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When VOM founder Pastor Richard Wurmbrand spoke of his experience in communist prisons, his words carried instant credibility. It was his story. Today, the ministry launched by Pastor Wurmbrand continues to share the powerful stories of the persecuted in their own words. Now — with the launch of VOMRadio — you can hear directly from today’s persecuted Christians through a weekly half-hour program available online. CLick Hear To Listen
By Ken Ham The secular media, some Christian media, and secular bloggers have spread much misinformation about the Kentucky Tourism incentive that the Answers in Genesis Ark project applied for. A number of people commenting on my Facebook page and other sites showed their utter ignorance at understanding the true nature of this incentive program. As you know, AiG did not receive final approval for this incentive—and AiG is consulting with expert attorneys as we seriously consider asking the court to decide this matter. Keep watch for further information regarding this case, which we believe is a very blatant example [More]
The secular media often report new evidence of stars in the process of formation. They say this supports star evolution. What do creationists think? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham A new atheist billboard now appears along the interstate in Riverside, California. These billboards feature a beautiful sunrise over a mountain scene and say, “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone,” and then give a web address. This board is just one version of many similar boards from other atheist organizations in different parts of the country. Rather than comment on these boards, I thought I would just let Scripture do the talking. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because [More]
By Creation Moments A strange and beautiful family of creatures known as ammonoids nicely illustrate the illogic and lack of scientific reasoning used by defenders of evolution. While the chambered nautilus is the only species of ammonoid that exists today, the fossil record reveals hundreds of extinct species. While some, like the chambered nautilus, had relatively simple shells, others had intricately detailed shells with ruffled, wavy walls. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“There are a lot of examples of this going on all over i.e. shutting down kids cupcake, lemonade stands etc. A little sign of an increasingly unhealthy society.”  Admin When I was a teenager, it was pretty common for young people in my lower-middle class neighborhood to find work. I was a waiter myself… though probably one of the worst in history, as I may still hold the record at Tippin’s Restaurant and Pie Pantry for the most cups of coffee spilled on patrons. A lot of other kids would do odd jobs like cutting the grass and whatnot. And [More]
I believe some atheists are so obsessed with what AiG is doing that they search daily for whatever they can try to use to attack this ministry. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
A skeptic overlooks the fact that God has made Himself known to us in various ways when he claims that He treats humans unfairly. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Is the war on malaria plagued by “rapid evolution of insecticide resistance”? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
  A short story by Hans Christian Andersen highlights the absurdity of evolutionary thinking. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Omega 3 fatty acids are the equivalent of nutritional gold. That’s because they are nature’s anti-inflammatory nutrients and are used in most chemical functions in the body. While fatty fish is frequently considered the best source of this essential fatty acid, it is not the only source. If you’re looking for some plant-based sources of Omega 3s, be sure to check out the following 17 vegan food sources, not in any particular order due to portion size variation and variations in measuring different food types: Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: Top 17 Vegan Sources of Omega 3 [More]
By Ken Ham Our world is so full of life—but so full of death. We also see so much love and yet so much hate. And it’s a world of happiness but a world of sorrow. It all seems so contradictory. Why? There is a book, a very special book, that gives us the answer. It’s the written revelation that the infinite Creator God has given to us in His Word, the Holy Bible, and it explains what happened to bring about death, hate, and sorrow. When God made the first man Adam, He didn’t force him to love his [More]
Religious liberty certainly includes freedom of worship, but it by no means stops there. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
The Lost Gospel is yet another attempt to show Jesus as the husband of Mary Magdalene, and this time Jacobovici claims to have proof. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
If God finished creation in six days and declared it “very good,” where did disease-causing designs come from? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
As the corporate media desperately attempts to dupe as many people as possible into getting MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines for the protection of “the children,” uncovered court documents revealing major vaccine fraud at Merck & Co., the multinational drug company that produces MMR vaccines for the U.S. market, are only getting the attention they deserve from the alternative media. Back in 2010, two former Merck scientists, repulsed by what they saw taking place at the highest levels of the company, filed a False Claims Act in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The filing [More]
A few weeks ago I wrote about how useful it would be to store thousands of books on an e-reader device, such as a Kindle. Surely, this isn’t the first time the idea has been proposed for the prepper community, but it deserves to be mentioned again. Planning to live without civilization means there will be times when we won’t have access to the skills we need. Society provides an immensely beneficial service to us, in the form of people who are specialized in certain tasks, such as doctors, mechanics, and electricians, etc. But despite spending their whole lives practicing [More]
“What I found amazing was the number of people who have signed up to this site, a sad commentary on where British society is headed morally and spiritually.”  Admin Over one million British people have signed up to a website that helps them arrange extra-marital relationships. Ashley Madison, which specialising in finding dates for people who are already married, now boasts 1,048,342 UK customers, the Sunday Times reports. Adverts for the website have not been shown on British television after concerns that some people could take issue with their content, however. Noel Biderman, chief executive of the service, told the [More]
“More evidence that the global warming/climate change scare is an orchestrated scam.”  Admin When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified. Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs [More]
Advice to a student about how to respond to evolution and millions of years as taught in her high school biology class. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was once a term used to refer to homosexuals in the military. Now, however, the term is more often being applied to Christians in uniform. Military chaplains are feeling the pressure to conform to the new reality, as some label biblical values “hate speech.” Chaplains have been an integral part of the military throughout our nation’s history, bringing hope to the living and comfort to the dying. Now some chaplains are coming under fire from official government policy and must choose between their consciences and their commander’s orders. A Faith at Odds Read More  Military Chaplains [More]
If your family has been wanting to take a trip to Northern Kentucky to see the state-of-the-art Creation Museum, then be sure to come “2 Buy 2” this year! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus. As we sneeze and cough our way through these dark months of contagious nasties, garlic is being hailed for its powers to halt viruses in their tracks. It has gained its reputation as a virus buster thanks to one of its chemical constituents, allicin. A recent and significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting [More]
By Ken Ham For years I’ve been challenging Christians to start their thinking on God’s unchanging Word and not on man’s changing, fallible interpretation of the past. The evolutionary story is changing daily with each new discovery and previously known “facts” are being discarded constantly. But God’s Word endures forever (1 Peter 1:25) and provides a sure foundation for us to base our thinking on. And it’s God’s Word, not man’s ideas, that is consistently being confirmed by observational science! Well, a great example of the changing nature of man’s ideas is Neanderthal man. Years ago Neanderthals were considered to [More]
“Excellent article on the many Biblical themed movies that have come out recently and the impact they are having not only here but elsewhere in the world.”  Admin Nearly crushed under the press and paparazzi on the Hollywood red carpet Friday night, “Jesus” bore each flashbulb and barked question from reporters with the calm reserve of a man accustomed to being under fire from the media. But when WND asked Diogo Morgado, the man who plays “Jesus” in the movie “Son of God,” about the reports of people whose lives have been impacted by the film, the award-winning actor’s face [More]
“Excellent article examining Mr O’s religious history down through the years to determine what he really believes. One thing is for sure he most certainly is not a Christian in any biblical understanding of the term.”  Admin Why would President Obama, who professes to be a Christian, apparently harbor such animosity toward what he claims is his own faith? The latest example came during his remarks Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast, but it was hardly the first time Obama has criticized Christianity or defended Islam. In order to better understand what Obama truly believes, WND looked at the history [More]
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation