied pace of warmongering it may very well happen.” Admin The western economies have accumulated such debt burdens, both public, private and corporate, that we know for fact that they can never be serviced, let alone paid off using real money, acquired by wealth creation in real ecnomic growth and real profits, real wages. NOPE! That horse
“One can only imagine the legal quagmire this will open up. Some good counter arguments are made later in the article. This is just another example of England being made into the ultimate nanny state. Government intrusion into every aspect of life.” Admin Men who exercise “coercive control” over their partners by restricting their personal or financial freedom, or through overt criticism could face up to 14 years in jail under new laws set to be announced by Home Secretary Theresa May this week. Campaigners, who have been arguing for a change in the law to bring emotional abuse into
“Once these types of laws are in place they will never be repealed and can be used against anyone who the government considers a “terrorist”. Who’s to say what that definition of “terrorist” will morph into in the future. Just another step to a completely Orwellian society.” Admin Britain has had enough: the government will announce radical plans to end centuries of free speech on Wednesday in an unprecedented terror crackdown that would force Internet companies to monitor users; restrict the movement of suspects and ban extremist speakers from public forums. Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said the security services
“Good article. If you are looking for a good CS generator check out the silver puppy, the one I own. I have no affiliation with the maker of this generator, I just like it” Admin Silver in all forms has been employed by mankind for its antiseptic qualities over millennia. The Greeks and Romans used a silver coin to purify bad water and to preserve milk and wine. In later times, a silver coin was taped to the umbilical wound of a newborn child to prevent infection. A silver solution is placed into the eyes of every newborn to kill
By Ken Ham In a previous post, I responded to a claim that young-earth creationists are lying to children, and when our children realize they’ve been lied to for years, they will leave the Christian faith. Well, a recent blog from BioLogos (a theistic evolutionist group) hints at this argument, but also lumps old-earth creationists into the mix. In this blog, Brad Kramer, the content editor for BioLogos, says that as a child he was full of questions about the Bible in the book of Genesis. Originally, he states he was given resources promoting young-earth creation from Answers in Genesis
Based on journal entries, a Danish survey team probably sighted musk deer while working in the remote regions of northeast Afghanistan in 1948, but that was the last official sighting—until now. A new survey team recorded the species still alive, but endangered. Seven similar species found throughout Asia eat vegetation, so why do they need tusks? More… …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments In our previous program we heard how two creationists had scaled Mount Ararat and had filmed an object projecting from the ice near the summit. That object looked very much like Noah’s Ark. The year was 1989 and other creationists at the time could have reported with great fanfare that Noah’s Ark had indeed been discovered. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Should I leave my church? …read more Read more here:
Dinosaur tracks are found on every continent—but how did they form? See how the awesome event of a global flood offers an explanation to this confounding scientific riddle. More… …read more Read more here:
I contend that expansion of space is of itself not tenable as a mechanism for the expansion of the universe. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Should we ever find ourselves in his environment, the great white shark is the most dangerous man-eating creature on earth. The Australians call the great white shark the “white death.” Its favorite food is not necessarily man, but any mammal it finds in the water. It has been recorded up to 21 feet in length and weighs over 7,000 pounds. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Ronald Reagan was known as “the great communicator”, Mr. O will be known as “the great deceiver”. Admin And why was Obama so keen on obscuring the nature of his signature law’s taxes? Perhaps because he’d just recently spent months relentlessly hammering John McCain over a proposal to tax health benefits “for the first time.” So he needed MacGruber to swoop in and help craft a strategy of evasion and deflection. Noah mentioned over the weekend that in his response to Grubergate, Obama insisted that he’d never misled the public on Obamacare (which virtually nobody really buys at this point,
“Just another sign of how fragile the debt laden western economies are” Admin The true extent of many Britons’ financial fragility is laid bare in a report to be published this week. Millions of people are less than a month away from having to survive on benefits, or help from friends and family, despite the average household thinking they could last 77 days after a “sudden loss of income”, warns a new report. In reality, the average household is just 29 days away from this point, while others are much closer still, according to the Deadline to the Breadline report
“Just eliminate all soda pop from your diet, period.” Admin Coke is the most valuable brand in history, and “Coca-Cola” is the world’s second-most recognized word after “hello.” However, the beverage itself is like a poison to the human metabolism. Coke is very acidic, it’s only one point higher on the pH scale than battery acid. Consequently it can clean surfaces equivalent to and often better than many toxic household cleaners. It’s cheaper and easier to buy Coke in some third world countries than it is to access clean water. Coke uses “public relations propaganda” to convince consumers and entire
Hollywood’s and the media’s take on the Scopes Monkey Trial unfairly turned a man who faithfully served his country and fellow man into a hated figure in history. …read more Read more here:
Recently the abdomen of a certain hornet was discovered to have intricate structures that look like space-age solar panels. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
This review will provide a cursory review of Forged, critique Ehrman’s methodology, and expose his many exaggerated conclusions. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments As they rose toward the 15,000-foot plateau on the west side of Mount Ararat, they spotted a familiar looking dark form. It looked almost like the drawing of Noah’s Ark developed from the descriptions provided by others who had seen what they thought was the Ark in this area. The year was 1989. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham A story making headlines in the UK makes it clear that some people, rather than viewing life as a gift from God, have decided to play god in certain cases to determine themselves when and how a person should die. Recently, the mother of a severely disabled 12-year-old girl petitioned the United Kingdom High Court to allow her to euthanize—or kill—her daughter. The little girl, Nancy, was born unable to eat, drink, see, or talk. Her mother petitioned the judge to be allowed to end Nancy’s life because Nancy was in pain and, according to her mother,
“Mr. O is actively aiding this infiltration since he is such a great admirer of Islam.” Admin “I am waging a Bloodless Revolution in America’s Public Schools…” – Shabbir Mansuri (Founder and Director of the Council on Islamic Education) Brigitte Gabriel spoke earlier this year at First Conservative Baptist Church and informed the people there that the Muslim Brotherhood is in the process of infiltrating American public schools, just as they have the United States federal government. Gabriel, author of two New York Times Best Sellers, Because They Hate and They Must Be Stopped, and founder of Act for America,
Biblical truth is by no means at odds with observational science, and it will triumph over man’s godless assertions. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Scientists who try to make a case for the ‘evolution’ of the hand actually highlight its perfect design. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham “So Do You Have Any Answers?” We received this email from a Canadian teacher who has been using the New Answers Books to spark faith-centered conversations: I’m a teacher out in Canada and love your ministry and what it has done it my own life. I’ve bought a dozen of your videos and all of your answers book and that is where i wanted to encourage you in your ministry with a quick story today: I was reading your “New answers book 2” while giving blood today and the man next to me read the title and
By Creation Moments Why do giraffes have long necks or kangaroos have pouches? Evolutionists answer that natural selection has favored the development of certain characteristics while discouraging and eliminating other features. But if this is what happened, we who believe in creation have a few questions. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
While papal pronouncements have no authority over Protestants, the Pope’s statement about evolution and the big bang made headlines. …read more Read more here:
An earlier exit is not the answer to terminal illness. …read more Read more here: