By Creation Moments Evolutionists are simple minded. It’s a fact! Charles Darwin thought that the cell was virtually as simple as a blob of gelatin with a nucleus inside, and evolutionists have been simple minded ever since. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) The modern American food supply is a tortuous minefield of synthetic additives, toxic flavoring agents and artificially engineered ingredients that are making people sick. And the following eight food corporations, rounded out by the world’s most evil corporation Monsanto… …read more Read more here: Natural News
The days of Christianity where it doesn’t make waves, doesn’t cause controversy, doesn’t draw opposition, and isn’t a target are finished, attendees at the Future Conference at Skyline Church in La Mesa, California, were told this week. “The days of comfortable Christianity are over,” Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage warned. The theme of the conference was “What you thought was coming is here now,” and confronted head on several hot button topics that WND has reported on, including the possible legalization of same-sex “marriage” and Muslim immigrants coming to America. The meeting consisted of a lineup of
By Ken Ham The Lord is so gracious to AiG—allowing us to hear numerous testimonies about how the ministry has been used by God to change lives. While speaking at a homeschool convention in Virginia this weekend, I received many such testimonies, and I have selected these three to share with you so you can praise the Lord with us: A mother introduced me to her 11-year-old daughter. She said her daughter had been going to public school and even though she was brought up in the church, she told her parents she didn’t believe in God now. They took
By REALdeal Source: Winning Strategies to Help You Shed Unwanted Belly Fat For more content like this visit by DR. MERCOLA When it comes to shedding stubborn belly fat, exercise alone is not the answer. The master key really lies with what you eat, and perhaps more importantly when you eat, followed closely by the type of exercise you engage in.lean Scheduling your eating to a narrow window of time each day is [&hellip Source: Winning Strategies to Help You Shed Unwanted Belly Fat Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, is a nephrologist who has committed the latter part of her medical career to exposing the truth of vaccinations. I have read the book from cover to cover and would strongly recommend that you pick up a copy if you have even the remotest interest in this topic, especially if you believe in the safety and necessity of vaccines. The comprehensive documentation may cause you to reevaluate your position or in the very least ask more questions about their safety. As
By Ken Ham While in Richmond, Virginia, to speak at the state homeschool conference, I was talked into going to see the new Jurassic World movie (a sequel to the Jurassic Park series of films) in case I was asked to comment on it by the media and AiG supporters. Also, I assume that people who follow me on Facebook and read my blog will ask me about my thoughts about this new dinosaur movie—I am the author of books on dinosaurs, and our Creation Museum has many dinosaur-related exhibits, so I know people will be asking. Well, here is
By REALdeal Source: 10 Great Ways To Keep Your Garden Weed Free For more content like this visit Although some weeds are actually edible and medicinal there are others that are generally not useful and which seem to want nothing more than to invade your garden bed, steal nutrients from your vegetables, and smother out your seedlings. Well, before you grab a bottle of cancer-causing Roundup you need to check out these 10 [&hellip Source: 10 Great Ways To Keep Your Garden Weed Free Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
Traditional Christian teaching could effectively be “criminalized” in some settings in Britain under David Cameron’s plans for new anti-extremist banning orders, a top Anglican theologian and former Parliamentary draftsman has warned. The Rev. Dr. Mike Ovey, a former lawyer and now principal of Oak Hill Theological College in London, a training school for Church of England clergy, said proposals for new “Extremism Disruption Orders” could be a “disaster area” for people from all the mainstream religions and none. Mr. Cameron and Theresa May have signalled that the new orders, planned as part of the Government’s Counter-Extremism Bill, would not curb
Answering multiple challenges to the idea that design implies a Designer. …read more Read more here:
By By Jennifer Lilley (NaturalNews) It’s no secret that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is at the center of heated controversy. Of course, Monsanto and its supporters maintain that the ingredient is safe, even after an arm of the World Health Organization — the International Agency… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By (Activist) Experts from Oxford University in the UK have released a study in the Nature journal stating that there are no increased profits for Indian farmers who grow Bt cotton in non-irrigated areas. Nature published the study online on June 1. It is also noted that non-irrigated rain-fed is the predominant condition of Indian agriculture. Find the Full Study Here Carla Romeu-Dalmau, Liam Dolan and their colleagues at Oxford University, compared the economic impact of growing native Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) with that of growing American Bt (GM) cotton (Bt Gossypium hirsutum), which has …read more Read
By Jesse Herman Source: Must-Have Plants That Repel Mosquitoes For more content like this visit by J HERMAN Who actually likes mosquitoes? Chances are, nobody but birds and bats. Are you tired of having those pesky little insects dart around your backyard and terrorize you as you attempt to hold a peaceful barbecue or just enjoy the great outdoors? Join the club. But what causes mosquitoes to attack us humans [&hellip Source: Must-Have Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Christina Sarich If you refuse to eat genetically modified corn due to its classification as a BT toxin and pesticide, most people would understand your objection – but what about cloned animals as food? Members of the European Parliament are pushing hard for a ban on cloning animals for use in food, while the United States has embraced cloned meat and milk for almost a decade now. Have you been eating it? Since the U.S. doesn’t require any labels for cloned foods OR GMOs, it is possible you’ve been dining on cloned meat or milk and milk products from
You’ll probably remember the last time you had the flu, but what about that time you had measles – or was it chicken pox? Your blood knows: it keeps a record of every virus you’ve ever been infected with. A tiny drop of the stuff can now be tested to reveal a person’s viral history. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Creation Moments It has long been known that electric eels are able to immobilize prey with a jolt of electricity. But new research, reported in the journal Science, has shown that eels also use their electric organs to make fish come out of hiding. A researcher from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, found that the electric discharges from eels caused the muscles of their prey to twitch, making them easier to capture by revealing their whereabouts. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Christina Sarich When you read headlines like these, you may be confused. Should you get angry, or laugh? Monsanto as a sustainable agriculture company? Monsanto truly has decided to market itself as a ‘sustainable agriculture’ company despite spending billions to provide the world with destructive, carcinogenic chemicals. You can see Monsanto’s propaganda piece here. The biotech giant also says that it aims to “empower” farmers around the world, while arguably leading to mass farmer suicides taking place all throughout India. What’s more, Monsanto is completely wrecking the organic farmer’s industry in the US. As far as ‘empowering’ farmers, nearly
Controversial preacher James McConnell says he faces up to six months in jail for calling Islam satanic. In an exclusive interview with the Belfast Telegraph, Pastor McConnell last night defiantly said he’d go to prison rather than withdraw the remarks. “I am 78 years of age and in ill health but jail knows no fear for me,” he said. “They can lock me up with sex offenders, hoodlums and paramilitaries and I will do my time. “I have no regrets about what I said. I do not hate Muslims but I denounce Islam as a doctrine and I make no
“Sadly this is not an isolated incident. There clearly needs to be an overhaul of these child protection systems to prevent egregious abuses of power like this.” Admin Not being informed of court hearings. Falsified drug tests. Threats and accusations to intimidate and coerce. Social workers, her state representative and even the attorney assigned to her case ignoring emails, not returning calls. Her daughter ripped from a happy home and placed in a non-English speaking foster home without critical, life-saving medications. A system that seems to have already decided her family’s fate, without even the most cursory attempt at justice.
By (Activist) By Gaye Levy Whenever I think of glow sticks, my first thoughts are of kids’ sleepovers or rock concerts. Despite the visions of the Dollar Store party supply section that are probably dancing through your head, the bright tubes are actually a great addition to your preparedness supplies. Glow sticks are also known as light sticks or chemical lighting. Here is how they work: A glow stick is made from a plastic sheath or tube that houses a mix of chemicals. Basically, the way it works is that you bend the sheath to crack the capsules that
A bitter harvest from the Darwinian propaganda film about the Scopes trial (1925–;2005). Darwinian advocates have failed to predict the bad consequences of teaching evolution as truth …read more Read more here:
By Robert Harrington Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is certainly no ordinary doctor. He has broken ranks with his profession and written an unusually candid account about how the medical game really works. That he has gotten away with such an honest appraisal of the game, which has been played (on the public) for many decades, is quite extraordinary. “Dr Kendrick takes a scalpel to the world of medical research and dissects it for your inspection. He reveals the tricks that are played to make minute risk look enormous. How the drug trials are hyped, the data manipulated, the endless games that
By Ken Ham I’m looking forward to our Answers Mega Conference—Answering the Skeptics—in a couple of weeks here in northern Kentucky. Our attendees will hear from great speakers, receive equipping teaching about the common skeptical questions of the age, and they will also tour our Ark Encounter construction site just 20 miles away, and see all the great progress in building a full-size Ark. I wanted to let you know of one more opportunity going on that same week—a special camp program for students going into 7th through 12th grade. We are pleased once again to partner with Camp Infinity
Reps. G.T. Thompson (R-PA) and Joe Courtney (D-CT) recently introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, which seeks to increase dairy consumption in children by mandating low-fat and non-fat flavored milk for each school meal. This follows changes to the USDA National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs in 2012 that removed whole milk, 2% milk, and flavored 1% milk options from school meals, leaving only plain 1% milk and flavored skim milk. As usual, there are powerful interests involved: the dairy industry, looking to regain market share, is very much in support of the new bill. The bill
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) Low-fat diets sound like a good way to lose weight and get healthy, but when it comes down to nutrition, a low-fat diet actually does more harm than good, depriving cells of key components. Strangely, the federal government’s 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Troy Lacey The movie hints at dino-to-bird evolution, but we couldn’t help but notice a few aspects of Jurassic World that remind us of the Creation Museum. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Paul Fassa Source: Vaccination Conspiracy Getting Scarier; We Must Get More Proactive For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA I’ll open with veteran investigative reporter Jon Rapopport’s comments excerpted from his June 15, 2015 blog “Globalism and the push for universal mandatory vaccinations”. “In many previous articles, I have established a number of facts about vaccines. They are not safe. They are not effective. They were not responsible for the major [&hellip Source: Vaccination Conspiracy Getting Scarier; We Must Get More Proactive Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: