By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola One in four Americans aged 45 and over take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, despite the fact that the risks are very high, and “high” cholesterol is not always the enemy it’s made out to be. Statin drugs are effective in that they do lower cholesterol, but falling cholesterol levels do not necessarily equate with good health. Conventional medicine has been telling us that heart disease is due to elevated cholesterol levels and recommends lowering cholesterol levels as much as possible. So it may come as a shock to learn that having too little cholesterol is
By Shelby Hall Today’s hyped up modern diet is suggested to be very acidic. Is this necessarily a good thing? Everything living and not living is either acidic or alkaline. People are made to consume alkaline foods we stand out as alkaline organisms in the food chains. You see our blood’s pH level is determined by the foods we […] …read more Read more here:
By Mark Looy Many secular activists are not merely content with legalizing unions between same-sex couples but now want to force Christians to accept such unions. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Pain is first energy, second perception, and third physical manifestation. There is no other source of pain but energetic. Physical presentation is always secondary. Every single origin of pain in our bodies can be traced back to a specific emotional state which functions to warn us that there is still work to be done in areas of our lives for which we have yet to integrate lessons. Once we integrate those lessons, the pain disappears. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By By Michael Ravensthorpe (NaturalNews) In 1953, the American scientist Dr. Ancel Keys published a paper linking high saturated fat intake with heart disease in adult men. Though initially met with skepticism, medical societies and government bodies eventually embraced Keys’s findings, and the era of fat demonization… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Ken Ham Here is a news item involving yet more undermining of the free exercise of religion in this nation. This in fact should be alarming to all Americans if they truly understood the implications in regard to the Constitution and the freedom of religion in America. A source within the federal government has informed the Friday Fax that the White House is quietly moving forward with a policy change that will require charitable humanitarian groups to accept LGBT applicants in order to qualify for government funding, even those religious groups that might have religious objections. . . .
By By Daniel Barker (NaturalNews) Whether or not you believe in man-made climate change, one thing is indisputable: that the Southwestern United States are experiencing a record-breaking drought that has lasted for around 14 years. This particular drought has the potential of becoming what is termed… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Efforts by the vaccine mafia to manipulate more parents into vaccinating their children are failing, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. The first randomized trial to evaluate how “better communication” between doctors and their patients affects… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Pulford You probably don’t need scientists to tell you that your metabolism slows with age. But they’re studying it anyway—and coming up with exciting research to help rev it up again. The average woman gains 1½ pounds a year during her adult life—enough to pack on 40-plus pounds by her 50s, if she doesn’t combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss, and stress that conspire to slow her fat-burning engine. But midlife weight gain isn’t inevitable: We’ve found eating strategies that will tackle these changes. Reverse dieting is a popular topic within the fitness and bodybuilding community. Since
By Eliezer Greenspan Individuals who suffer from high blood pressure are at higher risk of mental decline versus individuals who do not suffer from high blood pressure. The medical community has always felt that treating individuals suffering from high blood pressure with drugs will reduce their risk of mental decline as well as their risk of a stroke and heart attack. This is proving to be a false hope based on recent research. The exact opposite may in fact be true; individuals who are aggressively treated with high blood pressure medications seem to be suffering greater mental decline as well
By Claire John Looking for natural home remedies to make your oily skin glow? Then, do not skip top 7 quickest and safest tips here! Oily skin could be hard to deal. The accumulation of excess production of oil on the outer skin layer usually results in blackheads, whiteheads, blind pimples and many other skin irritations. Oily skin tends to age more slowly and develop fewer fine lines and wrinkles than the normal and dry skin. So, it is not all bad. However, it is extremely uncomfortable at all for those with oily skin. Heredity plays a part when it
By Anna McPhee Frankincense essential oil is well known for it’s sweet, warm, comforting aroma, and has strong healing abilities. The properties of this super oil include: •Anticatarrhal •Anticancer •Antidepressant •Anti-infection •Anti-inflammatory •Antiseptic •Antitumor •Expectorant •Immune stimulant •Sedative Frankincense is considered a holy anointing oil in the Middle East, and has been used in sacred ceremonies for years. More recently, it has been used in European and American hospitals and is being proven for it’s healing qualities. Here are 18 ways to use Frankincense in your home. 1. Beat stress: Its soothing and calming effect will help you fight stress
By Creation Moments Evolutionists hate the very idea of the worldwide flood because they know that such a catastrophe would cause the Earth to appear to be much older than it truly is. And without those long ages of time, evolution becomes an impossibility. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Despite the Obama Administration’s best efforts to keep its negotiations regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact secret, enough details have emerged through various sources to paint a very unflattering picture about the deal.For instance, “trade” is a… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“How much of this is going on around the country, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg.” Admin A high-school writing assignment requiring students to put themselves in the shoes of a Muslim and describe the “struggles” they face living in America has set off a firestorm of complaints. Al Mollerskov, district superintendent for Union Grove Schools in Union Grove, Wisconsin, told WND he received nearly 50 calls from irate people all over the country after the story was reported Wednesday on Fox News and many conservative websites. The 10th-grade world history assignment asked students the following, according
“Mark Dice, know for conducting outrageous surveys, does it again by asking people on the street in San Diego, CA to support a plan to launch a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia. Apparently only a couple of people refused to sign. Sad commentary on the thinking capacity of the average American.
By Avery Foley Those who accept God’s clear words in Genesis as true history are often accused of worshipping the Bible and exalting it above Christ Himself. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Heidi Kristoffer If you suffer from dry nose, you probably know that although it is not a serious medical problem, it is extremely uncomfortable. If you do not treat it at its early stage, it can cause health risks. Sinus attacks, severe headaches, etc. are some of the problems you could face if you do not treat dry nose quickly. Dry nose can affect you due to a number of reasons, including dehydration, effects of air conditioners and side-effects of certain medicines. These dry nose causes can further result in: •Irritation of the nose •Itchiness •Wheezing •Swelling •Nosebleeds In
“The nefarious Bilderberg group is meeting now in Austria to set their agenda for the coming year. But what does God think of such groups and their evil doings, let’s read a little of Psalm 2 ” 1 Why do the heathen rage , and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder , and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh : the Lord
“Just another move by Mr. O to remove any Christian influence in the military.” Admin For nearly two decades, the U.S. Army has provided an honor guard for an Independence Day celebration at a Baptist church that predates the founding of the nation. But this year – that tradition has come to an end. Officials at Fort Gordon say they will not be able to send an honor guard to a July 5th service at Abilene Baptist Church because it violates a military policy banning any involvement in a religious service. “While there are conditions under which the Army can
Both current fathers and would-be fathers can agree that health is important. What are some steps fathers can take to be in good health to prepare for kids, and to keep up with the kids once they arrive? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Ken Ham Attention, kids! We have an exciting new summer contest to tell you about! You may remember our Flat Ken contest last summer that saw Flat Ken—a caricature of me—travel all around the globe. Well, this summer we are celebrating the ongoing construction happening at the Ark Encounter property in northern Kentucky with a coloring contest! Entry into the contest is simple: If you are 12 or under, all you have to do is print off the Noah’s Ark coloring page and color it in to create your masterpiece. Then take a picture of it and submit …read
By REALdeal Source: 10 Must-Know Evidence-Based Fat-Burning Foods and Beverages For more content like this visit by KRIS GUNNARS When it comes to losing weight, not all foods are the same. Some foods can increase the amount of calories you burn, kill your appetite, or both. This can be caused by protein, fiber, as well as many substances found naturally in foods. Here are 10 evidence-based fat-burning foods and beverages: [&hellip Source: 10 Must-Know Evidence-Based Fat-Burning Foods and Beverages Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Shelby Hall Acid reflux affects most people in America. Making up about fifty percent here lately. The primary symptom of acid reflux is heartburn; heartburn is a burning sensation that usually starts behind your breastbone. Sometimes this is so severe people confuse it for a heart attack. Acid reflux is said to be caused by excessive amounts of […] …read more Read more here:
By Veronica Davis Beat Acne with 3 Things in Your Kitchen Dealing with acne can be stressful at any age, but be careful about what you choose to expose your skin to. Creams, cleaners and toners that are sold over the counter may seem to work at first, but many have substances and chemicals that may actually make it worse in the long run or even affect your health. For example, salicylic acid and benzol peroxide are two of the most common substances used to fight acne and they can normally be helpful. But use too much too often and
It’s not just the high fat, salt or sugar content of processed foods that is driving obesity and diet-related illnesses — the lack of food diversity is killing our gut flora, claims one researcher. If we exclude sugar, approximately 80 percent of all calories in processed foods come from a combination of four ingredients. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Nathaniel T. Jeanson The mechanism of speciation remains one of the most contested scientific questions among both evolutionists and creationists. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily