By Ken Ham It’s amazing the things secular scientists come up with. This time, they’re speculating that chimps would like to cook, but don’t, just because they don’t know how to control fire. Since these scientists believe humans and chimps evolved from a common ape-like ancestor, what they’re saying is this: the fact that chimps like cooked food—and will even wait while it “cooks” to eat it—is proof that humans are more evolved than these animals. According to a recent National Geographic article, “New research shows that our closest evolutionary relatives have all of the cognitive capacities required for cooking—except
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Skeptics mock the account of Noah’s Ark and the global Flood as recorded in Scripture. They claim that there is no evidence that such a worldwide event ever happened. But as I often say, even the rocks cry out that the history recorded in Genesis is true! For example, the rocks provide the record of billions of dead things buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the Earth. If there really had been a global Flood at some point in Earth’s history, this is exactly what we would expect to see. And it is
By Prof. Stuart Burgess Creationists are sometimes accused of ignoring scientific evidence and being anti-science. But belief in God in no way diminishes zeal for how life works. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Robert Harrington It really is common sense that when you cover the eyes with a synthetic plastic lens, a whole new environment could be created both on and in the eye. The preceding headline indicates just how much the naturally occurring bacterial flora (also known as the eye microbiome) in the eye changes. With the introduction of contact lenses on top of the eye, the interaction between the plastic material and the eye conjunctiva sets up a much more conducive environment for eye infections to occur. “Researchers used genetic testing to find out exactly what was present, and said
By mmking Mainstream medicine’s cancer treatments of radiation and chemotherapy are far from a cure. In fact, they make cancer more deadly. But new research shows some common vegetables may be more effective in battling cancer. Why? The answer has to do with cancer stem cells (CSCs) that chemo and radiation can’t touch. In a study published in the journal Cancer, UCLA researchers showed that radiation actually makes breast cancer cells MORE malignant.[i] They found that radiation kills about half of the tumor cells treated. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info
By Ken Ham Creationists and, as I pointed out during my debate with Bill Nye, TV’s “The Science Guy” last year, even some secular textbooks have highlighted the distinction between the two different kinds of science. One kind of science is observational science, which deals directly with the present. It’s directly testable, observable, and repeatable. It’s the kind of science that builds airplanes and cell phones, and put a rover on Mars. The other kind of science is historical science. Historical science deals with the past and is therefore not directly testable, observable, or repeatable. In historical science, the evidence
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By MRHEALTH (Ronnie Cummins) Since when do the mainstream news media, in a country that worships at the altar of capitalism and the free market, launch a coordinated attack against a company for selling a product consumers […] The post Chipotle Under Attack For Going GMO Free appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News
By MRHEALTH (Green Med Info) General Mills Cheerios may now be “non-GMO” but it is virtually guaranteed to contain Roundup herbicide residues, as disclosed by North America’s largest oat supplier. While there are no genetically modified oats […] The post “Non-GMO” Cheerios Oats Still Sprayed With Roundup, Supplier Announces appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News
By Ken Ham We live in a day and age when increasing numbers of people (particularly this next generation) have rejected God’s Word as the foundation for morality and instead are doing “whatever is right in their own eyes” (Judges 21:25). As I’ve noted numerous times before, this is increasingly being seen in the area of gender. Instead of accepting the God-given boundaries of gender as male and female, much of society has completely redefined gender and has changed gender into “whatever is right in their own eyes” (Judges 21:25). But should we reconsider gender boundaries? Well, gender is not
By (Activist) By Daisy Luther Nothing warms my prepper’s heart more than a good disaster movie that supports my hypotheses about a specific event, and the recent movie San Andreas was no exception. Okay, sure, there was some pretty unrealistic stuff like when The Rock was driving a boat through post-tsunami San Francisco and just happened to find his daughter that he was looking for. The last time I went to San Francisco, my daughter and I had trouble finding each other on the first floor of Forever 21, for crying out loud. But, when you only have two
Researchers have excavated a portion of a theropod dinosaur thighbone from beachfront marine rock north of Seattle. How did a land animal’s leg bone get buried in marine rock? More… …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Parsley has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years and is native to the Mediterranean. In ancient Greece, the herb was used to make crowns given to honor athletes as well as for decorating tombs. It is thought to be the ancient Romans who first used parsley as a garnish, and though it later (likely during the Middle Ages) become popular as a seasoning, its role as a garnish has held strong to the modern day. In the US, many still believe parsley is only useful as a garnish, leaving behind this nutrient-dense superfood
The reason that cooking pans in the last 50 years have been a dismal failure for consumers is mostly due to planned obsolescence. Injecting the marketplace with cookware containing artificial and toxic coatings has only led to a breakdown of those constituents and a health hazard for millions of people. However, there is one pan that has stood the test of time, in fact thousands of years, and it’s the only pan you ever really need. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Non-stick cookware and bakeware has become enormously popular because of its convenience. Foods slide right off, reducing the amount of elbow-grease required to clean the pan. Ditto for stain- and water-repellant clothing, carpets and fabrics, and many other treated products that have emerged over the past six decades. But there may be a high price to pay for this convenience, as the poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used to create these surfaces are toxic and highly persistent, both in your body and in the environment. As you can tell by the names, PFAS are
By By Dr. David Jockers (NaturalNews) Prebiotics have numerous health benefits such as improving gut health, inhibiting cancer, enhancing the immune system, and preventing obesity and have shown effective improvements in 91 percent of all human trials. They have also been shown to reduce symptoms of bowel… …read more Read more here: Natural News
Some sports figures have practically made an art of trash-talking. Perhaps the most famous of them all is Muhammad Ali. His taunts-filled trash-talk – both before and during the bouts – worked so well, it helped him become heavyweight boxing champion. Mexican free-tailed bats emerging from Carlsbad Caverns, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New MexicoUntil recently, no one knew that some bats do the very same thing in order to distract other bats from gobbling up bugs they want for themselves. Using high-pitched echolocation signals at just the right moment, the Mexican free-tailed bat can block a competitor’s chance to get
By Shelby Hall Wheelchairs have been used for centuries now, and while improvements have been made to them, they’ve always had one downside, stairs. Going up and down stairs with a wheelchair had been deemed impossible until these Swiss students decided to create something amazing. About a year ago a group of ten Swiss students unveiled a prototype […] …read more Read more here:
“This is indicative of the kind of police state society we are turning into. When I was a boy I would walk miles downtown alone to go to a movie on Saturdays and be gone for hours, I would walk a few miles to go to school everyday by myself and this was considered completely normal. My how times have changed and not for the better.” Admin One afternoon this past April, a Florida mom and dad I’ll call Cindy and Fred could not get home in time to let their 11-year-old son into the house. The boy didn’t have
“What a nightmarish world we are heading into!” Admin As if being ankle deep in muddy field, surrounded by pretend hippies seemingly re-enacting highlights of the Battle of Waterloo was bad enough, attendees of the aptly named Download Festival will be subjected to a new police facial recognition system, and surveillance of their onsite location and expenditure via the debut of RFID wristbands. The debut surveillance technologies are a new facial recognition system being rolled out by Leicestershire Police, and Download’s own RFID wristbands, provided by German RFID specialists YouChip. Leicestershire Police have been trialling NEC Corporation’s NeoFace facial recognition
“Please remember to keep him in your prayers. And also pray that our illustrious lawmakers take some real action to get him released.” Admin An American pastor who has been imprisoned in Iran for over the past two years has again been beaten behind bars. As previously reported, Saeed Abedini, a former Iranian Muslim turned Christian, left Iran in 2005 and moved to the United States with his wife and two children to find religious freedom after facing conflict with authorities for planting house churches in the county. In 2012, he traveled back to Iran to build an orphanage and
By Shelby Hall Your breasts are the most common areas that start sagging early on. The older you get, the more they will sag, Outside factors can cause them to droop as well. Our breasts are made of fatty tissue and glands, but if you take the time to tone up the muscles underneath them, you will have […] …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In the US, nearly 80 million people, or one in four has some form of diabetes or pre-diabetes. One in two people with diabetes do not know they have it,1 which increases the odds of developing complications, which can be deadly. Leading a healthy lifestyle is one of the best strategies to prevent, and treat, type 2 diabetes, and even more specifically, eating a high-fiber diet is emerging as a key strategy you can use to lower your risk. More Than 26 Grams of Fiber a Day May Lower Your Diabetes Risk US …read
By Shelby Hall Nowadays everyone seems to be afraid of having their homes broken into. The thought of someone someone taking all your important things is very scary. The video below will show you how to ensure your money and valuables won’t get stole in the event of a break in. Burglars generally don’t tend to spend any time in […] …read more Read more here:
“This greed permeates everything. It’s the main reason why there never will be a cancer cure found by main stream medicine, way too much money would be lost if that would happen. So these scams continue, quite often destroying people financially in the process.” Admin Most Americans are deathly afraid to go to the hospital these days – and it is because of the immense pain that it will cause to their wallets. If you want to get on a path that will lead you to bankruptcy, just start going to the hospital a lot. In America today, hospitals and
How can we respond to aggressive pro-homosexual dogma? Also, a CMI reader notes an irony about allegedly rational evolutionary scientists. …read more Read more here: