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“Lets hope this is just a passing fancy and not something that catches on.”  Admin Soon every churchgoer will be identified by facial recognition software! You read that right, churches will soon be using facial recognition software to identify you and your family. The company website brags: “First of its kind, Churchix provides you with accurate data on members attendance in your events and services. The software also allows you to sort and manage your videos and photos.” “Churchix was originally developed by us for a chain of international churches, which wanted to follow up with membership attendance at its [More]
By Ken Ham The headline of a recent article in National Geographic reads, “In Age of Science, Is Religion ‘Harmful Superstition’?” The article includes an interview with atheist author Jerry Coyne. Now, we’ve written about Coyne before. He’s a very outspoken critic of creation and promoter of evolution. Actually, I’ve pointed out that he seems to understand how absolutely incompatible evolution and biblical Christianity are more than even most Christians! This recent interview with Coyne is intended to show how religion is “harmful superstition” with no place in the age of science. He makes specific reference to the doctrine of [More]
By Erica One of the most widely sold commercial drugs in the United States, ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Although it’s frequently prescribed for minor aches and pains, long term ibuprofen use is tied to several serious health problems, including high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack, liver failure, intestinal damage, hearing loss, miscarriage, and DNA structure damage. Instead of reaching for ibuprofen or acetaminophen for every headache or muscle pain, consider a natural alternative; these carry no risks, and are readily available in natural food stores. Before we begin with the natural remedies, it’s worth pointing [More]
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) Pharmaceutical companies spend big money on advertisements to constantly brainwash people to “ask their doctor” how a pill is right for them. Even after listing several terrible side effects, these commercials are still convincing, planting a dangerous seed in the minds… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
After a volcanic eruption, a new landform emerges from the sea within days. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By MRHEALTH (Geraldine Philips) I work for a “cancer research center” and I call it this only because that is in their actual name. I have seen and read things that boggle the mind in the so-called […] The post Confessions of a Cancer Industry Insider appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News     
By REALdeal Source: 9 Amazing Bread-less Sandwich Ideas That Will Make You Drool For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A growing number of people have sworn off bread and for good reason. If you’re not able to access healthy ingredients and or unable to bake it yourself your options can be very limited let alone excessively expensive. Well the good news is that there are ways to enjoy and even enhance some of your [&hellip Source: 9 Amazing Bread-less Sandwich Ideas That Will Make You Drool Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more [More]
Researchers scramble for another explanation after finding-contrary to expectations-that varnish forms quickly on desert rocks. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By By Joel Edwards (NaturalNews) There are 16 different flu shots approved by the FDA, made by several pharmaceutical companies. Some of these vaccines are designed solely to protect against the H1N1 influenza virus A strain. But most flu vaccines distributed in the U.S. are designed to provide protection… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Shelby Hall I’m sure you have heard that Marijuana can cure cancer, that it is definitely the only cure and all of that but do you believe it? Should you believe it? You should, Up until around eighty years ago cannabis oil was used all around the world to treat many different diseases. This includes cancer. Obviously […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
“Here IMHO is the real reason for the demonizing of Russia/ China. The western banksters don’t want the competition.  Will this lead to another bankers war, only time will tell.”  Admin The BRICS New Development Bank will be launched at the first session of its Board of Governors in Moscow on 7 July, Russian officials have confirmed. Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak announced at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday that the BRICS Bank will be ready for action after the maiden meet of the governors. The New Development Bank will provide a financing alternative to the [More]
By Creation Moments What do a butterfly’s shimmering wings, a fish’s opalescent scales, and a peacock’s brilliant feathers have in common? None of the colors come from pigments. As an article at the Gizmodo website rightly points out, “All of their beautifully iridescent colors are produced by the physical interaction of light with sophisticated nanoscale architecture that we are only just beginning to understand.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
A rare inscription on a pottery shard that was unearthed in Israel in 2012 has finally been deciphered and has been found to correlate with the time of King David. The fragment was among a number of pieces excavated from the Valley of Elah, or Khirbet Qeiyafain, the location believed to be where the then-teenage David fought the giant Goliath of Gath. The discovery is accredited to Professor Yosef Garfinkel of the Institute of Archaeology of Hebrew University and Saar Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority. As there was writing on a number of the fragments—believed to be in the [More]
A Mennonite couple that decided to discontinue hosting all weddings at their church-turned-art gallery after they became the subject of a discrimination lawsuit two years ago has now announced that they are closing their doors due to lack of sufficient income. As previously reported, Dick and Betty Odgaard operate The Gortz Haus Gallery, a bistro, floral and arts shop, and wedding facility in Grimes, Iowa. The location formerly served as a Lutheran church for over 60 years, and has been a popular location for couples to tie the knot. According to reports, Lee Stafford and his partner Jared visited the [More]
A homosexual priest with the Church of England has sued the denomination for allegedly denying a license to serve in public ministry, also known as permission to officiate (PTO), after he “wed” his partner last year. Canon Jeremy Pemberton, a divorced father of five, had tied the knot with Laurence Cunnington in April 2014, and afterwards learned that a job offer to serve as a hospital chaplain at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust was being rescinded since he had been refused PTO from a local bishop. Heretofore, he had worked as a chaplain at Lincoln County Hospital and desired additional [More]
By By Antonia (NaturalNews) Newsflash: In case you haven’t heard the news, sugar is bad for you. Well, of course you know this – there is hardly a soul on the planet who hasn’t heard of the evils of sugar. After all, just about every magazine, health blog, website and health guru is shouting it… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Beverly Entin Turmeric is a delicious addition to many dishes, and it’s almost always sold in powder form at grocery stores, while you can also use fresh turmeric root in cooking, as well as in the home remedies. Fresh turmeric root is more desirable than the dried form, and it’s less bitter too. Here’s how to use fresh turmeric root: Grind It Grind your own turmeric powder by cutting it into small pieces and put it in a coffee grinder. The smaller the pieces, the easier it will be to grind. Add a few drops of water if it [More]
By Ken Ham How should Christians approach the gay “marriage” controversy? How should we view the US Constitution’s guarantee of the “free exercise of religion”? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Soup can be a great tool for losing weight, so if you are on the lookout for recipes that can help you get rid of that extra flab, you may want to try this apple soup recipe. Note that this is not your typical soup recipe, and is best served slightly chilled or at room temperature during hot summer months. It’s an appetizing and refreshing addition to your favorite meals. Ingredients: 2 medium Fuji or Gala apples, cored and cut into 4 pieces Juice of ½ medium lemon 2 cups spring mix or spinach [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Americans spend about 90 percent of their food budget on processed foods, which contain a wide array of artificial food additives, preservatives, colors, and flavor enhancers. More than 10,000additives are allowed in food when you factor in those that are added directly to your food as well as those in the packaging—such as bisphenol-A (BPA), bisphenol-S (BPS), and phthalates—which can migrate to your food. That your health can suffer as a consequence of this chemical assault should come as no surprise. After all, your body is not a machine designed to run on synthetic [More]
By Ken Ham A.D. The Bible Continues, an NBC TV mini-series supposedly based on the book of Acts, moves closer toward the season finale with the latest, episode 10. Each week we’ve been providing you with a detailed review to help you use the program as an opportunity to share the gospel with others and to encourage you to handle the Bible’s text with great care. Researchers and writers Avery Foley and Troy Lacey provide the following helpful review: As with past episodes of this series, this episode was riddled with an overwhelming number of both glaring biblical and historical [More]
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Duplicitous is probably the best descriptor for how the federal government treats “unconventional” medical treatments like homeopathy. On the one hand, authorities would have us all believe that homeopathic remedies are just inert water when it comes to their efficacy… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Ken Ham Recently Bill Nye “the Science Guy” appeared in an interview in which he defended his participation in our evolution/creation debate last year. Many secularists were upset that Nye chose to debate me, claiming that debating creationists gives us some sense of credibility. Of course, most secularists ignore the fact that many of the greatest scientists of the past were creationists and many PhD scientists today are also biblical creationists (we have several PhD scientists on our full-time staff). Actually, secularists these days don’t want public debates for a number of reasons, one being they don’t want the [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) A pair of former Big Pharma scientists have accused their former employer, Merck & Co., of falsifying tests of an exclusive mumps vaccine in recently filed court papers, charges they say the pharmaceutical giant has yet to answer.Lawyers at Constantine Cannon, the… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Evolutionists welcome the new australopithecine jaws to the “hominin” family. But do we learn anything at all about human history from these fossils? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By By Sandeep Godiyal (NaturalNews) Along with long days, swimming, walks on the beach and watching the fireflies at night, one of the great joys of summer is when the cucumbers come in. These classic warm weather vegetables are deliciously cooling, versatile – and great for people who are trying… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org