By Ken Ham Did you know that the world-class Creation Museum (the largest of its kind in the world) isn’t the only creationist museum in America? Scattered across the nation—and even internationally—are dozens of Bible-affirming museums that teach a biblical worldview and uphold the history recorded in God’s Word. Well, one of these museums is the Creation and Earth History Museum of Santee, California (near San Diego). It includes an age of the Earth cave, a Grand Canyon exhibit, a human anatomy exhibit, and even a replica tabernacle. It used to be owned and operated by the Institute for Creation
Ever wonder why some scents make you feel relaxed or energized? It’s no coincidence and we have our olfactory system to thank for its intimate relationship with the brain, which affects both our memory and mood. Here are 10 scents which will enhance this system with just one whiff. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Ken Ham While sometimes I’m made fun of by staff in the AiG offices for enjoying science fiction TV programs like Doctor Who and Star Trek, I do admit that I’ve had a long fascination with such shows. Now, many people think that I just spend most of my time exposing the “science fiction” of evolution, but I do like relaxing by watching a Doctor Who episode after a busy day. Although, I must say that with the culture becoming more anti-Christian every day, even though the program is geared for the family, I have noticed that Doctor Who
How James Hutton introduced deep time, and created the greatest error in geology today. …read more Read more here:
By Paul Fassa Source: What Happened With Effective DIY Spectro-Chrome Therapy? For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Colored light therapy was originated mostly by an American physician, Dr. Edwin Babbitt, in 1878, whose work improved on Dr.Seth Pancoast’s 1877 discoveries. Dr. Dinshah Ghaiali developed their discoveries further into Spectro-Chrome therapy for virtually any malady after he had immigrated to New York from India during the early 20th century. Despite [&hellip Source: What Happened With Effective DIY Spectro-Chrome Therapy? Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) It is finally being admitted by the scientific community that vaccines do, in fact, shed viruses and, in the process, trigger the formation of more deadly viral strains. A new study recently published in the online, open-access journal PLOS Biology reveals that so-called… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Creation Moments It wasn’t until 1839 that cell theory was first described by Theodor Schwann in basically its modern form. By 1858, researcher Rudolf Virchow had learned enough about the cell to conclude that every cell must come from a preexisting cell. But Charles Darwin wasn’t paying attention. The very next year he published a book, On the Origin of Species, which theorized that the first cell was formed from non living matter. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Although it is true that the majority of doctors support vaccines, most of them don’t even know what vaccines contain or their dangers. Their training ends with knowing how to administer them. They are taught vaccine reactions are rare and they are quick to share the same assurances with their patients. These assurances are not based on objective science but merely on what they were told, what they were taught. Click here for part 1: Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research Whether layperson or scientist, high school drop out or M.D., no one can
Monsanto has many weapons in its arsenal when it comes to eliminating competition from non-GMO and organic farmers. After more than two decades of pushing their products onto US farmland with purposely flawed safety studies, the sheer presence of genetically modified crops poses an existential threat to the business of traditional and organic farming. A new report has come out showing the extraordinary costs that non-GMO and organic farmers incur from GMO contamination of their crops. “Results from the newest USDA survey indicate that of the farmers who chose to answer the question, 92 had experienced monetary loss between 2011
By Julie Fidler (Natural Society) Shark sightings along America’s coastlines made headlines this summer, and 8 people died after having unfortunate encounters with the fearsome beasts worldwide. But a new report shows that taking selfies proved to be more deadly than shark encounters. So far this year, 12 people across the globe have lost their lives while trying to snap a photo of themselves in memorable poses. The selfie victims either fell or were struck by cars as they tried to capture what they believed was fun, innocent moment, according to Mashable. [1] What you won’t find in the report
We all have a role to play in evangelism, and CMI can help! …read more Read more here:
By Sherice kardon Anxiety and headaches are a very common problem nowadays. Approximately one in ten people worldwide are visiting to the doctor because tension, anxiety or headaches problems. Study found that lavender can lower your pulse rates during stressful situations and reduce anxiety and cure headaches. Lavender essential oil has many medicinal properties as well. It also reduce depression, improve insomnia and ease labor pains. Lavender oil has a chemically complex structure with over 150 active constituents, which shown its effectiveness for our health. Lavender oil possesses anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic properties. According to the
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham A recent article in the Sunday Times claims that “of all the scientific fields, evolution probably carries the most common misconceptions.” It then goes on to describe 10 alleged misconceptions of evolutionary ideas. Many of these misconceptions are topics we’ve already pointed out and covered on our website. As Christians we need to be careful not to misrepresent what evolutionists believe, so we encourage Christians to avoid certain arguments. But some of the alleged misconceptions about evolution that made the Sunday Times list are actually not misconceptions at all! The article begins with a common argument that
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) The next generation of genetically engineered life will more than likely possess a novel trait known as “gene drive” that literally spreads gene alterations like a virus within the host population, whether it is a plant or an animal. Many scientists are starting to worry… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Ken Ham I recently blogged about Bill Nye’s upcoming book Unstoppable. Well, in addition to his new book, Bill Nye “the Science Guy” is also reportedly going to be featured in a documentary about his life and work. One website describes the documentary as “a film for science. A film for the cosmos. The full access, exclusive film about Bill Nye.” Really it should be called “a film for the religion of naturalism. A film to promote worship of the cosmos. An exclusive film about the very religious Bill Nye.” Yes, it will be a religious film! The documentary,
By Activist By Jay Syrmopoulos After Martin Shkreli raised the price of Daraprim, which costs one dollar to produce, from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill, the public and media roundly panned the Turing… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
Homo naledi is another case of selective interpretation of the evidence to ‘prove’ evolution of man from apelike ancestors. …read more Read more here:
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) One of the fastest growing natural juice brands in the country is adding Coca-Cola and Goldman Sachs to its lineup of stakeholders. The Suja juice company, a California startup that has seen massive growth over the past several years, currently offers cold-pressed, unpasteurized… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Pulford Turmeric Potent Anti-Inflammatory Spice The anti-inflammatory power of turmeric comes from its compound called curcumin. Studies have shown curcumin to have anti-tumor and anti-oxidant properties. Turmeric is excellent source of all of Manganese, iron, vitamin B6, potassium nutrients and vitamins. As an anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric is known to treat many conditions including jaundice, menstrual difficulties, flatulence and toothache etc Pineapple Anti-Inflammatory Properties Pineapples contains enzyme called bromelain which plays a major role in the body’s healing process. Bromelain is a natural potent anti-inflammatory agent. Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains by reducing swelling, tenderness
By Activist By Andrew Emett According to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, children exposed to indoor insecticides have a higher risk of developing childhood cancers, including leukemia and… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Creation Moments While the word “fossil” is a modern term, people thousands of years ago may have known about fossils. If they did, they didn’t know what fossils were. That’s the new theory proposed by a group that includes a folklorist and some paleontologists. Their theory is based on the figures painted on a 2,500 year old Corinthian vase. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Admin – Orissa Restraining a foster youth – video image. Health Impact News Editor Comments Statistics and studies clearly show that children left in families, even troubled families where “abuse” is alleged, than when they enter the foster care system. (See: Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes – The Child Trafficking Business.) These very disturbing videos of foster care children being abused in Connecticut clearly show how ineffective Child Social Services has become all across America. It is time to abolish this system, by cutting off the federal funding, and allowing communities to work
“Indeed, Common Core is a designed educational disaster as the article notes.” Admin They are lowering the standards in public education again—this time to accommodate the demands of Common Core. It is bad enough that advocates of Common Core are encouraging formal instruction in pornography and Islam in the public schools. But what is even worse is that school officials are now lowering the standards for what constitutes “acceptable competence” in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Presumably this will allow more time for Common Core topics. Apparently since the schools will now be devoting more class time to teaching pornography and
It is only human nature to displace responsibility and it has a major effect on our view of religion and spirituality. Most people cannot fathom a reality or truth that the events and circumstances in our life are generated by what WE think and do. Individuals who blame karma or other non-secular matters for their poor health have more pain and worse physical and mental health, according to a new study from University of Missouri researchers. Targeted interventions to counteract negative spiritual beliefs could help some individuals decrease pain and improve their overall health, the researchers said. …read more Read
By Ken Ham A post that I quote below from an atheist blog helps illustrate a very important point we have been making for some time at Answers in Genesis. First, in 2 Corinthians 11:3, God has a warning for us: But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. To paraphrase this warning, we are being told that the devil is going to use the same method on us as he did on Eve to attempt to get us to a position
President Obama, who has been trying to reframe the Constitution’s protection of religious rights to the narrower “freedom to worship” rather than “freedom of religion” went a step further over the weekend in an address to a homosexual festival. He said at the Democratic National Committee’s LGBT Gala in New York that the Constitution’s protections for “gay” rights trump the protection for religious rights. Read More: Obama: ‘Gay’ trumps religion in Constitution