By (Activist) By lifehack A lot of people tend to view “being alone” as boring. They think it means they’re anti-social or unwanted. The reality is, being alone definitely isn’t a bad thing. Once you embrace solitude, plenty of benefits begin to surface. I’m not saying you need to go live in the woods and abandon society; no one can argue the benefits and the fun that come along with fulfilling relationships. What I am saying, is that once you learn to enjoy your alone time, you’ll be begin to grow as a person. Here are ten amazing thing
By REALdeal Source: This Is What Happens When You Put Onions In Your Socks While You Sleep For more content like this visit Did you know that the bottoms of your feet are a direct entryway into your body through what Chinese doctors call meridians? Meridians are pathways to each organ in the body. Some argue that meridians don’t actually exist, but those who understand Chinese medicine recognize that meridians are closely related to the nervous system. And [&hellip Source: This Is What Happens When You Put Onions In Your Socks While You Sleep Learn more at …read more
By Ken Ham At this year’s Answers Mega Conference, you will receive great Bible teaching, see the life-size Ark under construction, and tour our popular Creation Museum. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Debi Elison-Warsat Bone issues are never fun, but the truth it they happen even to the best of us. So to avoid it, it is important to deal with your eating habits! In puberty is it critical for adolescents to be physically active, it supports the development and enhancement of the bones. But, most importantly it is best to eat a well-balanced filled with foods like the following to thrive with good bone health. Bananas and Plantains Both are high in magnesium and potassium which helps to increase bone density. They are best known for their help with symptoms
By Creation Moments Until recently it was commonly thought that humans can smell approximately 10,000 different odors. But that’s no longer thought to be true. So how many different odors can that nose in the middle of your face detect? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Information is being censored from children in their public school classrooms—places that in most cases are churches of atheism. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Debi Elison-Warsat A lot of daily activities can put strain on your leg muscles, as well as fitness and nutritional deficiencies. They are going to happen, but here is how to get rid of them! What causes them? Overuse of a muscle, dehydration, muscle strain, or even simply holding a position for a prolonged period of time could result in a muscle cramp. For many people, however, the cause is unknown. Most are completely harmless, but in some cases it could be the direct result of an underlying cause. Inadequate blood supply- The narrowing of the arteries that deliver
By Ken Ham Actually, he’s not! The Roanoke Times website this week printed a review of Bill Nye’s new book (Undeniable) by Bob Benoit, an emeritus professor of microbiology at Virginia Tech. Sometimes I just shake my head at the ridiculous statements made as such people want so much to push the religion of evolution. For instance, in this item, the reviewer states: Bill Nye makes an eloquent case for evolution. His experience making 747s at Boeing allows him to present the geological record and fossil evidence in an accessible and direct style. Now Bill Nye is a mechanical engineer—and
By Debi Elison-Warsat We have all been there, those long nights filled with drinks and friends; we also know the day after a long night of drinking. We all know that the day after comes along with a hangover, but what you didn’t know is that it could have some more serious effects. History tells us that the selling of alcohol was banned in the United States between 1920 and 1939, but why was this? Men would drink whisky at all times of the day often becoming violent and aggressive. They would sometimes be unable to work, would get sick
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell From almost the same genetic building blocks, DNA, very different results are achieved! But is that the result of evolution, or God’s design? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham We find it flattering in general when a very well-known media outlet mentions the Creation Museum. That was the case with this recent article in the New York Times (the nation’s “newspaper of record”). We have mixed feelings about its coverage of us, but at least our Bible-affirming ministry is being noticed by this international newspaper. In a recent New York Times article that dealt with the increasing number of museums with specialized themes, the reporter noted there are a surprising number of museums that are involved in “advocacy.” In writing that our Creation Museum brings the
Breastfeeding has been linked to an increased IQ level and earning potential later in life according to a recent study published in The Lancet Global Health Journal. The study followed a group of almost 3,500 newborns for 30 years, monitoring the effects of breastfeeding along the way. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Chris DePaulo Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Does your husband or wife snore away soundly next to you while you stare at the ceiling for what seems like an eternity? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep? You’re not alone. Millions of people around the world report having similar problems either falling asleep or staying asleep for the whole night. The good news, there are simple things you can try to improve your sleep patterns and finally get a good night’s rest. There are many different
By Debi Elison-Warsat If you are an avid bike rider, you are going to love this! Reflective paint company Albedo 100 has teamed up with Volvo to create LifePaint, a spray paint that can be applied to clothing, backpacks, and bicycles to develop a reflective coating that will keep you safe at night. Once the spray paint is applied to the cycle it remains invisible until it is hit by the glare of a car’s headlights. That is when it glows to ensure that the driver can make out the cyclist up ahead. The product is known as LifePaint, but
By (Activist) Researchers caution against the use of these fish oils, while undergoing chemo By Heather Callaghan A breast cancer survivor once told me that she was ordered to stop drinking green tea while undergoing chemotherapy so that the chemo would have a chance “to take.” The green tea was fighting off the drug’s effects. It turns out, other substances have chemo-thwarting tendencies. Researchers have noticed that certain compounds make chemotherapy drugs less lethal towards the target. Are these substances “protecting the tumor” or strengthening the body to point it pushes away chemotherapy? Emile E. Voest, M.D., Ph.D., of
By (Activist) by Joshua Krause Nobody ever said there were too many ways to clean water. When it comes to the one resource that you need more than any other, it’s a good idea to learn as many methods of filtration as you can, because the situations you might find yourself in without clean water, are highly variable. The tools that are available in one situation may be lacking in another, so you should have a long list of water filtration methods in your head. One of the easiest methods you may not have been aware of, involves …read
By Brock Schilling One extremely important aspect of laying out a garden is knowing which plants work well together. That’s where companion planting comes in. Many plants have natural substances in their roots, flowers, leaves etc. that can alternately repel and/or attract insects depending on your needs. In some situations they can also help enhance the growth rate and flavor of other varieties. Experience has shown us that using companion planting throughout a vegetable garden is an important part of pest management, and plant growth. Some plants require different root space, and use up more water than others, so think
Despite no verifiable evidence in support of dark matter, its existence is being presented to the public as established fact. …read more Read more here:
By Brock Schilling One of the handiest plants that you can grow can be used as a bandage, a medicine, and even used as toilet paper in a pinch. This is one plant that deserves some space in your garden. Wooly Lamb’s Ear (botanical name Stachys byzantina), has been used for centuries as a wound dressing. Not only do the soft, fuzzy leaves absorb blood and help it to clot more quickly, they also contain antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. How handy is that? It’s like a medicinally treated bandage all from your garden. On top of that, you can
For those of you who like digging into clinical studies for more detailed information on something you can do so here: The above link is to the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health using the keyword of “tumeric” to pull up the studies about it. You can enter any keyword you want in the search box at the top of the page.
By Ken Ham Secularists like Bill Nye “the Science Guy” are increasingly saying that those who hold to the biblical creation model are anti-science or that they deny science. They claim that evolutionists have “science” but biblical creationists just have faith. But this is simply not true. Biblical creationists use and love science! Two Different Kinds of Science While we do not deny science, what we do deny are the worldview-based assumptions behind the ideas of millions of years and evolution. You see, there are two different kinds of science— observational and historical science. Observational science deals with the present
By Melanie Grimes Research has now shown what grandparents everywhere have long known. Being around grandchildren is good for grandparents. A new study demonstrated that babysitting grandchildren prevents Alzheimer’s, increased brain concentration and decreased depression. Alzheimer’s disease now affects one in every eight Americans. With over 5 million people over the age of 65 suffering from this disease and no known cure, preventing or delaying onset is the best option. Research on Grandparenting and Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Research conducted at the Women’s Health Aging Project in Australia studied over 180 women and published the study in Menopause, the journal of
By (Activist) By Catherine J. Frompovich According to Wikipedia, “A kangaroo court is a judicial tribunal or assembly that blatantly disregards recognized standards of law or justice, and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides. Merriam-Webster defines it as “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted“.[1] The term may also apply to a court held by a legitimate judicial authority who intentionally disregards the court’s legal or ethical obligations.” [1] [CJF emphasis added] The last sentence I emphasized, I think, truly …read more Read
By Rocky Choi The commitment to create optimal health in life requires focus. One way to do this is to make it a clear objective that’s written down on paper or typed into one of your mobile devices. You then make a habit of looking at this objective twice on a daily basis. You might want to look for wonderful images which remind you of your objective. These images can be placed around your house or apartment. Or, you might place them on your mobile device. After you’ve established your objective of optimal health by keeping it constantly in your
“At the end of the article there is a video interview of Joel Richardson and Carl Gallups on Islam and end times events in the book of Revelation.” Admin Islam is a lot more than a Middle East system of religious practices that horrifies Westerners used to the freedoms and security of a democratic republic; it’s an alluring, seductive system that turns innocent outsiders into victims, according to several experts. Commentator Phylllis Chesler wrote recently about the issue under the headline, “ISIS’s Nazi-style ‘Jihad Bride’ Propaganda an Alluring Trap for Western Girls.” There, she wrote, “Foreign girls who are lured
By Creation Moments Humans aren’t the only ones who use sign language, a recent study has found. Two types of fish are now known to use gestures to help them capture prey. Both the grouper and coral trout hunt cooperatively with other kinds of aquatic sea life. And they pull this off with sign language. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By (Activist) By Heather Callaghan Today marks the unsurprising approval from the FDA regarding new varieties of genetically engineered potatoes and apples. The approval applies to six varieties of potatoes from Idaho’s J. R. Simplot Co. and two types of apples from Canadian company Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc.; Granny Smith and Golden Delicious. Arctic Apple plantings are planned for 2017.Enzymes in the products have been genetically altered so that the potatoes will not bruise and the apples will not brown. “These foods are as safe and nutritious as their conventional counterparts,” read a statement by the Food and Drug