By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) As the world’s robotic development becomes more mature, there have been no shortage of experts who have predicted seismic cultural, economic and social changes on the horizon for our planet.But one of the little-discussed aspects of robotics is the development of… …read more Read more here: Natural News
Evolution must be true because most scientists agree it is; but is that really the case? …read more Read more here:
By Admin by Alliance for Natural Health Once again the medical establishment gets it completely backward. NPR recently ran a story that suggests terminally ill patients can safely stop taking cholesterol-reducing statin drugs. The final quote of the article is illuminating: “Most of the studies focus on when to start a medication; there’s been very little focus on when do you stop it.” No surprise there: whether you’re very young or very old, Big Pharma would love you to continue buying statins—for a very long time indeed. Heart disease, as many of us know, is one of the leading causes
By Admin – OK Sadly, more and more young men like Mr. Elliott are finding themselves facing life sentences for accusations of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Mr. Elliott told Health Impact News that on his wing, there are a total of twelve other prisoners, all claiming that they were imprisoned for SBS after their child suffered a possible vaccine injury. by Christina EnglandHealth Impact News Two years ago, I wrote about the case of a young girl in the U.K. who died after …read more Read more here: Health Impact News
By Christina Sarich We all know that biotech lobbyists spend millions of dollars influencing the political agenda, but the former CEO of Stonyfield Farms and a public supporter of GMO labeling just hosted a $2700-per-person fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in his own home. What were the intentions? discloses some interesting information about how Hillary is raising funds for her 2016 presidential campaign. You wouldn’t expect the former chairman of the board for, Gary Hirshberg, to be pandering for money for a known GMO supporter, or would you? Let’s hope it wasn’t like that. According to the Boston Globe,
Ty Bollinger: Suzanne, if you could, let’s go back about 14 years now in time and tell us about your bout with breast cancer and what you did to treat it. Suzanne Somers: When I look back 14 years, what I am so glad about is what I didn’t do. I remember that I got the recipe right away; we’ll do surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and after care drug of Tamoxifen. And even at that time… because all of us in the alternative world, from year to year you know so much more. I can’t do that. The idea of putting
Ty Bollinger: You mentioned exercise. One of the best exercises that I’ve been getting over the course of this investigative report from different doctors and researchers is that you jump on a mini trampoline to stimulate your lymphatic system to help you detoxify. Talk about the lymphatic system. What is the lymphatic system? Dr. Irvin Sahni: So the lymphatic system is something that I think people aren’t as aware of as their lungs and their heart. The lymphatic system is basically to some degree an overflow valve for the body. So what happens is we all know our heart pumps
By avivahill123 Buying a home is not an easy process as many of us may think. No matter if you’re a young first home buyer, or a mature one! If unprepared, some common but avoidable mistakes can be easily committed. Here are some simple and seemingly obvious tips every potential (first-time) home buyer should think of and consider before embarking on the buying process. Keep your budget in mind Most people when purchasing their first home do not set a budget and it is heart breaking when you find the perfect home and your pocket won’t allow you too. Before
By Admin – OK Jaxon waves to his mother as CPS takes him away from his home. by Health Impact News/ Staff The trauma continues for the Jaxon Adams family. 8-year-old Missouri resident Jaxon was seized by Child Protective Services last September after his parents sought a 2nd opinion for his medical conditions. Now CPS has taken his 11 year old sister into custody, and Tiffany Adams is fighting to put her life back together and get both children back. According to Tiffany, “When they take your kid, it destroys your life.” Original story: Eight year old Jaxon Taken …read
By Creation Moments How often have you heard people say that the Bible must be wrong because science disagrees with it? That attitude certainly isn’t new. It was common in 1932 when Dr. Harry Rimmer wrote his classic book, The Harmony of Science and Scripture. Even back then, Bible skeptics were using science to test Scripture. But as Dr. Rimmer pointed out, when science has matured to the point of infallibility, then and only then could it be used to test Scripture. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Michelle Schoffro Solar lighting is increasingly becoming popular for lighting yards and gardens due to their low maintenance and easy installation as they require a little or no wiring at all. However, you have to make sure they are placed in an area which receives maximum sunlight. For optimal results, you can follow these few easy tips: Choose which garden features you want to draw attention to: It is very crucial that you decide what object or place you want to highlight in your garden before you install solar lights. If you want to highlight an object, the light
During the height of one of the most brutal months of Muslim persecution of Christians, the U.S. State Department exposed its double standards against persecuted Christian minorities. Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader, who was scheduled to visit the U.S. to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department even though she had visited the U.S. before, most recently in 2012. She was to be one of a delegation of religious leaders from Iraq — including Sunni, Shia and Yazidi, among others — to visit Washington, D.C., to describe the situation
By Ken Ham Over the years I have been blessed to get to know many Christian leaders who boldly take a stand on the authority of the Bible during these challenging times. One such friend is Dennis Rainey, head of the large ministry called Family Life. I saw that Dennis was interviewed recently for the “Ambassador” newsletter, the June 2015 issue, produced by our friends at Ambassador Advertising. Here is one of the questions he was asked, followed by his response: Q. You have a large family—how do you make sure you “tend” your grown children and now 21 grandchildren
“Since the Western banksters greed is almost limitless this opening of the BRICS bank guarantees a new bankers war at some point in time with a good chance it will go nuclear.” Admin A new bank dedicated to the emerging BRICS countries opened for business in China’s commercial hub of Shanghai on Tuesday, the official Xinhua news agency reported. The so-called emerging BRICS countries are made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, and their “New Development Bank” has been seen as a challenge to the Washington-based International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The institution’s management was
By By Sandy J. Duncan (NaturalNews) I’m certain if you were to poll women and ask whether they’d rather have lawns with no weeds or be able to keep their breasts, the answer would be the latter! And yet billions of tons of pesticides are spread all over our lawns, on our kids’ soccer fields, at our parks… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Research shows that the food you eat can have a profound effect on your mental health. So, regardless of your mental health problem, the importance of addressing your diet simply cannot be overstated. In a very real sense, you have two brains — one in your head, and one in your gut. Both are created from the same tissue during fetal development, and they’re connected via your vagus nerve, the tenth cranial nerve that runs from your brain stem to your abdomen. It is now well established that the vagus nerve is the primary
By Julie Fidler If additives in the food and fluoride in the water make you sick to your stomach, get ready to clutch your gut even harder. A recent OPB article outlines how Western diets and modern-day hygiene have wiped out important bacteria in our digestive tracts. Many may not know it, but this is seen by many to be a serious issue. “In other words, Americans’ digestive tracts look like barren deserts compared to the lush, tropical rainforest found inside indigenous people,” the article says. Our guts are missing vital bacteria that serve as prebiotics, and microbes tasked with
By Ken Ham At Answers in Genesis we have a burden for reaching the next generation with the truth of God’s Word. We need this next generation of young people in our churches to be willing to stand boldly on the truth of God’s Word without compromise. That’s why we offer so many resources for teens and children in our online store. We want to equip parents with the resources they need to be able to teach their children. See all homeschool curriculum from Master Books. I’m excited about a new homeschool curriculum coming from our publisher, Master Books. They
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola There’s a common misconception that in order to eat healthy you have to sacrifice flavor. But anyone who’s bit into a homegrown tomato or fresh peach knows this isn’t the case. Most junk foods can only dream of mimicking the flavors found in naturally grown foods. That’s what most artificial (and even natural) flavors are mirrored after, and without them your favorite junk food would taste like the box it came in. The reason why many people perceive junk foods to be so tasty is a testament to their scientific creators. And, yes, you
By REALdeal Source: These 10 Quotes From a Oglala Lakota Chief Will Make You Question Everything About Our Society For more content like this visit by WISDOM PILLS Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent spread of the European pioneers. Raised in the [&hellip Source: These 10 Quotes From a Oglala Lakota Chief Will Make You Question …read more
Clues for the Genesis Flood …read more Read more here:
The substances that give chili peppers their intensity when ingested or applied topically and their several related chemicals, collectively called capsaicinoids kill cancer cells and may even extend lifespan. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Christina Sarich President Obama vowed he would make GMO labeling a reality when he was campaigning back in 2007. It is now 2015, and instead of keeping his promise, we’ve seen more legislation to block the labeling of genetically modified foods, not support it. Doctors, scientists, and CEOs of major corporations have asked Obama to support GMO labeling, but there has been no change. Is it time to pen a national letter to the President to tell him that we expect him to make good on his campaign promise, or is that just wishful thinking considering many believe biotech
“This will be one of Mr. O’s legacies after his sorry butt is out of office, a never ending crime wave.” Admin The murder of Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero in San Francisco by an illegal alien is the most familiar example of a crime committed by an alien. But an unreleased internal report by the Texas Department of Public Safety reveals that aliens have been involved in thousands of crimes in Texas alone, including nearly 3,000 homicides. PJ Media obtained a never-before-released copy of a Texas DPS report on human smuggling containing the numbers of crimes committed by aliens
“Well it’s obvious who a sizable majority in the House works for and it’s not the American people! Besides banning labeling laws it also bans states from having any oversight of GMO crops! This is a doubly evil bill. Just another illustration of how totally corrupt our government is. Sickening.” Admin he U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed legislation that would block states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods, or GMOs—a move that consumer rights groups decried as corporate power defeating Americans’ right to know what’s in their food. The bill, H.R. 1599—dubbed the “DARK Act” (Deny
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola One in five Americans now owns a wearable, health-tracking device. One in ten wear them daily.1 The devices, such as Jawbone’s UP, provide something that has never before been available on this scale – actual sleep data (and more) from up to 1 million wristband users. Withings, a maker of health-tracking devices, is the latest to record and analyze such data to give a picture of sleep in America. They recorded 15 million nights of sleep from more than 10,000 device users last year. Although many of Withings device users are men between …read