by The Idaho Observer It’s a race—will we all be injected with substances that program our own bodies to attack us before or after we realize that the newest weapon in the New World arsenal is our own immune system? The theory that vaccines prevent the spread of infectious disease is based upon the belief that, by injecting a small amount of a disease into the body, it will develop “antibodies” that will prevent the injected person from contracting the disease against which he had been vaccinated. The theory is complicated by the fact that attenuated doses of pathogens alone
By Creation Moments Most Christians realize that going to church, and worshiping in earnest, keeps them spiritually healthier. A study by Duke University researchers backs up an earlier study that people who attend church at least once a week do have better health and live longer lives. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
In 2004, paleontologists digging on the small Indonesian island of Flores, discovered a few bones from seven different individuals that had not yet completely fossilized (cf. Brown, et al., 2004; Morwood, et al., 2004; Dalton, 2004; Lahr and Foley, 2004). The most complete individual discovered, labeled LB1, which consisted of most of the skull, as well as some of the leg, hands, feet, and pelvis bones, was thought to be a species of its own, and given the Latin name, Homo floresiensis. The media called it Hobbit Man because he was thought to be only 3½ feet tall. Paleoartists quickly
Much speculation has arisen about the name of our great, great . . . grandmother. What can we know of her? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Is the troubled teenager who boasted about killing his teacher a product of evolutionary brainwashing? …read more Read more here:
One of the men involved with the Piltdown Man hoax rejected Genesis and spent a lifetime trying to fit evolution into the Bible. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham It seems like no matter how many times we set the record straight, the media is determined to misrepresent us. Well, Paul Farrell, a columnist writing for Market Watch has recently written a diatribe against creationists (among others), and he makes several false, but common, claims that we have addressed many times. Mindless Robots or PhD Scientists? He begins by bringing up climate change and says that those who deny climate change are “mindless robots at odds with over 2,500 scientists who now warn, after more than two decades of research, that they are 97% ‘certain humans
By Creation Moments Why do 60 seconds make a minute? Why does an hour have 60 minutes? After all, there are no natural reasons for this. A year is a natural time measurement, based on the sun’s position in the sky. Well, believe it or not, there may be connection between the length of an hour and the golden statue built by King Nebuchadnezzar that Daniel and his friends refused to worship. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments The creation is literally filled with millions of what those who believe in evolution call “happy coincidences.” But when you encounter millions of instances of what appears to be thoughtful design, the obvious conclusion is that there is a Designer. Take the example of bird eggs. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
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Humans have amazing eyesight. In fact, many camera companies have looked to the eye in an effort to glean useful information in developing better photographic and video technology. As effective as the human eye is, however, there are certain things it cannot do. One of those is to detect ultraviolet light. But researchers have recently discovered a creature with the amazing ability to detect ultraviolet light—the mantis shrimp. Mantis shrimp are some of the most interesting creatures in the water. They have extremely powerful claws and lightening fast reflexes. But their ability to see ultraviolet light makes their eyesight one
The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms defines “natural science” as, “Collectively, the branches of science dealing with objectively measurable phenomena…” (2003, p. 1402). A naturalist, then, is a person who believes everything in the Universe must be able to be explained through purely naturalistic processes—with no supernatural help. Everything believed must be based on empirical evidence that is “measurable.” According to the National Academy of Sciences, “The statements of science must invoke only natural things and processes. The statements of science are those that emerge from the application of human intelligence to data obtained from observation and experiment”
I’m typing this article on a personal computer. You are most likely reading it on some form of one, whether a desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet (which are really just small computers). These amazing devices are all around us. Brilliant researchers have spent billions of dollars designing the most functional computers to help people all over the world achieve their goals. You may well know, however, that one computer is more powerful than any that humans have been able to design—the human brain. As LiveScience writer Charles Choi stated, “The most powerful computer known is the brain” (2013). But a
Slavery needs to be addressed biblically. Answers in Genesis strongly opposes both racism and slavery. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Some evolutionists are hailing this as a ‘breakthrough’ in explaining life originating from chemicals by itself, but the reality is quite different. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Christianity is under attack: We need to respond to atheist propaganda! I have written a new article on this topic. Did you notice how so many atheists on my public Facebook page were very upset last night? It was because I called atheism what it is—a religion! So many of these people showed their intolerance for Christianity. We had to ban many of them for various reasons—name calling, foul language, and so on. For too long secularists have been intimidating Christians in this culture. I encourage you to read my article where I challenge Christians to start
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
By Ken Ham Secularists are working aggressively to eliminate any reference to Christianity from the culture. We are already seeing more of the intolerant left calling for Christians to keep their Christianity in churches and homes but out of the public arena. The battles to remove Christian symbols are becoming increasingly common, as certain atheist groups seek to replace Christian symbols with their religion of atheism. In past blog posts, I’ve noted many of these instances and, sadly, there are surely more to come. One of these many battles recently took place in King, North Carolina. According to the Washington
In its ever-intrusive quest to “help” those suffering from alleged mental illnesses, the psychiatric industry has deliberately targeted the weakest among us—literally babies—creating an entire generation dependent on toxic, brain-damaging drugs. The extent of the psycho/pharmacological assault is profound. Between 2008 and 2013, 0 to 1 year olds made up the largest increase in the number of all psychiatric drugs prescribed and, in that five-year time frame, the prescribing increased 51%. The IMS Health Vector One National database reports that, in 2013, 274,804 children between the ages of 0-1 had been prescribed an antidepressant, anti-psychotic, anti-anxiety or ADHD drug. To
Is it possible that Adam could not have comprehended death if he had not seen death? …read more Read more here:
The cosmogony proposed is consistent with all creationist understandings of the biblical texts and has no light-travel time problem. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Get ready to eat a delicious meal and watch a wonderful live drama at the Creation Museum next month. Every year we host this special event called An Evening to Remember. This dinner program (February 13 this year) is very popular and usually sells out. If you haven’t registered already, you will want to do so right away to secure your spot before they are all gone—you certainly won’t want to miss this enjoyable and relaxing evening of food and Christ-centered entertainment. This special evening features a delicious buffet-style dinner of chicken piccatta, roast beef in gravy,
By Creation Moments In August 1989, Voyager 2 made its contact with the planet Neptune nearly 3 billion miles from Earth. This was a tremendous technical achievement and enabled mankind to know a little more of the planetary system in which we all live. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Is the creature Leviathan spoken of in Job 41, the same as that mentioned in Isaiah 27 and Psalm 74? …read more Read more here:
Such repulsive slavery is a consequence of our fallen world, a vile distortion of God’s plan for human relationships. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
We’ve just added two great health news RSS feeds, and, to our health news feeds post bringing the total up to 7. You’ll find lots of great health and nutrition information with new articles appearing in the post each day. Be sure to use the like or share buttons in the post to tell others about it.
By Ken Ham Are you equipped to answer skeptical questions about the biblical Exodus, especially now with the recent Christian Bale film on Moses and the Exodus being on many people’s minds? Most scholars and archaeologists today will tell you that there is no evidence for the Exodus of Moses and the Israelites from Egypt, but is this really so? What if they’ve simply been looking in the wrong place and time? An engaging new documentary, Patterns of Evidence: Exodus, seeks to wrestle with and answer these questions. This gripping film, shot on location in places like Egypt and Israel,