By (Activist Post) Antibiotic resistance is poised to spread globally among bacteria frequently implicated in respiratory and urinary infections in hospital settings, according to new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The study shows that two genes that confer resistance against a particularly strong class of antibiotics can be shared easily among a family of bacteria responsible for a significant portion of hospital-associated infections. Drug-resistant germs in the same family of bacteria recently infected several patients at two Los Angeles hospitals. The infections have been linked to medical scopes believed to have been contaminated with
By ca day Scientists and technology have come a long way. Scientists have created an insulin-producing cell that could replace injections. Scientists from the University of Technology in Sydney Australia have developed a line of insulin-producing cells that can eliminate the need for type 1 diabetics to inject themselves with insulin. The cells were derived from liver cells. PharmaCyte Biotech has acquired something called Cell-in-a-Box system which is a tiny cellulos-based ‘capsule’ that can hold artificial cells that integrate them in the human body. The platform is used to develop treatments for any disease where cells aren’t release the molecules
Lucy and Maria Aylmer are 18-year-old twins from the United Kingdom. They were born on the same day from the same mother, yet one has light skin and hair, and the other has dark skin and dark, curlier hair. Their unique story illustrates how human-trait variations found around the world could have arisen suddenly in Noah’s offspring. More… …read more Read more here:
By Barbara Minton If you are feeding your toddler or young child reduced-fat milk to avoid obesity, you are not alone. Both the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have given this idea thumbs up for the past 50 years, recommending kids start on skim milk by the age of two at the latest. However, this recommendation appears to be lacking in solid science, and research is finding that in fact, toddlers and young children who drink whole milk grow up to be slimmer than children who drink skim or low-fat milk. Researchers from the University of
As children age, we encourage them to eat well, battle to get them to eat their vegetables and avoid sugars — all to give them the best start in life. But our children’s health prospects may have been determined long before all the hard work. A growing body of research suggests the first 1,000 days of a child’s life — the nine months in the womb and the first two years out of it — are vital to their long-term health. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
Can one defend Scripture while denying essential parts of its message? …read more Read more here:
By Brock Schilling With working out becoming more popular than ever, many people are turning to protein powder based shakes to add nutrients and supplement muscle development. Be careful which protein powders you use. %nbsp; Just because something came from a “health store” doesn’t mean it is healthy. You should be reading the labels on your workout supplements just as much as you read the labels on everything else you eat or drink. Protein powders are notorious for having all sorts of bad ingredients, even the good ones. Here are some things to look out for on your protein powder
By REALdeal Source: How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Get Rid Headaches and Anxiety For more content like this visit Flavoring your lemonade with lavender is a great way to utilize the amazing medicinal properties of lavender. Lavender is a wonderful aromatic herb that calms the senses. Pure lavender oil is an incredible essential oil to use for your own health and wellness. It’s among the gentlest of essential oils, but also one of the [&hellip Source: How to Make Lavender Lemonade to Get Rid Headaches and Anxiety Learn more at – Healthy News …read more Read more
The evolutionary tree of life popularized by Charles Darwin has been shaken to its roots by the molecular genetics revolution. …read more Read more here:
Many specific proteins, enzymes and coding within our immune system may be activated to kill cancer cells. There is no such thing as a cancer cell that cannot be defeated by the human immune system. The difference between cancers that grow and those that don’t are what we put in our bodies to prohibit their growth. Proteins can be rendered ineffective if cells experience uncontrolled growth though damage or mutations to DNA or if toxins through food and chemical pollution override the immune system’s natural function. Here are 10 functional foods which suppresses tumour development during immune surveillance in the
By ca day It is well known that certain lifestyle behaviors and bad genes can cause cancer, but the things that you didn’t know could be putting your life and body on danger. There are a lot of things that we do or even use that you would never even suspect. Cancer is from the changes that happen in the DNA. There are some changes that can be passed down from generation to generation. But substances, situation and exposures that can lead to carcinogens. But some carcinogens don’t directly affect the DNA, they can lead to cancer in other ways
By Debi Elison-Warsat Constipation is no joke, I know I personally have had trouble with this in the past, but never again! Using these methods, you will never have potty troubles again! There are a lot of different reasons why people get constipated whether it be because you are in a different time zone, you got off track during your diet, or maybe you just have a nervous stomach. When you can’t go, you can’t go but never take no for an answer! Some of the best methods that have helped me are… Drinking warm liquids in the morning A
By Ken Ham According to recent reports, judges in California’s courts are no longer able to belong to the Boy Scouts since the group does not allow for gay troop leaders. Reportedly, “the move extends an earlier ban on judges’ belonging to groups that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation that had an exemption for youth groups. Judges have one year to sever their ties with the Boy Scouts.” So, apparently, California judges are unable to participate in a wholesome group simply because they prohibit gay troop leaders. Now be aware that the Boy Scouts of America does allow
While Margaret Sanger was anti-abortion, she was a fanatical racist and eugenicist. Planned Parenthood is practising racist eugenics by locating in minority neighbourhoods and aborting minority babies. …read more Read more here:
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Sayer Ji Ginger has been studied to have value in over 150 health conditions with type 2 diabetes top on the list. With anti-diabetic drugs linked to increased cardiovascular mortality, natural alternatives are needed now more than ever. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info
By REALdeal Source: This Lightweight Tiny Camper Can Be Towed With Your Bicycle! For more content like this visit Here’s an ingenious innovation that combines the tiny life, camping, and biking! I have to admit I was skeptical at first that it was large enough to comfortably sleep in and light enough to pull but after reviewing the specifications from the creators at The Wide Path Camper I’m on board with this idea! [&hellip Source: This Lightweight Tiny Camper Can Be Towed With Your Bicycle! Learn more at – Healthy News and …read more Read more here:
A lesser known, yet highly effective natural treatment for sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, cluster headaches and migraines are capsaicin-based nasal sprays. They have been tested clinically for over 10 years and exhibit remarkable potency in alleviating many upper respiratory conditions, sinus, head and even neck pain. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell To evolutionists, the “butcher” crocodile demonstrates crocodiles had evolved to be major Triassic predators millions of years before dinosaurs ruled the world. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear part three of a recent talk Casey Luskin gave on evolution and intelligent design, in which he presents some of the biggest problems with the case for Darwinian evolution. In this segment, Casey discusses why often-cited evidence for Darwinian evolution from embryos and vestigial organs is actually false. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By REALdeal Source: New Transparent Solar Cell Can Make Every Window A Power Source For more content like this visit Amazing developments are happening in the world of solar power. The latest breakthrough has been made by a team of researchers at Michigan State University. They have created a type of solar concentrator called a TLSC (transparent luminescent solar concentrator) that when placed over a window can harvest solar energy while allowing people to actually [&hellip Source: New Transparent Solar Cell Can Make Every Window A Power Source Learn more at – Healthy News …read more Read more
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear part five of a recent talk Casey Luskin gave on evolution and intelligent design, in which he presents some of the biggest problems with the case for Darwinian evolution. In this segment, Casey discusses how fossil record evidence fails to support Darwinian evolution. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear part three of a recent talk Casey Luskin gave on evolution and intelligent design, in which he presents some of the biggest problems with the case for Darwinian evolution. In this segment, Casey discusses how mutations and natural selection don’t produce many of the complex features we see in life. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
Schools should be forced to promote gay relationships in sex education lessons, union leaders say. The National Union of Teachers has called for a ‘positive portrayal of same sex relationships’ in lessons to be made ‘compulsory’ under the next government. It said MPs had a duty to tackle ‘homophobia, biphobia and transphobia’ in schools and create a ‘positive climate of understanding about sexuality’. But critics accused the NUT of ‘thought control’ and said the ‘intolerant’ proposals risked ‘oversexualising’ children at a young age. Meanwhile, Christian groups warned it would compel teachers at faith schools to act against their beliefs. Read
Genesis 8:1 teaches an important truth in the Flood account: God’s attention was focused on Noah and those with him on the Ark. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By REALdeal Source: How Johnson & Johnson May Be Poisoning Your Child For more content like this visit by DR. MERCOLA If you buy special shampoo for your baby, the last thing you’d expect it to contain would be known or suspected carcinogens… But if you live in the U.S., this may in fact be the case. For the past two years, health and environmental groups have been urging Johnson & Johnson to [&hellip Source: How Johnson & Johnson May Be Poisoning Your Child Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Bodie Hodge There is a common claim that the God of the Old Testament (even in the New Testament) seems very harsh, brutal, and even evil. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily