“Whether one agrees with Dr. Roberts assessment or not it is quite clear that relations between the US/NATO and Russia/China have returned, on a governmental level at least, to a cold war setting. Are we heading to a nuclear war? Many have had dreams and visions of a nuclear attack on the US. It would appear that only the when not the if of such an attack is yet unknown.” Admin Dear Readers: The conflict that Washington has initiated between the West and Russia/China is reckless and irresponsible. Nuclear war could be the outcome. Indeed, Washington has been preparing for
“The talk of a recovery is exposed as nonsense by the latest real world numbers of how people are doing in this economy.” Admin If you live in the United States, there is a good chance that you are now living in poverty or near poverty. Nearly 50 million Americans, (49.7 Million), are living below the poverty line, with 80% of the entire U.S. population living near poverty or below it. That near poverty statistic is perhaps more startling than the 50 million Americans below the poverty line, because it translates to a full 80% of the population struggling with
By Creation Moments We recently reported on this program that another set of new planets had been discovered circling another star. We pointed out that in each case, most of the planets were too large to support life. In many of the instances, the planets also had egg shaped orbits that would provide them with harsh, highly erratic climates – if they had any atmosphere at all. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“A perfect example of a European no-go zone.” Admin Swedes are a minority in Islamized Malmö and the city has had 36 bombs this year alone. Recently, a police station was attacked in a Muslim dominated area. Youths set fire to patrol cars and blocked the exits of the building so that police officers could not escape. In another attack, a police patrol was ambushed with lethal molotov cocktails and had to flee, and another local police station was damaged in an attack. A recent bombing of the Malmo court could be heard “2-3 kilometers” away. Read More Malmo, Sweden:
Exodus: Gods and Kings, starring Christian Bale of Batman fame as Moses, opened in theaters. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Given her viewpoints I can see why she was warmly welcomed by the university, she fits in perfectly in a secular setting. It’s no wonder kids come out of such places as unbelievers.” Admin They should stop doing all those conversions and shouldn’t even “do religion” all the time, contends Rev. Jane Shaw, who plans to teach “empathy” in her religion classes. The school explained her duties are to provide “spiritual, religious and ethical leadership to the university community, serve as minister of Memorial Church and also teach undergraduates and graduate students as a professor.” Provost John Etchemendy praised her
Interprets World Heritage Site using biblical history. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Ken Ham Human evolution and alcohol have been together in the news a lot recently. Discover Magazine wrote about a new study that was aimed at discovering when our supposed human ancestors “acquired the ability to consume foods containing ethanol, such as fermented fruits.” This study, “using the tools of paleogenetics,” supposedly “traced the evolutionary history of an enzyme that helps us metabolize ethanol, the principal type of alcohol found in adult beverages. Scientists believe early human ancestors evolved their ethanol-digesting ability about 10 million years ago to fortify their diet as they shifted from a tree-based lifestyle to
By Ken Ham Bacterial infections are tragically killing tens of thousands of people in India as doctors are discovering that most known antibiotics are not working, according to a New York Times article . Many people will look at the tragedy and blame God in response. But is God truly at fault for the death and suffering we witness and experience in our post-Fall world? I encourage you to read Dr. Tommy Mitchell’s article on the Answers in Genesis website that answers questions like “Was God’s creation really ‘very good’?” and “Why do we die now?” I think Dr. …read
Essential oils have taken the prepper world by storm and with good reason. For a relatively low cost, a few bottles of carefully selected essential oils can resolve a myriad of first aid woes, not the least of which are colds and flus, headaches, minor infections, and those dreaded aches and pains caused by sore muscles, charley horses, and more. Each month, as I have written about essential oils, the message has come back loud and clear. “We want specifics!” Today I am going to share with you a very basic, very useful, and very specific use of essential oils.
When you have a sore throat or if you’re congested, you might not want to eat. You feel worn down and swallowing can be very painful. Here are 12 of the most amazing foods and antioxidants that will help alleviate symptoms and even shorten the duration of any cold or flu. Read More The Top 12 Best Foods and Antioxidants While You Are Sick With The Cold or Flu.
“In order for a global government to eventually come into existence treaties and laws must be made to accomplish it. We are now seeing such laws being worked on and passed in secret such as this one.” Admin Much has been written, at least in the alternative media, about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), two multilateral trade treaties being negotiated between the representatives of dozens of national governments and armies of corporate lawyers and lobbyists (on which you can read more here, here and here). However, much less is known about the
There are modern-day Ark legends being spread far and wide by secularists who are seeking to hinder the Ark Encounter project of Answers in Genesis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Pressured by secularists, Kentucky officials denied Ark Encounter an opportunity to participate in a tax rebate incentive program offered by the tourism office. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
A strange, new, mushroom-shaped species discovered alive on the deep seafloor off the southeastern coast of Australia may be a record-breaking living fossil. It’s not a jellyfish, sea squirt, or sponge. What is it? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
“Once again Mr. O showing where his true religious allegiances lie.” Admin On Christmas Eve, religious police in the capital city of the Islamic Sultanate of Brunei ordered business owners to remove Christmas decorations or face arrest. When Brunei, a tiny oil-rich fiefdom that shares the island of Borneo with Malaysia and Indonesia, adopted Shariah law earlier this year, some questioned whether the harsh penal code that includes amputation and stoning for blasphemy and other crimes would actually be enforced since a third of Brunei’s population is not Muslim. The crackdown on Christmas this year answers the question. Restaurant and
“Dr. Roberts exposes the latest fiction being handed out by the government on economic growth.” Admin Everyone wants good news, so the government makes it up. The latest fiction is that US real GDP grew 4.6% in the second quarter and 5% in the third. Where did this growth come from? Not from rising real consumer incomes. Not from rising consumer credit. Not from rising real retail sales. Not from the housing sector. Not from a trade surplus. The growth came from a Bureau of Economic Analysis survey of consumer spending on services. The BEA found that spending on Obamacare
NoMoreFakeNews.com I’ll start at an odd place, a seemingly innocuous place. Bear with me: We need to understand the distinction between two kinds of labeling. Voluntary labeling=“I own this health-food store, and I’m doing my best to sell you non-GMO products. All such products will carry a seal that says ‘Non-GMO’.” Mandatory labeling=“Vermont has decided that all food products sold in the state which contain GMOs must be labeled as such—‘this product contains GMOs’.” Two very different types of labels. They contain different information. Also, one type is voluntary, and the other becomes mandatory after passage of a vote, in
Interest in human origins persists generation after generation, and researchers continue to uncover and interpret clues. The latest set comes from a reinvestigation of clam shells dug up in the 1890s on the Indonesian island of Java. Someone skillfully drilled and engraved those shells. Who was it? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
Can walking birds trace tracks back through the sands of time and correct some false impressions of dinosaurs? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
In your conversations with others, honor the authority of the Bible over topics like death and suffering, the character of God, sin, and salvation. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Evolutionists are being forced to rethink so-called vestigial organs in the light of some embarrassing and harmful mistakes. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Ken Ham News is quickly spreading about the eye-catching new billboards that we are putting up across the state of Kentucky (and tomorrow in Times Square, New York City). By noon on Tuesday, AiG had conducted eight media interviews about these boards. The digital billboard in Times Square will run 672 times each day during the busy holiday season and should deliver at least 20 million impressions. But we won’t make you travel to Times Square to see it; here it is below. We are hoping that these billboards will direct people to our website where they will learn
The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s most awesome erosional features. How did it form? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
The growing antagonism towards God in Western culture requires materialists to insist on a godless, naturalistic explanation for origins-hence they cling to evolution as the only alternative. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Creation Moments In the Spring of 1997, a lamb named Dolly was born to become famous as the world’s first genetically identical copy of an adult female sheep. In other words, she was a clone. Eventually, Dolly developed lung cancer and was put to death in February 2003. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear more of Casey Luskin’s recent talk at a recent Science and Human Origins conference. Casey discusses why the fossil evidence doesn’t support the claim that humans evolved from ape-like precursors. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future