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By Ken Ham Many articles have appeared in the secular and Christian media after Answers in Genesis (AiG) filed a motion in federal court yesterday seeking an injunction against Kentucky because they stopped the Ark project participating in a performance-based sales tax rebate incentive offered to any tourist facility that fulfills the requirements of the law. The consultants hired by the state concluded the Ark project did fulfill all the requirements. However, Bob Stewart, the secretary of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet, and Steven Beshear, the governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, would not allow the Ark Encounter’s [More]
By Ken Ham Sometimes when I read the science news I just have to laugh. It seems that secular scientists are willing to believe anything, no matter how ridiculous, rather than admit the truth that they know in their hearts. There is a Creator (Romans 1:20–21). Well, in the news recently there was a story about scientists from the UK who reportedly found a “tiny metal circular object” in Earth’s stratosphere, and they are now “suggesting it might be a micro-organism deliberately sent by extraterrestrials to create life on Earth.” Now, the idea of directed panspermia, that life came from [More]
By Debi Elison-Warsat What happens when you peel an orange? I am guessing your fingers are sticky, and they probably smell heavy of citrus. Oranges have high amounts of a substance known as limonene in them, an essential oil. Limonene naturally hydrates the skin, and it also makes your fingers smell like well… oranges. But, you will never guess what it can do to a rubber balloon! …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
Geologist Clifford Burdick challenged evolutionary thinking in many areas including radiometric dating. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) by Carey Wedler Last year, Michelle Obama proposed a requirement that food companies disclose “added sugar” to their products. Ever since, corporations have upped their lobbying efforts. Their arguments against labeling the number of teaspoons of added sugar in their products range from predictable dents in their profit margins to a feigned concern that Americans would be confused. They claim Americans could actually become more obese. These impassioned responses from the food industry show how eager corporatists are to maintain the status quo. The cranberry industry enlisted Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick [More]
By Brock Schilling Cucumbers are so common these days that people have no idea where they came from, or how healthy they are. Heck, most people don’t even know that pickles are actually cucumbers, let alone their medicinal benefits. Cucumbers, originally from India, are a creeping vine that produces an edible fruit when ripe. In reality, it’s harder to find a more versatile plant, between it’s household uses and medicinal benefits. The following list is not just a list of health benefits from eating cucumbers, but also some uses that are simply as unique as the humble cucumber itself. So, [More]
By Dr. Andrew Snelling Evolutionists say the oldest human fossil, the Ledi jaw (LD 350-1), shows humans had evolved from ancestors like Lucy in East Africa 2.8 million years ago. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Emotional health and wellbeing has been the subject of many a book, study and discussion. The issue is infinitely complex, since nobody quite knows how much of this or that is required to achieve this coveted objective. A study conducted by Rutgers University essentially confirmed that emotional health improves when flowers are added to one’s life. Flowers are associated with intimacy, kindness, devotion, wellbeing, happiness and serenity. In today’s times, stress is among the leading contributors of heart attacks, increased anxiety, disrupted sleep patterns and general discontent. Doctors routinely advise their patients to make the necessary lifestyle [More]
A University of California Berkley graduate student has discovered two beautiful new species of peacock spiders in southeast Queensland, Australia. The student, Madeline Girard, named the two colorful creatures “Sparklemuffin” and “Skeletorus,” both of the genus Maratus. Are these splendid specimens highly evolved species or have spiders always been spiders? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Creation Moments The University of Tübingen’s Institute of Anatomy recently discovered a fish with what they called “a previously unknown type of eye.” The glasshead barreleye has a cylindrical eye pointing upwards to see prey, predators and potential mates. But the eye also has a mirror-like second retina which is able to detect bioluminescent flashes created by deep-sea denizens to the sides and below, reports Professor Hans-Joachim Wagner. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“Yet the US government has the warmest of relations with these anti-Christ dictatorial regimes.”  Admin The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia (left), the country’s top Islamic cleric, has declared that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region,” placing Christian places of worship throughout the Arabian Peninsula in potential jeopardy. Since Christianity is already forbidden in Saudi Arabia and no churches exist there, the implications of the cleric’s words were that the church ban should extend to other countries in the region, including Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates. Read More  Saudi Arabia’s [More]
“If they lose this case it will have a profound effect on Christian business owners throughout the country in terms of having to compromise their beliefs or face legal consequences.”  Admin Daniel McArthur yesterday praised God for sustaining his family throughout Ashers Baking Company’s three-day trial. It also emerged on Monday that the taxpayer-funded Equality Commission for Northern Ireland had increased its set-aside funds for the case to £40,000. The Commission took the Christian-run bakery to court because it declined to produce a pro-gay marriage campaign cake. Thankful Ashers is being given legal support by The Christian Institute’s Legal Defence [More]
“They are starting to bring these Sharia courts here to the US as well. They need to be totally banned in all Western societies. Anyone coming to a Western country should abide by its laws, period. If they don’t like they can go back to where they came from.”  Admin A Peer is calling for a judge-led inquiry into Sharia courts, in a revealing new report on discrimination against Muslim women across Britain. In the report, Baroness Cox also outlines the provisions of her Private Members’ Bill, which would curb the growth of quasi-legal systems such as Sharia courts, in [More]
Is science determined by majority vote? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
It’s often claimed that evolution-not biblical creation-is evidence-based science; the truth is very different. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
This week, the World Health Organization sent the food and sugar industries into a tailspin by changing their sugar intake guidelines for the first time in over 10 years. WHO lowered the daily recommended intake of sugar by half, making it currently 6 teaspoons or approximately 25 grams. Most processed food easily surpasses this amount. In fact, sugar is one of the staple ingredients. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Jeffrey P. Tomkins In the grand evolutionary paradigm, the origin of the eukaryotic cell represents one of the great mysteries and key hypothetical transitions of life. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Mindfulness is “the intentional, accepting and non-judgemental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment”, which can be trained by a large extent in meditation practices. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published the results of a ground-breaking study that found that meditation appears to provide as much relief from some anxiety and depression symptoms as antidepressants. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
“Interesting article that concludes the Jade Helm drills may be simulating an attack on Iran and not training for a martial law situation here. Whether Jade Helm is just a routine drill or preparation for something more sinister only time will tell. The drills start in July and run for two months.”  admin The upcoming Jade Helm exercise, conducted by the US military across seven states has been attacked as a preparation for martial law, but could in fact be part of a much more sinister project. The US military is preparing to launch a massive military drill in towns [More]
“This is the old “problem, reaction, solution” scenario being pulled on us again. The problem: massive influx of illegals, The reaction: We’ve got to be able to identify them, The solution: biometric id for everyone (which they have been trying to foist on us for years). Just another step to an even more Orwellian society unless it can be stopped once again. Let your legislators know how you feel about it.”  Admin After largely failing to prod state governments into developing a national identification system known as “REAL ID,” Republican lawmakers in Congress are once again pushing an Obama-backed scheme [More]
By Creation Moments Would you believe that life on planet Earth was the result of icy comets striking the Earth’s surface long, long ago? We didn’t think so. But a team of researchers from three distinguished institutions would disagree with you. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
This is an excerpt from a longer interview with notorious serial killer Jeffery Dahmer who has since become a Christian where he shares his views on evolution and belief in God.
By Debi Elison-Warsat Who says that body image is only something that women have to worry about? First, the world was given a glimpse at the perfect woman; now we have the perfect man, and this is according to men and women. According to these pictures, men are very wrong about what the perfect man is supposed to look like. According to a study done by jacamo, a British Menswear label, 62% of men hypothesized that women would prefer Justin Bieber’s hair, Gerard Butlers face, Hugh Jackman’s arms, David Gandy’s torso, and Cristiana Ronaldo’s legs. Or tall, dark, and handsome! [More]
“The article contains some remarks made by Putin in a speech a few days ago regarding the NWO and Russia’s stance toward it. It sure seems that a war is almost unavoidable unless one side or the other stands down.”  Admin In his strongest speech, ever, directed at the United States, in front of the rest of key members of the Western world, Putin drew a line in the sand with regard to American imperialism. The following are excerpts of Putin’s speech delivered at the Valdai conference in Sochi, just a few days ago. The speech was directed at Western [More]
“Just another example of the subtle brainwashing that’s going on with kids.”  Admin Isn’t it interesting how an agenda is so often posed as a debate even though there is usually only one side? Or, when a synthesis of the two is the actual goal? That’s how things are presented to adults, usually on television. Or rather, “adult-children.” So that it looks like they have an informed choice. Unfortunately, children in many public schools don’t even have the semblance of a two-sided joust. They are expected to download beliefs. As you will see below, it doesn’t even matter if they [More]
By Dr. John C. Whitcomb Noah’s Ark is an amazing object God designed to save Noah and his family from the Flood, but today we have an infinitely greater Ark—the Lord Jesus Christ! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Barbara Minton While you’re chowing down on all those healthful fresh fruits and vegetables (hopefully), don’t forget to eat plenty of protein, too. A growing pile of research is finding that people who eat higher levels of protein stay slim and trim compared to those who don’t. How can eating more make a person slimmer? Protein is so integral to the formation and maintenance of every part of the body, that the signal to put down your knife and fork doesn’t get sent until you’ve eaten enough protein. Probably in an effort to keep recruits trim and fit, the [More]