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By Ken Ham Moral decision-making is much more than just what our brain is doing. It’s about doing what is right based on an absolute standard. And the only absolute standard is God’s Word. Our morality needs to be based on the firm foundation of God’s infallible Word. As the Creator, only God has the authority to set the rules, and we aren’t at liberty to change or ignore them. The Only Absolute Standard for Morality Sadly, our culture largely no longer recognizes God’s Word as the authority, and increasing numbers of people believe man (and thus morality) evolved by [More]
By Ken Ham Your neighbors and coworkers might be more open to the idea of a Creator than you might realize! According to recent research from LifeWay, “More than 4 in 10 of the nonreligious believe physics and humanity point to a creator.” And “In a survey of 1,000 Americans, LifeWay Research found almost 8 in 10 (79 percent) believe the existence of human life means someone created it, while 72 percent think the organization of the universe shows a creator’s design.” So many Americans, despite evolutionary indoctrination in government-run schools, much of the media, museums, etc., do see evidence [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
In the first of our three articles on this news-grabbing subject, we pointed out some strange circumstances surrounding the geology of the cave systems in which Homo naledi was discovered, as well as critical mismatches in bony body parts. This second article exposes a strange lack of evolutionary dating methods. Why has lead researcher Lee Berger, who is touring the world touting these fossils, not performed even one of several standard dating methods for fossils? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola By definition, a placebo is an inert substance that has no effect on your body. In medical research, placebos (such as sugar pills) are used as controls against which the effects of drugs are measured. However, the placebo-effect, in which a patient believes he or she is getting an actual drug and subsequently feels better despite receiving no “active” treatment at all, has become a well-recognized phenomenon. Researchers have found that placebos can work just as well as potent drugs, and studies into the placebo effect have also shown that many conventional treatments “work” [More]
What if our food has been getting less and less nutritious? What if modern intensive farming methods — many of which solved malnutrition problems when they were first introduced — have affected the mineral and vitamin content of what we eat? Could having a constant supply of varied produce and introducing genetically modified foods be compromising nature’s goodness? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By By Natural News Editors (NaturalNews) A fire can mean the difference between facing hypothermia or enjoying a warm night of sleep. (Story by Jeremy Knauff, republished from HowToSurviveIt.com)It’s easy to start a fire with matches or a lighter, but since they won’t always be available, it’s wise to become… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By CMI Mice of the Sahara Desert pile up round stones in front of their burrows, making small pyramids through which the air can flow. As the morning air heats up, the rocks heat up much more slowly. As the dew point of the rapidly warming air rises, water in the air begins to condense on the cooler stones. It turns out that having round stones leaves exactly the right shaped spaces for this to take place. This is how the mice get their water. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
A school district in Washington has placed a Christian football coach on paid leave for continuing to pray on the 50-yard line at the conclusion of the game, which he did last Friday when both teams and members of the community joined him in a show of support. The Bremerton School District released a four-page letter on Wednesday night explaining its reasons for placing Joe Kennedy, the assistant head coach for the varsity team at Bremerton High School and the head coach for the junior varsity team, on leave. “Kennedy’s conduct poses a genuine risk that the district will be [More]
Emerging gene-editing technology is primed to turn the scientific community into an army of Victor Frankensteins. A three-year-old technique called CRISPR has experts in genetics and genomics saying the world is on the precipice of revolution. “We’re basically able to have a molecular scalpel for genomes,” biologist Jennifer Doudna told Tech Insider on Wednesday. “All the technologies in the past were sort of like sledgehammers. … This just gives scientists the capability do something that is incredibly powerful.” Doudna is credited with being one of the co-discoverers of CRISPR, or “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.” “Most of the public [More]
“It figures that the Mr. O admin would be pushing this travesty.”  Admin A Chicago-area school district is trying to ensure the privacy of all students when it comes to the use of bathrooms and shower areas, but the Obama administration is intruding on that plan. The federal Office of Civil Rights is demanding that Township High School District 211 (Palatine, Illinois) open its bathrooms and showers to members of the opposite sex. Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society says such a demand puts an undue burden on students. “Kids have enough to deal with nowadays,” he says. “They [More]
By Michael By Catherine J. Frompovich A huge hat tip goes to Sallie O Elkordy, who asked if anyone has contradicting information about E. coli being an ingredient in two meningococcal vaccines, for bringing… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) In the late 1970s and early 1980s, over 50 American women were killed by their tampons. Although the FDA and the feminine hygiene industry have gone to tremendous lengths to try to memory hole this true history (and label it just a “rumor”), tampons made from certain… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By James Jacobs Healthcare costs are continuously on the rise. And even the best managed health insurance system can have its drawbacks. This is perhaps one of the reasons why there is such a great number of health insurance plans to cover a variety of ailments and health conditions along with their associated diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. Chiropractic and Pain It is now a well-established fact that chiropractic can be an invaluable treatment for problems associated with the spine. Diseases or health conditions which are responsive to purposeful spinal manipulation can sow great benefits from chiropractic procedures. In most [More]
What are the first animals that come to mind when you think of Noah’s Ark? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By REALdeal Source: Colorado County Criminalizes Self-Reliance: Off-Grid Living Punished Like a Crime For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by DANIEL BARKER There was a time in America — and not so long ago — when there was no “grid,” at least for those who lived outside of urban centers. To live self-sufficiently in rural areas was the rule, rather than the exception. People knew how to survive without electricity, running water, sewage systems [&hellip Source: Colorado County Criminalizes Self-Reliance: Off-Grid Living Punished Like a Crime Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more [More]
By Barbaros Dinler The narrative of cigarette smoking and the health hazards may seem like a repeated tune time after time on a radio station. In spite of all the rehab programs available, warning labels on packs of cigarettes and flyers about the harms of nicotine does not seem to have discouraged consumption. According to The Tobacco Atlas about 5.8 trillion cigarettes were smoked worldwide in the year 2014. The tobacco industry has a lot of lobbying power, effort and influence, but there is plenty of work to be done towards effective regulation of it. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation [More]
By Admin by Alliance for Natural Health Feds Taking Kombucha Off Shelves? No, we’re not kidding. Help us stop this unwarranted attack. Action Alert! The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, a division of the US Treasury Department, recently sent letters to several producers of kombucha, warning them that since their beverages supposedly exceeded the allowable alcohol limit, they must be labeled as alcoholic beverages and be subject to alcohol regulation or face hefty fines and legal action. Kombucha is a fermented tea drink brewed with yeast and bacteria. The drink contains trace amounts of alcohol, but it …read [More]
By Ken Ham A pigment in skin called melanin is responsible for skin color and shade. This pigment is found in organelles called melanosomes inside cells. A Yale University team has found these melanosomes in a fossilized feather. Now, “because melanosomes differ by shape according to the type of melanin they produce—eumelanin, for example, can be black or brown depending on concentration, while pheomelanin is red—the researchers hypothesized that the appearance of a melanosome could be used to infer the color of the animal it belonged to.” Well, now another group of researchers “analyzed the chemical structure of melasonomes [sic] [More]
By REALdeal Source: North Carolina Pastor Is Transforming Food Deserts Into Oases For The Poor For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by AMANDA FROELICH A community in North Carolina has been inspired to grow its own food and create better health thanks to this preacher’s activism. In North Carolina, nearly two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. This saddening statistic is largely an effect of the Standard American diet, which is high in low-quality fats and refined sugars. Unfortunately, [&hellip Source: North Carolina Pastor Is Transforming Food Deserts Into Oases For The Poor Learn more at <a class="colorbox" …read [More]
Does saying that God designed creatures mean that they’re nothing more than mere machines? Despite protestations from prominent evolutionists, teleology (purpose) is central to understanding biology. But does this mean that organisms were designed by some external agent? There are evolutionists who agree that life is full of purpose, but that purpose comes from the very fabric of the universe itself, so that there’s no need for an external designer. Eugene Y. from Malaysia writes: Read More: Biology purpose and pantheism – creation.com
By REALdeal Source: Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Cancer – Again For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Jeff Ritterman, M.D. A brilliant and celebrated inventor, John Franz, gave us an herbicide, Roundup, which has changed the face of agriculture. This herbicide has become the foundation for an entirely novel approach to farming – biotech agriculture – that has expanded rapidly throughout the globe. Monsanto makes seeds for soy, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa and sugar beets that [&hellip Source: Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Cancer – Again Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: [More]
By Creation Moments Flying insects have been a huge mystery to scientists, especially those who believe in evolution. Until recently, scientists didn’t know how flying insects could fly. Wind tunnel tests on insect wings showed that their wings produce anywhere from a third to half as much lift needed for flight, depending on the species. Yet, horseflies have been clocked flying at up to 90 miles per hour! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By By Natural News Editors (NaturalNews) [The following is a news analysis and commentary] A new study this week found no link between vaccines and autism. It instantly made headlines on TV news and popular media everywhere. Many billed it as the final word, “once again,” disproving the notion that vaccines… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By John Vibes The growing marijuana industry is set to be one of the most important and lucrative economic forces in the years to come, and a new report indicates this particular field boasts more… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham The Blaze article stated: Atheist biologist Richard Dawkins decried the fact that some Republican presidential candidates are creationists, calling it “disgraceful” and proclaiming that evolution is a “fact” that “you can not seriously disbelieve” . . . Dawkins repeatedly waded into controversial territory throughout the exchange, with Colmes at one point asking if the biologist believes that religious people are “mentally ill.” “It’s hard to use the word ‘mentally ill’ when there are so many of them,” Dawkins responded. “If they believed what they did and they were the only one they would undoubtedly be called mentally [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Fellow Paul Nelson and Casey Luskin share memories of the late David Raup, influential invertebrate paleontologist. Listen in as Nelson shares about Raup’s early participation at Pajaro Dunes, his realism about the scientific community’s attitude toward skeptics of evolution, and his courage to engage in thoughtful discussion with those of differing viewpoints. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future