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Listen To Interview Use the slider on the audio player to skip ahead to the 33:30 min mark to hear his interview. JOHN W. WHITEHEAD of The Rutherford Institute also joins today for a discussion of the emerging police state and CPS abuses. The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization whose international headquarters are located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Whitehead serves as a member of the Constitution Project, which seeks to formulate bipartisan solutions to contemporary constitutional and legal issues by combining high-level scholarship and public education. Websites: http://www.rutherford.org & http://www.constitutionproject.org 
By Christina Sarich We all know that biotech likes to spew lies about their products like a fire hydrant left on to overflow into the street. Well talk about genetically modified Golden Rice is no different. Fortunately, farmers from the Philippines are rejecting this environmentally irresponsible crop because, “they have plenty of other solutions for Vitamin A deficiency.” Golden Rice has gotten a lot of hype. Biotech tries to sell it as a miracle cure for blindness due to a genetically altered augmentation of beta-carotene (Vitamin A) within the plant. It is often used as a Trojan Horse to force [More]
“An article with a video was posted on Charisma news on 09//19/14 about a dream Rick Joyner had about ISIS’s terror plans for America. Is this the beginning of their plans.”  Admin The barbaric Islamic group ISIS, which identifies itself as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has claimed responsibility for Sunday night’s attack on the “Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest” in Texas. The group put out a statement on Al Bayan radio on Tuesday, declaring that “two soldiers of the caliphate” had struck the event in Garland, and threatening worse violence upon the nation. “We say to [More]
“This is just one more example of protein material being preserved in fossils supposedly many millions of years old with no explanation of how this is possible. The more sensible conclusion is the fossils aren’t millions of years old.”  Admin Scientists recently studying a collection of ancient shells were surprised to find not only no evidence of evolution in the specimens, but also clear evidence of protein-rich materials that normally cannot survive millions of years. According to a recent article published in the European Association of Geochemistry’s Geochemical Perspective Letters, researchers analyzed shells found along the coast of Maryland. The [More]
By REALdeal Source: Popular Olive Oil Brand Sued For Selling Fake Product Cut With Cheap Fillers For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JONATHAN BENSON You’ve probably seen them at the grocery store: those ubiquitous, clear bottles of so-called olive oil that contain a strange, yellowish substance branded as “extra virgin.” One of the largest purveyors of this anomalous oil is the subject of a new lawsuit alleging that its products are not, in fact, real extra-virgin [&hellip Source: Popular Olive Oil Brand Sued For Selling Fake Product Cut With Cheap Fillers Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow" …read [More]
Creative family uses Creation materials for child’s dinosaur-themed birthday party. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) here Tess Pennington is the author of …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By REALdeal Source: Pain Management: 7 Herbs For Chronic Back Pain Relief For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JEERY PARK Are you plagued with back pain? Are you the Weekend Warrior who wakes up on Monday morning with back pain or tightness? Would you rather avoid costly and sometimes dangerous prescription drugs? Back pain can make your life a misery. You can’t concentrate on your job, your personal life is affected and [&hellip Source: Pain Management: 7 Herbs For Chronic Back Pain Relief Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Avery Foley When answering the skeptics we stand firmly on our presuppositions and point them to the truth of the Christian worldview and the gospel of Jesus Christ. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Robert Harrington There have been many reports recently about the virtues of drinking alkaline water. Often they are accompanied by sales pitches for water ionizers or alkaline water machines. The marketing behind these water alkalizing product is usually quite aggressive, which begs the question. “Why?” First, it ought to be established that the human body functions the best with fresh pure water at its natural pH of 7.0. However, found in its most natural state throughout the environment, water can range from 6.5 to 8.5. “The normal range for pH in surfacewater systems is 6.5 to 8.5 and for [More]
By Barbara Minton If you have decided to skip bananas because somebody said they are fattening or loaded with sugar, it’s probably time to re-evaluate. Bananas, like so many other natural whole foods, have so much to offer for your health. Here you will find at least 4 banana health benefits that everyone should know about. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says that a 35 year old woman who exercises 30 to 60 minutes a day needs to eat 2 cups of fruit daily. This leaves plenty of room to fit in a banana every day or at least [More]
By Ken Ham When many people consider the age of the Earth debate, they think of it as science versus religion. They assume that those who hold to an old Earth have all the scientific facts behind them, and those who believe in a young Earth are just biased because of their religious beliefs. But it’s not really a battle of science versus religion—it’s a struggle between two philosophical worldviews! The idea of millions of years arose because of an anti-biblical interpretation. The scientists, and non-scientists, of the past 200 years who began proposing the idea of an old Earth [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Aside from water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world.1 In the US, black tea is by far the most popular, but green tea (which accounted for just 15 percent of the tea consumed in America in 20142) may have particularly powerful health benefits. Regardless of variety, black and green tea (as well as oolong, dark, and white teas) come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis. It is the processing method and degree of oxidization (exposure to oxygen) that creates the different tea types. …read more Read more [More]
By Creation Moments In light of their expectation to find life on other planets, the news story I’m going to tell you about today must have been sheer torture for the Science News magazine to report. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Tiny particles of pollution might shrink the brain and increase risk of ‘silent’ strokes, study contends By Steven ReinbergHealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, April 23, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Long-term exposure to tiny particles of air pollution may be linked to subtle changes in the brain that could lead to thinking and memory problems, a new study suggests. These fine particles, smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (much smaller than a pinhead), are released by burning wood or coal, car exhaust and other sources. Long-term exposure may shrink the brain and increase the risk of silent strokes, the researchers [More]
By Ken Ham A number of people have asked how they could watch the two presentations I gave last Sunday at Calvary Baptist Church in Watertown, Wisconsin. I was given an hour for the morning service to present The Relevance of Genesis and even more than one hour for the evening service to present The 7 C’s of History so I was able to develop these topics more than I normally do in a church setting. You can watch these two presentations here. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Bowing to public pressure, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have both agreed to remove brominated vegetable oil (BVO) from all of their beverages in the near future. BVO was first patented as a flame retardant, but has also been added to many American sodas for decades. The problem is recent research shows that bromine builds up in your body, and in breast milk. BVO has resulted in some soda-drinkers requiring medical attention for skin lesions, memory loss, and nerve problems related to bromine overexposure, which is why Europe and Japan have banned this chemical from their [More]
“Just another sign of how the economy is really doing. With our massive , ever increasing deficits the whole thing will certainly unravel and with a Shemitah occurring in Sep. 2015 it may be sooner rather than later, we’ll see how things unfold this year.” Admin If the U.S. economy really is improving, then why are big U.S. retailers permanently shutting down thousands of stores? The “retail apocalypse” that I have written about so frequently appears to be accelerating. As you will see below, major U.S. retailers have announced that they are closing more than 6,000 locations, but economic conditions [More]
A complex flying machine has scientists struggling to explain how it could have come into existence. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Dietary fats are an important nutritional component not only because your body needs them for building healthy cells and producing hormones—fat is also required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. This includes vitamins A, D, E, and K, all of which perform a variety of important functions in your body. Vitamins A, D, and K cooperate synergistically, not only with each other but also with essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and zinc. This level of synergy is a reminder that your best bet is to cooperate with the wisdom of nature by eating a [More]
By Jefferey Jaxen The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently approved a doubling in the use of Dow Chemical’s controversial new herbicide Enlist Duo. A mix of glyphosate and 2,4 D, Enlist Duo received the green light for use in nine more key farming states. After major backlash and lawsuits, the new herbicide was limited to only six states during its initial approval in 2014. The EPA has given the go-ahead to spray the new herbicide on genetically engineered corn and soybeans in Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and Oklahoma. It was previously approved for use [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Jefferey Jaxen Dr. Oz, choosing not to start the fight, has finished it in expert fashion. He opened his much anticipated episode with the statement, My life’s work has been built around one simple message; you have a right and a responsibility to become a world expert on your own body. And the way you do that is to have access to the best, and most current information, multiple points of view, and diverse opinions. At this point, the Dr. Oz show went into full investigative journalist mode exposing the underside of GMO lobbying, medical industry [More]
After the Flood, how did worm lizards spread around the world? Fossil evidence supports an idea long held by many Bible-believing scientists. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By none By Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association For the first time since the advent of industrial agriculture, the federal government is considering advising Americans to eat “less red and processed meat.” That advice is the outcome of studies conducted by an independent panel of “experts” which was asked by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for recommended changes to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The February 19 “eat less red and processed meat” pronouncement by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) was reported widely in mainstream media. It set off a [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his review of Giberson and Collins’ The Language of Science and Faith, citing recent advancements in developmental biology that overturn their assertion that feathers evolved from elongated scales. Although Giberson and Collins have claimed the evolution of the feather as a prime example of novel features arising by random mutation, more recent findings show how evolutionary biology is failing to provide an explanation for how this could occur. Does the pursuit of scientific evidence really lead to the idea that the unique and complex structure of the feather [More]
“For more info on the Clinton’s and their evil doings, CLICK HERE”  Admin   If you think electing Hillary Clinton as president will somehow bring about anything other than business as usual in Washington, there’s some beachfront property in Colorado with your name on it. Nearly every top donor to the Clinton Foundation that actively lobbied Hillary’s State Department is connected to pharmaceuticals, vaccines, junk food, globalization, chemicals, oil and biotechnology, which means more business as usual should this criminal gain access to the Oval Office. This link outlines 181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary’s State Department. As you’ll [More]