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Scientists have calculated that the amount of force at work when you crack your knuckles has enough energy to cause damage to hard surfaces, yet studies show that the habit does not appear to cause long-term harm. By defining the process underlying joint cracking, scientists seek to discover its therapeutic benefits, or possible harms, their study published last week in PLOS ONE found. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Ken Ham The abortion battle is reportedly heating up yet again in California. According to Life News, “a California committee has approved a bill that would force pregnancy centers providing women with abortion alternatives to refer women for abortions.” Apparently, “there is no conscience clause or opt out for centers that provide pregnant women assistance without abortions or abortion referrals.” So even Christian centers that provide women with alternatives to abortion, if this legislation goes through, would be forced to promote abortion or face fines. This startling piece of legislation further highlights the increasing war on religious freedom raging [More]
By Christine . S People probably passed Epsom salts in the pharmacy aisle of the local grocery store for years without really giving them much thought. For some reason, Epsom salts seem to have gone out of fashion in recent times and are most associated with hard-core athletes or the elderly looking to ease some of their arthritis aches and pains. However, there are a whole array of uses that Epsom salts can be put to – and not just for jocks or little old ladies! Below are some great ways to use these inexpensive salts that many people may [More]
By John UpChurch Water is so much more than a refreshing drink. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Christina Sarich After months of consumer and activist comments, picketing at the Attorney General’s Office, and winning a lawsuit against Monsanto who tried to overturn the original law, Vermont has just become the first state to have mandatory GMO labeling. Vermont became the first state to become GMO-labeled (a step toward becoming GMO-Free) in 2014, but Monsanto, Dow, Bayer and other biotech interests decided that consumers had no rights at the state level to determine what they wanted to eat. Vermont was brave enough to uphold the voted-upon law anyhow, and even put money aside for the legal fight [More]
By Meghan Telpner As more and more people become aware of the health problems caused by the modern American diet and its dependence upon processed or fast foods, whole foods diets are becoming more popular. These diets focus in on changing to foods which are prepared from their natural states, like fresh vegetables or whole grains. One good change to make if striving for a whole foods diet is to include more seeds. The typical American diet does not feature seeds heavily, so many people do not always think of them except in the form of a condiment (like sesame [More]
By Ken Ham There is more behind what has been designated today as Earth Day than planting trees, reducing pollution, and conserving natural resources. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Purushottam Anant Deshpande In past I have treated many cases of psoriasis by naturopathy. Psoriasis is auto immune disorder disease and the root causes are not known. The skin cells as a cycle of 28 days during which the cells are produced matured and dead. This is a continuous cycle and everyday the dead cells are parted with and its place is taken by new cells which form skin covering the human body. Due to some abnormal reasons this cycle go on changing and even comes to 4 days instead of 28 days. Patient has high itching problem, [More]
By Creation Moments When this fish is taken out of the water, its face almost looks like a very sad person. In 2013 it was voted the “World’s Ugliest Animal”. What is this creature that was adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society? It’s the appropriately named blobfish. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Paul Fassa Source: Are Factory Farm Feedlots Breeding Grounds for Airborne Pathogens? For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Factory farm feedlots or CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) are where livestock are crowded into ridiculously small areas and fed GMO mush, injected with hormones then milked to death, or sent to slaughter after being fattened further with antibiotics. Besides being incredibly cruel to animals on a massive scale, the effects of [&hellip Source: Are Factory Farm Feedlots Breeding Grounds for Airborne Pathogens? Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: [More]
Christians leaders are warning of civil disobedience if the Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage. This was the warning from Mat Staver, the founder of the Liberty Counsel and co-author of the Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage, a statement which seeks to emphasize the position of individuals across differing faith perspectives to protect the sanctity of marriage. In an interview with FoxNews, Staver did not mince words when he elaborated on what religious leaders meant when they drafted the pledge. “Yes, I’m talking about civil disobedience. I’m talking about resistance and I’m talking about peaceful resistance against unjust laws [More]
“This is an important article noting a sinister change in how Mr. O refers to our having “freedom of worship” and no longer “freedom of religion”. The article goes into why this terminology change is worrisome.”  Admin Early in President Obama’s tenure in the White House, Catholic Online and other media outlets reported what appeared to be a deliberate attack on the Constitution’s “freedom of religion” protections. The report noted a crucial change in Obama’s language between his June 2009 speech in Cairo, Egypt, where he spoke of a Muslim America and its “freedom of religion,” to the November 2009 [More]
“I have no doubt if the S Court rules in favor of “gay” marriage that Mr. O will most certainly use it to wage war on Bible believing Christian churches, schools and businesses.”  Admin Christian colleges and universities were warned by the United States government during Supreme Court oral arguments over the federal legalization of same-sex “marriage” that if they continue their opposition to the controversial unions, they will lose their tax-exempt status and be forced out of business. A Closer LookIn fact, six words uttered at the proceedings rang as a foreboding warning to Christian educators and institutions across [More]
“It’s clear the states and fed gov think they own your children and dissent by parents on the disaster known as Common Core won’t be tolerated, a hallmark of a dictatorial government.”  Admin The state is threatening parents with “criminal accountability” and jail time if they continue to be part of a nationwide movement keeping their children from taking the highly contended mandatory Common Core tests. A Closer LookThe federally imposed Common Core that is implemented by all but a small handful of states has been criticized by parents and educators alike as being a dumbed-down curricula that indoctrinates students [More]
“She made a post on her Facebook page critiquing the gay agenda and the need for the traditional family then gets disciplined by the school. I had no idea the 1st amendment had been repealed but apparently when commenting on a certain privileged small minority it has.”  Admin After a Catholic high school teacher in New Jersey was suspended for defending natural marriage on her personal Facebook page, education experts are contending that such disciplinary measures preclude teachers from being the witnesses for Christ that they were called to be at school. A Closer LookImmaculata High School of Somerville, New [More]
By Ken Ham Episode two of the TV mini-series A.D. The Bible Continues aired last week on NBC. This series is intended to depict what happened after Christ’s Crucifixion. Episode one showed His death and burial and dramatically ended with an open tomb. You can read our review of “The Tomb is Open.” This second episode, which aired Sunday, April 12, portrayed Christ’s Resurrection appearances and His ascension into heaven. One of our writers and researchers, Avery Foley, wrote a review of episode two that highlights how the producers have neglected yet again to present the gospel. This was one [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola A mammogram, which is an x-ray of your breasts, is offered by conventional medicine as the best “prevention” strategy for breast cancer. The idea is that by detecting potential cancer early on, it is easier to treat and therefore should be less dangerous and, ultimately, less deadly. Unfortunately, this theory is flawed for several reasons, including the fact that it does not account for the risks of the screening itself. Mammography is not an innocuous risk-free test. As an x-ray, mammography exposes you to ionizing radiation that can cause cancer. Perhaps even worse, its [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Brandon Turbeville and Heather Callaghan For those who may be critical of the process of vaccination, particularly its safety and effectiveness, it is a known fact that there has never been a study proving safety or effectiveness that was not linked to a pharmaceutical firm or vaccine maker.[1] Indeed, if vaccines were so easy to prove safe and effective, then certainly an entirely government-funded or independent agency would have done so by now. With the recent mainstream media hype, however, one would be tempted to believe that such an independent study has finally taken place proving [More]
The truth of Christ as the Lamb of God was revealed long before His Incarnation-starting in Genesis. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Bri Jackson Probiotic supplementation has been widely popular in recent years and they’re getting a new wave of media attention as several recently published studies focus on their potential to replace antidepressants. The good bacteria strains are commonly publicized as an effective solution for bloating, digestive irregularity, and weakened immune systems in addition to promoting overall health. A new research study conducted at Leiden University has shown probiotics to be effective in reducing the occurrence of rumination, which is a predictive behavior of depression. Dr. Lorenza Colzato of Leiden University led the blind study, which administered multiple strain probiotic [More]
By David Benjamin Source: These Are The 3 Most Nutritious Apple Varietes To Eat For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by DAVID BENJAMIN An apple a day keeps the doctor away right? Well, for the most part. Unless you are eating one of the varieties that has higher sugar content and lower phyto-nutrient and antioxidant content like most Americans. These are the apples that taste the sweetest, unfortunately. Good news for you though, the top [&hellip Source: These Are The 3 Most Nutritious Apple Varietes To Eat Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By Ken Ham One of the most popular regular events we hold at the Creation Museum is our annual women’s conference. This past weekend, about 500 women turned out for this year’s conference we called “Embrace.” The women once again heard excellent speakers, including Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, who shared her thrilling testimony (find out more about her outreach), Stacia McKeever, and other superb presenters. Dr. Georgia Purdom, also one of the speakers at the conference and its emcee—and the person who has been developing these yearly conferences for us—informs us that she has already set a date for next year’s [More]
By Pulford Are you fond of eating pineapples or drinking fresh pineapple juice? If so, then you are doing yourself a huge favor because of the immense health benefits that pineapple offers. Pineapples are tropical fruits that are popular among Americans with its sweet flavor and low calorie count. Pineapple juice contains important enzymes, minerals, and vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and thiamine, which provide various health benefits. Although the advantages from drinking pineapple juice are many, for best results, it is advisable to drink freshly made pineapple juice as opposed to processed (artificially flavored) pineapple juice.Top [More]
Fat cells, like all cells in the body, get replaced continuously, but the turnover rate is the same whether people are obese or lean. So what effect do diet and lifestyle have on our fat cells and how do they cells truly behave in our body? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Creation Moments The next time you enjoy a vanilla ice cream cone, keep in mind that vanilla wouldn’t even exist if evolution were true. Evolutionists don’t have a blooming idea about the origin of a special symbiotic relationship between a particular flower and a very special bee. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Thinking about a nice cold cheesecake is something that sends my tastebuds in a frenzy. Try this healthy no bake cheesecake recipe that will surely heighten your senses without ever touching an oven. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease