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Trans-humanism, alien invasions, artificial intelligence: Nothing will be off limits for a new prophecy show that launched this week called SkyWatchTV. The brainchild of longtime author and student of Bible prophecy Tom Horn, SkyWatchTV launched its website and first online program Thursday and will soon be available on a host of cable TV channels. Horn says the show will address many themes traditionally of interest to Christians in a new-media format. Horn describes SkyWatch as a combination of ABC’s “20/20? and the popular “Unsolved Mysteries” series, but presented through the lens of an evangelical Christian worldview. “Good doctrine is really [More]
Rather than providing good evidence for the big bang model, the abundances of the light elements represents a significant problem for the standard cosmology. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham I was pleased to read an article today by The Associated Press that was quite fair in how the reporter summarized the struggle between our Ark Encounter project and the state of the Kentucky over the state’s denial of a future sales tax rebate for the Ark. The state has told us that the Ark must be open to hiring anyone and that we are too religious. Instead of rehashing the usual sound bites coming out of the atheist/secularist propaganda machine that has been disseminating so much false and misleading information about the Ark (which appear in [More]
By Ken Ham I love Psalm 119: I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. Deal bountifully with Your servant, that I may live and keep Your word. (Psalms 119:15–17) I enjoy reading through the Old Testament as much as the New Testament. At times, there are verses that “shout out” to me—and I stop and ponder them, as I contemplate the ministry the Lord has called us to at Answers in Genesis and the spiritual battle we are in (that seems to get more [More]
“Short video of her describing her education in China vs. common core here, not good.”  Admin Lily Tang Williams, a Chinese immigrant mother shares her thoughts on Common Core and her Chinese education. “I came to this country for freedom and for individual rights and liberty and to be left alone by the government. But now, how can I let my child go through the same thing I once did in China?” Read More  Chinese Immigrant: Common Core is the Communist Core I Went Through in China.
Breitbart Texas confirmed Tuesday that “an Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law” is indeed operating in Texas. But not to worry: an attorney for the tribunal assures us that participation is “voluntary,” and one of the Sharia judges, Dr. Taher El-badawi, says it’s devoted only to “non-binding dispute resolution.” This is how it starts. This is how it started in the United Kingdom. When Sharia courts were instituted there, Muslim and non-Muslim officials alike all assured the British public and the world that they would be voluntary, restricted to matters involving non-criminal matters, and subject to the British courts. Any areas [More]
“They probably met with the State Dept. to get it’s stamp of approval for their declaration of Jihad.”  Admin The Muslim Brotherhood called for “a long, uncompromising jihad” in Egypt just days after a delegation of the Islamist group’s key leaders and allies met with the State Department, according to an official statement released this week. Just days after a delegation that included two top Brotherhood leaders was hosted at the State Department, the organization released an official statement calling on its supporters to “prepare” for jihad, according to an independent translation of the statement first posted on Tuesday. The [More]
“The general had a lot of courage in making that speech but it apparently fell on deaf ears. It appears that Islamists like their violent image and want to keep it, calling for the generals death certainly proves that. The Koran calls for Islam to be spread by the sword until they control the world and that goal has not changed.”  Admin Egypt’s military leader, who called for a revolution in Islam to change its violent reputation, has stirred Muslim clerics and commentators on Muslim Brotherhood television channels to call for his death. Anyone who kills Egyptian President Abd Al-Fattah [More]
Ever wonder what makes up highly popular fast food, such as McDonald’s chicken nuggets or french fries? If the fast food giants recently launched ‘transparency campaign’ tells us anything, it’s that the public is increasingly demanding truth and change. But what McDonald’s ‘truth campaign’ isn’t telling us is that much of its food is lathered in questionable, health-compromising ingredients. In the most recent transparency video from McDonald’s, Grant Imahara explains that there are 19 ingredients in America’s favorite fries, one of which is polydimethylsiloxane, which is used in the production of silly putty. This seemingly ‘essential’ french fry-Silly Putty ingredient [More]
Trying to convince someone about the Creator but unsure which resource is most effective? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We live in a culture that seems to be attempting to redefine everything that God has ordained. This is especially seen in issues of family, marriage, and gender. Our culture as a whole is not just becoming more accepting of a new definition of family but is aggressively pushing this redefinition as good, healthy, and enlightened. But rejecting God’s original design is not good, healthy, or enlightened. All throughout Scripture we see examples of people who thought that they knew better than God, and each time it led to judgment and tragedy. Of course, the …read more [More]
By Creation Moments You may be aware that the common cuckoo does not feed or raise its own young. Instead, it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. The adoptive parents feed and raise the young cuckoo as their own until the cuckoo gets larger than the foster parents and flies away without so much as a “thank you.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“As far left as the Democratic party has gone it’s no wonder Bachtell feels the way he does.”  Admin John Bachtell, chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA, said in a lengthy essay for “People’s World” that America needed a third political party committed to uphold labor — but until that time comes, communists ought to work with Democrats, especially in the coming elections. Labor has already found a home with the Democratic Party, and the Communist Party would be hard-pressed to draw this voting bloc away at this time, Mr. Bachtell wrote on the “People’s World” [More]
“Inspiring story of a woman who lived as a young Jewish girl in Hitlers Germany and who became a Christian at age 7. She shares valuable advice on what to do in times of intense persecution. There is a video interview of her as well.”  Admin Anita Dittman has been speaking about the Holocaust for more than three decades, telling everyone who will listen of her survival and how Jesus Christ helped her escape the trap that was ‘Hitler’s hell.” She has reached thousands through her book, “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell,” co-authored with fellow Minnesotan Jan Markell. And visions of [More]
“This is just one more instance of Islam being sneaked into schools. This is happening around the country in a variety of ways and has been accelerating ever since Mr. O, a great admirer of Islam, took office.”  Admin A Sacramento, California, high school scheduled a “hijab day” celebrating Islamic law in which Muslims helped school girls don the concealing headscarves. It was at Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep High School, also known as NP3, where officials posted a notice that said: “January 28, 2015. The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and their [More]
“The Bible says that it would be better for one to have a millstone hung about his neck and be cast into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble (sin). Those who are pushing this onto young children have a horrid future awaiting them.”  Admin While organizations such as the United Nations promote sexual options for children in Europe and the U.K., many Third World countries oppose having those values forced on them. In the United Kingdom, girls as young as ten years old are being injected with long-term contraceptive implants at the expense of [More]
What does history say? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Gay marriage, transgender issues, and climate change were just some of the items that US President Barack Obama mentioned during his recent State of the Union address. The President’s comments on these issues show that he is basing his thinking, and trying to make sure that America as a whole bases its thinking, on man’s word. God is clearly not the authority in his mind—man is. Sadly, this is a reality across America as our culture is becoming increasingly secular and is rejecting the Christian and biblical foundation that once permeated the nation. Civil Right or Moral [More]
Every generation of believers must settle for itself the core questions of ultimate origins. Where did everything come from? Can God’s account of beginnings in Genesis be trusted as actual history? The year 2014 illustrated that this generation is still interested in answers. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Research Coordinator Casey Luskin discusses recent media coverage of the 2012 Sutter’s Mill meteorite that falsely reports it as containing “seeds of early life” which could have helped generate “[t]he primordial soup of the early Earth.” Tune in as Luskin reveals the weak science — and significant political motives — behind these claims, which one organic chemist describes as “at best misleading, at worst . . . down-right fraudulent.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic <a class="colorbox" …read more [More]
By Multimedia Which requires more faith? A belief in multiple universes or a belief in the intelligent design of our universe? On this episode of ID The Future, host David Boze explores the ideas found in a Harper’s Magazine article by MIT physicist and author Alan Lightman. Some physicists attempt to side-step the intelligent design implications of our finely-tuned universe by suggesting that ours is merely one of countless universes, each with its own laws and constants. Lightman: “If the multiverse idea is correct, then the historic mission of physics to explain all the properties of our …read more Read [More]
“It’s no secret that Mr. O does not like Mr. Netanyahu so he is now attempting to export his “hope and change” Marxist drivel to Israel undoubtedly to put someone in power who will be more acceptable to him and Islamic radicals in other countries. Hopefully the Israeli people won’t fall for this leftist charade.”  Admin In a sit-down interview at his campaign headquarters down an alley and behind a building off of the posh Rothschild Boulevard in central Tel Aviv, Nimrod Dweck, founder of a new voter mobilization effort making waves here, did not disguise his group’s ultimate agenda. [More]
By Creation Moments Do you remember how much milk is in your refrigerator? Do you remember which leftovers you have in there, and where you put them? This kind of memory is called episodic memory. It allows you to travel back in time with your mind to remember the details of a past action. Until now, it was thought that only humans had this kind of memory, although some researchers were convinced that monkeys and rats had episodic memory. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham What do you say when a friend confesses to adultery? Or when your sister tells you she’s a lesbian? What about when a niece aborts her unborn child? Women face some of the toughest issues in this sin-cursed world. Every year since 2012 we have hosted a special Answers for Women conference here at the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky to help address some of those questions. These conferences are well attended—350 women participated last year—and we have received a lot of positive feedback from women who loved the solid, biblically based teaching. Well, this popular conference [More]
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus explains how abundant archaeological evidence supports the historical truth of the biblical Exodus. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
A new film examining the archaeological evidence for the Bible’s Exodus event has received such raves from audience members that the one-night-only showing of the film on Jan. 19 has been extended to a second, encore showing on Jan. 29. “The evidence is so compelling, it’s fantastic!” said one theatergoer highlighted by the producers of “Patterns of Evidence: Exodus.” “This is a must see to drive your faith up a notch,” said another. “This is a high-level, quality work that is going to stand up to the most rigorous intellectual scrutiny,” said yet a third, “but it’s also a very [More]
The debate with Bill Nye really illustrated the clash of two worldviews—choosing to decide truth for ourselves instead of trusting God’s Word. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily