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By Christina Sarich If you’ve understandably compared airplane food to tasteless cardboard, you’ve at least been eating cuisine that wasn’t contaminated with radiation. Now, Nippon Airways Co. Ltd. (NAC) will be serving their customers in the friendly skies ‘Fukushima food.’ From this March until May, they will feature food from the Fukushima prefecture, part of a marketing campaign that was meant to highlight food from all over Japan. In their internationally-connecting lounges, NAC will serve Fukushima peaches, tomatoes, and beef, as well as 12 kinds of rice wine. A local newspaper reported Fukushima tomato will also be served for in-flight [More]
By Brock Schilling Believe it or not, monarch butterflies are in serious danger of going extinct. So much so, that they are a candidate for becoming listed as an endangered species by the Endangered Species Act. According to scientist the monarch population is only 10 percent of what it was 25 years ago. The number one culprit for the demise of monarchs? Genetically Modified Foods. GMO crops are designed to be resistant to herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup which kill off the monarch’s sole food source: milkweed. It’s estimated that GMO crops are responsible for destroying almost 80% of the natural [More]
Graphic geological evidence reveals animals engulfed in rising waters. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Linda Easthouse Did you know I can tell what is going on in your heart by what is happening in your shoulders? The medical world wants you to check your cholesterol and take Statin meds for it. Then check your blood pressure and take more meds for that…. But you and I both know that you can’t medicate your way out of something that you ate your way into and you can’t ignore your way out of what you worried and feared yourself into. When I think of heart problems I want to know the root cause. For heart [More]
Can time and chance really produce something as complex as insulin? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist Post) By Aaron Dykes A report from Baker Creek Heirloom Rare Seed’s catalog explains how the genetic engineering of crops is having real life consequences for business, as well as food security. Just from the perspective of a medium sized business, Baker Creek and its partners in the seed industry have lost literally hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result of GMO corn contamination. Baker Creek began testing their Heirloom corn varieties for GMO contamination, and found that more than 50% of their more than a dozen varieties were contaminated. Those varieties, most of which were [More]
“Just what Britain needs as if things weren’t already bad enough.”  Admin A known Islamist has appeared in Parliament to present a ‘Muslim Manifesto’ ahead of the general election. Azad Ali, who has previously spoken of his “love” for al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, received a warm reception from the audience which included a number of Labour MPs and former cabinet minister Baroness Warsi. (h/t Guido Fawkes) The manifesto has been put together by the Institute for Muslim Community Development, as a “call-to-action” for parliamentarians, “pinpointing key issues of high importance to the Muslim community.” According to their website, it was [More]
“In a recent video I posted Dr. Don Easterbrook stated that GW was being pushed for two reasons, money and power, well here’s proof of it.”  Admin The UN has never met a problem it couldn’t tackle without calling for a new tax. Over-dependence on fossil fuel? There’s a tax for that. Inequitable distribution of global wealth? There’s a tax for that. Climbing obesity rates due to our fondness for junk food? There’s tax for that, too. Now the UN has decided such piecemeal slugs aren’t enough to underwrite its grand plans to save the world from itself. So hide [More]
A journalist who took inspiration from Israeli Kvika Klein who walked areas of Paris wearing items that identified him as a Jew said he ‘encountered anti-Semitism for nothing but walking in a street’ as he repeated the experiment across Britain. Jonathan Kalmus wore a traditional Jewish kippah as he walked through streets in Bradford and Manchester and it took just one minute before the first abuse was hurled at him, the Daily Mail reports. Mr Kalmus, who videoed his experiment for the Mail, was spat at in Manchester and was subjected to intimidatory language by a boy walking along the [More]
“We are seeing more and more of this where states are having different religions giving prayers at lawmakers meetings. It’s elevating false religions to the same level as Christianity all in the name of  tolerance while undermining our Christian heritage as well. Just another way this nation is turning it’s back on God which one day we will surely regret.”  Admin Three lawmakers in Idaho chose to sit out a Hindu prayer at the state capitol on Tuesday, and one is being called upon to apologize for calling Hinduism a “false religion” to the media. Rajan Zed, president of the [More]
By Creation Moments According to evolution, biological history is one of “red in tooth and claw.” In this view, living things compete with one another. The fittest survive at the expense of the less fit. In a forest, this means that trees compete with one another for light, water and nutrients. Taller trees benefit from the light they prevent shorter trees from receiving. But as it turns out, the true law of the jungle is cooperation. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By The Edgy Truth With so many diets taunting our Facebook feeds, it can be incredibly difficult to ingest it all (pun intended). The fact is, most diets fall somewhere between two extremes: Vegan or Paleo. With one focused on low glycemic vegetable, fruit and starch loads and the other focused on heavy protein and sometimes even heavier fat intake. The line between Vegan and Paleo can of course sometimes be contentious as ethical and even environmental debates spawn. However, those aside and simply focused on health, Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the more respected nutrition Docs [More]
By admin by Editor – Organic Facts The health benefits of pistachios include a healthy heart, weight management, protection against diabetes and hypertension, and improved digestion. The vitamins, minerals, fats and protein found in pistachio are all very good for your health. Pistachios are one of the oldest nuts that were commonly used in the world. They […] The post Health Benefits Of Pistachios appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
The real issue is whether God had any involvement in the authorship of the Bible. To claim the Bible was written by mere men, one must be transcendent. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Brock Schilling Your body speaks to you every day, whether you realize it or not. Paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you is ESSENTIAL to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not all the signs your body is sending to you are as evident as others, unless you know what to look for. For instance, the color of your urine is a great indicator of what is going on inside your body. Urine is the byproduct of your body’s filtration system – so naturally it is the easiest indicator of how well your body is functioning. The [More]
By Brock Schilling If you’re a health conscious shopper, you probably tend to buy more fruits and vegetables than processed foods, but did you know that if you’re not buying organic – you could be doing more harm than good? Not all fruits and vegetables react the same to the pesticides and herbicides that are commonly used in factory farming. A recent report found that more than 3,000 produce samples analyzed by the USDA tested positive for pesticide residue, which is what prompted the Environmental Working Group to create their “Dirty Dozen” list of the fruits and vegetables to avoid. [More]
A study suggests the universe had neither a beginning nor a big bang, but if the universe is eternal, then there is no need of God. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dixie Somers Whitening procedures can be very expensive, and many store-bought whitening products today contain dangerous chemicals. Other products that you find in retail stores across the country often don’t work, or may take months before you notice any changes in coloration. Teeth whitening home remedies are the perfect solution for consumers with a limited budget. The following items can be found around your house, and are safe to use on stained or yellowing teeth: Strawberries and Salt This special whitening mixture works exceptionally well because strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C and malic acid, which both [More]
Why has belief in evolution and long ages become ‘established fact’ in earth sciences, impervious to contrary evidence? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola One out of every three US adults has high blood pressure (hypertension).1 If you’re among them, one of the first recommendations your physician probably gave you was to cut back on salt. Yet, there’s far more to maintaining a healthy blood pressure than eating a low-salt diet – a strategy that works for some people and fails for others. In fact, fewer than half of Americans with high blood pressure have their condition under control,2 and perhaps this is because conventional physicians have been focused on the “wrong white crystals,” …read more Read more [More]
By drbrogan@kellybroganmd.com A new study finds the chemical war against cholesterol using statin drugs was justified through statistical deception and the cover up of over 300 adverse health effects documented in the biomedical literature. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By Phyllis Chlorophyll is one of my favorite nutrients. It has SO MANY health benefits it makes it a true wonder-food. However, the most marvelous and amazing benefit it gives comes from the fact that its molecular structure is almost identical to hemoglobin except for the center atom. In hemoglobin this is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. This means that when ingested, liquid chlorophyll can actually help to do the job of hemoglobin (hemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood – in fact, blood is approx 75% hemoglobin). It helps to rebuild and replenish our [More]
By Creation Moments Many lines of evidence support the Bible’s claim that Noah saved two of every kind of creature on the Ark, including dinosaurs. This means that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time rather than separated by millions of years, as evolutionists claim. Long before modern science discovered dinosaurs, many histories offered descriptions of these creatures. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Robert Harrington Are root canals safe? Dr. George Meinig, author of Root Canal Cover-Up, was a founding member of the American Association of Endodontics. He quit the association later in his career after he saw firsthand the adverse affects that root canals have on the immune system. Dr. Meinig also witnessed the irreparable damage to the jaw bone caused by the infected cavitation sites where root canaled teeth once sat. What exactly is a root canal? The standard root canal procedure effectively kills the tooth by removing all the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains the blood supply, nerves, [More]
“Well I’m sure ABC is proud of it’s making this dubious TV history. Just one more reason NOT to watch the garbage put out by the major networks, it’s mental and spiritual poison.”  Admin The ABC Family drama The Fosters made television history Monday night for featuring the youngest ever dramatized gay kiss, as characters Jude and Connor, both 13, locked lips after some awkward flirting. Set in a mixed family environment, The Fosters are a diverse group of children, both biological and adopted, whom an interracial lesbian couple cares for, according to the show’s IMDB page. The show, which [More]
“The officials involved in this were incredibly stupid, just didn’t care or motivated by political correctness to ignore it and blame the victim. How much of this is still going on?”  Admin A report into the systematic abuse of white girls at the hands of Asian, mainly Pakistani men has found that the police and social services didn’t do anything to prevent the abuse because they blamed the girls, some of whom were as young as 11, for the abuse. The serious case report into the exploitation of six girls in the Oxfordshire area by a gang of seven Asian [More]
People often wonder how Noah was able to fit thousands of animals on board. But have you ever wondered how the people and animals left the Ark? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily