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By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Most Americans have been conditioned to believe that the function of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is to reduce the manufacture, sale and trafficking of illegal drugs. However, one South American nation has thrown a huge wrench into that supposition.The government… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By jeanette22 You have probably seen guys at the gym drinking protein shakes and wondered whether it’s with a good reason or not .The fact is that protein contains amino acids, which your muscles require for repair and regrowth. Getting protein right after a workout means that most of these amino acids go directly towards regrowing muscle and increasing the effectiveness of your workout. Protein shakes sometimes contain high amounts of sugar making it highly recommendable doing your utmost to cut down on it and get to balance your daily intake for a maximum of natural protein thru the following [More]
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell When a parasitic wasp skewers an orb spider and glues an egg to its back, she sets off a chain of events that alters the behavior and destiny of the spider. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola A prime argument often used for the justification and support of today’s highly aggressive mandatory vaccination programs in the U.S. and around the world is the alleged success of the polio vaccine. Wild type polio was declared eradicated in the US in 1979 and in the western hemisphere in 1994.1 But despite widespread annual polio vaccine campaigns targeting Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, the wild type poliovirus is still circulating in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and possibly Nigeria (no new cases have been reported there for about a year). The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has [More]
By healthycook A sumptuous spread of tender chicken plated with delicious vegetables is a delightful fancy for any gourmet enthusiast. To achieve the perfect tang and aroma, you need the much-sought after deep pot with lid that has been in use for over hundred years. Call it the mighty and potent Dutch oven first made from clay then latter replaced with metal. Known for its thick walls compared to any regular pot, the oven is a two-piece utensil including a tightly-fitting lid and a pot. Give you’re cooking skills a test for perfection by preparing anything from stews to soup, [More]
“They should be glad for any country that would take them in, instead they demand to go where they can get the most free benefits. Are they really refugees or just greedy opportunists?”  Admin Refugees from Middle Eastern countries – like war-torn Syria – are demanding they are allowed to go to Sweden or Finland because the terms of asylum are more favourable for them. Asylum seeker Marwen el Mohammed said there are two reasons migrants do not want to go to Denmark. Mohammed claimed the first reason is that “the salary for refugees decreased about 50 per cent from [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas produced when fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas, are burned. When you inhale this gas, it enters your bloodstream where it replaces and blocks the oxygen molecules. If you inhale enough of it, the carbon monoxide can replace virtually all of the oxygen in your bloodstream, essentially suffocating you from the inside out. Your brain, which is especially vulnerable, may be suffocated in just four minutes after exposure to carbon monoxide.1 Initial symptoms of exposure include flu-like symptoms such as …read [More]
“Mr. O, our self-proclaimed “Christian” prez, once again demonstrating what a lie that is. Can anything this guy says be believed?” Admin The White House has issued a Statement of Administration Policy vowing to veto a new pro-life bill the House of Representatives will vote on tomorrow that would hold the Planned Parenthood abortion business criminally liable for harvesting body parts from aborted babies who are technically still alive. The center for Medical Progress has released 10 videos catching and exposing Planned Parenthood officials selling aborted babies and their body parts. One of the most shocking videos caught the nation’s [More]
By Multimedia This episode of ID the Future features part of a lecture given by Biologic Institute scientist Doug Axe on his research on the molecule lignin. Lignin provides a paradoxical case for the Darwinian method of evolution, but fits perfectly into a design oriented scientific paradigm. Thirty percent of non-fossil organic carbon on the planet is lignin, so in a Darwinian world, something should have developed the ability to consume lignin–but it hasn’t. Lignin binds together and protects plant cellulose, which is vital to all types of large plant life; “The peculiar properties of lignin therefore make perfect sense [More]
The hygiene hypothesis holds that, when babies’ exposure to germs is so limited, their immune systems are deprived of the opportunity to learn how to fend off pathogens properly…consequently their immune systems become so sensitive that the babies develop allergies. But the protective effects of friendly microbes seem to depend equally on a person’s genetic make-up. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Larry L. Zimmerman If mathematics is already thought out and constructed by someone, it is logical that there would be no contradictions. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Although my Facebook page can receive a lot of negative (and often very ignorant, many times blasphemous and expletive-laden) comments from skeptics and secularists, I also receive wonderful testimonies from people who have been blessed and changed by AiG’s ministry as God has blessed. These encouraging testimonies all came in to us around the same time, so I thought I would share them with you! We always appreciate hearing how God is using AiG to impact hearts and lives. Ken, I just want you to know that after recently joining a young adult Sunday school class where [More]
By Activist By Vic Bishop Long before the days of 24-hour convenience stores and instant communication, human beings lived in some semblance of harmony with nature. People used to know that we too are also… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
Onions have a potent aroma and even more potent health benefits. A member of the Allium family, onions are rich in sulfur, which gives them their signature smell and a majority of their health benefits. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Ken Ham Polls show that the twentysomethings sitting next to you in the pews may not embrace your faith. What happened to them? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Factory farming methods produce a number of side effects that can threaten your health and even your life. Contamination with disease-causing fecal bacteria is one of them. To combat foodborne illness, the food industry has created solutions that further worsen matters — sterilization methods such as high heat, chemicals (chlorine-based or lactic acid washes, for example), and/or radiation are all common industry attempts to “sterilize” your food before it reaches the store. Yet the central issue remains unaddressed, which is the lack of hygiene standards in the raising, slaughtering, and processing of the animals. [More]
By Activist By Andrew Jonasson The minerals we eat and process are necessary for so many of our systems’ functions, from helping our blood flow to helping your entire body work better. Some of these minerals… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You might not think much about the ingredients in your toothpaste compared to the ingredients in your food or even other personal care products, but those pea-sized dollops on your toothbrush twice a day add up. Over the course of a lifetime, the average American uses about 20 gallons of toothpaste,1 and even if you spit most of it out, some of the chemicals it contains make their way into your bloodstream. Your mouth is actually one of the most absorbent places in your entire body. This is why some medications are administered …read [More]
By Activist By Dr. Ben Kim Over the years, I’ve found that many people don’t seem to realize that the vast majority of malignancies aren’t palpable and don’t create symptoms for several years, and sometimes… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Creation Moments You may remember the “ice man” discovered in a glacier in the Alps in 1991. His frozen body had been preserved in the ice for thousands of years. Even his hair, beard and skin were largely intact. While there is some debate about when he lived, he is easily dated, in the biblical framework, to within several centuries after the Flood. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Paul Fassa Source: Monsanto and Biotech Industry Reeling from Recent Glyphosate Rulings For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA California’s Proposition 65 is as strict as it gets at warning about toxins in foods and food sources in the USA. Even it’s still not enough, at least it’s better than most states. Prop. 65 creates vulnerability among the perpetrators because it’s enforceable by lawsuits, or tort law. The lead agency for [&hellip Source: Monsanto and Biotech Industry Reeling from Recent Glyphosate Rulings Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: [More]
Blood-sucking insects, carried into the United States from Latin American immigrant regions to the border states, may be contributing to a rise in Chagas disease and more than 300,000 people with related infections living in America.Many of these insects, referred to as “assassin bugs,” are widespread carriers of a deadly parasite that causes Chagas disease according to a study just released from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Wednesday. Researchers conclude that the threats to humans contracting the disease may be higher than formerly believed. These assassin bugs drop feces on humans while filing up with blood, whereas [More]
By Ken Ham Yes, everyone knows that people from all over the country (and world) are traveling to visit the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. And the incredible positive feedback continues to grow! After all, it’s a spectacular world-class facility, as many people tell us—and it’s evangelistic, honoring God and His Word. Now some visitors are coming with a surprising goal in mind (perhaps not even aware of the wonderful content inside the museum): to ride our Screaming Raptor Zip Lines over our beautiful gardens and through dozens of acres of scenic wooded property. A family, who supports the Creation [More]
By Activist By Paul A. Philips Cancer research, headed by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, has a motto that goes “cancer together we’ll beat it” or words to that effect. Over the recent decades gone by… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
Three judges on the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals have refused Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis’ request for an injunction against the Kentucky governor in her effort to obtain additional accommodations of her Christian-based objections to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. But judges John Rogers, Bernice Donald and Damon Keith left alive her lawsuit, which will be assigned to a panel. Judge David Bunning previously sent her to jail for nearly a week for not following his order to resume issuing marriage licenses. Her deputies agreed to issue the licenses, with Davis’ name redacted, when Bunning threatened [More]
“One can understand why such regulations are contemplated. With radical Imam’s preaching against Western values, culture and tolerance of any other religions an environment is created where monitoring such preaching is necessary for the preservation of a safe and orderly society. Unfortunately there are always unintended consequences when you start down such a road.”  Admin Proposed legislation leaked to the media outlines how the United Kingdom government plans to oversee religious leaders and their messages. “If the reports are accurate, what the government is proposing turns the clock back on religious freedom more than 300 years,” said Ciaran Kelly, a [More]
Remarkable coincidences in the wake of creation evangelism! …read more Read more here: creation.com