By (Activist) By Derrick Broze The fight against genetically engineered trees has become a global phenomenon, with resistance in the United States and Brazil growing daily. On April 9, the Brazilian Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio) officially approved a request to plant genetically engineered (GE) eucalyptus trees. The approval marks the first time a commercial entity has been allowed to plant GE trees in Latin America. The company behind the efforts, FuturaGene, may soon face legal challenges from concerned environmental groups and advocates. Winnie Overbeek, International Coordinator with the World Rainforest Movement, told Common Dreams …read more Read more
By Debi Elison-Warsat When an important life event takes place, one would think that it is acceptable to take your children out of school to do it. But, apparently the school system thought different, and this dad’s response was exceptional! Mike Rossi is a Philadelphia family man, and when he made a decision to run the Boston Marathon […] …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Did you know that one of the most-asked questions we receive at our ministry is, Which Christian colleges can you recommend for our son and daughter, institutions that teach the authority of the Bible from the very first verse? Sadly, many Christian colleges have compromised on God’s Word, beginning in Genesis. They no longer stand firmly on the truth of Scripture but have instead allowed man’s ideas to take the place of God’s Word. Such colleges do not strengthen the faith of our children—they tear our kids’ faith apart. You can read more about compromise in Christian
By Cody TM Source: The Best Drought-Resistant Garden Vegetables & Tips for Droughts For more content like this visit by CODY TM There is a terrible drought going around and people are finding new inventive ways to have drought resistant gardens. Many gardeners are looking at methods of conserving water or looking for drought resistant vegetables, varieties that have evolved into growing in hot and dry realms. Luckily for us, these plants are life [&hellip Source: The Best Drought-Resistant Garden Vegetables & Tips for Droughts Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Shelby Hall Staying hydrated is a big deal especially when playing any type of sport. These natural sports drinks will keep you more hydrated than the leading sports drinks by far and they taste great! Why should you stay hydrated? In order to live your body needs a lot of water. every single part of your body […] …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham I recently received a letter from a supporter of Answers in Genesis who wrote to encourage me and Answers in Genesis with the knowledge that our ministry is making an impact. This person writes, I highly respect your work and you have been a great influence in my life. The old version of your Answers series was especially important to me in my later high school years. I probably would have been led astray into fundamentalist academic naturalism if my parents did not introduce me to biblical origins before college. I’m so glad I have the confidence
By Dr. Mark Bird The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force. The Bible teaches that He is active in our lives, a distinct person, and fully God. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By (Activist) By Heather Callaghan In the midst of the troublesome California drought, innovation sprouts up, invention being the mother of necessity. But just like the aftermath of the BP oil spill, how often are people allowed to actually embark on saving the day, versus the insulting “solutions” foisted on the world by the very corporations responsible for part of the problem? It should not then be surprising that companies like Chevron are extending their magnanimous offer of “crop water” in the form of fracking waste chemicals – for a price, of course. If one didn’t know any better,
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Sleep apnea is a common problem, affecting as many as 53 percent of men and 26 percent of women.1 Apnea is a Greek word that means “breathe.” Sleep apnea is the inability to breathe properly, or the limitation of breath or breathing, during sleep, which can have serious health consequences. Central apnea refers to an inability to properly pull air in, whereas obstructive apnea refers to a frequent collapse of the airway during sleep, hindering breathing for periods that can last for several seconds. Mixed apnea is a combination of both. Snoring is …read
By Paul Fassa Source: World Health Organization Finally Cracks Down on Big Pharma For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA After considerable pressure from independent health journalists, researchers, statisticians, and some MDs, finally the World Health Organization (WHO) responded positively. Now the WHO is proposing public access to all drug trial papers. Why is this important? Because by the time a study is completed, all the reports are often collated and edited to [&hellip Source: World Health Organization Finally Cracks Down on Big Pharma Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more
By Herw For those of you that avoid all dairy, you may want to rethink it if you can. Butter, especially grassfed, can be very nutritious. The fatty acids it contains (like CLA) are very good for health, especially gut health. CLA is known to help fight intestinal candida. Grassfed butter can also contain high levels of Vitamin K2 (not just “Vitamin K”) which is good for repairing intestinal Tight Junctions, thus helping heal Leaky Gut. I realize that not everyone can eat dairy, but many who think they can’t probably can. If you’re truly “allergic” then avoid it, if
“Eisenhower before he left office warned about the military/industrial complex and for good reason. There’s hugh profits to be be made in the war racket as Gen. Smedley Butler outlined in his famous speech “War Is A Racket” given in the 1930’s. While the bankers and arms manufactures rake in billions of dollars millions of people perish in their insane wars.” Admin A new group of leaders from the military industrial complex has formed seeking to pressure potential presidential candidates into supporting a ‘strong foreign policy’. Americans for Peace, Prosperity, and Security (APPS) has been established by former House Intelligence
“Sooner or later this is all going to end very badly for us as people have seen in dreams and visions from God.” Admin NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says the alliance is going to increase its activity at its eastern borders, with more air and sea patrols, amid non-stop exercises. Speaking at a media conference on Thursday after a meeting of NATO member state foreign ministers in Turkey’s Antalya province, Stoltenberg said it was being done to “adapt the Alliance to new threats.” “We are constantly discussing the adaptation of the Alliance and we have to always be able
By Creation Moments How far will scientists and museums go to get people to believe in the theory of evolution? As scientist Carl Werner reveals in his book and on his webpage Evolution: The Grand Experiment, they will readily fabricate fake fossils and pass them off as real. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By (Activist) By Jefferey Jaxen The voices are getting louder, more public, and from inside government. Senators, Congressmen, and a head researcher (at the CDC) are publicly warning of the agency’s lack of integrity and regulatory ineptness. What kind of political process do we have when, in the light of these warnings, authors of bills to remove vaccine exemptions are citing studies and statements from the very same inept agency? Recently Robert F Kennedy Jr. gave public testimony at the Vermont State House in strong opposition of H.98. This is a bill, with a forced vaccine amendment added, that
By Karin Viet May we redeemed daughters of Eve consistently root out the deceptive influences within and without, trusting and obeying God’s perfect Word. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham In the last few weeks, we have seen literally thousands of young people pouring into the Creation Museum. We are finding more and more Christian schools, homeschools, and so on are making the Creation Museum the destination for the class trips. I can’t even imagine the number of young people who will be coming to the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, once the life-size Noah’s Ark is opened next year. Hundreds of young people attended my presentation in Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum this past Friday. The Lord has enabled AiG to equip thousands upon
By Ken Ham The media has once again been buzzing with the claims of secular astronomers that alien life is just a few years away from sure discovery. Reportedly, NASA’s chief scientist Ellen Stofan predicted that, “We’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years.” She went on to say, “We know where to look. We know how to look . . . In most cases we have the technology, and we’re on a path to implementing it. And so I think
By Debi Elison-Warsat Cellulite is not a woman’s best friend, not now, and not ever! But, you do not have to live with it, here is how you can get rid of it. Have you ever heard about the benefits that grapefruits have on your weight? Grapefruit is loaded with fiber- it will help you remain fuller for […] …read more Read more here:
“You can read more posts I’ve done on silver (colloidal silver) here.” Admin The zombie apocalypse may be more than just a horror story for some bacteria. New research shows that when exposed to a microbe-slaying silver solution, the germs can “go zombie,” wiping out their living compatriots even after death. The results may explain silver’s long-lasting antibacterial power and could improve the performance of medical products that keep us safe from harmful pathogens. The use of silver in medicine dates back thousands of years, and scientists have long known that the metal is a potent antibacterial agent. Silver ions
In a new paper, scientists have announced the discovery of an enormous region of lower-than-average galaxy density about three billion light-years from Earth. This “supervoid,” the largest single structure ever discovered at 1.8 billion light-years across, is newsworthy in its own right. However, it also has implications for the Big Bang model of the universe’s origin. More… …read more Read more here:
Maybe it’s just a guy thing, but most men often take a backseat when addressing health concerns. Study after study has shown that men are more reluctant to face up to worrisome symptoms or have them addressed by competent health professionals. Here are the six most common ones that men should not ignore. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Herbal teas can be a rich source of beneficial compounds like polyphenols and flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Simply sipping a cup here and there, without leading an accompanying healthy lifestyle, may not make a major difference in your health, but among people in Greece, many of whom follow a healthy Mediterranean diet, herbal tea turned out to be quite protective against cancer. Three types of herbal tea stood out for their anti-cancer potential, but out of the varieties (chamomile, sage, and mountain teas), chamomile took center stage, outshining the other two
By Creation Moments “That’s evolution for you!” That’s what Dr. Rick Fairhurst, malaria researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said when talking about malaria parasites that are becoming resistant to drugs that had been effective at fighting the deadly disease. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
The mass die-off of honeybees appears to be getting worse, posing an acute danger to the food supply that depends on the little insects who do about $10 to $15 billion worth of work pollinating our crops. An annual survey of 5,000 beekeepers in the US reported a loss of 42% of their honeybee colonies, up considerably from the 35% loss reported during the same period in both 2014 and 2013. The survey, by The Bee Informed Partnership, has surveyed winter losses to colonies since 2006 but has only gathered information on summer and total losses since 2010. Commercial beekeepers
Researchers suggest children’s social skills are declining as they have less time for face-to-face interaction due to their increased use of digital media, according to a UCLA psychology study. Scientists found that sixth-graders who went five days without even glancing at a smartphone, television or other digital screen did substantially better at reading human emotions than sixth-graders from the same school who continued to spend hours each day looking at their electronic devices. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Sasha Brown While acid reflux (GERD) may seem like an adult health condition, many children suffer from it as well. They tend to get it far worse than adults, and smaller ones don’t recover from the medicine like adults do. Learning to recognize the condition is the first step in caring for your child’s acid reflux. Identify Acid Reflux Since your child won’t be much help (other than ‘it hurts’), it’s best to get an understanding of the symptoms and signs that come with acid reflux. In children, they typically experience stomach issues, vomiting, heartburn, breathing issues and weight