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By Ken Ham Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at AiG, we have a special time with the entire staff to start off the work day. We often have a guest pastor or other Christian leader share devotional thoughts with our staff—it’s in an effort to start off the day on an encouraging note. Recently, we were blessed with some special music from AiG friends and volunteers Robb and Kathy Blanchette. They travel around the country in their RV and give several gospel concerts each year, and we have really grown to appreciate their musical talent and their passion for the [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Higher Perspectives The more we can reveal about our inner self, the more we can proactively work to be the best people that we can be. Quizzes like this one can help. It’s pretty simple. Just pick your favorite animal! Group #1. Which is your favorite? ElkTigerMountain Lion Group #2. Which is your favorite? WolfSquirrelDog Group #3. Which is your favorite? BeeAntBeaver Group #4. Which is your favorite? BadgerLadybugDeer So what do your answers mean? The results are below. The first group represents power. Each animal is powerful, but for different reasons. The elk is a [More]
By Andre Evans Instant Ramen noodles is known by many individuals as a cheap food you can buy in bulk and can cook fast and easily. The average consumer is often drawn to products like these, which are cheap and seemingly have little downside when compared to the convenience. But this meal, as many health food advocates already know, is the complete opposite of healthy. It’s easy to point out that processed foods like these are not only empty calories with no nutritional value, but are also full of chemicals and additives that cause numerous health issues – all while [More]
By Dr. Danny Faulkner There are at least three problems with Hugh Ross’ local flood model which render it physically impossible. This is in addition to numerous biblical issues. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a hybrid image titled “Marilyn Einstein” to help you determine if you have good vision. The picture combines a low spatial frequency (i.e. blurry) image of Marilyn Monroe with a high spatial frequency (i.e. clear) image of Albert Einstein. If your eyesight is working as it should, you should be able to see a detailed picture of Einstein when viewing the picture close up. As the image gets further away and/or smaller (or if you squint your eyes), the image of Monroe will appear. [More]
“Just another step towards the NWO.”  Admin As establishment Republicans join forces with the Obama administration to ram through a series of sweeping pseudo-“free trade” agreements with the European Union, critics are up in arms over various leaked provisions that would all but crush the principles of self-government. Especially alarming to opponents is the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP, which, among other concerns, would purport to limit the ability of voters and their elected representatives to enact laws interfering with the agenda of Big Business and Big Government. Another agreement being pursued in tandem, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or [More]
“Rev. Kukla says he loves Planned Parenthood and that “They care too much about people and too much about life…”. Let’s see, PP is responsible for millions of abortions and the good Rev. says they care about life, talk about delusional. Just shows how far some so called ministers have gone from the Bible. Blind guides leading the blind.”  Admin The president of the largest chain of abortion clinics in the United States is thanking “Faith Leaders” for standing with them. In a tweet by Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards, recently released she states, “So grateful to the many faith [More]
An Oregon administrative law judge today ordered former bakery owners Aaron and Melissa Klein to pay $135,000 in fines for declining to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple due to their religious beliefs. Administrative judge Alan McCullough for the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries said the Kleins violated an Oregon statute prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The lesbian couple will receive the funds for “emotional, mental, and physical suffering.” “What happened today is an egregious assault on the freedom Americans have to peaceably live their lives according to their beliefs,” said Family Research Council [More]
“Please remember to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters.”  Admin Persecution of Christians in China reached its highest level in more than a decade last year as the government cracked down on church growth perceived as a threat to Communist Party power, according to a U.S.-based advocacy group. Texas-based China Aid Association (CAA) this week reported 572 cases of religious – mainly Christian – persecution last year, a 300 percent increase over the previous year’s 143 cases. The number of people affected in those cases jumped from 7,424 to 17,884 people. More than 1,592 were church leaders, compared with [More]
By Creation Moments Humans, birds and seals are all known to navigate by the stars. But now, the lowly dung beetle could be the first example of an insect being a stargazer. These lowly insects appear to use the stars of the Milky Way to know where they are going. Most humans can’t even accomplish that! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
“Not surprising, she is just Mr. O in a pants suit, same anti-God far left agenda. To find out more on who the real Hillary is check this out.”  Admin White House hopeful Hillary Clinton called for big changes in America’s culture, saying “religious beliefs” need to be overhauled in order to make way for birth control, abortion and women’s health care. “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper,” Clinton said, during the [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Being a parent is hard work. With all the stress associated with raising children, excelling at a career, running a household and maintaining relationships, it’s no wonder that many mothers have difficulties coping. And, due to the The signs of prescription drug addiction can be difficult to detect. However, when addiction occurs, symptoms like the following are common: Obsessive thoughts concerning prescription medications. Frequent trips to a doctor with the intent of obtaining prescription drugs. Visiting multiple doctors, or “doctor shopping,” in hopes of receiving more prescriptions. Obtaining prescription drugs through illegal methods, e.g., theft, forgery, illegal [More]
“Any government wanting to disarm those who are most proficient in using firearms would most certainly go after vets.”  Admin A shocking memorandum uncovered by The Daily Caller reveals that the Department of Veterans Administration (VA) is sharing confidential veteran medical information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to stop veterans from buying firearms and to seize firearms veterans already own. The transfer of confidential health information about veterans from the VA to the FBI is a violation of federal law and constitutes a direct attack on the Second Amendment right of veterans to own and use firearms for [More]
“Whether you agree with him or not Chuck never pulls any punches in letting you know where he stands on something.”  Admin Does anyone in the country want to see another Bush vs. Clinton presidential race? If they do, they have a death wish for America. It is not uncommon these days to hear people refer to Jeb and Hillary as the “royals.” And, while I’m glad that a lot of people seem to have a natural revulsion to having another Bush or Clinton in the White House, the fact is, the Bushes and Clintons are not two “royals.” They [More]
By Steve Ham Many Christians may have missed the mark when it comes to the gospel’s natural outflow—helping people in need. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Robert Harrington The pharmaceutical companies are experts at identifying multiple uses for any given medication, also known as off-label prescriptions. The more applications that a pharmaceutical drug has, the greater the return on the corporation’s investment, and the happier the shareholders. A recently headlined example may revolve around acetaminophen (Tylenol) and how it could be used to dull emotions. Therefore, whenever a headline reads like the following – Acetaminophen Blunts Both Positive And Negative Emotions – it is very easy to understand why the many makers of acetaminophen-containing products may have had a hand in the study. Millions have [More]
“An alternative organization based on Christian values is the American Heritage Girls.”  Admin A traditional values leader is exposing the Girl Scouts for its continued move toward far-left causes. The latest announcement, says Linda Harvey of Mission America, is that little boys from kindergarten through high school can join the Girl Scouts, if the boy considers himself a girl. “In other words, he calls the shots,” Harvey says of young males. “He is the one that determines the rights and privacy of authentic girls.” Regarding transgender youth, the website for the Scouts states that if a boy is recognized as [More]
Sea urchin spines are made from a crystal that contains impurities that stop cracks propagating. The fine architecture further strengthens the spine. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Der ian Want to lose those unwanted pounds? Well, you can, simply by sleeping! It may sound too good to be true. However, recent studies have shown that you can boost your metabolism while you sleep with specific foods and have extra energy and great muscle tone. Dr. Steve Farrell from the University of Dallas has proven […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Christina Sarich The FDA recently approved a non-browning, GMO apple. But the idea that consumers won’t touch an apple that has started to brown once it has been cut open is a ridiculous reason to justify the creation of GM Arctic Apples, given approval by the United States FDA without any concern for human health. Especially when non-GMO, non-browning apples already exist. There are numerous apple varieties that are slower to brown. Another GMO-alternative that doesn’t put entire apple orchards at risk from cross pollination is called the Opal Apple, a Non-GMO Project verified apple. Ralph Broetje grows this [More]
“If GMO’s are so wonderful and harmless then why is so much money being spent on opposing labeling laws?”  Admin Food and biotechnology companies opposed to mandatory labeling of foods that contain genetically modified food ingredients have disclosed expenditures of $63.6 million in 2014 to lobby for legislation that made reference to GMO labeling. This analysis updates a September 2014 EWG report that found $28.3 million in anti-GMO-labeling lobbying expenditures in the first two quarters of 2014. Anti-labeling lobbying expenditures for 2014 were almost three times what these companies and groups spent in 2013. Over 2013 and 2014, companies and [More]
By Der ian Want a rocking beach body?, want it without the hassle and haggle of working out? Don’t feel guilty;everyone does, try these quick tips to lose your midline! First, the most important thing you can do daily is to drink water. This may seem very simple and you may be thinking this is too good to […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
A recent MSN article claims a fossilized hominid called “Little Foot” found near Johannesburg, South Africa, is approximately 3.67 million years old, as does a similar report in ScienceNews. Both articles provide insufficient detail to make an intelligent evaluation of the method used to arrive at the stated conclusion, and as such that conclusion must be regarded as suspect. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The number of deaths due to hypertension, or high blood pressure, increased nearly 62 percent from 2000 to 2013, according to a new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).1 Currently, about 70 million US adults struggle with the condition, which amounts to one in every three adults. Only 52 percent of those who have been diagnosed have their blood pressure levels under control, and another one in three US adults has pre-hypertension, which means blood pressure is elevated and at risk of progressing to full-blown hypertension.<a class="colorbox" href="http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/default.aspx#_edn2" name="_ednref2" [More]
Are vitamins actually killing you, giving you heart attacks, and perhaps even extracted from the depths of Hades? If you follow some of the highly deceiving studies on the matter of vitamin usage that fail to actually tell you when they’re using petrochemically derived ‘junk’ vitamins in all of their testing groups — then the answer may be a very loud ‘yes.’ And, unfortunately, that makes for quite a large number of these studies. It was back in 2011 that I first wrote an article breaking down the subject of vitamin studies, entitled ‘Why Many Vitamin Studies Are Absolutely Worthless.’ [More]
By Creation Moments When most people look at a photo of the Goniurellia tridens fruit fly, they think it must have been created by a talented Photoshop artist. No, this fly with images of ant-like insects on its wings is no accident of nature. The images were put there by a Master Designer. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments