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Some say evolutionary advantages led to the average size increase of marine animals in the fossil record, but they assume a timeline of millions of years. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) by Catherine J. Frompovich DEADLINE MARCH 12: Tell BIO’s Dr. Cathleen Enright How You Feel about Being Forced to Eat GMO ‘Food’ The information below is copied and pasted from OCA’s TAKE ACTION Petition When Organic Consumers Association was invited to be on a panel Cathleen Enright, executive vice president food & agriculture, for the Biotech Industry Organization (BIO), at the “Southbites: Feed Your Mind” session during Austin’s South-by-Southwest (SXSW) Interactive, we jumped at the chance. But after we’d accepted the invitation, an organizer at SXSW told us that Enright had vetoed our participation. We called Enright [More]
Lentils may be individually small, but they pack one heck of a nutritious punch. They’re full of essential minerals and nutrients like potassium, iron, folate, zinc, and calcium – all of which are important for your body’s well being. And they provide one of the richest sources of dietary fiber on earth. If you haven’t already made lentils a part of your weekly diet plan, here are twelve reasons why you should seriously consider doing so. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Ken Ham You are probably aware that the state of Kentucky decided not to give Answers in Genesis a tax incentive that is equally available to any tourist attraction seeking to build in the state and meets a specific set of requirements (once the attraction has been open for one year). AiG’s Ark Encounter meets all of the state’s requirements but were denied the tax incentive simply because of our religious identity and because we will clearly present the gospel message at the Ark Encounter. We have since filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against …read more Read more here: [More]
In an interview about persecution of Christians in the Middle East and restrictions on religious freedom in the United States, evangelical preacher Franklin Graham said America faces radically different issues than those that confronted his father, Billy Graham, and stressed that “we’re losing our country,” that “the foundations of this country are collapsing and falling apart.” “My father wasn’t worried about losing our country when he was growing up,” said Rev. Franklin Graham on the Mar. 11 edition of Washington Watch With Tony Perkins. “That wasn’t the issue.” “Today, we are losing morally our nation, and the foundations of this [More]
By Christina Sarich “The US government and leading scientific institutions have systematically misrepresented the facts about GMO.” The famous zoologist Jane Goodall, who worked with monkeys in their native habitat at the Gombe Stream Reserve at Lake Tanganyika in the 1970’s, is joining a prominent activist lawyer, Steven Druker, to reveal the mockery of truth Big Biotech and the US government have made over genetically modified foods. Steven Druker has written a book detailing it all titled “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth” which features Dame Jane Goodall, who has called it one of the most important books in the last 50 [More]
Will studies revealing a quasar with a much-too-massive black hole and a galaxy with young space dust lead to the downfall of the big bang model? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Jefferey Jaxen A monumental ethical issue is hovering over the entire medical establishment in the United States that threatens its integrity and trust. The human element is being removed from the equation, replaced by computers to give us our options, and legislation to remove our choice in medical care. Somewhere in the shuffle, the individual’s informed consent was broken down, lost in the paperwork, and made irrelevant. Informed consent is the process by which the treating health care provider discloses appropriate information to their patient so that the patient may make a voluntary choice to accept or refuse treatment. [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Washington, D.C., March 3, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous. For example, the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to “Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to “Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.”1 A statement on the website of St. Jude’s Hospital warns parents not to allow people to visit [More]
By Ken Ham We often get accused by secularists of indoctrinating children into believing their parents’ Christian faith. But who’s really doing the indoctrination? Here at Answers in Genesis, we try and equip parents so that they can teach their children to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks them a reason for the hope that is in them” (1 Peter 3:15). We equip parents so that they can show their kids the major problems with evolutionary ideas, show them the difference between observational and historical science, and reveal to them how the <a class="colorbox" href="https://answersingenesis.org/evidence-for-creation/the-10-best-evidences-from-science-that-confirm-a-young-earth/" [More]
By Creation Moments Did you know that there was no October 5, 1582? There wasn’t even an October 6 that year. Why? The story begins with the Earth’s orbit. A year is exactly 365 days, 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds longer. This means that every year when the day of your birth arrives, the Earth is not exactly where it was in its orbit on the day you were born. Though the eleven-minute error is small, it does add up over hundreds of years. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
The Singerl twins are a vivid reminder that we are all members of one race. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola When it comes to food, there’s no comparison between slow food and fast food. Where slow food is the result of careful growing and harvesting, gentle and thoughtful preparation and cooking, and, finally, taking the time to savor each bite… fast food is the result of a cookie-cutter convenience approach. As fast food has infiltrated society, levels of chronic disease have risen. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that half of Americans suffer from at least one chronic illness, while such diseases cause 70 percent of US deaths every year. [More]
“Why wouldn’t a woman object to a man being in the ladies locker room. This whole transgender lunacy is becoming a nightmare in schools as well.”  Admin A sports minister is weighing in on a fitness gym that booted one of its members after she complained about a transgendered man in the women’s locker room. “They have non-judgmental policy but they sure will judge the person that believes transgender is wrong,” Stave McConkey says of Planet Fitness. A woman in Michigan, Yvette Cormier, made national news this week after Planet Fitness dropped her due to its “judgement free” policy. According [More]
“Just another sign of growing apostasy especially in mainline denonimations.”  Admin An American Baptist College is defending its invitation to an openly lesbian United Church of Christ minister, asserting that Christians are making an “idol” of the Bible. “It’s sad that people use religion and idolatry of the Bible to demoralize same-gender-loving people,” American Baptist College President Forrest Harris told The Tennessean on Wednesday. The publication then asked that he clarify his use of the phrase “idolatry of the Bible.” “When people say [the Bible] is synonymous with God and the truth,” Harris responded. “We can’t be guided and dictated [More]
“Given what you’ll read later in the article about one of its co-founders one can only imagine what kind of teaching will be given students there.”  Admin A California school co-founded by a firebrand who once called for an “intifada” in the U.S. has become the nation’s first accredited Muslim college. Zaytuna College, which operates out of two rented buildings in Berkeley, Calif., and had an enrollment of 30 in 2013, was officially accredited earlier this week by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges—one of the six academic organizations responsible for authorizing public and private colleges and universities in [More]
“So much for free speech. I wonder if this Act will eventually be applied to what is said inside churches if someone claims to have been “offended” by what a minister said in a sermon. Biblical truth is now being shut down by PC zealots.”  Admin A street preacher in the UK who is charged with making “homophobic” and “Islamophobic” remarks has just completed a two-day trial and awaits a verdict on whether or not biblical speech about the issues is considered a crime in the country. Mike Overd, a street preacher for five years, is accused of speaking against [More]
Politicians in the USA presidential race are asked about evolution because belief in molecules-to-man evolution is necessary for an anti-God agenda! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Globally, $374 billion is spent on snacks each year. Nielsen’s 2014 Global Survey of Snacking revealed that many people are seeking out snacks with all-natural ingredients – 45 percent said natural snacks are very important and 32 percent said they’re moderately important.1 People are also looking for cleaner ingredients labels. Forty-four percent said they want snacks with no artificial colors, followed closely by no genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and artificial flavors. Of course, the best snacks are whole foods… not those with ingredients labels at all. But major food companies are taking note …read [More]
By Robert Harrington “Moving clocks ahead an hour for daylight saving means more evening sun. But it can also cause ‘microsleeps’ – nodding off with potentially dangerous consequences – until we adapt.“[1] Many individuals throughout Western society are experiencing insomnia and other sleep conditions more frequently. Because of this predicament in our “already overworked, sleep-deprived country,’ shifting the time by one hour twice a year to accommodate Daylight Savings Time (DST) now has greater significance than ever. It now takes less of life’s daily stresses to produce ‘microsleeps’ during the day which then interrupt both work and play. “Susceptibility to [More]
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. John Bloom finishes up his conversation with Casey Luskin about evidence for design in the universe from physics and cosmology. Listen in as Dr. Bloom discusses how prevalent design-friendly views are in the physics world. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham Here is an illustration of Romans 1:22, “Professing to be wise, they became fools”: “You start with a random clump of atoms, and if you shine light on it for long enough, it should not be so surprising that you get a plant.” (http://marketbusinessnews.com/new-physics-theory-may-…/49996) So there you have it! It’s so obvious life arose by natural processes. Anyone knows that if you shine light on atoms long enough you’ll get plants! What a reminder that it’s the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10) and the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Thanks [More]
By Debi Elison-Warsat When people become sick, most of the time they rush to the doctor’s office to get medication to mask the problem and not actually become better. Natural remedies are the way to go, and this one is actually famous! This recipe was created by a Brazilian monk who goes by the name of Romano Zago. You only need a few ingredients, and if you are a health nut like me you probably already have it. And, despite the pressure and the lobbying power of the pharmaceutical industry, this is a recipe that has managed to circle the [More]
Christians are frightened to reveal their religious beliefs to colleagues at work, equality chiefs admit. When they do declare their Christianity, whether in the office or on the shop floor, they are often mocked or treated like bigots – and their children are even ridiculed at school. Christians also think their faith is being pushed out of its role as a cornerstone of life in Britain, according to a major study by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. And ironically, many feel they are being persecuted by the same anti-discrimination and equality laws supported by the equality watchdog. Persecuted: The [More]
By Ken Ham We constantly hear testimonies of how God is using AiG all over the world to encourage and equip believers to stand on the authority of God’s Word from the very beginning. Well, recently we received a particularly engaging email from a supporter named Willem in the Netherlands. I think you will find his testimony encouraging. I have incorporated some highlights below. He wrote the following: So here is my story. It’s a story of how [I] drifted away from God and how God led me to your website and how your teachings eventually totally opened my eyes [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) by Melissa Melton The petition up on WhiteHouse.gov against mandatory vaccinations — the one the White House tried to bury — has, at the time of writing this, reached well over the 100,000 signatures needed by March 6th in order to supposedly garner a response from our president’s administration. The petition is short, sweet, and to the point: No human being should be FORCED to be vaccinated against their will and/or personal/religious beliefs. I petition against making vaccinations of any kind mandatory. This includes forcing children to be vaccinated to attend public schools, …read more Read more [More]
By Mariana Sarceda For decades, those people slightly or heavily overweighed were told by nutritionists and health experts that the best way of getting rid of those unwanted extra pounds was to stick to a long term and steady diet plan. Apparently, losing weight gradually was much better than following any of the more popular and much advertised crash diet plans that offered almost instant weight loss. Diet plans such as the 3 day military diet, the astronaut diet, the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet or the Scarsdale Diet are examples of these nutrition plans that have been traditionally [More]