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By Paul Fassa Source: An Accessible Enzyme Supplement That Cleans Arteries, Heals Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibrocystic Breasts, Lung Problems, and More For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Looking for an alternative to steroid pain relievers that is just as effective? Looking to make sure you don’t get blood clots where they don’t belong? You might look into a naturally occurring enzyme that doctors in Europe have been prescribing to treat pain, arterial plaque, scarred lung tissue, blood clots and [&hellip Source: An Accessible Enzyme Supplement That Cleans Arteries, Heals Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibrocystic Breasts, Lung …read [More]
By Larry L. Zimmerman If there is “something there” in mathematics, the Christian cannot escape the consequences of the universal quantifiers which saturate Colossians 1:15–20. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Nearly 23 percent of Americans report consuming vegetables and fruits less than one time daily, with a median vegetable intake of just 1.6 times per day overall.1 In contrast, experts recommend consuming five to nine servings of vegetables and fruits daily for optimal health. Chances are you know vegetables are good for you, and perhaps you’ve been meaning to include more of them in your daily diet. If you’re looking for motivation, the latest research adds to considerable evidence that eating veggies lowers your risk of many types of cancer. In a recent study [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The recent case of an American toddler diagnosed with type 2 diabetes highlights the severity of the problems our modern processed food diet causes. According to Reuters,1 the three-year old girl, who weighed in at 77 pounds, is one of the youngest persons ever diagnosed with this obesity-related disease. In the past, type 2 diabetes was referred to as “adult onset” diabetes, and most patients were in the senior category. But as our diets and lifestyles have changed, so has the disease. And, while lack of exercise is certainly a factor, one would be [More]
By Heather Callaghan Brussels – In the latest blow to the European Commission’s laissez-faire approach to GM crops, at least 15 EU countries and four regions (in two other countries) are in the process of banning the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Creation Moments Unfortunately, many biblical archaeologists do not accept the Bible’s account of the period of the judges. They believe that there was no distinct Israel during this time. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
The Focus on the Family-sponsored “Bring Your Bible to School Day” kicked off Thursday, 10/08/15, with the level of expected participants figured at around 100,000. Last year, the event drew in 8,000, the Blaze reported. The initiative is billed to “encourage public school students from kindergarten to college to express their faith freely,” the nonprofit said, the Blaze reported. And so far, Twitter has exploded with pictures and testimonies of participants. Read More: 100,000 students bring Bibles to classrooms
 A Colorado university is prohibiting a donor from putting Bible references on his nameplate despite his generous donation. Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, constructed a new campus athletic facility where sponsors could have a personalized nameplate placed on a locker in the football locker room. Former student and football player Michael Lucas wanted Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9 engraved on a nameplate for his $25,000 donation. The school denied his request to inscribe the Bible reference although prior to Lucas’ request no restrictions had been named other than length of the text. Read More: $25K donor told Bible [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: Amish Girl Threatened with Medical Kidnapping Returns Cancer Free After 2 Years For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA A couple of years ago, a ten year old Ohio Amish girl was being treated for non-Hodgkin lymphoma at Akron Children’s Hospital. After the first round, she was extremely ill and begged her parents to stop the “treatment”. The parents prayed for guidance then decided they should withdraw their daughter from that [&hellip Source: Amish Girl Threatened with Medical Kidnapping Returns Cancer Free After 2 Years Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) An independent journalist and local newspaper editor from central Ohio was laughed out of a Greene County courtroom recently after suggesting that talking to people on a public sidewalk constitutes free speech. Retired Judge Catherine (Kathryn) Barber, who was filling… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) It didn’t take long for the usual liberal opportunists to use the occasion of the latest campus shooting in Oregon to exploit it for personal gain. Indeed, the dead had not yet been fully accounted for, but that didn’t stop former CNN host, longtime gun control advocate… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Every year, 75,000 people die in the United States from infections that they acquired while in the hospital. Every one of those deaths is considered preventable by good hygiene practices.Embracing the philosophy that zero hospital-acquired infections is an achievable… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Tolerant and peace-loving Bahá’í followers never argue-or so they argue. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By By Kristina Martin (NaturalNews) Studies find that what you eat plays a huge role in lowering your anxiety and boosting your mood. The more you choose a healthy, whole-food treat over a nutrient-empty, quick fix, the more you’ll reap the benefits – both now and later.Here are a few snacks that can… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By marytenda1 Modern unhealthy diets and polluted environment cause toxins to build up in our bodies, which is why a detoxification program is so important. Detoxification improves circulation, eliminates wastes, and refuels the body. Many detoxification programs involve lengthy fasts, which can be dangerous and difficult. The truth is you don’t have to fall back on these measures to detoxify your body; simply drinking a juice with detoxifying properties can be highly effective in keeping your body healthy. When most people think of juices, they think of fruits, but the truth is that many detoxifying juices contain a combination of [More]
By Tom Hennigan Some people believe creation is something we should worship. Others believe its purpose is to serve mankind’s greater good. Which view is right? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Admin – Orissa ACP Given Over $1 Million by CDC to Push Adult Immunization, Implement Tracking Database by Jefferey Jaxon Health Impact News According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own statistics, the seasonal ?u vaccine for the 2014-2015 season was only 19 percent effective. So why is there a worldwide push for ?u vaccination? What are the risks inherent in a ?u vaccination and are they worth it? These questions have been deleted, ignored, omitted, and crossed out by most in favor of what appears to be a dose of drug company pro?t mixed with [More]
We are commonly told that similarities between living things prove that they are related by evolution, but did you know that many similarities found in nature defy evolution? Take for example the marsupial mouse and the placental mouse. These creatures are remarkably similar, but according to evolutionists they did not inherit this startling similarity from a common ancestor. Instead, we are told, ‘evolution’ achieved the same design in both creatures, independently. They call this ‘convergence’ because evolution has supposedly converged on, or arrived at, a similar looking outcome. But ‘convergence’ is really just a word used to try to explain [More]
There is a corporate monster in the making. If allowed to emerge, it will gain near complete control of one of the most vital elements to human survival: our global food supply. This monster – a conglomeration of two corporate entities, Monsanto and Syngenta – must be stopped for the sake of the planet and future generations. The companies that would make up this monster conglomeration both want complete control of our food. They envision a world completely inundated with their “patented” genetically modified seeds and saturated in their environmentally destructive chemicals. They seek to put all of their critics [More]
First realize that even without being diagnosed with cancer, we all have at least a few cancerous cells floating around in our “inner terrain”. A decent immune system residing in a slightly alkaline or neutral pH inner terrain is able to fend them off and keep them from colonizing into tumorous masses. On the other hand, those who indulge primarily in the SAD (Standard American Diet), which includes lots of factory farmed meat and junk foods saturated with refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which processed foods use even with their non-sweet products to keep you addicted, along [More]
By Dr. Danny Faulkner While water is a common substance in the universe, the earth is the only place that we know for certain where liquid water exists. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Heather Callaghan By Real Farmacy Even when you believe your pantry or kitchen is seemingly spotless, these little buggers can pop up out of nowhere, buzzing around your face, or worse… flying into your nose –… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Creation Moments When a honeybee finds a good source of food, she returns to the hive to tell fellow bees where it is. Her dance tells nest mates the direction of the source from the nest and how far away it is. Researchers have long puzzled over how the bee knows the distance she has traveled. Several theories have been proposed, but until now, none have been proven. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Antibiotic resistance has been declared “an increasingly serious threat to global public health that requires action across all government sectors and society” by the World Health Organization (WHO).1 The cause for this growing drug resistance was once thought to be restricted to overuse of antibiotics in medicine, but it’s become quite clear that our food supply significantly contributes to the problem. In fact, it may even be the overriding factor that has allowed, and continues to allow, resistance to grow and spread at the rate that it is. In the US, animals raised in [More]
By Don Landis Hermeneutics—“rightly dividing the word of truth”—begins with a careful look at each word to determine its original meaning. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Michael By Jonathan Schoenfeld Controversy tends to engulf Monsanto, the notorious agrochemical giant. One of the most vociferous debates concerns the safety of Monsanto products, including genetically… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
In his comment on the mass shootings at the Oregon community college, President Obama said: “This has become routine.” So have police shootings of unarmed and unresisting Americans. So have numerous other undesirable and deplorable happenings, such as the foreclosure on the homes of millions of Americans, while the “banks too big to fail” are bailed out with trillions of dollars, and such as foreign policy lies that have destroyed seven countries, bringing the US and Europe millions of refugees. In addition there are the foreign policy lies that have brought the US and Europe into conflict with Russia, and [More]