Two reality television shows testing the effects of explosives on walls coated with a protective polyurethane product give a clue to how pitch would have protected Noah’s Ark. …read more Read more here:
Advocated by several schools of native medicine, including Ayurveda, golden milk is one of the best ways to consume turmeric on a daily basis, along with the antioxidant power of ginger and black pepper. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Christina Sarich Chipotle’s campaign launched in April of this year was a breath of fresh air for many busy people who were looking for non-GM fast food that was both fresh, organic, non-GMO, and often locally-sourced. The company called it ‘food with integrity – G-M-Over it,’ but it seems some consumers aren’t convinced that the chain’s non-GMO intentions were brought to fruition. A class-action suit is at stake for Chipotle, filed in California. The plaintiff states, “Chipotle serves meat products that come from animals which feed on GMOs, including corn and soy.” The suit additionally alleges that the chain’s
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If asked why your stomach growls, many people would answer, “Because I’m hungry!” This is somewhat of a myth, however. Your stomach may make noise when you’re hungry and lacking food in your stomach, but it can also growl when you’re not hungry and your stomach is full. The growling noise may not even be coming from your stomach at all but rather from your small intestines. Oftentimes, when your stomach (or bowel) makes noise, a phenomenon technically known as “borborygmi,” you may not hear it at all. The noises are loudest when your
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Herbal therapies are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). While there are 5,767 substances defined in the Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Substances, a typical practitioner may routinely use between 200 and 600. Most often, the herbs (a combination of one to 13 different plants) are added to water and boiled. The liquid is then separate from the herbs and drunk as a water decoction. The herbs may also be consumed in powdered form, spray-dried concentrates, pill form, or even “honey pills,” which are “prepared by combining powdered herbs with concentrated decoctions
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Nearly 60 percent of Americans drink coffee, and for many the habit is a daily one.1 Coffee drinking has long been viewed as more of a vice or a crutch to get a quick energy boost to power through the day, but this view is now changing as the health benefits of coffee continue to be revealed. This is good news for those of you who sip on a cup of joe in the morning, as it turns out this may be a quite healthy way to start your day. However, please remember that
By Creation Moments A misunderstanding of some of the history recorded in Genesis has led some people to conclude that we are repeating the sins committed at the Tower of Babel. After all, we build huge cities and incredibly high skyscrapers. English is now virtually a universal language, and the Internet has led to the international pooling of knowledge. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Satyajit Seal There are, by and large, two types of party organizers that you might come across. While the first group wants to go safe with the traditional and tried-tested ways of event management, and others who do not mind treading on a different way and go for something extra than the ordinary. No matter what type of party organizer you are, a bouncy castle can truly be your party staple. What began as a luxury addition for kids parties is now something very few event organizers can think without and now bouncy castles have even crossed the ambit
Faith-based movies that succeed at the box office shouldn’t be a surprise anymore, but “War Room,” a Christian family drama about marriage, has proved to be somewhat miraculous. After “War Room” nearly beat “Straight Outta Compton” in its opening weekend, it defied expectations in its second week in theaters and rose to the top spot over the holiday weekend. Its strongest day wasn’t the opening either. It was Labor Day — a full 11 days after “War Room” was released — that saw the most people buying tickets. “That’s just not supposed to happen,” said Rich Peluso, senior vice president
By Christina Sarich In my ongoing exposure of Monsanto’s illegal and immoral tactics, I was excited to announce that a class action lawsuit against the company for false advertising was taken on by none other than T. Matthew Phillips. We reported on this lawsuit at Natural Society, when minimal mainstream media outlets would touch the subject. Now, under penalty of perjury, 5 experts in the field have signed their names to a statement that will hopefully put Monsanto out of business for good. The scientific experts are all powerful women who have been vocal advocates of more stringent scientific studies
By Ken Ham We’ve just had another historic day in the construction of the life-size Ark (in Williamstown, Kentucky). The east tower (the one on the right in the first photo below, facing the front of the Ark construction site) that will house elevators and stairs was completed last week—it’s over 80 feet high. The middle tower is nearing completion and the west tower will be finished in about three weeks or so. The photos show the towers in relation to the 510-foot-long Ark. A photograph of the Ark construction site taken last week The completed east tower from the
By Jesse Herman Source: 5 Real Threats Most People Aren’t Ready For For more content like this visit by J HERMAN When it comes to threats that affect our economy, lifestyles and very well-being, the list is endless. From natural disasters to man-made ones, to disease outbreaks and antibiotic-resistant superbugs (thanks factory farming!) there is a never ending amount of chaos that could be unleashed upon our civilization at any minute. It’s important [&hellip Source: 5 Real Threats Most People Aren’t Ready For Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Only one thing sends more shivers down the spines of school-aged children’s parents than head lice… and that is mutant head lice. Research from 2014 of lice samples from the US and Canada showed almost all of the insects (99.6 percent) had developed gene mutations making them resistant to common over-the-counter lice shampoos.1 Such shampoos often contain the toxic pesticide permethrin… which should not be placed anywhere near a child’s scalp due to the health risks alone. But now it appears the chemicals will no longer be very effective either. Pesticide-Resistant Lice Widespread in
Whatever our job may be, it can be regarded as serving Christ and helping to fulfill His primeval-dominion commandment, and even helping lead others to know Him. More… …read more Read more here:
Given the roles of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation as risk factors for cancer, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory richness of vegetables high in anthocyanin compounds, such as those found in purple potatoes, help in the prevention of certain types of cancer, even after cooking, say researchers. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
Despite claims that stars formed from primordial clouds of gas, the known laws of physics show that to be impossible. …read more Read more here:
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Christina Sarich You likely already ate some GM potato without knowing it. Over 400 acres worth of GM potatoes were sold in Midwestern grocery stores over the summer, and most of them went unlabeled as such. The second generation of J.R. Simplot Co.’s genetically modified potato has cleared its first federal regulatory hurdle, and the Russet Burbank variety ‘Innate’ has been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the name of a potato that won’t brown or bruise, as this is the reason being given for its genetic alteration, we are expected to eat another genetically modified crop,
By Creation Moments Modern evolutionists often give us the impression that evolution was accepted by the scientific community of Darwin’s day. But the scientists of Darwin’s day didn’t hear his theory, slap themselves on the forehead, and say, “Of course!” In fact, some of the most influential scientists of the day were hostile to Darwinian evolution. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Jesse Herman Source: Organic Garden In Atlanta Maintained By Homeless For more content like this visit by J HERMAN A Georgia-based homeless shelter has been using a rooftop garden to teach those who go for support there the importance of providing healthy food choices for ourselves. The shelter, called the Metro Atlanta Task Force, also uses the garden to give the homeless good job and life skills that can be used [&hellip Source: Organic Garden In Atlanta Maintained By Homeless Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees. Even though they are fellow Muslims. It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use. It’s a kind offer. The only proper way for Europe to reciprocate would be to send a million soccer hooligans to Saudi Arabia and then offer to build facilities to teach them of the importance of trashing the country and abusing any native they come across. Of course the Saudis aren’t
“Just another form of stealth Jihad. Who knows how extensively this is being done across the country. But it’s not surprising since Mr. O is such a great admirer of Islam.” Admin Middle school parents in Tennessee are up in arms on learning that their children were instructed to recite and write, “Allah is the only god,” as part of a world history project. In the Maury County School District, students were assigned a Five Pillars of Islam project that included the translation of the pillar of “Shahada” as being, “There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is his prophet.”
“A tragic story that is given little attention in the main stream media.” Admin As U.S. and European leaders reach out with open arms to tens of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe, the groans of persecuted Christians in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan are increasingly drowned out. President Obama announced Thursday that the U.S. will accept at an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, on top of the 1,600 that have already arrived. The Syrian arrivals coming from United Nations refugee camps to date have been 95 percent Muslim. When it comes to the plight of Christians,
By Admin – OK by Health Impact News/ Staff Tammi Stefano interviewed Amy Duran on Friday August 28th on The National Safe Child Show. Amy is a mother who had her son taken by Los Angeles County’s Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) with the help of the Los Angeles Police Department. Vindictive people used DCFS and local law enforcement to kidnap Amy’s son, and to put Amy into a holding cell in a detention center where she was told she would spend the next 12 years, even though she had violated no laws and was not convicted of
By Roger Patterson Was work part of God’s perfect creation? Or is labor a result of Adam’s sin in the garden? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Jesse Herman Source: How To Grow Mushrooms at Home in a Bucket For more content like this visit by J HERMAN Growing delicious mushrooms doesn’t take very much effort – you can even do so in something as simple as coffee grounds. There are just a few things you’ll need to do this well, which I will cover. I’ll be showing you how to grow pearl oyster mushrooms, for the record. They are [&hellip Source: How To Grow Mushrooms at Home in a Bucket Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
“Excellent article by Chuck on the NWO, who’s behind it and what’s going on in the middle east.” Admin Big Government toadies can pooh-pooh the existence of a conspiracy by elitists to create a global government (aka a New World Order) all they want to, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are. Over the last several decades, proponents of global government have been quite outspoken about their intention to create a New World Order. In fact, former President George H.W. Bush (NOT so-called “right wing conspiracy nuts”) was the one who popularized the term “New World Order”