By Ken Ham Another Bible-themed movie is coming out of Hollywood soon (December 12). Exodus: Gods and Kings is about Moses and the flight of the Israelite slaves from Egypt. In a blog I wrote in July, I expressed my doubt that Exodus would be faithful to the biblical text, and recent statements coming from the lead actor of the film seem to further confirm my suspicions. According to news sources, Christian Bale (of Batman fame), who is playing Moses, says, “I think the man was likely schizophrenic and was one of the most barbaric individuals that I ever read
Creationists are often slammed for saying that e.g. abiogenesis (chemicals to first life) is all part of ‘evolution’. But leading evolutionists affirm the creationist claim-and more. …read more Read more here:
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
First dark matter, then dark energy; now another mysterious entity is invented to explain a conflict between theory and observation. …read more Read more here:
Americans are going to spendmore than 600 billion dollarsthis Christmas season, and on Friday we got to see our fellow citizens fight each other like rabid animals over foreign-made flat screen televisions and Barbie dolls. As disgusting as this behavior is to many of us, there may soon come a time when we will all fondly remember these days. Most Americans are completely unaware of what is currently happening in the financial world, but right now there are deeply troubling signs that we could be on the verge of another major global financial collapse. If the next great economic downturn
“To me there is no wondering why God will bring judgement on this wayward nation. Here we are actively working with these murderous groups who have caused hundreds of thousands to be made refuges and over one hundred thousand killed, many in the most gruesome ways. All done to get rid of Assad and install a Islamic puppet regime. The death and destruction we are sowing in the world will one day come back on us with a vengeance. God is not mocked whatever a man, or nation, sows that shall it also reap.” Admin There are serious active preparations
“If this is what people are like during normal times what will they be like when everything collapses, I shudder to think of it.” Admin In Pamplona, Spain the yearly tradition is to throw yourself into an arena and run for your life as an onslaught of bulls chases you. In America, we have a similar tradition, but the bulls are replaced with human sheeple who will stop at nothing to ensure they walk away with the best consumer deals they can find. People are often hurt in both events and sometimes the annual runnings even lead to death as
“Apparently the Black Friday madness is not confined to the US. Sad example of how degenerate society has become.” Admin Greater Manchester Police chief said mayhem was ‘totally predictable’ but that stores did not have enough staff Manchester police made three arrests after being called to 7 Tesco stores – one had to be closed after 36 minutes One man arrested on suspicion of assault allegedly told staff member in Salford he would ‘smash their face in’ A woman was injured by a falling TV at Tesco store in Stretford, while a female worker left work with a black eye
By Creation Moments The idea of fish with lungs sounds about as strange as elephants with wings. The difference is there really are fish with lungs. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Evolutionists declare stickier toes reveal the path up the evolutionary tree. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Refuting creationist Randy Guliuzza’s criticisms of natural selection, which is actually an important part of the creation model. …read more Read more here:
Biochemist Dr Ainsley Chalmers finds creation, not evolution in a single cell …read more Read more here:
If you want to increase your energy, boost your mood, lose weight, and lower your risk of chronic disease, there’s no doubt that tending to your diet should be a priority. But figuring out what to eat to be healthy may seem overwhelming. There is no one-size-fits-all diet for everyone. Your age, health, gender, and lifestyle all play a role in determining how much protein, healthy fat, and carbs you need, for instance. In addition, it’s important that your diet is one you find satisfying and can stick with. The best eating plan is one that encompasses a variety of
Manufacturers hide information from doctors about ingredients and conceal their sinister plans for vaccine production so that doctors will continue to feel comfortable recommending vaccines. Doctors have no possibility whatsoever of knowing the complete composition of vaccines, nor do health authorities – or, in fact, anyone else. Here are some of the methods manufacturers use to conceal the presence of ingredients in vaccines: Read More Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: 6 Examples That Show Doctors are Puppets for Vaccine Manufacturers.
Science has once again shattered the myth that milk makes strong bones. A new Swedish study links drinking milk to higher rates of bone fractures and even death.[i] The study tracked the eating habits of over 60,000 women for 20 years and over 45,000 men for 15 years. Researchers found that drinking more milk did NOT lead to lower risks of bone fracture. In fact, women who drank three glasses of milk per day broke more bones. Compared to women who drank less than one glass per day, heavy milk drinkers had a 60% greater risk of breaking a hip
“I can’t remember humanist/atheist groups being so aggressive in their attempts to remove the mention of God from the public scene as they are now. Just another sign of the last days.” Admin A New Jersey high school student is standing up for her right to say the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. Highland Regional High School senior Samantha Jones intervened when the American Humanist Association wanted to strike the words “under God” from pledges in the state’s public high schools. Diana Verm of the Becket Fund is representing Jones in the case. Jones, Samantha (NJ student)Verm
“In the article in states that all 5 Democratic members of the board voted against it. It just shows once again how ungodly that party has become. It abhors anything Christian and promotes all sorts of evil. There’s no way anyone who calls themself a Christian should be a part of this God hating party. The Democratic party has turned into an abomination” Admin Critics who were trying to remove America’s religious heritage from public school textbooks met their match when they went up against the Texas Board of Education. Opponents were trying to do away with Moses and the
Bill Nye claims that we want to “raise a generation of kids in denial of climate change,” but we say the opposite. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
The evolutionary story of how Ayres Rock/Uluru was formed does not stand up to scrutiny. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham According to recent research, atheists may not actually exist! In an article for Science 2.0, Nury Vittachi wrote that the way human brains are wired seems to make it impossible for someone to actually be a true atheist. Nury writes, “Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so deeply ingrained in human thought processes that it cannot be expunged.” He goes on to say that “this line of thought has led to some scientists claiming that ‘atheism is psychologically impossible because of the way humans think.’” Vittachi highlights the tendency for humans
By Robert Crowther On this episode of ID the Future, biologist Richard Sternberg continues his presentation evidence that refutes the myth that the human genome is full of junk DNA. This is the second in a series from a recent Science and Human Origins conference featuring Dr. Sternberg, John West, Ann Gauger and Casey Luskin. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear a clip from a recent Science and Human Origins conference featuring biologist Richard Sternberg. Dr. Sternberg presents evidence that refutes the myth that the human genome is full of junk DNA. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
“Article includes a video about the robots. I’m sure we’ll see more of these deployed elsewhere” Admin Robots are increasingly replacing humans in a variety of mundane tasks, like bolting a car together or making lollipops, but now they are moving into the security business. Microsoft recently installed a fleet of 5-feet-tall, 300-pound robots to protect its Silicon Valley campus. The robots are packed with HD security cameras and sensors to take in their organic, protein-based surroundings. There’s also an artificial intelligence on board that can sound alarms when the robot notices something awry. It can also read license plates
“Such a war is inevitable, many have had dreams and visions regarding this war. The US has turned it’s back on God, I see no signs of any national repentance of our sins and iniquity in deed or word, judgement is what remains. If you are not right with God, get right, this day of destruction is coming.” Admin If the United States and Russia fought a nuclear war, who would win? You might be surprised by the answer. Under the Obama administration, the rapidly aging U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal has been shrinking. Meanwhile, the Russians have been developing an
“Just another part of Mr. O’s vision for a new Amerika, a mass surveillance society.” Admin Church leaders are upset after a recent article in The New York Times revealed that the Internal Revenue Service can use undercover agents disguised as members of the clergy as a means to gather privileged information. Following the Times’ report last weekend that over 40 federal agencies use undercover agents disguised as attorneys, doctors, news media and other positions to gain access to privileged information, church leaders are appalled to find out that IRS agents are also allowed to pose as clergy, even though
The advent of sin in the heart of mankind brought into crystal-clear focus the reality that God’s holiness is now a threat to us. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Jesus Christ and His followers were fearless when it came to proclaiming God’s Word. What gave them such boldness and self-assuredness? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily