The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) lurks in the murky waters of the swamps and rivers of northern South America. With its highly sophisticated system of electrolocation, it is a stealthy predator, having the ability to navigate and hunt in conditions of low visibility. Using ‘electroreceptors’ to detect distortions in an electric field generated within its own body, it can locate a potential meal undetected. It then immobilizes its prey using a powerful electric shock, sizeable enough to stun a large mammal such as a horse, or even kill a man.1 Having a long cylindrical body it closely resembles what we
By Ken Ham Do you want to have a peek into the real state of this nation—the state of the millennial generation? Just watch the Super Bowl program during halftime. (Warning: I am quoting words by Katy Perry who sang in the Super Bowl halftime show last night, and I do this to show the state of the coming generation as very publically displayed at the Super Bowl. I am giving this warning in case you would prefer not to read this post.) Katy Perry sang words like these last night: “Let you put your hands on me in my
“I don’t think I’ll be buying one of these anytime soon!” Admin Your SmartTV just might be smarter than you think. Did you know someone might be listening on the other end of your TV? Would you have guessed that many someones are indeed listening if you are using a voice-recognition SmartTV? Convenience may come at the expense of privacy and security in the expanding world of interconnected devices and voice control recognition, cautions Samsung, which issues this warning on its SmartTVs: “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be
By Creation Moments Whales pose some interesting problems for those who believe that all living things slowly evolved to their present forms over millions of years. According to evolution, sea creatures gradually adapted to life on land because they could make a better living there. That’s where mammals supposedly evolved. Then, for some unknown reason, some of those mammals – Darwin said it was the bear – decided to return to the sea. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“Schools now appear to be used more as indoctrination centers not places of learning. And once again CA is leading the way in moral decadence.” Admin Teenagers at a California high school were publicly shamed for disagreeing with speakers allowed to push an LGBT agenda during an English class, according to several upset parents. The Queer Straight Alliance at Acalanes High School, in Lafayette, lectured students in several ninth-grade English classes on Jan. 29 about LGBT issues, according to Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, which is representing the parents. During the class, the students, ages 14 and
By Ken Ham . . . there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) In recent times, as the construction of the life-size Ark project is well under way by Answers in Genesis, atheist groups, secular bloggers, and secular media have been spreading all sorts of false information/misinformation in attempts to deliberately denigrate the ministry of AiG and hinder the Ark project. Well, I’m reminded there is “nothing new under the sun.” When we were building the Creation Museum, we had the same sort of opposition from the same types of people. For instance, secular groups and secular media
When did the impact occur? …read more Read more here:
Few people have actually read the works of Darwin, and if they did they might be shocked to read some of Darwin’s ideas. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Dr. Gordon recently published a critique of the claims of young-earth creation. This reply is to the biblical criticisms in his paper. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments When you are a small animal whose diet could injure or even kill you, eating can be positively dangerous. That danger increases if you belong to a family of animals that normally takes minutes or even hours to swallow a victim. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“You can rest assured the Dems will use every vote they can get, legal or not, to retake one or both House of congress and win the presidency in the next election.” Admin President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole. While stressing that it remains illegal for noncitizens to vote, secretaries of state from Ohio and Kansas said they won’t have the
By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
By Ken Ham A recent college basketball broadcast on ESPN TV turned into a quick creation vs. evolution discussion, which included a reference to the Grand Canyon of Arizona as an apparent argument for “evolution.” Bill Walton, a retired NBA basketball player who is now a sportscaster, gave his apparently Christian cohost, Dave Pasch, a copy of Darwin’s The Origin of Species and said, “I want to make sure you believe in evolution.” Pasch replied, “I don’t,” and later offered to bring Walton a book that refutes Darwin’s ideas. Walton later commented, “I believe in science. And evolution. I’ve been
Is the war on malaria plagued by “rapid evolution of insecticide resistance” in mosquitoes? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
A reader suggests our physical form is like God’s spiritual form. Can Scripture help us decide if that understanding is correct? …read more Read more here:
“If such regulations are implemented I’m sure they will be used eventually if not immediately to stifle criticism of government actions claiming that such criticisms are attempting to “influence policy”. It’s only a matter of time before a war on Internet freedom will be launched. The free flow of information is abhorred by governments wanting only propaganda fed to the people.” Admin The U.S. Federal government recently said they are considering regulating websites. The Federal Election Commission indicated Wednesday that they are ready to open the door to new regulations on website content ranging from donors, as well as bloggers
A great super food smoothie has a few key components that make it truly nutritional and satisfying to all of your senses. A perfect smoothie should look great, have an awesome energetic glow, taste good, and satiate you for hours on end. A real super food smoothie is the perfect breakfast, lunch, snack, or cleansing and energizing drink. Here are the most important aspects of a great super food smoothie. Read More Natural News Blogs The Secret to Making a Great Superfood Smoothie » Natural News Blogs.
By Multimedia Does a commitment to science mean the death of God? On this episode of ID the Future, hear from bestselling author Eric Metaxas about his new book “Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life.” Metaxas discusses the scientific evidence that points towards, rather than away from, a creator, and addresses the straw man critiques of his popular WSJ article “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id
Well, that’s it women do need more beauty rest than men! According to a recent study, women need more sleep than men do. Researchers from Duke University discovered that when compared to men, women experience more mental and physical consequences from inadequate rest. “We found that women had more depression; women had more anger, and women had more hostility early in the morning,” Sleep expert Michael Breus said. How much does each sex need? Many factors come into hand, but experts believe that it comes down to mental energy expenditure. Read More Why Women Need More Sleep Than Men: Research
Warmer weather is on its way, and now it is time to seek out delicious, healthy treats that everybody can enjoy. This healthy, delicious, and homemade strawberry creamsicle will do just that! Fresh strawberries are one of the most popular, refreshing, and healthy treats on the planet. They are great for your memory, ease inflammation, lower your chances of cardiovascular disease, and promote bone health among others! They are great for your skin, and overall amazingly delicious. Making them a treat you will WANT to serve to your children (and sneak one for yourself!) The best part is, there are
“The free flow of information is always disliked by tyrants or would-be tyrants so an attempt to impose leftist political correctness on the internet is no surprise.” Admin Ajit Pai, one of two Republican Commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), inferred in a tweet that President Barack Obama’s secret, 332-page “Net Neutrality” document is a scheme for federal micro-managing of the Internet to extract billions in new taxes from consumers and again enforce progressives’ idea of honest, equitable, and balanced content fairness. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler recently acknowledged that the three Democrats on the commission had decided to avoid Congressional
The psychological problems that many people experience can be linked to man’s broken relationship with God as recorded in Genesis. …read more Read more here:
“Includes video interviews. This is not surprising since Mr. O, our supposed Christian prez, is a great admirer of Islam. Common Core is the Trojan horse being used to introduce this Islamic indoctrination in schools across America.” Admin Seminole County’s Lyman High School is being called out for its blatant Islamic indoctrination by a student’s father. Ron Wagner read, “There is no god, but God, Muhamad is the messenger of God.” However, he wasn’t reading from the Koran, The Five Pillars of Islam or the Hadiths. He was reading from his son’s 10th grade world history textbook. Even more concerning
Perhaps Lamech ruled over much of the pre-Flood world, and he gave his sons control over these various industries. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Secularists are claiming that parents can raise good kids without God. A recent opinion piece in the LA Times by Phil Zuckerman discusses secular family values and concludes that children raised without religion “have no shortage of positive traits and virtues.” He claims that studies have shown “strong ethical standards and moral values that had been clearly articulated as they were imparted to the next generation.” He quotes the leader of a study on secular family values who says, “The vast majority [of secular families] appeared to live goal-filled lives characterized by moral direction and [a] sense
The government is actually allowing a religion to be imposed on public school students, and using our tax dollars to do it. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Modern psychologists and social engineers generally hold that children are born innocent. Any evil they do is learned from those around them. Based upon this notion, they advise that children should not be spanked because that spanking only teaches violence. This modern teaching contradicts the biblical teaching that we are born in original sin, inherited from Adam. Belief in original sin is accepted in some form by most Christians, Jews and practically everyone who has ever raised children! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments