By REALdeal Source: The US Finally Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells For more content like this visit by JEFF ROBERTS A group of federal researchers commissioned by the government to prove that cannabis has “no accepted medical use” may have unwittingly let information slip through the cracks, revealing how cannabis actually kills cancer cells. The research, which was conducted by a team of scientists at St. George’s University of London, found that the [&hellip Source: The US Finally Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By John C. P. Smith It seems that truth has become a somewhat dirty word, or at least a corrupted one. In its place we are left with a whole lot of uncertainty. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Hayden Beck With the close of another school year you may find there is more free time in your child’s daily routine. Supplement their learning and entertainment with STEM toys. Incorporate additional learning and fun with one choice. STEM? The acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM plays a critical role in global economics, industry and the future of your child’s career and overall life. With the close of another school year you may find there is more free time in your child’s daily routine. Supplement their learning and entertainment with STEM toys. Incorporate additional learning
By Nathan Ham The blindness of the skeptic to the many evidences creationists have given them for years proves that the greatest need is for Christians to preach the gospel. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Alijuina The avocado tree is native to Central Mexico and belongs to the same family as cinnamon and bay laurel. Avocado is also known as alligator pear because its shape and the leather like appearance of the skin resembles an alligator’s. Nutritional Value Of Avocado It has more potassium than bananas, is rich in Bcomplex and vitamins A, E and K. The fiber content is high with 75% insoluble and 25% soluble fiber. The insoluble fiber cleans the bowels and prevents constipation. The soluble fiber keep one full and prevents over eating, delays hunger.It is extremely rich in iron,
By Brock Schilling Snoring affects million of people every night. If you’ve ever shared a bed or a room with someone that snores, you know that it’s not just bad for the person snoring, it’s bad for anyone in hearing distance! Snoring is caused by structures in the throat relaxing and vibrating as you breathe. Although snoring is […] …read more Read more here:
A cautionary tale about how the pronouncement of one scientist can be overturned by the observations of another. …read more Read more here:
By David Benjamin Source: 6 Solid Reasons To Eat A Grapefruit A Day For more content like this visit by DAVID BENJAMIN Grapefruits were called the “forbidden fruit” when they were originally discovered and named ‘grapefruit’ because they grow in clusters like grapes. They’re an amazing fruit, delicious and nutrient dense, and actually the fruit for the state of Texas! (I wonder how many Texans know this?) They’re worth eating for several different reasons. [&hellip Source: 6 Solid Reasons To Eat A Grapefruit A Day Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola While most accept deteriorating vision as a natural part of aging, it’s really more of a side effect of our modern lifestyle. Aging does not automatically equate to failing vision, provided you’ve properly nourished your eyes through the years. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of blindness among the elderly, followed by cataracts. Both of these conditions are largely driven by free radical damage, and may in many cases be largely preventable through antioxidant-rich foods such as those listed in the table below. Astaxanthin Animal-based omega-3 fat (found in wild-caught Alaskan
By Creation Moments Evolutionists and atheists like to think they’ve got Bible-believing creationists stumped when they ask, “If a worldwide flood really happened, where did all the water go? If Noah’s flood covered the mountaintops, what happened to all that water?” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By (Activist) by Catherine J. Frompovich Smart Meter (SM) technology is something most consumers may not be familiar with. However, just because the ‘smart’ label is attached to a technology, that doesn’t imply the technology is in the best interest of consumers’ overall health. Think again, especially when it comes to new ‘smart’ electric, gas, or water meters that are AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) SMs, which can do a few things consumers really may not be aware of and which really are NOT very smart safety-wise. SMs send RFs (Radiofrequency non-ionizing radiation) into the homes they are retrofitted on;
By Ken Ham We often receive encouraging testimonies from people who have been strengthened and equipped with AiG resources. I thought I would share with you this testimony from a young lady, now a student at Cedarville University in Ohio, who used our resources as a teenager and found that they helped her navigate through the difficult years of questioning her faith in high school. You can watch Jana’s testimony, filmed and edited by Caleb Caucett: Like Jana said in her video, today’s high school and college students are having their faith assaulted both in and out of the classroom.
By Der ian Would you like to improve your overall health without any effort? Try this Liver Cleanse and see how much better you will feel! Your liver has a very important role in your body. It decompses any toxins that it comes in contact with, such as, improper foods, medicaions, alchol, and infections. Cleasning your liver is […] …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments If we can learn anything from science, it’s this – the scientific facts of today won’t necessarily be the facts of tomorrow. The simple truth is that a scientific fact that is no longer a fact was never a fact to begin with! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By (Activist) Let’s hope the Earth doesn’t start demanding wages for its free services, but why aren’t we using them? By Heather Callaghan Can you imagine a workers’ strike among the bees, insects that demand more for aphid removal services, soil that churns out resignation slips, earthworms who stop drilling, plants who refuse to pull nitrogen out of the air and place back in the soil? Researchers from multiple countries wondered what would happen if nature’s services were factored into grocery prices. (Yikes. Please don’t.) But more than that – why isn’t this free labor being leveraged more to
By Tom Hennigan Chameleons’ skin color can shift dramatically, and in just a few minutes their colors can revert back to the original. How do they do this? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
A potential solution to the alarming loss of youth from the churches. …read more Read more here:
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Earlier this year, BioLogos published the transcript of a conversation that took place between Dr. Hugh Ross, the president of Reasons to Believe, and Dr. Deborah Haarsma, the president of BioLogos, as well as several other theologians and scientists. We’ve written about these compromising organizations before; Reasons to Believe holds to an old-earth, to cosmological and geological evolution, and to progressive creation (which is, in essence, not really much different than theistic evolution), and BioLogos completely accepts secular ideas about the origins of the universe but just says that God used cosmological, geological, and biological …read more
By Barbara Minton A professor in Argentina backs up the WHO’s classification of glyphosate as a probable carcinogen, noting that the international scientific community has known for years that the herbicide glyphosate causes cancer. Backing up the World Health Organization’s recent re-classification, a professor in the Department of Ecotoxicology at the National University of Littoral in Argentinaa and researcher from the primary national research council of Argentina, CONICET, says that “the international scientific community has warned for years, backed up by studies, that glyphosate is carcinogenic. It is good that WHO has recognized this fact.” Reaction to the re-classification of
By REALdeal Source: How Much To Plant To Provide A Year’s Worth Of Food For more content like this visit by BRENDA Not long ago, people had to think about how much to grow for the year. They had to plan ahead, save seeds, plant enough for their family, preserve enough, etc. It wasn’t just a hobby. It didn’t take up a 4 foot by 4 foot square in their backyard, next to the beautifully fertilized lawn. It was their [&hellip Source: How Much To Plant To Provide A Year’s Worth Of Food Learn more at <a class="colorbox" …read
The United States is moving toward “criminalization of Christianity” as a result of legalizing same-sex marriage, Mike Huckabee told a group of conservative pastors in a conference call organized by the Family Research Council. “I think it’s fair to say that Christian convictions are under attack as never before,” Huckabee said Thursday, according to audio of the call obtained by Right Wing Watch, a project of the progressive advocacy group People for the American Way. “Not just in our lifetime, but ever before in the history of this great nation. We are moving rapidly toward the criminalization of Christianity.” Read
British Baptists could be facing a bruising controversy over homosexuality, as one of the regional associations has dissented from the denomination’s declared position, Christian Today can reveal. The West of England Baptist Association (WEBA) – one of 13 regional associations of the Baptist Union of Great Britain – has effectively challenged guidance issued by the Union which says each minister can make up its own mind on the issue of same sex marriage. The matter of what is and isn’t allowed is complex for Baptists because of the way they are structured: each Baptist church is independent, but the Union
“The article was written by Rev David Robertson who will become the Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland in May.” Admin I suppose it is a good thing that most modern denominations now have press officers and issue press releases. It helps keep the church in the news, after all. But we also run the danger of ‘spin’. It’s hard to be a prophet in the land of spin. I wonder if sometimes the church makes an enormous mistake when we try to spin bad news as good news. This week the Church of Scotland released its ‘Blue Book’
“I’m glad to see the resistance against this NWO Common Core educational system. Thankfully parents are waking up to this monstrosity and it’s goals of dumbing down and indoctrinating kids with their far left agenda. The sooner it’s gone the better.” Admin Parents are pulling their students out of Common Core testing procedures by the droves, and now someone has leaked test material onto the Internet. It’s just the beginning of the resistance to the federally orchestrated management of children, according to the author of a new book on education policy. Alex Newman, author of “Crimes of the Educators: How
By (Activist Post) Sunflower seeds and oil are a particularly good dietary source of vitamin E. Researchers at Oregon State University have discovered how vitamin E deficiency may cause neurological damage by interrupting a supply line of specific nutrients and robbing the brain of the “building blocks” it needs to maintain neuronal health. The findings – in work done with zebrafish – were just published in the Journal of Lipid Research. The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health. The research showed that zebrafish fed a diet deficient in vitamin E throughout their life had about 30
By (Activist) by Catherine J. Frompovich During the week of April 12, 2015, Pennsylvania Smart Meter Awareness (PASMA) sent out two Press Releases regarding the increasing adverse health effects from Smart Meter (SM) radiofrequency non-ionizing radiation (RFs). Those Press Releases were rather dramatic, especially since utility companies claim there are no adverse health problems. Even Pennsylvania House of Representatives Consumer Affairs Committee Chair, Robert W. Godshall sent me a letter in response to my letter. This is what he had this to say about SM health effects: I am not going to continue a dialog on the issue as